Revision dd6fe474bc2857d8598fef3650e70c042a63ab12 authored by Diana Dima on 13 May 2021, 06:49:15 UTC, committed by Diana Dima on 13 May 2021, 06:49:15 UTC
1 parent cc02101
Tip revision: dd6fe474bc2857d8598fef3650e70c042a63ab12 authored by Diana Dima on 13 May 2021, 06:49:15 UTC
update paths
update paths
Tip revision: dd6fe47
function [rdm] = sim_readdata_exp2(datapath,savefile)
%read and save Meadows MA data from json files - Experiment 2
%datapath: data directory
%savefile: data file to be saved
nstim = 65; %hard-coded
%find the datafile in the directory
files = dir(datapath);
files = {files(:).name};
files = files{contains(files, '.json')};
data = jsondecode(fileread(fullfile(datapath,files)));
%append datasets in which people didn't hit 'submit'
data = sim_appenddata(data, fullfile(datapath,'additional'));
%save all data as a .mat file
subnames = fieldnames(data);
nsub = numel(subnames);
incompl_idx = false(nsub,1); %mark incomplete participants
exclude_idx = false(nsub,1); %mark participants excluded after QC
rdm = nan(nsub,nstim,nstim);
rdm_qc = nan(nsub,8,8); %8 stimuli per training
catch_answers = cell(nsub,3);
feedback = cell(nsub,1);
%mturk_id = cell(nsub,1);
gender = nan(nsub,1);
age = nan(nsub,1);
for isub = 1:nsub
%check if MA task was finished
datasub = getfield(data,subnames{isub});
% mturk_id{isub} = datasub.tasks{1}.mTurkID;
%first check that they finished the MA task
if ~strcmp(datasub.tasks{9}.status, 'finished')
incompl_idx(isub) = 1;
if isub==1 %get stimulus list in order
stimlist = datasub.tasks{1}.stimuli;
stimlist = {stimlist(:).name};
stimlist = sort(stimlist);
%get age and gender
pinfo = datasub.tasks{2};
gender(isub) = strcmp(pinfo.gender,'female');
age(isub) = str2double(pinfo.age);
%display catch trials and select participants based on them
ct = datasub.tasks{8};
catch_answers{isub,1} = ct.Video1;
catch_answers{isub,2} = ct.Video2;
catch_answers{isub,3} = ct.Video3;
feedback{isub} = datasub.tasks{10}.Feedback;
fprintf('Catch answers for sub %d\n, %s\n,%s\n,%s\n', isub, ct.Video1, ct.Video2, ct.Video3);
fprintf('\nFeedback: %s\n', feedback{isub})
x = input('Exclude? Y/N: ', 's');
%no point extracting data for excluded subjects
if strcmp(x,'Y')
exclude_idx(isub) = 1;
%training matrix
qc = datasub.tasks{6};
qcstim = {qc.stimuli(:).name};
[stimlist_qc,idx] = sort(qcstim);
rdmqcsub = squareform(qc.rdm);
rdm_qc(isub,:,:) = rdmqcsub(idx,idx);
%full matrix - sort & normalize
df = datasub.tasks{9};
rdm(isub,:,:) = sim_assignrdm(df,stimlist);
%remove participants who did not complete or were excluded
idx = incompl_idx|exclude_idx;
rdm_qc(idx,:,:) = [];
rdm(idx,:,:) = [];
%save training & MA data
qc = [];
qc.stimlist = stimlist_qc;
qc.rdm = rdm_qc;
save(savefile, 'qc', 'rdm', 'exclude_idx', 'incompl_idx','age','gender', 'stimlist','catch_answers', 'feedback');%,'mturk_id')
Computing file changes ...