Revision d5b9a81685cba24c1c9a2e578b256fe25e5633f6 authored by Romain on 16 April 2021, 12:36:29 UTC, committed by Romain on 16 April 2021, 12:36:29 UTC
Protect operation parsing in the mempool from failing

See merge request tezos/tezos!2860
2 parent s 433f019 + b157620
Raw File
Tip revision: d5b9a81685cba24c1c9a2e578b256fe25e5633f6 authored by Romain on 16 April 2021, 12:36:29 UTC
Merge branch 'vbot@protect_parse' into 'master'
Tip revision: d5b9a81

This file lists the changes added to each version of tezos-node,
tezos-client, and the other Tezos binaries. The changes to the Tezos
protocol are documented in the `docs/protocols/` directory; in
particular in `docs/protocols/alpha.rst`.

# Development Version

When you make a commit on master, you can add an item in one of the
following subsections (node, client, ...) to document your commit or
the set of related commits. This will ensure that this change is not
forgotten in the final changelog.  By having your commits update this
file you also make it easy to find the commits which are related to
your changes using `git blame`.

Only describe changes which affect users (bug fixes and new features),
not refactorings or tests. Changes to the documentation do not need to
be documented here either.

## Node

- Replaced the chain storage layer with a more efficient
  backend in both terms of performance and storage size.

- Added an upgrade procedure to upgrade from the previous store to the
  new one. The procedure is implemented through the `tezos-node
  upgrade storage` command. This command is non-destructive: the
  previous store is preserved at `<data_dir>/lmdb_store_to_be_removed`
  and needs to be manually removed when the user made sure the upgrade
  process went well.

- Reworked the storage snapshots:
  - Introduced a new snapshot format (v2)
  - Improved the snapshot export/import process in both terms of
	duration and memory usage
  - Added `--export-format` option:
	- `--export-format tar` (default) creates a snapshot as a portable
      tar archive
	- `--export-format raw` creates a snapshot as a raw directory
      suitable for IPFS sharing
  - The argument `[output_file]` in `tezos-node export snapshot
    [output_file]` becomes optional and defaults to a file whose name
    follows this pattern
  - Improved the metadata of snasphots which can be displayed using
	`tezos-node snapshot info`
  - The `tezos-node snapshot import` command is retro-compatible with
	the previous snapshot format (v1) but legacy snapshots cannot be
	exported anymore

- Interrupted context reconstruction can now be resumed.

- Promoted the `experimental-rolling` history mode to `rolling`. The
  node's option `--history-mode experimental-rolling` is now
  deprecated and is equivalent to `--history-mode rolling`.

- Reworked the nodes rolling and full history modes. Previously, these
  two modes were maintaining a window of `<preserved cycles>` cycles
  of metadata (`5` on mainnet). These modes may now be configured to
  keep a larger window of metadata. E.g. `tezos-node run
  --history-mode full+2` will maintain 2 extra cycles of metadata, in
  addition to the network's preserved cycles. This may become useful
  for users that want to keep more data from the past: for instance,
  to compute rewards payouts. The default number of extra preserved
  cycles is 5 (`5 + 5` on mainnet).

- Improved the shutdown procedure for external validator process.

- Added command `replay` which takes a list of block levels, hashes or
  aliases, revalidate those blocks in the context of their
  predecessor, and check that the result is the same as what is
  currently stored. This is mostly useful for debugging and
  benchmarking purposes.

- Reduced the maximum allowed timestamp drift to 5 seconds.

## Client

- Changed to 5 the recommended number of blocks after which an operation can be
  considered final. Under normal network conditions and an attacker with less
  than 33% of stake, an operation can be considered final with
  quasi-certainty if there are at least 5 blocks built on top of it.
  See Emmy* TZIP for more detailed explanations.

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- Optimized the performance of the baker to reduce the number of RPC
  calls to the node while waiting for endorsements.

