Revision d6e621de1fceb3b098ebf435ef7ea91ec4838a1a authored by Phillip Lougher on 15 May 2021, 00:27:16 UTC, committed by Linus Torvalds on 15 May 2021, 02:41:32 UTC
Sysbot has reported a "divide error" which has been identified as being
caused by a corrupted file_size value within the file inode.  This value
has been corrupted to a much larger value than expected.

Calculate_skip() is passed i_size_read(inode) >> msblk->block_log.  Due to
the file_size value corruption this overflows the int argument/variable in
that function, leading to the divide error.

This patch changes the function to use u64.  This will accommodate any
unexpectedly large values due to corruption.

The value returned from calculate_skip() is clamped to be never more than
SQUASHFS_CACHED_BLKS - 1, or 7.  So file_size corruption does not lead to
an unexpectedly large return result here.

Signed-off-by: Phillip Lougher <>
Reported-by: <>
Reported-by: <>
Cc: <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
1 parent eb1f065
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright Thomas Gleixner <>

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from ply import lex, yacc
import locale
import traceback
import sys
import git
import re
import os

class ParserException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, tok, txt):
        self.tok = tok
        self.txt = txt

class SPDXException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, el, txt):
        self.el = el
        self.txt = txt

class SPDXdata(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.license_files = 0
        self.exception_files = 0
        self.licenses = [ ]
        self.exceptions = { }

# Read the spdx data from the LICENSES directory
def read_spdxdata(repo):

    # The subdirectories of LICENSES in the kernel source
    # Note: exceptions needs to be parsed as last directory.
    license_dirs = [ "preferred", "dual", "deprecated", "exceptions" ]
    lictree = repo.head.commit.tree['LICENSES']

    spdx = SPDXdata()

    for d in license_dirs:
        for el in lictree[d].traverse():
            if not os.path.isfile(el.path):

            exception = None
            for l in open(el.path).readlines():
                if l.startswith('Valid-License-Identifier:'):
                    lid = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
                    if lid in spdx.licenses:
                        raise SPDXException(el, 'Duplicate License Identifier: %s' %lid)

                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Exception-Identifier:'):
                    exception = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
                    spdx.exceptions[exception] = []

                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Licenses:'):
                    for lic in l.split(':')[1].upper().strip().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '').split(','):
                        if not lic in spdx.licenses:
                            raise SPDXException(None, 'Exception %s missing license %s' %(exception, lic))

                elif l.startswith("License-Text:"):
                    if exception:
                        if not len(spdx.exceptions[exception]):
                            raise SPDXException(el, 'Exception %s is missing SPDX-Licenses' %exception)
                        spdx.exception_files += 1
                        spdx.license_files += 1
    return spdx

class id_parser(object):

    reserved = [ 'AND', 'OR', 'WITH' ]
    tokens = [ 'LPAR', 'RPAR', 'ID', 'EXC' ] + reserved

    precedence = ( ('nonassoc', 'AND', 'OR'), )

    t_ignore = ' \t'

    def __init__(self, spdx):
        self.spdx = spdx
        self.lasttok = None
        self.lastid = None
        self.lexer = lex.lex(module = self, reflags = re.UNICODE)
        # Initialize the parser. No debug file and no parser rules stored on disk
        # The rules are small enough to be generated on the fly
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module = self, write_tables = False, debug = False)
        self.lines_checked = 0
        self.checked = 0
        self.spdx_valid = 0
        self.spdx_errors = 0
        self.curline = 0
        self.deepest = 0

    # Validate License and Exception IDs
    def validate(self, tok):
        id = tok.value.upper()
        if tok.type == 'ID':
            if not id in self.spdx.licenses:
                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid License ID')
            self.lastid = id
        elif tok.type == 'EXC':
            if id not in self.spdx.exceptions:
                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid Exception ID')
            if self.lastid not in self.spdx.exceptions[id]:
                raise ParserException(tok, 'Exception not valid for license %s' %self.lastid)
            self.lastid = None
        elif tok.type != 'WITH':
            self.lastid = None

