Revision d4cb3e7e9238e92df8bca607c6f7afd82c8efb52 authored by Daniel Luedecke on 14 August 2014, 18:06:29 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 14 August 2014, 18:06:29 UTC
1 parent 1338a2d
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\title{Plot regression lines for each predictor}
sjp.reglin(fit, data, lineColor = "blue", showCI = TRUE, ciLevel = 0.95,
  pointAlpha = 0.2, pointColor = "black", showScatterPlot = TRUE,
  showLoess = TRUE, loessLineColor = "red", showLoessCI = FALSE,
  loessCiLevel = 0.95, printPlot = TRUE)
\item{fit}{The model of the linear regression (lm-Object).}

\item{data}{The data/dataset/dataframe used in the fitted model.}

\item{lineColor}{The color of the regression line. Default is \code{"blue"}.}

\item{showCI}{If \code{TRUE} (default), a confidence region for the regression line
will be plotted. Use \code{ciLevel} to specifiy the confidence level.}

\item{ciLevel}{The confidence level of the confidence region. Only applies when
\code{showCI} is \code{TRUE}. Default is 0.95.}

\item{pointAlpha}{The alpha values of the scatter plot's point-geoms.
Default is 0.2.}

\item{pointColor}{The color of the scatter plot's point-geoms. Only applies when \code{showScatterPlot}
is \code{TRUE}. Default is \code{"black"}.}

\item{showScatterPlot}{If \code{TRUE} (default), a scatter plot of response and predictor values
for each predictor of the fitted model \code{fit} is plotted.}

\item{showLoess}{If \code{TRUE} (default), an additional loess-smoothed line is plotted.}

\item{loessLineColor}{The color of the loess-smoothed line. Default is \code{"red"}. Only applies, if
\code{showLoess} is \code{TRUE}.}

\item{showLoessCI}{If \code{TRUE}, a confidence region for the loess-smoothed line
will be plotted. Default is \code{FALSE}. Use \code{loessCiLevel} to specifiy the confidence level.
Only applies, if \code{showLoess} is \code{TRUE}.}

\item{loessCiLevel}{The confidence level of the loess-line's confidence region.
Only applies, if \code{showLoessCI} is \code{TRUE}. Default is 0.95.}

\item{printPlot}{If \code{TRUE} (default), plots the results as graph. Use \code{FALSE} if you don't
want to plot any graphs. In either case, the ggplot-object will be returned as value.}
(Insisibily) returns the ggplot-objects with the complete plot-list (\code{plot.list})
          as well as the data frame that were used for setting up the ggplot-objects (\code{df.list}).
Plot regression lines with confidence intervals for each single predictor of
               a fitted model. This method extracts all predictors of a fitted model and fits
               each of them against the response variable. \cr \cr
               This function plots two lines: The resulting linear regression line
               including confidence interval (in blue) and a loess-smoothed line without
               confidence interval (in red). The better the linear relationship
               of predictor and response is, the more both lines should overlap
               (i.e. the red loess-smoothed line is almost linear). \cr \cr
               Furthermore, a scatter plot of response and predictor values
               is plotted.
fit <- lm(tot_sc_e ~ c12hour + e17age + e42dep, data=efc)

# reression line and scatter plot
sjp.reglin(fit, efc)

# reression line w/o scatter plot
sjp.reglin(fit, efc, showScatterPlot=FALSE)

# reression line w/o CI
sjp.reglin(fit, efc, showCI=FALSE)
\code{\link{sjp.lm}} \cr
         \code{\link{sjp.scatter}} \cr
         \code{\link{}} \cr

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