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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
d923df5 License change 18 January 2016, 08:33:38 UTC
c916a2e new parameter to HTKMLFReader, pathnamePrefix, which gets prepended to paths in the SCP file (to make SCP files location-independent); new version of TIMIT SCP file that uses relative paths (extension .relpath); TIMIT_TrainNLNetwork.config changed to use new relpath file 09 June 2015, 22:53:29 UTC
e4424d5 Fix the comile on linux for kaldi reader 07 June 2015, 22:19:26 UTC
02080fc fix bug in multi utterance reader when mlf and feature file are mismatched in duration 04 June 2015, 20:12:10 UTC
a9765c9 Merge branch 'master' of 03 June 2015, 23:57:48 UTC
4b29673 Fix the error throw bugs in UCIParser. Now if a file cannot be opened the error will be thrown and caught and cntk will exit gracefully. 03 June 2015, 23:57:02 UTC
c35d51d Fixed a bug that was incorrectly deleting the CPUMatrix external buffer 03 June 2015, 21:16:28 UTC
12b1ab8 Some minor changes to the Simple Demo config file to allow specifying the path to input files using the RootDir variable 03 June 2015, 18:36:35 UTC
ac723ce Add completion message 02 June 2015, 23:39:53 UTC
a9c669c Adding script for build and test 02 June 2015, 23:39:53 UTC
b488e18 remove sampleCount in CPUMatrix::AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation 02 June 2015, 06:36:56 UTC
026426a In sequencereader move labelOutput to DeviceId and remove useless code in NCE-LSTM, which will move data from GPU to CPU 02 June 2015, 06:29:25 UTC
7cc257b add unnormalized evaluation for NCE 26 May 2015, 09:27:23 UTC
8717126 change CNTK tech report's listing font to type writer fonts 25 May 2015, 03:23:16 UTC
3748bf4 add NVML (Linux) related information to BestGPU.cpp 25 May 2015, 02:16:51 UTC
3b268bf remove duplicated functions in NoGPU.h 25 May 2015, 01:40:36 UTC
721f6db added a global test runner BAT file as a Build action, so far it is running, but CNTK output does not appear in the Build window; fixed missing newline in stderr output when terminating with an exception message 23 May 2015, 03:00:40 UTC
62f5eaa commented ConfigParser::Parse() and did some minor code shuffling to allow for using 'const' assignments; fixed an out-of-bounds access bug in FindBraces() (bounds check was after the access_ 23 May 2015, 01:59:45 UTC
50fd89e reworked pathnames in CheckInSuites\ASR 23 May 2015, 01:55:44 UTC
683383f Merge branch 'master' of 23 May 2015, 01:05:37 UTC
066c70a added all CheckInSuites and ExampleSetups to a Project CheckInSuites, to make it easy to get access to the tests, samples, etc. 23 May 2015, 01:05:20 UTC
e43a7cf Linux build issue fix 22 May 2015, 07:37:40 UTC
5863e2e Minor format specifier cross-platform fixes 22 May 2015, 07:25:44 UTC
91274ce change DoWriteWordAndClassInfo to remove dependency of nbrCls parameter 21 May 2015, 03:11:19 UTC
c3dd1b5 cpu nce lstmlm expected ppl=122.54 21 May 2015, 02:19:14 UTC
6685e32 rename lstmlm.gpu.nce.config to lstm.cpu.nce.config, gpu NCE not supported yet 21 May 2015, 02:17:42 UTC
dabbd62 class LSTM ppl=133.35 21 May 2015, 02:07:55 UTC
d141dd8 class-based LSTM config file and perplexity results 21 May 2015, 02:06:09 UTC
848104d add comments for BatchSequenceReader::GetLabelOutput 20 May 2015, 09:23:31 UTC
0e6e539 modified: ../LSTMLM/lstmlm.gpu.nce.config.txt 20 May 2015, 02:00:19 UTC