## Protocol Compiler And Environment

## Codec

## Docker Images

## Miscellaneous

# Version 9.0~rc2

## Node

- Fixed a performance regression of the storage backend.
  This in particular impacted RPCs that query the context.
  This regression was introduced in 9.0~rc1.

- Removed protocol `PsFLorBA`, the variant of Florence with baking accounts,
  which was rejected in favor of `PsFLoren`.

- The cap on the number of expected connections that was introduced in 9.0~rc1
  can now be bypassed with `--disable-config-validation`.

## Baker

- Added the fixes to the baker that were released in 8.3 but that were not
  present in 9.0~rc1 (which was published before 8.3).

## Client

- Improved operation injection to better deal with cases where
  parameters (fees, gas limit, ...) are partially given by the user.

# Version 9.0~rc1

## Node

- Added Florence, the current protocol proposal on Mainnet.
  This is the version of Florence without baking accounts (`PsFLoren`).

- Added a new version of the protocol environment (v2).
  It is used by Florence.

- Added built-in network configurations for Edo2net (which runs Edo2,
  the current Mainnet protocol) and Florencenet (which runs Florence).
  Their corresponding aliases for `--network` are `edo2net` and `florencenet`.

- Capped the number of expected connections to `100` on the
  command-line interface.

- Fixed a bug that caused the execution of the prevalidator when the node was not

- Enforced loading of non-embedded protocols before starting the node
  to allow the prevalidator to start correctly.

- Optimized I/O and CPU usage by removing an unnecessary access to the
  context during block validation.

- Fixed a bug where any event would allocate more memory than needed
  when it was not to be printed.

- Added a new RPC for Alpha: `helpers/scripts/normalize_type`.

- Replace Edonet by Edo2net in built-in network configuration.
  The alias to give to `--network` is now `edo2net`.

- Removed the built-in configuration for Delphinet. You can no longer
  configure your node with `--network delphinet`.

- The `--network` option now also accepts the name of a file
  containing the configuration for a custom network,
  or a URL from which such a file can be downloaded.

- Fixed JSON encoding of timestamps before epoch (1970).
  Pretty-printing and encoding of dates before epoch in human-readable form (as part
  of a JSON value) that failed in the past will now succeed. Binary
  form (used when nodes exchange data) was unaffected by the bug. This
  may impact some RPC representations of timestamps.

- Some RPCs now send their response in chunked transfer encoding.
  Additionally, the implementation allows for more concurrency internally: it
  allows RPC requests to be treated even if a request is currently being
  treated. This leads to some improved response times on some RPC requests.

## Client

- Fixed the return code of errors in the client calls to be non-zero.

- Added a new multisig command to change keys and threshold:
  `set threshold of multisig contract ...`.

- Added a command to perform protocol migrations in persistent mockup mode:
  `migrate mockup to <protocol_hash>`.

- Added the `--version` flag.

- Fixed commands `--mode mockup config show` and `--mode mockup config init`
  which returned the default values rather than the actual ones.

- Replaced command `check that <bytes> was signed by <pkh>` by `check that bytes
  <bytes> were signed by <pkh>` to differentiate from new command `check that
  message <string> was signed by <pkh>`.

- Added wallet support for PVSS keys.

- Added support for all protocol constants in Mockup mode.

- Mockup mode now uses Alpha instead of an arbitrary protocol when none is specified. It also warns that it takes this default behavior.

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- Added the `--version` flag.

- Fixed the operation ordering in the baker so that the most
  profitable operations are applied first.

## Protocol Compiler And Environment

- Added the `--version` flag.

## Codec

- Added the `--version` flag.

- Added support for some base encodings including arbitrary precision integers, n-bit
  sized integers, and floating point numbers.

## Miscellaneous

- Sapling: fixed dummy address generator (the last 5 bits are now correctly set to 0
  instead of the first 5 bits).

- Fixed a bug that caused some file descriptors to be leaked to external processes.

