Revision dfd80c8f3ed641c2a85359d83174d5bfd886147d authored by Andreas Alfons on 19 October 2010, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 19 October 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent a684939
Raw File
  Simulate EU-SILC population data
  Simulate population data for the European Statistics on Income and Living 
  Conditions (EU-SILC).
simEUSILC(dataS, hid = "db030", wh = "db090", wp = "rb050", 
          hsize = NULL, strata = "db040", pid = NULL, age = "age", 
          gender = "rb090", categorizeAge = TRUE, breaksAge = NULL,             
          categorical = c("pl030", "pb220a"), 
          income = "netIncome", method = c("multinom", "twostep"), 
          breaks = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, 
          equidist = TRUE, gpd = TRUE, threshold = NULL, 
          est = "moments", const = NULL, alpha = 0.01, 
          residuals = TRUE, 
          components = c("py010n", "py050n", "py090n", 
            "py100n", "py110n", "py120n", "py130n", "py140n"), 
          conditional = c(getCatName(income), "pl030"), 
          keep = TRUE, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 1500, 
          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, seed)
  \item{dataS}{a \code{data.frame} containing EU-SILC survey data.}
  \item{hid}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the household ID.}
  \item{wh}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the household sample weights.}
  \item{wp}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the personal sample weights.}
  \item{hsize}{an optional character string specifying a column of 
    \code{dataS} that contains the household size.  If \code{NULL}, the 
    household sizes are computed.}
  \item{strata}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    define strata.  Note that this is currently a required argument and only 
    one stratification variable is supported.}
  \item{pid}{an optional character string specifying a column of \code{dataS} 
    that contains the personal ID.}
  \item{age}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the age of the persons (to be used for setting up the household 
  \item{gender}{a character string specifying the column of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the gender of the persons (to be used for setting up the household 
  \item{categorizeAge}{a logical indicating whether age categories should be 
    used for simulating additional categorical and continuous variables to 
    decrease computation time.}
  \item{breaksAge}{numeric; if \code{categorizeAge} is \code{TRUE}, an optional 
    vector of two or more breakpoints for constructing age categories, 
    otherwise ignored.}
  \item{categorical}{a character vector specifying additional categorical 
    variables of \code{dataS} that should be simulated for the population data.}
  \item{income}{a character string specifying the variable of \code{dataS} that 
    contains the personal income (to be simulated for the population data).}
  \item{method}{a character string specifying the method to be used for 
    simulating personal income.  Accepted values are \code{"multinom"} (for 
    using multinomial log-linear models combined with random draws from the 
    resulting ategories) and \code{"twostep"} (for using two-step regression 
    models combined with random error terms).}
  \item{breaks}{if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"}, an optional numeric 
    vector of two or more breakpoints for categorizing the personal income.  
    If missing, breakpoints are computed using weighted quantiles.}
  \item{lower, upper}{numeric values; if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"} and 
    \code{breaks} is \code{NULL}, these can be used to specify lower and upper 
    bounds other than minimum and maximum, respectively.  Note that if 
    \code{gpd} is \code{TRUE} (see below), \code{upper} defaults to \code{Inf}.}
  \item{equidist}{logical; if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"} and 
    \code{breaks} is \code{NULL}, this indicates whether the (positive) default 
    breakpoints should be equidistant or whether there should be refinements in 
    the lower and upper tail (see \code{\link{getBreaks}}).}
  \item{gpd}{logical; if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"}, this indicates 
    whether the upper tail of the personal income should be simulated by random 
    draws from a (truncated) generalized Pareto distribution rather than a 
    uniform distribution.}
  \item{threshold}{a numeric value; if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"}, 
    values for categories above \code{threshold} are drawn from  a (truncated) 
    generalized Pareto distribution.}
  \item{est}{a character string; if \code{method} is \code{"multinom"}, the 
    estimator to be used to fit the generalized Pareto distribution (see 
  \item{const}{numeric; if \code{method} is \code{"twostep"}, this gives a 
    constant to be added before log transformation.}
  \item{alpha}{numeric; if \code{method} is \code{"twostep"}, this gives 
    trimming parameters for the sample data.  Trimming is thereby done with 
    respect to the variable specified by \code{additional}.  If a numeric 
    vector of length two is supplied, the first element gives the trimming 
    proportion for the lower part and the second element the trimming 
    proportion for the upper part.  If a single numeric is supplied, it is used 
    for both.  With \code{NULL}, trimming is suppressed.}
  \item{residuals}{logical; if \code{method} is \code{"twostep"}, this 
    indicates whether the random error terms should be obtained by draws from 
    the residuals.  If \code{FALSE}, they are drawn from a normal distribution 
    (median and MAD of the residuals are used as parameters).}
  \item{components}{a character vector specifying the income components in 
    \code{dataS} (to be simulated for the population data).}
  \item{conditional}{an optional character vector specifying categorical 
    contitioning variables for resampling of the income components.  The 
    fractions occurring in \code{dataS} are then drawn from the respective 
    subsets defined by these variables.}
  \item{keep}{a logical indicating whether variables computed internally in the 
    procedure (such as the original IDs of the corresponding households in the 
    underlying sample, age categories or income categories) should be stored in 
    the resulting population data.}
  \item{maxit, MaxNWts}{control parameters to be passed to 
    \code{\link[nnet]{multinom}} and \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}.  See the help 
    file for \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}.}
  \item{tol}{if \code{method} is \code{"twostep"}, a small positive numeric 
    value or \code{NULL} (see \code{\link{simContinuous}}).}
  \item{seed}{optional; an integer value to be used as the seed of the random 
    number generator, or an integer vector containing the state of the random 
    number generator to be restored.}
  A \code{data.frame} containing the simulated EU-SILC population data.
  This is a wrapper calling \code{\link{simStructure}}, 
  \code{\link{simCategorical}}, \code{\link{simContinuous}} and 
  Andreas Alfons and Stefan Kraft
  \code{\link{simStructure}}, \code{\link{simCategorical}}, 
  \code{\link{simContinuous}}, \code{\link{simComponents}}

## these take some time and are not run automatically
## copy & paste to the R command line

set.seed(1234)  # for reproducibility
data(eusilcS)   # load sample data

# multinomial model with random draws
eusilcM <- simEUSILC(eusilcS, upper = 200000, equidist = FALSE)

# two-step regression
eusilcT <- simEUSILC(eusilcS, method = "twostep")
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