Revision d809ef878b302f324c3d94eb1344b7e0e19e2a87 authored by François Dupressoir on 13 April 2021, 15:50:46 UTC, committed by François Dupressoir on 13 April 2021, 15:50:46 UTC
This instantiates BigOp for Booleans (with xor, or, and and) and gets rid of
the old Monoid library, which Hybrid arguments relied upon.

Some proof cleaning left to do in Hybrid, Indist, and PKE_Hybrid.
1 parent 1b25ed4
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Tip revision: d809ef878b302f324c3d94eb1344b7e0e19e2a87 authored by François Dupressoir on 13 April 2021, 15:50:46 UTC
StdLib: use bigops in generic Hybrid
Tip revision: d809ef8
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt pw_eq ['a 'b] (x x' : 'a) (y y' : 'b):
  x = x' => y = y' => (x, y) = (x', y').
proof. by move=> -> ->. qed.

lemma nosmt pairS (x : 'a * 'b): x = (fst x, snd x).
proof. by case: x. qed.

lemma nosmt fst_pair ['a 'b] (x : 'a) (y : 'b) : fst (x, y) = x by done.
lemma nosmt snd_pair ['a 'b] (x : 'a) (y : 'b) : snd (x, y) = y by done.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt oget_none: oget None<:'a> = witness.
proof. by done. qed.

lemma nosmt oget_some (x : 'a): oget (Some x) = x.
proof. by done. qed.
hint simplify oget_some, oget_none.

lemma nosmt some_oget (x : 'a option): x <> None => x = Some (oget x).
proof. by case: x. qed.

lemma nosmt someI (x y:'a): Some x = Some y => x = y.
proof. by done. qed.

lemma nosmt none_omap ['a 'b] (f : 'a -> 'b) ox :
  omap f ox = None <=> ox = None.
proof. by case: ox. qed.

lemma oget_omap_some ['a 'b] (f : 'a -> 'b) ox :
  ox <> None => oget (omap f ox) = f (oget ox).
proof. by case: ox. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt frefl  (f     : 'a -> 'b): f == f by [].
lemma nosmt fsym   (f g   : 'a -> 'b): f == g => g == f by [].
lemma nosmt ftrans (f g h : 'a -> 'b): f == g => g == h => f == h by [].

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma econgr1 ['a 'b] (f g : 'a -> 'b) x y: f == g => x = y => f x = g y.
proof. by move/fun_ext=> -> ->. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt f2refl  (f     : 'a -> 'b -> 'c): f === f by [].
lemma nosmt f2sym   (f g   : 'a -> 'b -> 'c): f === g => g === f by [].
lemma nosmt f2trans (f g h : 'a -> 'b -> 'c): f === g => g === h => f === h by [].

lemma rel_ext (f g : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) : f = g <=> f === g.
by split=> //= fg; apply/fun_ext=> x; apply/fun_ext=> y; rewrite fg.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma eqL (x:'a): (fun y => x = y) = (=) x.
proof. by apply fun_ext. qed.

lemma eqR (y:'a): (fun x => x = y) = (=) y.
proof. by apply fun_ext=> x; rewrite (eq_sym x). qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt etaP (f : 'a -> 'b): eta_ f = f.
proof. by apply/fun_ext; rewrite etaE. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma comp_eqE ['a 'b 'c] (f f' : 'b -> 'a) (g g' : 'c -> 'b):
  f == f' => g == g' => (f \o g) == (f' \o g').
proof. by do 2! (move/fun_ext=> ->). qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt can_pcan (f:'a -> 'b) g: cancel f g => pcancel f (Some \o g).
proof. by move=> fK x; rewrite /(\o) fK. qed.

lemma nosmt pcan_inj (f:'a -> 'b) g: pcancel f g => injective f.
proof. by move=> fK x y /(congr1 g); rewrite !fK. qed.

lemma nosmt can_inj (f : 'a -> 'b) g: cancel f g => injective f.
proof. by move/can_pcan/pcan_inj. qed.

lemma nosmt canLR (f:'a -> 'b) g x y: cancel f g => x = f y => g x = y.
proof. by move=> fK ->; rewrite fK. qed.

lemma nosmt canRL (f:'a -> 'b) g x y: cancel f g => f x = y => x = g y.
proof. by move=> fK <-; rewrite fK. qed.

lemma nosmt inj_eq (f : 'a -> 'b):
  injective f => forall x y, (f x = f y) <=> (x = y).
proof. by move=> inj_f x y; split=> [| -> //]; apply inj_f. qed.

lemma nosmt can_eq (f : 'a -> 'b) g:
  cancel f g => forall x y, (f x = f y) <=> (x = y).
proof. by move=> can_fg; apply inj_eq; apply (can_inj f g). qed.

lemma nosmt can2_eq (f : 'a -> 'b) g:
  cancel f g => cancel g f => forall x y, (f x = y) <=> (x = g y).
proof. by move=> fK gK x y; rewrite -{1}gK; apply (can_eq f g). qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt inj_idfun: injective (idfun<:'a>).
proof. by []. qed.

lemma nosmt inj_can_sym (f:'a -> 'b) f':
  cancel f f' => injective f' => cancel f' f.
proof. by move=> fK injf' x; apply injf'; rewrite fK. qed.

lemma nosmt inj_comp (f:'b -> 'a) (h:'c -> 'b):
  injective f => injective h => injective (f \o h).
proof. by move=> injf injh x y /injf /injh. qed.

lemma nosmt can_comp (f:'b -> 'a) (h:'c -> 'b) f' h':
  cancel f f' => cancel h h' => cancel (f \o h) (h' \o f').
proof. by move=> fK hK x; rewrite /(\o) fK hK. qed.