    # Lexer functions
    def t_RPAR(self, tok):
        self.lasttok = tok.type
        return tok

    def t_LPAR(self, tok):
        self.lasttok = tok.type
        return tok

    def t_ID(self, tok):

        if self.lasttok == 'EXC':
            raise ParserException(tok, 'Missing parentheses')

        tok.value = tok.value.strip()
        val = tok.value.upper()

        if val in self.reserved:
            tok.type = val
        elif self.lasttok == 'WITH':
            tok.type = 'EXC'

        self.lasttok = tok.type
        return tok

    def t_error(self, tok):
        raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid token')

    def p_expr(self, p):
        '''expr : ID
                | ID WITH EXC
                | expr AND expr
                | expr OR expr
                | LPAR expr RPAR'''

    def p_error(self, p):
        if not p:
            raise ParserException(None, 'Unfinished license expression')
            raise ParserException(p, 'Syntax error')

    def parse(self, expr):
        self.lasttok = None
        self.lastid = None
        self.parser.parse(expr, lexer = self.lexer)

    def parse_lines(self, fd, maxlines, fname):
        self.checked += 1
        self.curline = 0
            for line in fd:
                line = line.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False), errors='ignore')
                self.curline += 1
                if self.curline > maxlines:
                self.lines_checked += 1
                if line.find("SPDX-License-Identifier:") < 0:
                expr = line.split(':')[1].strip()
                # Remove trailing comment closure
                if line.strip().endswith('*/'):
                    expr = expr.rstrip('*/').strip()
                # Remove trailing xml comment closure
                if line.strip().endswith('-->'):
                    expr = expr.rstrip('-->').strip()
                # Special case for SH magic boot code files
                if line.startswith('LIST \"'):
                    expr = expr.rstrip('\"').strip()
                self.spdx_valid += 1
                # Should we check for more SPDX ids in the same file and
                # complain if there are any?

        except ParserException as pe:
            if pe.tok:
                col = line.find(expr) + pe.tok.lexpos
                tok = pe.tok.value
                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:%d %s: %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, col, pe.txt, tok))
                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:0 %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, col, pe.txt))
            self.spdx_errors += 1

def scan_git_tree(tree):
    for el in tree.traverse():
        # Exclude stuff which would make pointless noise
        # FIXME: Put this somewhere more sensible
        if el.path.startswith("LICENSES"):
        if el.path.find("license-rules.rst") >= 0:
        if not os.path.isfile(el.path):
        with open(el.path, 'rb') as fd:
            parser.parse_lines(fd, args.maxlines, el.path)

def scan_git_subtree(tree, path):
    for p in path.strip('/').split('/'):
        tree = tree[p]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ap = ArgumentParser(description='SPDX expression checker')
    ap.add_argument('path', nargs='*', help='Check path or file. If not given full git tree scan. For stdin use "-"')
    ap.add_argument('-m', '--maxlines', type=int, default=15,
                    help='Maximum number of lines to scan in a file. Default 15')
    ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose statistics output')
    args = ap.parse_args()

    # Sanity check path arguments
    if '-' in args.path and len(args.path) > 1:
        sys.stderr.write('stdin input "-" must be the only path argument\n')

        # Use git to get the valid license expressions
        repo = git.Repo(os.getcwd())
        assert not repo.bare

        # Initialize SPDX data
        spdx = read_spdxdata(repo)

        # Initialize the parser
        parser = id_parser(spdx)

    except SPDXException as se:
        if se.el:
            sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' %(se.el.path, se.txt))
            sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %se.txt)

    except Exception as ex:
        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())

        if len(args.path) and args.path[0] == '-':
            stdin = os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb')
            parser.parse_lines(stdin, args.maxlines, '-')
            if args.path:
                for p in args.path:
                    if os.path.isfile(p):
                        parser.parse_lines(open(p, 'rb'), args.maxlines, p)
                    elif os.path.isdir(p):
                        scan_git_subtree(repo.head.reference.commit.tree, p)
                        sys.stderr.write('path %s does not exist\n' %p)
                # Full git tree scan

            if args.verbose:
                sys.stderr.write('License files:     %12d\n' %spdx.license_files)
                sys.stderr.write('Exception files:   %12d\n' %spdx.exception_files)
                sys.stderr.write('License IDs        %12d\n' %len(spdx.licenses))
                sys.stderr.write('Exception IDs      %12d\n' %len(spdx.exceptions))
                sys.stderr.write('Files checked:     %12d\n' %parser.checked)
                sys.stderr.write('Lines checked:     %12d\n' %parser.lines_checked)
                sys.stderr.write('Files with SPDX:   %12d\n' %parser.spdx_valid)
                sys.stderr.write('Files with errors: %12d\n' %parser.spdx_errors)


    except Exception as ex:
        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())
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