Revision db885b59fc1c0ea99afd5f6d18407efa3030caa2 authored by Sumit Kumar on 16 October 2020, 12:00:56 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 October 2020, 12:00:56 UTC
* Adding dynesty diagnostic plots

* Some cleanup

* Some more clean up

Co-authored-by: Sumit Kumar <sumit.kumar@condor4.atlas.local>
1 parent 3316ddb
Raw File
A set of helper functions for evaluating rates.

from scipy import integrate, optimize
import numpy as np, h5py
from numpy import log
import scipy.stats as ss

import bisect
from pycbc.conversions import mchirp_from_mass1_mass2

def process_full_data(fname, rhomin, mass1, mass2, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp):
    """Read the zero-lag and time-lag triggers identified by templates in
       a specified range of chirp mass.

              File that stores all the triggers
       rhomin: float
              Minimum value of SNR threhold (will need including ifar)
       mass1: array
              First mass of the waveform in the template bank
       mass2: array
              Second mass of the waveform in the template bank
       lo_mchirp: float
              Minimum chirp mass for the template
       hi_mchirp: float
              Maximum chirp mass for the template

              containing foreground triggers and background information
    with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as bulk:

        id_bkg = bulk['background_exc/template_id'][:]
        id_fg = bulk['foreground/template_id'][:]

        mchirp_bkg = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(mass1[id_bkg], mass2[id_bkg])
        bound = np.sign((mchirp_bkg - lo_mchirp) * (hi_mchirp - mchirp_bkg))
        idx_bkg = np.where(bound == 1)
        mchirp_fg = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(mass1[id_fg], mass2[id_fg])
        bound = np.sign((mchirp_fg - lo_mchirp) * (hi_mchirp - mchirp_fg))
        idx_fg = np.where(bound == 1)

        zerolagstat = bulk['foreground/stat'][:][idx_fg]
        cstat_back_exc = bulk['background_exc/stat'][:][idx_bkg]
        dec_factors = bulk['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:][idx_bkg]

    return {'zerolagstat': zerolagstat[zerolagstat > rhomin],
           'dec_factors': dec_factors[cstat_back_exc > rhomin],
           'cstat_back_exc': cstat_back_exc[cstat_back_exc > rhomin]}

def save_bkg_falloff(fname_statmap, fname_bank, path, rhomin, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp):
    ''' Read the STATMAP files to derive snr falloff for the background events.
        Save the output to a txt file
        Bank file is also provided to restrict triggers to BBH templates.

        fname_statmap: string
               STATMAP file containing trigger information
        fname_bank: string
               File name of the template bank
        path: string
               Destination where txt file is saved
        rhomin: float
               Minimum value of SNR threhold (will need including ifar)
        lo_mchirp: float
               Minimum chirp mass for the template
        hi_mchirp: float
               Maximum chirp mass for template

    with h5py.File(fname_bank, 'r') as bulk:
        mass1_bank = bulk['mass1'][:]
        mass2_bank = bulk['mass2'][:]
        full_data = process_full_data(fname_statmap, rhomin,
                           mass1_bank, mass2_bank, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp)

    max_bg_stat = np.max(full_data['cstat_back_exc'])
    bg_bins = np.linspace(rhomin, max_bg_stat, 76)
    bg_counts = np.histogram(full_data['cstat_back_exc'],
                         weights=full_data['dec_factors'], bins=bg_bins)[0]

    zerolagstat = full_data['zerolagstat']
    coincs = zerolagstat[zerolagstat >= rhomin]

    bkg = (bg_bins[:-1], bg_bins[1:], bg_counts)

    return bkg, coincs

def log_rho_bg(trigs, bins, counts):
    ''' Calculate the log of background fall-off

        trigs: array
               SNR values of all the triggers
        bins: string
               bins for histogrammed triggers
        path: string
               counts for histogrammed triggers


    trigs = np.atleast_1d(trigs)

    N = sum(counts)

    assert np.all(trigs >= np.min(bins)), \
        'Trigger SNR values cannot all be below the lowest bin limit!'

    # If there are any triggers that are louder than the max bin, put one
    # fictitious count in a bin that extends from the limits of the slide
    # triggers out to the loudest trigger.

