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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
37463f9 simplified implementation of pupil diameter graph and moved it out of canny detector as it is not specific to it. 16 February 2015, 08:40:31 UTC
8af47fe Added apparent pupil diameter graph in Can be turned on/off in the pupil detector gui menu. In this implementation, the diameter graph is only updated if the confidence of the result is > 0. (Potential) Todo: - make the range of the graph dynamic such that if Pupil min/max is changed then the min/max of the graph is also updated. Another option would be to add a single red horizontal line to show the current min/max on top of the graph as defined by the user -- however this may be redundant, as it can be seen in the algorithm view. 16 February 2015, 04:16:00 UTC
7d3c70f small fixes to performance graph update in player. 15 February 2015, 15:39:13 UTC
0212b35 allow plugin to be persistent 15 February 2015, 15:00:26 UTC
b32ecc1 typo fix 15 February 2015, 14:59:51 UTC
b403da0 changed logging level because we do use the fn regularly now. 15 February 2015, 14:59:39 UTC
56b6110 added call to deal with offscreen menus. 15 February 2015, 14:03:29 UTC
5d1e27f removed debug print 15 February 2015, 14:03:12 UTC
a6ecaab reset world 13 February 2015, 17:45:53 UTC
0b8a2cd interface for pyvideoinput 13 February 2015, 17:33:20 UTC
638be27 removed atb imports. 13 February 2015, 16:55:49 UTC
b1ee1e8 merged file 13 February 2015, 16:52:18 UTC
dda4380 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 13 February 2015, 16:49:16 UTC
369ac03 incremantal commit 13 February 2015, 16:49:05 UTC
689561d Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct Conflicts: pupil_src/shared_modules/ 13 February 2015, 16:47:48 UTC
6a38846 updated filter fixation ui 13 February 2015, 16:35:04 UTC
eb760e5 removed atb 13 February 2015, 16:34:47 UTC
679607d removed confused windows binaries 13 February 2015, 16:34:28 UTC
1be141f added purge option for plugins in player 13 February 2015, 16:23:26 UTC
07cc64d cosmetics 12 February 2015, 09:32:29 UTC
047153a Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 12 February 2015, 09:28:59 UTC
9f443c2 updated exporters 12 February 2015, 09:28:47 UTC
4c85c4c cosmetics - changes to vis cross and setting defaults (see last commit for more detail) 12 February 2015, 06:50:25 UTC
637d7a9 cosmetics - if we're going to be working in the range of 0-255, then the initial settings should be within that range. Min setting should also be 0 (unless this causes bugs elsewhere?). Also, set defaults that are visible/look good (we can revise default colors at a later date for now just R for circle and G for polyline). Question - do we really want the GUI to have 0-255 range or 0.-1. range? 12 February 2015, 04:50:38 UTC
b33aeae adding sidebar and quick bar back to --- needed for testing (these lines were removed in -- please explain) 12 February 2015, 04:20:04 UTC
c0965fd incremental work - untested (as world gui does not appear...graphs appear but no gui) 12 February 2015, 03:59:28 UTC
fb4acd7 making more plugins work again. 11 February 2015, 18:26:38 UTC
4a4b178 pyglui plugin update 11 February 2015, 15:56:34 UTC
01fed09 color menu is collapsed by default 11 February 2015, 15:08:11 UTC
4df2d56 added alpha to default color 11 February 2015, 15:04:44 UTC
602565e Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct Conflicts: pupil_src/player/ 11 February 2015, 15:04:16 UTC
4f0683a incremental commit 11 February 2015, 15:03:51 UTC
d970e6f bugfix: rgb, bgr issue 11 February 2015, 15:03:12 UTC
34fe095 made vis plugins non-unique 11 February 2015, 14:59:07 UTC
dd27d27 Switched player plugins to scrolling menues 11 February 2015, 14:49:56 UTC
bf3cddc plugin updates for pyglui complete 11 February 2015, 14:24:41 UTC
c986664 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct Conflicts: pupil_src/player/ 11 February 2015, 14:17:15 UTC
ea1cd00 stating to replace ATB with pyglui in player. 11 February 2015, 14:06:29 UTC
5bc5a3b incremental update of player plugins -> work with pyglui 11 February 2015, 14:06:25 UTC
5ea3611 cosmetics 11 February 2015, 08:40:08 UTC
050bef5 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 11 February 2015, 08:28:41 UTC
549fd7c extended g_pool.plugins from a list to a self sorting list with convenience functions. 11 February 2015, 08:28:36 UTC
13df442 first step towards replacing movement of the marker with alpha (fade in/out). TODO - replace the interpolation function so the marker fades in/out smoothly. Could use function like y=x**2(3−2x) (domain between 0 and 1) 11 February 2015, 03:23:34 UTC
75eeae0 adding an alternative return option for `get_map_from_cloud` such that we can return the params as well as the mapping function. These params will be saved to the `simple_gaze_mapper` plugin. 06 February 2015, 09:32:08 UTC
326e9c0 updating other mapping functions to save their params with simple_gaze_mapper instead of the map_fn 06 February 2015, 09:14:40 UTC
79f7124 saving calibration params instead of saving the `map_fn` -- the mapping function is reconstructed on plugin init. 06 February 2015, 08:11:08 UTC
f81807c removing import of dill 06 February 2015, 05:26:21 UTC
dee7ac2 reverting - removing dill as pickling function. Will either save the params or modify the mapping function such that it is pickleable 06 February 2015, 05:26:07 UTC
