Revision e0d0275d44a1c16e0d87374161ed45d578d38b53 authored by Jim Edwards on 28 April 2021, 21:47:37 UTC, committed by Jim Edwards on 28 April 2021, 21:47:37 UTC
1 parent 3bd687d
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="config_definition.xsl" ?>

  <file name="env_batch.xml">
      These variables may be changed anytime during a run, they
      control arguments to the batch submit command.

  <file name="env_workflow.xml">
      These variables may be changed anytime during a run, they
      control jobs that will be submitted and their dependancies.

  <file name="env_case.xml">
    These variables CANNOT BE CHANGED once a case has been created.
    Invoke create_newcase again if a different grid or component
    combination is required.

  <file name ="env_run.xml">
    These variables MAY BE CHANGED ANYTIME during a run.
    Additional machine speific variables that can be changed
    during a run are contained in the env_mach_specific file
    Note1: users SHOULD NOT modify BUILD_COMPETE in env_build.xml
    this is done automatically by the scripts.

  <file name ="env_mach_specific.xml">
    These variables control the machine dependent environment including
    the paths to compilers and libraries external to cime such as netcdf,
    environment variables for use in the running job should also be set	here.

  <file name="env_build.xml">
    These variables SHOULD NOT be changed once the model has been built.
    urrently, these variables are not cached.
    Note1: users SHOULD NOT modify BUILD_COMPETE below
    this is done automatically by the scripts.

  <file name="env_mach_pes.xml">
    These variables CANNOT be modified once case_setup has been
    invoked without first invoking case_setup -reset

    NTASKS: the total number of MPI tasks, a negative value indicates nodes rather than tasks.
    NTHRDS: the number of OpenMP threads per MPI task.
    ROOTPE: the global mpi task of the component root task, if negative, indicates nodes rather than tasks.
    PSTRID: the stride of MPI tasks across the global set of pes (for now set to 1)
    NINST : the number of component instances (will be spread evenly across NTASKS)

    for example, for NTASKS = 8, NTHRDS = 2, ROOTPE = 32, NINST  = 2
    the MPI tasks would be placed starting on global pe 32 and each pe would be threaded 2-ways
    These tasks will be divided amongst both instances (4 tasks each).

    Note: PEs that support threading never have an MPI task associated
    with them for performance reasons.  As a result, NTASKS and ROOTPE
    are relatively independent of NTHRDS and they determine
    the layout of mpi processors between components.  NTHRDS is used
    to determine how those mpi tasks should be placed across the machine.

    The following values should not be set by the user since they'll be
    overwritten by scripts: TOTALPES, NTASKS_PER_INST

  <file name="env_archive.xml">
      These are the variables specific to the short term archiver.
      See  ./case.st_archive --help for details on running the short term archiver script.
      To validate the env_archive.xml file using xmllint, run
      xmllint -schema $SRCROOT/cime/config/xml_schemas/env_archive.xsd env_archive.xml
      from the case root.
      The patterns below are Python regular expressions.
      The file names created from these patterns will add an optional digit
      to them and will enclose them in a pair of '.'.
      Some useful Python metacharacters are:
         [] = any single character inside the brackets
         \d = a digit = [0123456789] = [0-9]
          ? = 0 or 1 of the previous character
          * = 0 or more of the previous character (greedy!)
          + = 1 or more of the previous character (greedy!)
         \. = a period
          . = any non-newline character
      Use them carefully.  They're often confused with shell-type
      wild card characters.

  <file name="env_test.xml">
    <header>These are the variables specific to a test case.</header>

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