    # If there is no counts for a foreground trigger put a fictitious count
    # in the background bin
    if np.any(trigs >= np.max(bins)):
        N = N + 1
        #log_plimit = -np.log(N) - np.log(np.max(trigs) - bins[-1]) CHECK IT

    log_rhos = []
    for t in trigs:
        if t >= np.max(bins):
            log_rhos.append(-log(N)-log(np.max(trigs) - bins[-1]))
            i = bisect.bisect(bins, t) - 1

            if counts[i] == 0:
                counts[i] = 1
            log_rhos.append(log(counts[i]) - log(bins[i+1] - bins[i]) - log(N))
    return np.array(log_rhos)

def log_rho_fgmc(t, injstats, bins):
    counts, bins = np.histogram(injstats, bins)

    N = sum(counts)
    dens = counts / np.diff(bins) / float(N)

    assert np.min(t) >= np.min(bins)
    assert np.max(t) < np.max(bins)

    tinds = np.searchsorted(bins, t) - 1

    return log(dens[tinds])

def fgmc(log_fg_ratios, mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, Rf, maxfg):
    Function to fit the likelihood Fixme

    Lb = np.random.uniform(0., maxfg, len(Rf))
    pquit = 0

    while pquit < 0.1:
        # quit when the posterior on Lf is very close to its prior

        nsamp = len(Lb)
        Rf_sel = np.random.choice(Rf, nsamp)
        vt = np.random.lognormal(mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, len(Rf_sel))

        Lf = Rf_sel * vt

        log_Lf, log_Lb = log(Lf), log(Lb)

        plR = 0
        for lfr in log_fg_ratios:
            plR += np.logaddexp(lfr + log_Lf, log_Lb)

        plR -= (Lf + Lb)
        plRn = plR - max(plR)

        idx = np.exp(plRn) > np.random.random(len(plRn))

        pquit = ss.stats.ks_2samp(Lb, Lb[idx])[1]

        Lb = Lb[idx]

    return Rf_sel[idx], Lf[idx], Lb

def _optm(x, alpha, mu, sigma):
    '''Return probability density of skew-lognormal
       See scipy.optimize.curve_fit
    return ss.skewnorm.pdf(x, alpha, mu, sigma)

def fit(R):
    ''' Fit skew - lognormal to the rate samples achived from a prior analysis
        R: array
           Rate samples
        ff[0]: float
            The skewness
        ff[1]: float
            The mean
        ff[2]: float
            The standard deviation

    lR = np.log(R)
    mu_norm, sigma_norm = np.mean(lR), np.std(lR)

    xs = np.linspace(min(lR), max(lR), 200)
    kde = ss.gaussian_kde(lR)
    pxs = kde(xs)

    # Initial guess has been taken as the mean and std-dev of the data
    # And a guess assuming small skewness
    ff = optimize.curve_fit(_optm, xs, pxs, p0 = [0.1, mu_norm, sigma_norm])[0]
    return ff[0], ff[1], ff[2]

def skew_lognormal_samples(alpha, mu, sigma, minrp, maxrp):
    ''' Returns a large number of Skew lognormal samples
        alpha: float
           Skewness of the distribution
        mu: float
           Mean of the distribution
        sigma: float
           Scale of the distribution
        minrp: float
           Minimum value for the samples
        maxrp: float
           Maximum value for the samples
        Rfs: array
            Large number of samples (may need fixing)

    nsamp = 100000000
    lRu = np.random.uniform(minrp, maxrp, nsamp)
    plRu = ss.skewnorm.pdf(lRu, alpha, mu, sigma)
    rndn = np.random.random(nsamp)
    maxp = max(plRu)
    idx = np.where(plRu/maxp > rndn)
    log_Rf = lRu[idx]
    Rfs = np.exp(log_Rf)

    return Rfs

# The flat in log and power-law mass distribution models  #

# PDF for the two canonical models plus flat in mass model
def prob_lnm(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs):
    ''' Return probability density for uniform in log
        m1: array
            Component masses 1
        m2: array
            Component masses 2
        s1z: array
            Aligned spin 1(Not in use currently)
            Aligned spin 2(Not in use currently)
        **kwargs: string
            Keyword arguments as model parameters
        p_m1_m2: array
            The probability density for m1, m2 pair

    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass
    m1, m2 = np.array(m1), np.array(m2)

