Revision e0f4bbd19d892da805db949a5b98c3dfa9842abc authored by Fabian Brandt on 23 April 2021, 09:51:40 UTC, committed by GitHub on 23 April 2021, 09:51:40 UTC
1 parent 29b3fba
Raw File
# distutils: language=c++

from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
from libcpp.string cimport string
from libcpp cimport bool as bool_t
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libcpp.utility cimport pair

ctypedef uint64_t count
ctypedef uint64_t index
ctypedef index node
ctypedef double coordinate

from .graph cimport _Graph, Graph

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/Point.hpp>" namespace "NetworKit" nogil:

	cdef cppclass Point[T]:
		Point(T x, T y)
		T& operator[](const index i) except +
		T& at(const index i) except +

	cdef cppclass _Point2D "NetworKit::Point2D":
		pair[coordinate, coordinate] asPair()

cdef object toPoint2DVector(const vector[_Point2D]& v):
	return [v[i].asPair() for i in range(v.size())]

cdef object toNodePoint2DVector(const vector[pair[node, _Point2D]]& v):
	return [(v[i].first, v[i].second.asPair()) for i in range(v.size())]

def stdstring(pystring):
	""" convert a Python string to a bytes object which is automatically coerced to std::string"""
	pybytes = pystring.encode("utf-8")
	return pybytes

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/GraphLayoutAlgorithm.hpp>":

	cdef cppclass _GraphLayoutAlgorithm "NetworKit::GraphLayoutAlgorithm"[T]:
		_GraphLayoutAlgorithm(_Graph, count) except +
		count numEdgeCrossings() except +
		vector[Point[double]] getCoordinates() except +
		bool_t writeGraphToGML(string path) except +
		bool_t writeKinemage(string path) except +

cdef class GraphLayoutAlgorithm:

	"""Abstract base class for graph drawing algorithms"""

	cdef _GraphLayoutAlgorithm[double] *_this
	cdef Graph _G

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if type(self) == GraphLayoutAlgorithm:
			raise RuntimeError("Error, you may not use GraphLayoutAlgorithm directly, use a sub-class instead")

	def __dealloc__(self):
		self._G = None # just to be sure the graph is deleted

	def numEdgeCrossings(self):
		""" Computes approximation (in parallel) of the Spanning Edge Centrality. """
		if self._this == NULL:
			raise RuntimeError("Error, object not properly initialized")
		return self._this.numEdgeCrossings()

	def getCoordinates(self):
		""" Computes approximation (in parallel) of the Spanning Edge Centrality. """
		if self._this == NULL:
			raise RuntimeError("Error, object not properly initialized")
		cdef pair[double, double] pr = pair[double, double](0, 0)
		pointCoord = self._this.getCoordinates()
		cdef vector[pair[double, double]] pairCoord = vector[pair[double, double]]()
		for pt in pointCoord:
			pr = pair[double, double](pt[0], pt[1])
		return pairCoord

	def writeGraphToGML(self, path):
		"""Writes the graph and its layout to a .gml file at the specified path
	path: string
		Path where the graph file should be created"""
		if self._this == NULL:
			raise RuntimeError("Error, object not properly initialized")
		return self._this.writeGraphToGML(stdstring(path))

	def writeKinemage(self, string path):
		"""Writes the graph and its layout to a file at the specified path
			path: string
		Path where the graph file should be created"""
		if self._this == NULL:
			raise RuntimeError("Error, object not properly initialized")
		return self._this.writeKinemage(stdstring(path))

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/MaxentStress.hpp>" namespace "NetworKit":

	enum _GraphDistance "NetworKit::MaxentStress::GraphDistance":

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/MaxentStress.hpp>" namespace "NetworKit":

	enum _LinearSolverType "NetworKit::MaxentStress::LinearSolverType":

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/MaxentStress.hpp>":

	cdef cppclass _MaxentStress "NetworKit::MaxentStress" (_GraphLayoutAlgorithm[double]):
		_MaxentStress(_Graph G, count dim, count k, double tolerance, _LinearSolverType linearSolverType, bool_t fastComputation, _GraphDistance graphDistance) except +
		_MaxentStress(_Graph G, count dim, const vector[Point[double]] coordinates, count k, double tolerance, _LinearSolverType linearSolverType, bool_t fastComputation, _GraphDistance graphDistance) except +
		void run() except +
		void scaleLayout() except +
		double computeScalingFactor() except +
		double fullStressMeasure() except +
		double maxentMeasure() except +
		double meanDistanceError() except +
		double ldme() except +
		void setQ(double q) except +
		void setAlpha(double alpha) except +
		void setAlphaReduction(double alphaReduction) except +
		void setFinalAlpha(double finalAlpha) except +
		void setConvergenceThreshold(double convThreshold) except +
		double getRhs() except +
		double getApproxEntropyTerm() except +
		double getSolveTime() except +

cdef class MaxentStress (GraphLayoutAlgorithm):

	Implementation of MaxentStress by Gansner et al. using a Laplacian system solver.
  	@see Gansner, Emden R., Yifan Hu, and Steve North. "A maxent-stress model for graph layout."
	Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 19, no. 6 (2013): 927-940.

