Revision ddf367fa397859a8934b2598a9cbbb4933e5c15a authored by Emmanuel Thomé on 03 December 2015, 12:15:50 UTC, committed by Emmanuel Thomé on 03 December 2015, 12:15:50 UTC
2 parent s 7277670 + b942b48
Raw File
#ifndef __TYPES_H__
#define __TYPES_H__

#include "fppol.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "cppmeta.h"

/* Field-specific size of polynomials according to their role in the sieve.
 * - sq:      the type that contains a special q (and the corresponding root).
 * - ai:      the type that contains coordinates of the (skewed) reduced basis
 *            of the q-lattice.
 * - fbprime: the type for the polynomials generators of the prime ideals in
 *            the factor base; the size of such an element will probably never
 *            be larger than 2^32.
 * - ij:      the type for a polynomial i (or j).
 * /!\ Sizes must be either 16, 32, or 64.

// Over GF(2).
#if   defined(USE_F2)
# define      __sq_SIZE 64
# define      __ai_SIZE 32
# define __fbprime_SIZE 32
# define      __ij_SIZE 32
# define   __ijvec_SIZE 64

// Over GF(3).
#elif defined(USE_F3)
# define      __sq_SIZE 64
# define      __ai_SIZE 32
# define __fbprime_SIZE 32
# define      __ij_SIZE 32
# define   __ijvec_SIZE 64

/* Type aliases for sieve-related types.

#define __ALIAS_TYPE(type)                                         \
  typedef CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE), _t)      type##_t;      \
  typedef CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE), _ptr)    type##_ptr;    \
  typedef CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE), _srcptr) type##_srcptr;


#undef __ALIAS_TYPE

/* Function aliases for sieve-related types.

// Size of know polynomial types.
#define  __fppol8_SIZE 8
#define __fppol16_SIZE 16
#define __fppol32_SIZE 32
#define __fppol64_SIZE 64
#define   __fppol_SIZE

// Get type and size for function arguments.
#undef  IS_NUM
#undef  IS_MP
#define  __8_IS_NUM ,
#define __16_IS_NUM ,
#define __32_IS_NUM ,
#define __64_IS_NUM ,
#define __mp_IS_MP  ,
#define __ARG_TYPE(t) IF(t, IS_MP, fppol, IF(t, IS_NUM, fppol##t, t))
#define __ARG_SIZE(t) IF(t, IS_MP, mp,    IF(t, IS_NUM, t, __##t##_SIZE))

// No return statement when return type is void.
#undef  NO_RETURN
#define __void_NO_RETURN ,

// Make type name out of some common abbreviations.
#undef  TYPE
#define    __FILE_ptr_TYPE(...)   , FILE *
#define    __char_ptr_TYPE(...)   , char *
#define __char_srcptr_TYPE(...)   , const char *
#define    ___ptr_TYPE(t, ...)    ,  t##_ptr
#define ___srcptr_TYPE(t, ...)    ,  t##_srcptr
#define     ___tp_TYPE(t, tp, tq) , tp##_srcptr
#define     ___tq_TYPE(t, tp, tq) , tq##_srcptr
#define __GET_TYPE(type, ...) SWITCH(type, TYPE(__VA_ARGS__), type)

// Helper macros for lists of arguments.
#define __ARGS_PROTO(ctx, type, n) __GET_TYPE(type, EXPAND(ctx)) arg##n
#define __ARGS_CALL( ctx, type, n) arg##n

// Generic alias for fppol<sz>_<fun> functions.
#define __ALIAS_FUN(ret, type, fun, ...)                       \
  static inline                                                \
  __GET_TYPE(ret, type, )                                      \
  type##_##fun(FOR_ALL(__ARGS_PROTO, (type, , ), __VA_ARGS__)) \
  { IF(ret, NO_RETURN, , return)                               \
    CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE), _##fun)                   \
      (FOR_ALL(__ARGS_CALL, , __VA_ARGS__)); }

// Generic alias for fppol<sz>_<fun>_<sp> functions.
#define __ALIAS_FUN1(ret, type, fun, tp, ...)                        \
  static inline                                                      \
  __GET_TYPE(ret, type, __ARG_TYPE(tp), )                            \
  type##_##fun##_##tp                                                \
    (FOR_ALL(__ARGS_PROTO, (type, __ARG_TYPE(tp), ), __VA_ARGS__))   \
  { IF(ret, NO_RETURN, , return)                                     \
    CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE), CAT(_##fun##_, __ARG_SIZE(tp))) \
      (FOR_ALL(__ARGS_CALL, , __VA_ARGS__)); }

// Generic alias for fppol<sz>_<fun>_<sp>x<sq> functions.
#define __ALIAS_FUN2(ret, type, fun, tp, tq, ...)                    \
  static inline                                                      \
  __GET_TYPE(ret, type, __ARG_TYPE(tp), __ARG_TYPE(tq))              \
  type##_##fun##_##tp##x##tq                                         \
    (FOR_ALL(__ARGS_PROTO, (type, __ARG_TYPE(tp), __ARG_TYPE(tq)),   \
             __VA_ARGS__))                                           \
  { IF(ret, NO_RETURN, , return)                                     \
    CAT(CAT(fppol, __##type##_SIZE),                                 \
        CAT(CAT(_##fun##_, __ARG_SIZE(tp)), CAT(x, __ARG_SIZE(tq)))) \
      (FOR_ALL(__ARGS_CALL, , __VA_ARGS__)); }