    C_lnm = integrate.quad(lambda x: (log(max_mtotal - x) - log(min_mass))/x, min_mass, max_mass)[0]

    xx = np.minimum(m1, m2)
    m1 = np.maximum(m1, m2)
    m2 = xx

    bound = np.sign(max_mtotal - m1 - m2)
    bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass)
    idx = np.where(bound != 2)

    p_m1_m2 = (1/C_lnm)*(1./m1)*(1./m2)
    p_m1_m2[idx] = 0

    return p_m1_m2

def prob_imf(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs):
    ''' Return probability density for power-law
        m1: array
            Component masses 1
        m2: array
            Component masses 2
        s1z: array
            Aligned spin 1(Not in use currently)
            Aligned spin 2(Not in use currently)
        **kwargs: string
            Keyword arguments as model parameters

        p_m1_m2: array
           the probability density for m1, m2 pair

    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', -2.35)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass
    m1, m2 = np.array(m1), np.array(m2)

    C_imf = max_mass**(alpha + 1)/(alpha + 1)
    C_imf -= min_mass**(alpha + 1)/(alpha + 1)

    xx = np.minimum(m1, m2)
    m1 = np.maximum(m1, m2)
    m2 = xx

    bound = np.sign(max_mtotal - m1 - m2)
    bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass)
    idx = np.where(bound != 2)

    p_m1_m2 = np.zeros_like(m1)
    idx = np.where(m1 <= max_mtotal/2.)
    p_m1_m2[idx] = (1./C_imf) * m1[idx]**alpha /(m1[idx] - min_mass)
    idx = np.where(m1 > max_mtotal/2.)
    p_m1_m2[idx] = (1./C_imf) * m1[idx]**alpha /(max_mass - m1[idx])
    p_m1_m2[idx] = 0

    return p_m1_m2/2.

def prob_flat(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs):
    ''' Return probability density for uniform in component mass
        m1: array
            Component masses 1
        m2: array
            Component masses 2
        s1z: array
            Aligned spin 1 (not in use currently)
            Aligned spin 2 (not in use currently)
        **kwargs: string
            Keyword arguments as model parameters

        p_m1_m2: array
           the probability density for m1, m2 pair

    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 1.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 2.)

    bound = np.sign(m1 - m2)
    bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass)
    idx = np.where(bound != 2)

    p_m1_m2 = 2. / (max_mass - min_mass)**2
    p_m1_m2[idx] = 0

    return p_m1_m2

# Generate samples for the two canonical models plus flat in mass model
def draw_imf_samples(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw samples for power-law model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

           The first mass
           The second mass

    alpha_salpeter = kwargs.get('alpha', -2.35)
    nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1)
    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass

    a = (max_mass/min_mass)**(alpha_salpeter + 1.0) - 1.0
    beta = 1.0 / (alpha_salpeter + 1.0)

    k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples))
    aa = min_mass * (1.0 + a * np.random.random(k))**beta
    bb = np.random.uniform(min_mass, aa, k)

    idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal)
    m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx]

    return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)

def draw_lnm_samples(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw samples for uniform-in-log model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

           The first mass
           The second mass

    #PDF doesnt match with sampler
    nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1)
    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass
    lnmmin = log(min_mass)
    lnmmax = log(max_mass)

    k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples))
    aa = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k))
    bb = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k))

    idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal)
    m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx]

    return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)

def draw_flat_samples(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw samples for uniform in mass

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

           The first mass
           The second mass

    #PDF doesnt match with sampler
    nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1)
    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 1.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 2.)

    m1 = np.random.uniform(min_mass, max_mass, nsamples)
    m2 = np.random.uniform(min_mass, max_mass, nsamples)

    return np.maximum(m1, m2), np.minimum(m1, m2)

# Functions to generate chirp mass samples for the two canonical models
def mchirp_sampler_lnm(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw chirp mass samples for uniform-in-log model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

        mchirp-astro: array
           The chirp mass samples for the population
    m1, m2 = draw_lnm_samples(**kwargs)
    mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2)

    return mchirp_astro

def mchirp_sampler_imf(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw chirp mass samples for power-law model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

        mchirp-astro: array
           The chirp mass samples for the population
    m1, m2 = draw_imf_samples(**kwargs)
    mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2)

    return mchirp_astro

def mchirp_sampler_flat(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw chirp mass samples for flat in mass model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

        mchirp-astro: array
           The chirp mass samples for the population
    m1, m2 = draw_flat_samples(**kwargs)
    mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2)

    return mchirp_astro
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