8c21e5d cosmetics - typo fix in comments 06 February 2015, 05:25:06 UTC
0272900 Adding `dill` module to test out if we really want to pickle the map_fn in the simple gaze mapper. Currently this works, but requires `pip install dill` as an additional module. 05 February 2015, 14:42:07 UTC
572ddd3 save pattern scale 05 February 2015, 13:01:38 UTC
c0444b2 `contours` or `hierarchy` are None type when the camera moves too fast and causes a crash. Adding a check and returning early with empty list if None type for either. 05 February 2015, 08:04:15 UTC
42014cf Added scale slider for calibration pattern. Todo - determine the max value of the slider. 05 February 2015, 07:00:09 UTC
ed35b6e updating debug ellipses to cygl ellipses 05 February 2015, 06:40:15 UTC
75f256e Starting work on the screen marker calibration rendering and animation. Changed to cygl points. 05 February 2015, 06:33:14 UTC
e056fe9 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 05 February 2015, 05:20:00 UTC
4cd092d typo fix - changed from 'canditate' to 'candidate' (**note you will need to delete all your .pyc files in shared modules and calibration_routines otherwise python will complain -- can be done with rm -f *.pyc in the dirs affected) 04 February 2015, 04:41:14 UTC
2a2f041 typo fix - should be 'capture' not 'capure' 30 January 2015, 13:45:01 UTC
e1fecaf added comment 29 January 2015, 18:47:16 UTC
fef0e94 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 29 January 2015, 18:45:03 UTC
b341752 add timestamps check 29 January 2015, 18:44:56 UTC
d383829 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 29 January 2015, 17:35:40 UTC
a35365c removed old entry 29 January 2015, 17:35:35 UTC
a292832 removed cpu save mode as we are efficient enough now. 28 January 2015, 13:58:06 UTC
ed33d5a fixed missing move of parameter save command 28 January 2015, 13:23:09 UTC
da2a99f improved ROI interaction and removed some bugs. 28 January 2015, 13:17:30 UTC
b2b2740 reworked pupil detector guy init to make it more streamlined and consistant with capture.init_gui 28 January 2015, 13:17:05 UTC
7c8c69e render gray image only in most modes. This saves a lot of CPU on Linux. 28 January 2015, 13:03:13 UTC
869a988 adding info text to the display modes. 27 January 2015, 09:20:35 UTC
860e91f Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 22 January 2015, 17:58:36 UTC
48a4810 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 26 January 2015, 13:02:07 UTC
cb5581f explaining naming options in UI 26 January 2015, 13:02:02 UTC
a007b7e cosmetics - updating readme so that image links are not broken. 25 January 2015, 14:03:27 UTC
6f983f4 how about just getting the constant from OpenGL? We can later expose it from cygl and import from there. 25 January 2015, 13:48:23 UTC
8b67202 bug fix - ROI needs to have a 'line loop' not a 'line strip'. Didn't want to add a OpenGL import to eye - so created a method in gl utils to return the GL line types. This should really be updated in cygl. 24 January 2015, 05:11:57 UTC
2e2dfe2 use cygl 23 January 2015, 16:22:14 UTC
3fb10ab Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 23 January 2015, 16:06:12 UTC
008ce88 use cygl methods 23 January 2015, 14:43:45 UTC
f445acc removing unnecessary list comp. -- slice! 23 January 2015, 12:03:53 UTC
c1d0461 Active ROI edit point now scales up and changes color (like the Switch) when selected 23 January 2015, 11:38:10 UTC
ae4fad4 removed padding -- not necessary now that the ROI is rendered above/after the GUI 23 January 2015, 09:39:46 UTC
2d5276b moved order into base class 23 January 2015, 09:25:03 UTC
474ce91 cosmetics 23 January 2015, 09:24:46 UTC
92ce66e improved roi interaction and rendering 23 January 2015, 09:09:33 UTC
31080bf move U roi class into eye for ease of cycle imports. This can change later. 23 January 2015, 09:09:09 UTC
29bad3e simplified code, removed var 23 January 2015, 08:45:04 UTC
83e506b removed double multiplication of hdpi factor 23 January 2015, 08:44:43 UTC
b952550 bug fix - no longer require absolute values (in fact this will cause very bad slicing behavior) 23 January 2015, 08:13:55 UTC
9381e38 bug fixes for ROI - changed to 4 point rectangle instead of 2 point rectangle Todo: - fix ROI handle from interfering with GUI sidebar - create overlay image in ROI display mode to emphasize the ROI area (also add this to algorithm view?) - user feedback - ROI handle should scale up when pressed 23 January 2015, 07:06:00 UTC
4142d42 fixed wrong fn arg type 22 January 2015, 17:58:21 UTC
cc79714 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 22 January 2015, 02:53:37 UTC
2340635 use cygl texture fn 22 January 2015, 02:53:12 UTC
b856646 removed old pupil detectors 22 January 2015, 00:56:03 UTC
7d507fe small fix 22 January 2015, 16:46:08 UTC
fcdf0ea added order to plugins 22 January 2015, 16:39:05 UTC
af147ce Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct Conflicts: pupil_src/capture/ 22 January 2015, 14:55:48 UTC
b664099 incremental work on ROI - setStart and setEnd need to be rewritten because we are no longer dragging a rectangle in one shot with a mouse, but setting the positions of corners independently. 22 January 2015, 14:54:06 UTC
f5a0d8e small fixes 22 January 2015, 12:03:46 UTC
ad97a53 Merge branch 'v0.4_restruct' of into v0.4_restruct 22 January 2015, 11:08:57 UTC
083ce66 cleaning up the ROI -- fixing bugs 22 January 2015, 11:08:48 UTC
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