Revision d89e10cd58e5f9e21cbd466e56a1890e2811bee0 authored by Brad King on 14 July 2017, 17:52:53 UTC, committed by Brad King on 14 July 2017, 18:05:22 UTC
The code

    add_library(A OBJECT a.c)
    target_sources(A PRIVATE $<TARGET_OBJECTS:A>)

used to crash CMake via infinite recursion while evaluating the
generator expression.  Then the change in commit v3.9.0-rc1~266^2~1
(cmGeneratorTarget: Replace source classifier implementation,
2017-04-07) avoided the infinite recursion because GetKindedSources now
creates a map entry and initializes it once.  If it is called again on
the same target during that initialization, the partially computed
results are returned.  This is still wrong but does not crash.
Detect and diagnose this case instead.

Co-Author: Ben Boeckel <>
Fixes: #16578
1 parent 25b72e9
Raw File
Tip revision: d89e10cd58e5f9e21cbd466e56a1890e2811bee0 authored by Brad King on 14 July 2017, 17:52:53 UTC
Diagnose object library self-reference
Tip revision: d89e10c
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
   file Copyright.txt or for details.  */
#ifndef cmCacheManager_h
#define cmCacheManager_h

#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep

#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "cmPropertyMap.h"
#include "cmStateTypes.h"

class cmake;

/** \class cmCacheManager
 * \brief Control class for cmake's cache
 * Load and Save CMake cache files.
class cmCacheManager
  class CacheIterator;
  friend class cmCacheManager::CacheIterator;

  struct CacheEntry
    std::string Value;
    cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType Type;
    cmPropertyMap Properties;
    std::vector<std::string> GetPropertyList() const;
    const char* GetProperty(const std::string&) const;
    void SetProperty(const std::string& property, const char* value);
    void AppendProperty(const std::string& property, const char* value,
                        bool asString = false);
    bool Initialized;
      : Value("")
      , Type(cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED)
      , Initialized(false)

  class CacheIterator
    void Begin();
    bool Find(const std::string&);
    bool IsAtEnd() const;
    void Next();
    std::string GetName() const { return this->Position->first; }
    std::vector<std::string> GetPropertyList() const;
    const char* GetProperty(const std::string&) const;
    bool GetPropertyAsBool(const std::string&) const;
    bool PropertyExists(const std::string&) const;
    void SetProperty(const std::string& property, const char* value);
    void AppendProperty(const std::string& property, const char* value,
                        bool asString = false);
    void SetProperty(const std::string& property, bool value);
    const char* GetValue() const { return this->GetEntry().Value.c_str(); }
    bool GetValueAsBool() const;
    void SetValue(const char*);
    cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType GetType() const
      return this->GetEntry().Type;
    void SetType(cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType ty)
      this->GetEntry().Type = ty;
    bool Initialized() { return this->GetEntry().Initialized; }
    cmCacheManager& Container;
    std::map<std::string, CacheEntry>::iterator Position;
    CacheIterator(cmCacheManager& cm)
      : Container(cm)
    CacheIterator(cmCacheManager& cm, const char* key)
      : Container(cm)
      if (key) {

    CacheEntry const& GetEntry() const { return this->Position->second; }
    CacheEntry& GetEntry() { return this->Position->second; }

  ///! return an iterator to iterate through the cache map
  cmCacheManager::CacheIterator NewIterator() { return CacheIterator(*this); }

  ///! Load a cache for given makefile.  Loads from path/CMakeCache.txt.
  bool LoadCache(const std::string& path, bool internal,
                 std::set<std::string>& excludes,
                 std::set<std::string>& includes);

  ///! Save cache for given makefile.  Saves to ouput path/CMakeCache.txt
  bool SaveCache(const std::string& path);

  ///! Delete the cache given
  bool DeleteCache(const std::string& path);

  ///! Print the cache to a stream
  void PrintCache(std::ostream&) const;

  ///! Get the iterator for an entry with a given key.
  cmCacheManager::CacheIterator GetCacheIterator(const char* key = CM_NULLPTR);

  ///! Remove an entry from the cache
  void RemoveCacheEntry(const std::string& key);

  ///! Get the number of entries in the cache
  int GetSize() { return static_cast<int>(this->Cache.size()); }

  ///! Get a value from the cache given a key
  const char* GetInitializedCacheValue(const std::string& key) const;

  const char* GetCacheEntryValue(const std::string& key)
    cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str());
    if (it.IsAtEnd()) {
      return CM_NULLPTR;
    return it.GetValue();

  const char* GetCacheEntryProperty(std::string const& key,
                                    std::string const& propName)
    return this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str()).GetProperty(propName);

  cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType GetCacheEntryType(std::string const& key)
    return this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str()).GetType();

  bool GetCacheEntryPropertyAsBool(std::string const& key,
                                   std::string const& propName)
    return this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str()).GetPropertyAsBool(propName);

  void SetCacheEntryProperty(std::string const& key,
                             std::string const& propName,
                             std::string const& value)
    this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str()).SetProperty(propName, value.c_str());

  void SetCacheEntryBoolProperty(std::string const& key,
                                 std::string const& propName, bool value)
    this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str()).SetProperty(propName, value);

  void SetCacheEntryValue(std::string const& key, std::string const& value)

  void RemoveCacheEntryProperty(std::string const& key,
                                std::string const& propName)
      .SetProperty(propName, (void*)CM_NULLPTR);

  void AppendCacheEntryProperty(std::string const& key,
                                std::string const& propName,
                                std::string const& value,
                                bool asString = false)
      .AppendProperty(propName, value.c_str(), asString);

  std::vector<std::string> GetCacheEntryKeys()
    std::vector<std::string> definitions;
    cmCacheManager::CacheIterator cit = this->GetCacheIterator();
    for (cit.Begin(); !cit.IsAtEnd(); cit.Next()) {
    return definitions;

  /** Get the version of CMake that wrote the cache.  */
  unsigned int GetCacheMajorVersion() const { return this->CacheMajorVersion; }
  unsigned int GetCacheMinorVersion() const { return this->CacheMinorVersion; }

  ///! Add an entry into the cache
  void AddCacheEntry(const std::string& key, const char* value,
                     const char* helpString,
                     cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type);

  ///! Get a cache entry object for a key
  CacheEntry* GetCacheEntry(const std::string& key);
  ///! Clean out the CMakeFiles directory if no CMakeCache.txt
  void CleanCMakeFiles(const std::string& path);

  // Cache version info
  unsigned int CacheMajorVersion;
  unsigned int CacheMinorVersion;

  cmake* CMakeInstance;
  typedef std::map<std::string, CacheEntry> CacheEntryMap;
  static void OutputHelpString(std::ostream& fout,
                               const std::string& helpString);
  static void OutputKey(std::ostream& fout, std::string const& key);
  static void OutputValue(std::ostream& fout, std::string const& value);

  static const char* PersistentProperties[];
  bool ReadPropertyEntry(std::string const& key, CacheEntry& e);
  void WritePropertyEntries(std::ostream& os, CacheIterator i);

  CacheEntryMap Cache;
  // Only cmake and cmState should be able to add cache values
  // the commands should never use the cmCacheManager directly
  friend class cmState; // allow access to add cache values
  friend class cmake;   // allow access to add cache values

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