lemma nosmt pcan_pcomp (f:'b -> 'a) (h:'c -> 'b) f' h':
  pcancel f f' => pcancel h h' => pcancel (f \o h) (h' \c f').
proof. by move=> fK hK x; rewrite /(\o) /(\c) fK /= hK. qed.

lemma nosmt eq_inj (f g:'a -> 'b):
  injective f => f == g => injective g.
proof. by move=> injf eqfg x y; rewrite -2!eqfg; apply injf. qed.

lemma nosmt eq_can (f g:'a -> 'b) f' g':
  cancel f f' => f == g => f' == g' => cancel g g'.
proof. by move=> fK eqfg eqfg' x; rewrite -eqfg -eqfg' fK. qed.

lemma nosmt inj_can_eq (f g:'a -> 'b) f':
  cancel f f' => injective f' => cancel g f' => f == g.
proof. by move=> fK injf' gK x; apply injf'; rewrite fK gK. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt bij_inj (f:'b -> 'a): bijective f => injective f.
proof. by case=> g [fK _]; apply (can_inj f g). qed.

lemma nosmt bij_can_sym (f:'b -> 'a) f':
  bijective f => (cancel f' f <=> cancel f f').
move=> bij_f; have /bij_inj inj_f := bij_f.
split=> fK; 1: by apply/inj_can_sym.
by case: bij_f=> h [_ hK] x; rewrite -hK fK.

lemma nosmt bij_can_eq (f:'b -> 'a) f' f'':
  bijective f => cancel f f' => cancel f f'' => f' == f''.
move=> big_j fK fK'; apply/(inj_can_eq _ _ f);
  by rewrite 1?bij_can_sym //; apply/bij_inj.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt eq_bij (f:'b -> 'a):
  bijective f => forall g, f == g => bijective g.
case=> f' [fK f'K] g eqfg; exists f'; split.
by apply (eq_can f _ f'). by apply (eq_can f' _ f).

lemma nosmt bij_comp (f:'b -> 'a) (h:'c -> 'b):
  bijective f => bijective h => bijective (f \o h).
move=> [f' [fK f'K]] [h' [hK h'K]].
by exists (h' \o f'); split; apply can_comp.

lemma nosmt bij_can_bij (f:'b -> 'a):
  bijective f => forall f', cancel f f' => bijective f'.
proof. by move=> bij_f f' can_ff'; exists f; rewrite bij_can_sym. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt inv_inj (f:'a -> 'a): involutive f => injective f.
proof. by apply can_inj. qed.

lemma nosmt inv_bij (f:'a -> 'a): involutive f => bijective f.
proof. by move=> invf; exists f. qed.

lemma nosmt inv_eq ['a] (f : 'a -> 'a) :
  involutive f => forall x y, (f x = y) <=> (x = f y).
proof. by move=> fK; apply/can2_eq. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Any extensional equality can be used to rewrite *)
lemma ext_rewrite (ext : 'a -> 'a -> bool) (a1 a2 : 'a) P:
   (forall x y, ext x y => x = y) => ext a1 a2 => P a1 <=> P a2.
proof. by move=> ext_eq /ext_eq ->. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma pred_ext (P Q : 'a -> bool):
  P = Q <=> forall x, P x <=> Q x.
proof. by split=> //= h; apply/fun_ext=> x; rewrite h. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
pred (<=) (p q:'a -> bool) = (* subpred *)
  forall a, p a => q a.

pred (< ) (p q:'a -> bool) = (* proper *)
  p <= q /\ !(q <= p).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt subpred_eqP (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool):
  (forall x, p1 x <=> p2 x) <=> (p1 <= p2 /\ p2 <= p1)
by [].

lemma nosmt subpred_refl (X : 'a -> bool): X <= X
by [].

lemma nosmt subpred_asym (X Y:'a -> bool):
  X <= Y => Y <= X => X = Y
by (rewrite fun_ext; smt).

lemma nosmt subpred_trans (X Y Z:'a -> bool):
  X <= Y => Y <= Z => X <= Z
by [].

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt pred1E (c : 'a) : pred1 c = ((=) c).
proof. by apply fun_ext=> x; rewrite (eq_sym c). qed.

lemma nosmt predU1l (x y : 'a) b : x = y => (x = y) \/ b by [].
lemma nosmt predU1r (x y : 'a) b : b => (x = y) \/ b by [].
lemma nosmt eqVneq (x y : 'a) : x = y \/ x <> y by [].

lemma nosmt predT_comp ['a 'b] (p : 'a -> 'b) : predT \o p = predT.
proof. by []. qed.

lemma nosmt predIC (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool) : predI p1 p2 = predI p2 p1.
proof. by apply fun_ext=> x; rewrite /predI andbC. qed.

lemma nosmt predIT ['a] p : predI<:'a> p predT = p.
proof. by []. qed.

lemma nosmt predTI ['a] p : predI<:'a> predT p = p.
proof. by []. qed.

lemma nosmt predCI (p : 'a -> bool) : predI (predC p) p = pred0.
proof. by apply/fun_ext=> x /=; delta => /=; rewrite andNb. qed.

lemma nosmt predCU (p : 'a -> bool) : predU (predC p) p = predT.
proof. by apply/fun_ext=> x /=; delta => /=; case: (p x). qed.

lemma nosmt subpredUl (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool):
  p1 <= predU p1 p2
by [].

lemma nosmt subpredUr (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool):
  p2 <= predU p1 p2
by [].

lemma nosmt predIsubpredl (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool):
  predI p1 p2 <= p1
by [].

lemma nosmt predIsubpredr (p1 p2 : 'a -> bool):
  predI p1 p2 <= p2
by [].

lemma nosmt predTofV (f : 'a -> 'b): predT \o f = predT.
proof. by apply/fun_ext=> x. qed.
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