e039e03 Add lstm-NCE config file and results, final test PPL = 125.4 20 May 2015, 01:42:42 UTC
cac363a Merge branch 'master' of 20 May 2015, 01:36:33 UTC
0f34225 Add lstm-NCE config file and results, final test PPL = 1254 20 May 2015, 01:33:53 UTC
3438ea7 Merge branch 'master' of 20 May 2015, 00:01:20 UTC
c8666ba Fix a couple of Linux build issues 20 May 2015, 00:00:51 UTC
c46fd60 Merge branch 'master' of 20 May 2015, 00:00:33 UTC
9b2d8c2 added some comments in quest to understand parsing; changed hard-coded path names in globals_[cg]pu.config to relative ones which have a higher chance of working out of the box 19 May 2015, 23:58:44 UTC
5afa3d7 Merge branch 'linux-gcc' of 19 May 2015, 23:21:56 UTC
6905080 Fixed a Windows build failure 19 May 2015, 23:20:31 UTC
91a27cd Merge branch 'master' of into linux-gcc Conflicts: Common/Include/minibatchsourcehelpers.h DataReader/DSSMReader/DSSMReader.cpp DataReader/HTKMLFReader/HTKMLFReader.cpp DataReader/LMSequenceReader/SequenceReader.cpp DataReader/LMSequenceReader/minibatchsourcehelpers.h DataReader/LUSequenceReader/LUSequenceReader.cpp DataReader/LUSequenceReader/minibatchsourcehelpers.h DataReader/LibSVMBinaryReader/LibSVMBinaryReader.cpp DataReader/UCIFastReader/UCIFastReader.cpp MachineLearning/CNTK/ComputationNetwork.h MachineLearning/CNTK/SGD.h MachineLearning/CNTK/SimpleNetworkBuilder.h MachineLearning/CNTK/SynchronousExecutionEngine.h MachineLearning/cn/PTaskGraphBuilder.cpp Makefile.cpu Makefile.gpu Math/Math/NoGPU.cpp 19 May 2015, 23:04:47 UTC
68ffa3a Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 22:45:31 UTC
c31fa8b added ... expansion to HTKMLFReader, allows pathnames in SCP files thata re relative to the SCP file itself (... stands for the directory of the SCP file) 19 May 2015, 22:45:26 UTC
1a0ee86 Declare ParseSVDConfigFile and SVDConfigFileUsage before it can be used. 19 May 2015, 21:40:21 UTC
a059635 moved nocase_compare to Basics.h, and removed unnecessary dependencies caused by this on commandArgUtil.h, hoping for less recompilation; renamed PreprocessConfigLine() to StripComments(); updated CNTKBook PDF 19 May 2015, 21:32:21 UTC
0ff74f0 The commits 32391e1..2a7ab60 should not be pushed to public (since it enables MKL and MPI) revert them in this commit. Reverted commit: 8404e9c8de25b39ee79ad9a0bdfaac53006c89b9 "Enable MKL" 64a37301f9ed513bad260a1cba9932796ed2d584 "Enable MPI_SUPPORT" 61c6d59e04185670737142fbda2573cb87ef850d "add a unit test for CNTKEval" 19 May 2015, 21:08:16 UTC
77e782d Revise .gitignore so the buildinfo.h and buildinfo.h$$ can be ignored after project dir move 19 May 2015, 20:55:45 UTC
8404e9c Enable MKL 19 May 2015, 20:55:38 UTC
64a3730 Enable MPI_SUPPORT 19 May 2015, 20:54:29 UTC
61c6d59 add a unit test for CNTKEval This unit test is used privately by erw. Conflicts: CNTKSolution/EvalUnitTest/CNTKEValTest.cpp CNTKSolution/EvalUnitTest/EvalUnitTest.vcxproj CNTKSolution/EvalUnitTest/EvalUnitTest.vcxproj.filters 19 May 2015, 19:31:46 UTC
32667bf Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 07:24:12 UTC
89ea3f3 replaced printf format %ws by %ls which is portable between Visual Studio and gcc 19 May 2015, 07:24:08 UTC
42b526e Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 07:11:06 UTC
ade0a60 (added a missing & in a redirect in prebuild.bat) 19 May 2015, 07:10:45 UTC
94a262c resolve merge conflict. 19 May 2015, 07:10:37 UTC