# Version 8.3

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- Fixed a bug where the baker would not consider all of the operations
  when a costly one was encountered.

- Fixed a bug where the most profitable operations would not be applied first.

# Version 8.2

## Node

- Override `PtEdoTez` activation by `PtEdo2Zk` in mainnet network.

- Make size limits on p2p messages explicit in low-level encodings.

- Add new RPCs for Edo: `helpers/scripts/normalize_{data,script,type}`
  and a `XXX/normalized` variant to each protocol RPC `XXX`
  outputting Michelson expressions.

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- Replace PtEdoTez by PtEdo2Zk.

## Miscellaneous

- Update external opam dependencies. In particular, switch to
  `hacl-star.0.3.0-1` which performs better.

# Version 8.1

## Node

- Mind the previously forgotten item about snapshots in the section
  "Version 8.0rc2 > Node"

- Fix a performance regression affecting serialization of tz3
  signatures by reverting the P256 implementation to `uecc`.

- Fixup allowing nodes in `--history-mode full` to answer to all new
  messages to the distributed database protocol.

## Client

- As a consequence of moving back to `uecc`, revert for now the
  ability to sign with tz3 addresses.

## Miscellaneous

- Allow building from sources with older version of git (used to
  require 2.18)

- Downgrade `mirage-crypto` dependency to avoid failure on startup
  with `illegal instruction` on some hardware.

# Version 8.0

## Node

- Added two new bootstrap peers for Mainnet and one for Edonet.

- Fixes a bug where any event would allocate more memory than needed
  when it were not to be printed.

- Improved how the node stores buffered messages from peers to consume less memory.

- Enforce loading of non-embedded protocols before starting the node
  allowing the prevalidator to start correctly.

- Optimized the I/O and CPU usage by removing an unnecessary access to
  the context during block validation.

## Docker Images

- Bump up base image to `alpine:12`. In particular, it changes rust and python
  versions to 1.44.0 and 3.8.5 respectively.

## Miscellaneous

- Recommend rust version 1.44.0 instead of 1.39.0.

# Version 8.0~rc2

## Node

- Snapshots exported by a node using version 8 cannot be imported by a
  node running version 7. This is because the new snapshots contain
  additional information required by protocol Edo. On the other hand,
  snapshots exported by a node using version 7 can be imported by a
  node running version 8.

- Added a new version (version 1) of the protocol environment.
  The environment is the set of functions and types that the economic protocol can use.
  Protocols up to Delphi used environment version 0.
  The Edo protocol uses environment version 1.

- Added the Edo protocol: the node, client and codec now comes linked with Edo,
  and the Edo daemons (baker, endorser and accuser) are available.

- Added a built-in configuration for Edonet, a test network that runs Edo.
  You can configure your node to use this test network with `--network edonet`.

- Removed the built-in configuration for Carthagenet, which ends its life on
  December 12th 2020. You can no longer configure your node with `--network carthagenet`.

- The bootstrap pipeline no longer tries to concurrently download
  steps from other peers. The result is actually a more efficient
  bootstrap, because those concurrent downloads resulted in multiple
  attempts to download the same block headers. It
  also resulted in more memory usage than necessary.

- Added six messages to the distributed database protocol and bumped
  its version from 0 to 1. These new messages allow to request for: a
  peer's checkpoint, the branch of a given protocol and a block's
  predecessor for a given offset. These messages are not yet used but
  will be useful for future optimizations.

- You can now specify the data directory using environment variable `TEZOS_NODE_DIR`.
  If you both set this environment variable and specify `--data-dir`, the latter will be used.

- Added new RPC `/config` to query the configuration of a node.

- Changed signal handling and exit codes for most binaries. The codes'
  significance are detailed in [the user documentation](

- Command `tezos-node --version` now exits with exit code 0 instead of 1.

- Fixed the synchronisation threshold which was wrongly capped with an
  upper bound of 2 instead of a lower bound of 2 when `--connections`
  was explicitely specified while the synchronisation threshold itself
  was not specified.