// Aliases for multiplication.
#define __ALIAS_MUL(type)                                    \
    __ALIAS_FUN (void, type, mul,    _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr) \
    __ALIAS_FUN (void, type, addmul, _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr) \
    __ALIAS_FUN (void, type, submul, _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)

#define __ALIAS_MUL1(type, tp)                               \
    __ALIAS_FUN1(void, type, mul,    tp, _ptr, _srcptr, _tp) \
    __ALIAS_FUN1(void, type, addmul, tp, _ptr, _srcptr, _tp) \
    __ALIAS_FUN1(void, type, submul, tp, _ptr, _srcptr, _tp)

#define __ALIAS_MUL2(type, tp, tq)                           \
    __ALIAS_FUN2(void, type, mul,    tp, tq, _ptr, _tp, _tq) \
    __ALIAS_FUN2(void, type, addmul, tp, tq, _ptr, _tp, _tq) \
    __ALIAS_FUN2(void, type, submul, tp, tq, _ptr, _tp, _tq)

// All function aliases bundled up into a single macro.
#define __ALIAS_FUN_ALL(type)                                                 \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, set_zero,       _ptr)                          \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, set_one,        _ptr)                          \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, set_ti,         _ptr, unsigned)                \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, set,            _ptr, _srcptr)                 \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, sq,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, ai,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, fbprime,   _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, ij,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, ijvec,     _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set,  8,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, 16,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, 32,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, 64,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,      type, set, mp,        _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,    fppol8, set, type,      _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,   fppol16, set, type,      _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,   fppol32, set, type,      _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(int,   fppol64, set, type,      _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN1(void,    fppol, set, type,      _ptr, _tp)                     \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, swap,           _ptr, _ptr)                    \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, get_coeff,      fp_ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)     \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, set_coeff,      _ptr, fp_srcptr, unsigned)     \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, set_next,       _ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, monic_set_next, _ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (uint64_t, type, get_ui,         _srcptr,  unsigned, unsigned)  \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, set_ui,   _ptr, uint64_t, unsigned, unsigned)  \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, deg,            _srcptr)                       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, is_zero,        _srcptr)                       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, in_fp,          _srcptr)                       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, eq,             _srcptr, _srcptr)              \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, cmp,            _srcptr, _srcptr)              \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, is_monic,       _srcptr)                       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, is_valid,       _srcptr)                       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, opp,            _ptr, _srcptr)                 \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, add,            _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, sub,            _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, smul,           _ptr, _srcptr, fp_srcptr)      \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, sdiv,           _ptr, _srcptr, fp_srcptr)      \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, mul_ti,         _ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, div_ti,         _ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, mod_ti,         _ptr, _srcptr, unsigned)       \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, add_disjoint,   _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, diff,           _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, divrem,   _ptr, _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, div,            _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, rem,            _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, multmod,        _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, mulmod,         _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr,_srcptr)\
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, invmod,         _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, gcd,            _ptr, _srcptr, _srcptr)        \
  __ALIAS_FUN (char_ptr, type, get_str,        char_ptr, _srcptr)             \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, set_str,        _ptr,     char_srcptr)         \
  __ALIAS_FUN (void,     type, out,            FILE_ptr, _srcptr)             \
  __ALIAS_FUN (int,      type, inp,            _ptr,     FILE_ptr)            \
  __ALIAS_MUL (          type)                                                \
  __ALIAS_MUL1(         fppol, type)                                          \
  __ALIAS_MUL2(         fppol, type, sq)                                      \
  __ALIAS_MUL2(         fppol, type, ai)                                      \
  __ALIAS_MUL2(         fppol, type, fbprime)                                 \
  __ALIAS_MUL2(         fppol, type, ij)                                      \
  __ALIAS_MUL2(         fppol, type, ijvec)


#undef  __8_IS_NUM
#undef __16_IS_NUM
#undef __32_IS_NUM
#undef __64_IS_NUM
#undef __mp_IS_MP
#undef __void_NO_RETURN
#undef    __FILE_ptr_TYPE
#undef    __char_ptr_TYPE
#undef __char_srcptr_TYPE
#undef    ___ptr_TYPE
#undef ___srcptr_TYPE
#undef     ___tp_TYPE
#undef     ___tq_TYPE
#undef __ARG_TYPE
#undef __ARG_SIZE
#undef __GET_TYPE
#undef __ARGS_PROTO
#undef __ARGS_CALL
#undef __ALIAS_FUN
#undef __ALIAS_FUN1
#undef __ALIAS_FUN2
#undef __ALIAS_MUL
#undef __ALIAS_MUL1
#undef __ALIAS_MUL2
#undef __ALIAS_FUN_ALL