59dfc28 fixed an incorrect ERRORLEVEL check in prebuild.bat 19 May 2015, 07:04:33 UTC
e069584 removed the Setups Solution folder for now, since it cannot be easily populated with VS 19 May 2015, 06:51:46 UTC
ecb99ae Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 06:41:00 UTC
ec4de72 split ComputationNode.h off into 5 additional headers (InputAndParam, LinearAlgebra, Nonlinearity, Recurrent, Convolutional), grouped by nature of their function (but no code change other than moving classes in this check-in); sorted #includes in many places (system #includes first), and removed some unnecessary #includes; TWO_PI moved into Basics.h; fixed an unused-argument warning in 19 May 2015, 06:40:48 UTC
2aea026 rename CNTKbook to include date. 19 May 2015, 06:19:05 UTC
62d4fcb Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 06:11:24 UTC
0eac6ef change cn.exe to cntk in examples setups, demos, tutorials, and check-in suites. fix the bug in 19 May 2015, 06:10:45 UTC
81508e6 update CNTK-book to reflect the cn->cntk change 19 May 2015, 05:53:25 UTC
87a504d renamed -Node.h to -Nodes.h since that's what they represent--collections of node types 19 May 2015, 05:28:28 UTC
8241c5b changed the Linux and Documentation Visual Studio "Projects" to Solution Folders (which they should have been all along) 19 May 2015, 05:04:54 UTC
fb315ff removed a 'trash' folder that got accidentally checked in 19 May 2015, 04:52:20 UTC
df921f6 fixed a strange commenting-out of the _assignSigmoidDerivative() kernel launch 19 May 2015, 04:07:51 UTC
5445952 (removed a defunct reference from the UCIFastReader VS Project) 19 May 2015, 03:37:41 UTC
178555d Visual Studio Solution cleanup: moved minibatchsourcehelpers.h to Common/Include, as it is shared amongst readers (exception: the HTK reader, which has a different version); fixed some incorrect #include of basetypes.h; copying of DLLs now does not copy if the file already exists and is not out of date; prebuild.bat now only updates builddate.h if it has changed, to avoid CNTK.cpp to be recompiled each time; fixed a few build warnings in the CUDA kernels (uninitialized variables); removed unused PTasks references in Linux makefiles 19 May 2015, 03:32:39 UTC
08625d4 created a new header file Basics.h, to take on the whole of the legacy basetypes.h (which was to contain a very limited set of generally useful core functions, like UTF8 conversion) 19 May 2015, 02:36:04 UTC
16a481a fixed (removed) Win32 again 19 May 2015, 02:02:34 UTC
8856fa4 Merge branch 'master' of 19 May 2015, 01:51:31 UTC
392d64d various cleanups: renamed cn.exe to CNTK.exe on Windows and "cntk" (no more .exe!) on Linux; renamed 'cn' folder to 'CNTK'; moved CNTK.sln out from CNTKSolution folder, which now no longer needs to exist; removed Win32 build target from Visual Studio Solution and all Projects; added are documentation and Linux makefiles to the Visual Studio Solution for easy access; removed unused PTasks files 19 May 2015, 01:51:20 UTC
c6865da config file for NCE-LSTM 18 May 2015, 12:39:44 UTC
82ec767 Merge branch 'master' of 18 May 2015, 12:19:25 UTC
3dbed2f use default seed for sampler 18 May 2015, 12:18:00 UTC
86e79fb fix the "not used" warning in GPUMatrix<ElemType>::RCRFBackwardCompute 18 May 2015, 09:00:50 UTC
c79c101 Merge branch 'master' of 18 May 2015, 07:57:07 UTC
0bc4a28 update NDLExamples.ndl 18 May 2015, 07:55:44 UTC