- Added RPC `DELETE /network/greylist` to clear the greylist tables.
  RPC `GET /network/greylist/clear` is now deprecated.

- Added a way to optionally specify an expected peer identity for all
  command line options accepting a point as argument (such as
  `--peer`). This identity can be given using the usual b58
  format. The RPC `patch /network/points/<point> {"peer_id": <peer_id>}` set
  the expected identity and `get /network/points/<point>` tells whether an
  expected `peer_id` has been set.

- Added a checking of the well-formedness of addresses in the config files when
  the node starts. If this check fails, the node stops with an explanation.

- Fixed the targeted number of connections which did not respect the
  constraints expressed with --connections settings.

- RPC: the semantics of ban and unban has changed:
  + instead of just affecting the banned/unbanned point, they affect all associated
    cryptographic identities;
  + additionally, ban now removes the cryptographic identity / point from the whitelist,
    which was not previously the case.

- RPC: the following RPCs are now deprecated:
  + GET: `/network/peers/<peer_id>/ban`
  + GET: `/network/peers/<peer_id>/unban`
  + GET: `/network/peers/<peer_id>/trust`
  + GET: `/network/peers/<peer_id>/untrust`
  + GET: `/network/points/<point>/ban`
  + GET: `/network/points/<point>/unban`
  + GET: `/network/points/<point>/trust`
  + GET: `/network/points/<point>/untrust`
- RPC: the following RPCs are added and replace those above:
  + PATCH: `/network/peers/<peer_id>` payload `{ acl: [ban,trust,open] }`
  + PATCH: `/network/point/<point>` payload `{ acl: [ban,trust,open], peer_id: <peer_id> }`
    - `{acl : ban}`: blacklist the given address/peer and remove it from
      the whitelist if present
    - `{acl: trust}`: trust a given address/peer permanently and remove it
      from the blacklist if present.
    - `{acl: open}`: removes an address/peer from the blacklist and whitelist.

## Client

- Added client command `import keys from mnemonic`, which allows to
  import a key from a mnemonic following the BIP39 standard.

- When the client asks for a password, it no longer tries to hide its
  input if the client was not run from a terminal, which allows for
  use in a script.

- You can now specify the base directory using environment variable `TEZOS_CLIENT_DIR`.
  If you both set this environment variable and specify `--base-dir`, the latter will be used.

- Fixed command `set delegate for <SRC> to <DLGT>` to accept public key hashes for
  the `<DLGT>` field.

- Fixed the `rpc` command that did not use the full path of the URL provided to `--endpoint`.
  Before this, `--endpoint http://localhost:8732/node/rpc` would have been
  equivalent to
  `--endpoint http://localhost:8732`.

- Fixed an issue where the client would try to sign with a key for which
  the private counterpart was unknown even though a remote signer was connected.

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- Fixed a crash (assertion error) that could happen at exit, in particular
  if a baker were connected.

## Docker Images

- Docker images are now available for arm64. Image tags stay the same
  but now refer to "multi-arch" manifests.

# Version 8.0~rc1

## Node

- Fixed some cases where the node would not stop when interrupted with

- The node's mempool relies on a new synchronisation heuristic. The
  node's behaviour, especially at startup, may differ slightly; log
  messages in particular are likely to be different. More information
  is available in the whitedoc.

- The new synchronisation heuristic emits an event when the
  synchronisation status changes. This can be used to detect when the
  chain is stuck for example. More information is available in the

- Node option `--bootstrap-threshold` is now deprecated and may be
  removed starting from version 9.0. Use `--synchronisation-threshold`

- Fixed an issue which prevented using ports higher than 32767 in
  the client configuration file.

- The `tezos-node run` command now automatically generates an identity file as if
  you had run `tezos-node identity generate` if its data directory contains
  no identity file.

- Improved various log messages and errors.