// Other types that are built from the others

// Information about the q-lattice.
// This includes the reduced basis.
typedef struct {
    sq_t q;
    sq_t rho;
    ai_t a0;
    ai_t a1;
    ai_t b0;
    ai_t b1;
    int side;
    int want_longq;
    fppol_t longq;
    fppol_t longrho;
    fppol_t longa0;
    fppol_t longa1;
    fppol_t longb0;
    fppol_t longb1;
} qlat_struct_t;

typedef qlat_struct_t qlat_t[1];
typedef qlat_struct_t* qlat_ptr;
typedef const qlat_struct_t* qlat_srcptr;

/* Factor bases

// Element of the factor base as an ideal gothp = (p, r).
// There are two different types: one for small ideals and another for
// the large ones taht are bucket sieved.
// The number of small ideals is tiny, so that we can have a heavy
// structure, whereas for bucket ideals, there is a lot of memory
// pressure.

// Large ideals:
// In the 8-bit "data" field, we suggest to store:
//   - deg(p),   5 bits   (degree won't be more than 31)
//   - tildep,   2 bits   (1/p mod t*(t+1), in case of sublattices)
//   - ispower,  1 bit    (maybe, just do not allow powers in buckets)
// TODO: not 100% sure that degp is really mandatory here.
// This could be recomputed on the fly when filling the buckets.
typedef struct {
    fbprime_t p;
    fbprime_t r;
    fbprime_t lambda;
    ijvec_t euclid[3];
    uint8_t data;
} __large_fbideal_struct;

typedef       __large_fbideal_struct  large_fbideal_t[1];
typedef       __large_fbideal_struct *large_fbideal_ptr;
typedef const __large_fbideal_struct *large_fbideal_srcptr;

static inline unsigned fbideal_deg(large_fbideal_srcptr gothp) {
  return gothp->data & 31U;

typedef struct {
  unsigned   alloc;
  unsigned   n;  // nb of entries in the factor base
  large_fbideal_t *elts;
} __large_factor_base_struct;

typedef       __large_factor_base_struct  large_factor_base_t[1];
typedef       __large_factor_base_struct *large_factor_base_ptr;
typedef const __large_factor_base_struct *large_factor_base_srcptr;

// Small ideals:
// Field description:
//   - basis,   an F_p-basis of the intersection of the
//              gothp-lattice with the (I,J)-rectangle.
//              (see below)
//   - adjustment_basis, part of another basis for the same vect space.
//   - projective_basis, a basis of multiples of p.
//   - current, some information to keep track of where we are
//              when jumping from a bucket-region to another.
//   - degq,    the real degree of q
//   - degp,    the contribution that is subtracted to the norm.
//              When we deal with a power, this is not degq.
//              (and actually, this is not always deg(p)).
//   - proj,    indicate a projective root.
//   - power,   indicate a power.
// The <basis> has two blocks of vectors: the first I-L vectors have j=0,
// and the others have j=t^k+t^(k-1)+...+t+1. See ijbasis_compute_small()
// for details. Since the J vectors have such a structure, only the I
// components are stored in the basis.
// The <adjustment_basis> is used for monic enumeration, and contains J
// vectors for which j has the form j=2*t^k. Once again, only the
// corresponding I vectors are stored. In char 2, this is of course
// not used.
// The <projective_basis> contains a normalized basis for the vector
// space generated by the multiples of p of degree less than J. This is
// used if the roots becomes projective after going to the q-lattice.
typedef struct {
    fbprime_t q;
    fbprime_t r;
    fbprime_t lambda;
    ij_t     *basis;
    ij_t     *adjustment_basis;
    ij_t     *projective_basis;
    ij_t      current;
    ij_t      tildep;
    int       degp;
    int       degq;
    _Bool     proj;
    _Bool     power;
} __small_fbideal_struct;

typedef       __small_fbideal_struct  small_fbideal_t[1];
typedef       __small_fbideal_struct *small_fbideal_ptr;
typedef const __small_fbideal_struct *small_fbideal_srcptr;

typedef struct {
  unsigned   alloc;
  unsigned   n;
  small_fbideal_t *elts;
} __small_factor_base_struct;

typedef       __small_factor_base_struct  small_factor_base_t[1];
typedef       __small_factor_base_struct *small_factor_base_ptr;
typedef const __small_factor_base_struct *small_factor_base_srcptr;

/* ffspol is a type to store the defining polynomial of the function
 * field.

// Polynomials over GF(p)[x,t], represented as polynomials in x whose
// coefficients lie in GF(p)[t] (using the multiprecision type fppol_t).
// By convention, deg(0) = -1.
typedef struct {
  int       deg;
  unsigned  alloc;
  fppol_t  *coeffs;
} __ffspol_struct;

// Type and pointer shorthands.
// - ffspol_t:      type of polynomials.
// - ffspol_ptr:    read/write pointer (internal type)
// - ffspol_srcptr: read-only  pointer (internal type)
typedef       __ffspol_struct  ffspol_t[1];
typedef       __ffspol_struct *ffspol_ptr;
typedef const __ffspol_struct *ffspol_srcptr;

#endif   /* __TYPES_H__ */
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