dad0303 modified: SequenceReader.cpp modified: SequenceReader.h 18 May 2015, 07:46:27 UTC
0462453 modified: SequenceReader.h 16 May 2015, 14:07:38 UTC
0913d9f moved the tech report and tutorial into Documentation 15 May 2015, 23:40:28 UTC
dd917f3 Delay loading cu???64_70 instead of cu???64_65 as we are already at cuda70 15 May 2015, 18:36:04 UTC
58b2913 Put IEvaluateModel::Init to public, as CNTKEval::Init is public 15 May 2015, 18:35:56 UTC
c1e949e CNTKEval dll project (debug) is revised from /MTd to /MDd (Multi-thread DLL debug) such that one commond CRT is used. 15 May 2015, 18:35:49 UTC
c8b7a12 Add cudart64_70.dll to delay loaded DLLs 15 May 2015, 18:26:56 UTC
22f4d88 Merge branch 'master' of 15 May 2015, 09:23:54 UTC
8a5163b Display the start index and the number of rows in the RowSlice validation step Change the forward computation code in the GMMLogLikelihood node to make it more stable update the NDLExamples.ndl to include node to control stddev in the GMMLogLikihood node. 15 May 2015, 09:23:02 UTC
6154126 removed explicit Project Reference from CNTKMath to CNTHMathCUDA, to allow building even if CNTKMathCUDA failed to load (with #define CPUONLY in BestGpu.h) 15 May 2015, 00:49:24 UTC
df2e4a6 (fixed a few warnings related to printf format specifiers) 14 May 2015, 23:35:38 UTC
c467e1b add SVD command to CNTK book. 13 May 2015, 02:47:35 UTC
512a21f add CNN, mixture density network, and gaussian mixture model example NDLs in the ndlexamples.ndl file under the examplesetups folder 13 May 2015, 01:36:33 UTC
d4e025e Repeat the first couple of labels when set delay targets 08 May 2015, 12:34:52 UTC
3c603c1 Modify the prebuild.bat so that the build signature will include CUDA_PATH (can be helpful to check which CUDA version is used in build) 08 May 2015, 06:08:40 UTC
7575f94 Add support of SVD decomposition for Learnable Parameters An example of using this command: command=svd svd=[ action=SVD modelPath=train\lstm.model.67 outputmodelPath=train\lstm.model.svd SVDConfig=NodeConfigs ] A brief explanation: - modelPath specifies where to load the initial model - outputmodelPath specifies where to save the revised model - SVDConfig is a config file which specifies how the SVD is performed for different groups of nodes. This config is in a two-column format: <NodeNameRegex> <float> The first column is a regex which will match the node name in one group The second column is a float indicates what percentage of svd-energy will be kept after svd. (svd-energy is defined as the sum of singular values ) An example : LSTMoutput[1-3].Wx[ifco] 0.4 LSTMoutput[1-3].Wh[ifco] 0.6 Using this config will cause a more aggressive SVD (0.4) for the non-recurrent connections (from x to i,f,c,o gates) in LSTM and less aggressive SVD for recurrent connection (from h to i,f,c,o gates) 08 May 2015, 05:51:43 UTC
5edc126 Add error check after calling cudaGetDeviceCount 08 May 2015, 05:30:17 UTC
204419b Add delay output option to the Kaldi2Reader 08 May 2015, 01:03:29 UTC
0b72e35 Further depress the message in HKTMLFReader 30 April 2015, 21:14:51 UTC
09504d9 Remove MKL dependency of Math Project 30 April 2015, 19:22:20 UTC
2f09a1e Revise string output for plot function. %s -> %ls for better portability. 29 April 2015, 04:48:26 UTC
3a89639 Add nogpu functions for RCRF related functions 28 April 2015, 05:22:17 UTC
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