- When bootstrapping, do not greylist peers in rolling mode whose oldest known
  block is newer than our head.

- Made the timestamp in log messages more precise (added milliseconds).

- Fixed encoding of P2P header message length for larger lengths.

- Added `-d` as a short-hand for the `--data-dir` option of the node.

- Added a built-in activator key for the built-in sandbox network.
  This allows to spawn a sandbox without the need for a custom genesis protocol.

- Greylist the identity and address of peers that send malformed messages.

- Fixed some cases where the context was not closed properly when terminating a node
  or if the baker failed to bake a block.

- Removed the "get operation hashes" and "operation hashes" messages of the
  distributed database protocol. Those messages were never used.

- Reduced the amount of log messages being kept in memory (that can be queried
  using RPCs) before they are discarded to reduce the total memory footprint.

- Fixed a case where the `/workers/prevalidator` RPC could fail
  if there were too many workers.

- Fixed how protocol errors are displayed.
  Before, there were printed using the cryptic `consequence of bad union` message.

- Pruned blocks can now be queried using RPC `/chains/<chain>/blocks/<block>`.
  The `metadata` field will be empty in the response, leaving only the header.

- Fixed handling of pre-epoch timestamps, in particular in RPCs.

- Time is now output with millisecond precision when calling RPCs.

- Fixed the `/chains/<chain>/blocks` RPC which sometimes did not return all blocks.

- Improved the performance of the progress indicator when importing snapshots.

- Improved performance of `tezos-node snapshot export`.

- Fixed the node which sent too many "get current branch" messages to its peers
  on testchain activation.

## Client

- The `tezos-client config show` command now takes into account
  the command line arguments.

- Fixed an issue which caused `tezos-client rpc get /errors`
  as well as `tezos-codec dump encodings` to fail because of duplicate encodings.
  As a result, some protocol encodings whose name was not prefixed by the protocol name
  are now prefixed by it. If you have tools which rely on encoding names you may have
  to update them.

- Added client command `multiple transfers from <src> using <transfers.json>`
  to perform multiple operations from the same address in a single command.

- Added option `--endpoint` to client and bakers.
  It replaces options `--addr`, `--port` and `--tls` which are now deprecated.

- Added command `rpc patch` to the client, to perform RPCs using the PATCH
  HTTP method.

- Make the client emit a more human-readable error if it failed to understand
  an error from the node.

- Added client commands `tezos-client convert script <script> from <input> to <output>`
  and `tezos-client convert data <data> from <input> to <output>`
  to convert to and from michelson, JSON, binary and OCaml with type-checking.

- The client now retries commands a few times if the node is not yet ready.

- Added client command `compute chain id from block hash <hash>`
  and `compute chain id from seed <seed>` to compute the chain id corresponding
  to, respectively, a block hash or a seed.

- Added the verbose-signing switch to a number of multisig commands.

- The `prepare multisig` commands now display the Blake 2B hash.

- Some client commands which use the default zero key `tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU`
  in dry runs now display this key using an informative string
  `the baker who will include this operation` instead of the key itself.

- Fixed an error which occurred in the client when several keys had the same alias.

- Added support for some `rpc {get,post,...}` commands in the client's mockup mode.

- Added `--mode mockup` flag to `config init` for the client's mockup mode,
  that writes the mockup's current configuration to files.

- Added `--mode mockup` flag to `config show` for the client's mockup mode,
  that prints the mockup's current configuration to standard output.

- Added arguments `--bootstrap-accounts` and `--protocol-constants`
  to the client's `create mockup` command. `--bootstrap-accounts` allows
  changing the client's bootstrap accounts and `--protocol-constants` allows
  overriding some of the protocol's constants.
  Use commands `config {show,init} mockup` (on an existing mockup)
  to see the expected format of these arguments.

- The client no longer creates the base directory by default in mockup mode.

- Fixed the argument `--password-filename` option which was ignored if
  it was present in the configuration file.