	G : networkit.Graph
		The graph to be handled. Should be connected, otherwise the run() and runAlgo() methods will fail.
	dim: count
		Number of dimensions.
	count: k
	coordinates: vector[pair[double, double]]
		The coordinates we want to draw in.
	tolerance: double
		The tolerance we want our solver to have.
	linearSolverType: _LinearSolverType
		The type of linear solver we wish to use.
	fastComputation: bool
		Decides whether or not slightly faster computation should be employed, leading to slightly worse results.
	graphDistance: _GraphDistance
		Decides what type of graph distance should be utilised.

	LAMG = 0

	def __cinit__(self, Graph G, count dim, count k, vector[pair[double, double]] coordinates = [], double tolerance = 1e-5, _LinearSolverType linearSolverType = LAMG, bool_t fastComputation = False, _GraphDistance graphDistance = EDGE_WEIGHT):
		cdef Point[double] p = Point[double](0, 0)
		cdef vector[Point[double]] pointCoordinates = vector[Point[double]]()

		for pr in coordinates:
			p = Point[double](pr.first, pr.second)

		if (coordinates.size() != 0):
			self._this = new _MaxentStress(G._this, dim, pointCoordinates, k, tolerance, linearSolverType, fastComputation, graphDistance)
			self._this = new _MaxentStress(G._this, dim, k, tolerance, linearSolverType, fastComputation, graphDistance)

	def __dealloc__(self):
		del self._this

	def run(self):
		"""Approximates a graph layout with the maxent-stress algorithm"""
		return self

	def scaleLayout(self):
		"""Scale the layout computed by run() by a scalar s to minimize \sum_{u,v \in V} w_{uv} (s ||x_u - x_v|| - d_{uv}||)^2"""
		return self

	def computeScalingFactor(self):
		"""Computes a scalar s s.t. \sum_{u,v \in V} w_{uv} (s ||x_u - x_v|| - d_{uv}||)^2 is minimized"""
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).computeScalingFactor()

	def fullStressMeasure(self):
		"""Computes the full stress measure of the computed layout with run()"""
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).fullStressMeasure()

	def maxentMeasure(self):
		"""Computes the maxent stress measure for the computed layout with run()"""
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).maxentMeasure()

	def meanDistanceError(self):
		"""Computes mean distance error"""
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).meanDistanceError()

	def ldme(self):
		"""Computes the ldme"""
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).ldme()

	def setQ(self, double q):
		return self

	def setAlpha(self, double alpha):
		return self

	def setAlphaReduction(self, double alphaReduction):
		return self

	def setFinalAlpha(self, double finalAlpha):
		return self

	def setConvergenceThreshold(self, double convThreshold):
		return self

	def getRhs(self):
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).getRhs()

	def getApproxEntropyTerm(self):
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).getApproxEntropyTerm()

	def getSolveTime(self):
		return (<_MaxentStress*>(self._this)).getSolveTime()

cdef extern from "<networkit/viz/PivotMDS.hpp>":

	cdef cppclass _PivotMDS "NetworKit::PivotMDS" (_GraphLayoutAlgorithm[double]):
				_PivotMDS(_Graph G, count dim, count numberOfPivots) except +
				void run() except +

cdef class PivotMDS (GraphLayoutAlgorithm):

	Implementation of PivotMDS proposed by Brandes and Pich.


	G: networkit.Graph
		The graph to be handled by the algorithm.

	dim: count
		Number of dimensions.

	numberOfPivots: count
		Number of pivots for the algorithm.


	def __cinit__(self, Graph G, count dim, count numberOfPivots):
		self._this = new _PivotMDS(G._this, dim, numberOfPivots)

	def __dealloc__(self):
		del self._this

	def run(self):
		"""Constructs a PivotMDS object for the given @a graph. The algorithm should embed the graph in @a dim dimensions using @a numberOfPivots pivots."""
		return self

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