## Baker / Endorser / Accuser

- The baker now automatically tries to bake again in case it failed.
  It retries at most 5 times.

- The baker now outputs an explicit error when it loses connection with the node.

- Added command-line option `--keep-alive` for the baker.
  It causes the baker to attempt to reconnect automatically if it loses connection
  with the node.

## Protocol Compiler And Environment

- Prepare the addition of SHA-3 and Keccak-256 cryptographic primitives.

- Prepare the introduction of the new protocol environment for protocol 008.

- The protocol compiler now rejects protocols for which the OCaml
  compiler emits warnings.

## Codec

- Fixed `tezos-codec dump encodings` which failed due to two encodings having
  the same name.

# Version 7.5

## Client

- Fixed gas cost estimation for Delphi for contract origination and revelation.

## Codec

- Fixed the name of the `big_map_diff` encoding from `<protocol_name>` to

# Version 7.4

- Added the Delphi protocol.

- Added the Delphinet built-in network configuration.
  The alias to give to `--network` is `delphinet`.

- Updated the list of bootstrap peers for Carthagenet.

# Version 7.3

- Fixed a case where the number of open file descriptors was not correctly limited.
  This could result in the node crashing due to being out of file descriptors.

- Set a limit to the length of some incoming messages which previously did not have one.

- Fixed some value encodings which were missing cases.

# Version 7.2

- Fixed an error that could cause baking to fail when validating some smart contracts.

- Fixed an issue in `` which prevented to use some options,
  such as `--rpc-port`.

# Version 7.1

## Source Compilation

- The `Makefile` now ignores directories with no `lib_protocol/TEZOS_PROTOCOL`
  files when listing protocols to compile. This fixes an error where `make` complained
  that it had no rule to build `TEZOS_PROTOCOL` for directories that Git
  does not completely remove when switching branches.

- One can now use opam 2.0.0 again. In version 7.0, an error saying that it did not know
  about option `--silent` was emitted.

- The repository no longer contains file names which are longer than 140 characters.
  Longer file names prevented users from checking out version 7.0 on encrypted
  file systems in particular.

- Fixed an issue causing `make build-deps` to sometimes fail after an update of
  the digestif external library.

## Client

- Optimized the LAMBDA which is built when injecting manager operations.

- Fixed a bug which caused the wrong entrypoint (`set_delegate` instead of
  `remove_delegate`) from being used in some cases when setting delegates.

- Command `activate account ... with` can now be given a JSON value directly
  as an argument instead of only a filename.

- Syntax for command `call from <SRC> to <DST>` has been fixed to match
  the one for `proto_alpha`. It should now be called as `call <DST> from <SRC>`.

# Version 7.0

## Multinetwork

- Node and client now come with all current and past protocols that are still
  in use on Mainnet or some active test networks.

- Added option `--network` to `tezos-node config init` to select which network to connect to
  from a list of built-in networks (e.g. `carthagenet`). If you do not
  run `config init` or run it without the `--network` option, the node will
  use the default network (Mainnet).

- Added option `--network` to `tezos-node run` and `tezos-node snapshot import`
  which causes the node to check that it is configured to use the given network.

- Added `network` configuration field to select which network to connect to,
  similar to `--network`. This field also lets you specify an entirely custom,
  non-built-in network and is especially useful to run private networks.
  For instance, LabNet (
  uses such a custom configuration.

- The `network` configuration field also allows to specify user-activated upgrades
  and user-activated protocol overrides. In the past, those upgrades and overrides
  required you to upgrade the node; now, you can just edit the configuration file
  instead. You can also disable built-in upgrades by specifying the configuration

- The `network` configuration field also allows to specify the parameters
  of the genesis protocol, such as the activation key of `proto_genesis`.
  This allows to use the same genesis protocol for several test networks
  with different activation keys.

- The network name is printed in the logs on startup.

For more information, see:

## Node

- Added RPC `/version` which returns the version of the node, the version
  of the P2P protocol, the version of the distributed DB, the commit hash
  and the commit date. Other RPCs which returned version numbers
  (`/network/version`, `/network/versions` and `/monitor/commit_hash`)
  are deprecated: use `/version` instead.

- RPCs which returned `treated` and `completed` fields now return durations
  (relative to the value of the `pushed` field) instead of timestamps.

- Improved various log messages and errors.

- Fixed a memory leak causing greylisted addresses to be stored several times

- Fixed a small memory leak causing each new worker to store a logger section name

- When exporting snapshots, you can now specify the block not only by its hash
  but also by its level or using an alias such as: `caboose`, `checkpoint`,
  `save_point` or `head`.

- Fixed a bug which caused snapshots to fail if the checkpoint was a protocol
  transition block.

- Added `--status` flag to `upgrade storage`. This flag causes the node to
  tell you whether a storage upgrade is available.

- Allow more files to exist in the data directory when starting a node from
  an empty storage: `version.json`, `identity.json`, `config.json` and `peers.json`.
  Before, only `identity.json` was allowed.

- Fixed a bug which caused the check of the `version.json` file to be performed

- The external validator process now dynamically loads the new protocol after
  a protocol upgrade.

- Sandbox mode may now be used with the external validator process.
  Before, it required `--singleprocess`.

- The mempool RPC for preapplication now actually sorts operations when the flag is set.

- Changed the format of the peer-to-peer protocol version number.
  Nodes which are running a version older than Mainnet December 2019
  can no longer connect to nodes running this new version and should upgrade.

- Added new peer-to-peer message type: Nack, that carries a list of
  alternative peers and can be returned by nodes with no room for your connection.

- If maximum number of connections has been reached, before rejecting peers,
  authenticate them and memorize their point information.

- Improved the behavior of the greylist of peers.

- The node is now capable of recovering from some cases of storage corruption that
  could in particular occur if the disk became full or if the node was killed.

- Fixed a bug which caused the peer-to-peer layer to send the wrong acknowledgement
  message in response to swap requests.

- Nodes built for Docker images should now correctly contain the version number.

- Removed non-read-only Babylon client commands as they are no longer useful.

- If the node connects to a peer of another network (e.g. if a Mainnet node
  connects to a Carthagenet node), it now removes this peer from its list of known peers.
  This in particular means that it will no longer advertize this peer or try to connect
  to it again.

- In private mode, do not try to discover the local network peers as they will not
  be trusted anyway.

- Fixed a bug which caused the node to stop with a segmentation fault.

## Client

- Added protocol command `expand macros in` to expand macros in Michelson code.

- Added command `tezos-admin-client protocol environment` which displays the
  version of the environment used by a given protocol.

- Greatly reduce the time the client takes to load.

- Added option `--mode mockup` which can be used to run client commands,
  such as commands to typecheck Michelson code, without a running node.

- Added commands `create mockup for protocol` and `list mockup protocols` to
  manage mockup environments used by `--mode mockup`.

- Multisig commands can now be used both with contract aliases and addresses
  instead of only with aliases.

- Added a timeout to signature operations using a remote signer, which could otherwise
  block the baker, endorser or accuser.

## Protocol

- Added safety checks against code injection when compiling downloaded or injected
  protocols. This was mostly a security concern for nodes with publicly available RPCs.

- Added new demo protocol: `proto_demo_counter`.

- Prepared the shell to be able to handle multiple protocol environment versions.

## Docker Script

- Renamed script `` into ``.
  You should still use `` and `` as they are now
  symbolic links to `` instead of ``.

- Removed script `` as Zeronet is using an older version of Babylon
  (PsBABY5H) for which the baker, endorser and accuser binaries are no longer available.
  If you need to connect to Zeronet, use the `zeronet` branch instead, which still
  has the `` script.

## Miscellaneous

- Remove outdated nginx.conf.
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