Revision e1467a79dc6580ae009d827b5e6f274faff3b339 authored by liqunfu on 27 March 2020, 21:42:04 UTC, committed by GitHub on 27 March 2020, 21:42:04 UTC
2 parent s c7bc93f + a2055f6
Raw File
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import input
import os, sys, datetime
import numpy as np
import shutil, time

from cntk_helpers import makeDirectory, getFilesInDirectory, imread, imWidth, imHeight, imWidthHeight,\
                         getSelectiveSearchRois, imArrayWidthHeight, getGridRois, filterRois, imArrayWidth,\
                         imArrayHeight, getCntkInputPaths, getCntkRoiCoordsLine, getCntkRoiLabelsLine, roiTransformPadScaleParams,\
                         roiTransformPadScale, cntkPadInputs

# Parameters
boSaveDebugImg = True
subDirs = ['positive', 'testImages', 'negative']
image_sets = ["train", "test"]

# no need to change these parameters
boAddSelectiveSearchROIs = True
boAddRoisOnGrid = True

def generate_input_rois(testing=False):
    p = PARAMETERS.get_parameters_for_dataset()
    if not p.datasetName.startswith("pascalVoc"):
        # init
        roi_minDim = p.roi_minDimRel * p.roi_maxImgDim
        roi_maxDim = p.roi_maxDimRel * p.roi_maxImgDim
        roi_minNrPixels = p.roi_minNrPixelsRel * p.roi_maxImgDim*p.roi_maxImgDim
        roi_maxNrPixels = p.roi_maxNrPixelsRel * p.roi_maxImgDim*p.roi_maxImgDim

        for subdir in subDirs:
            makeDirectory(os.path.join(p.roiDir, subdir))
            imgFilenames = getFilesInDirectory(os.path.join(p.imgDir, subdir), ".jpg")

            # loop over all images
            for imgIndex,imgFilename in enumerate(imgFilenames):
                roiPath = "{}/{}/{}.roi.txt".format(p.roiDir, subdir, imgFilename[:-4])

                # load image
                print (imgIndex, len(imgFilenames), subdir, imgFilename)
                tstart =
                imgPath = os.path.join(p.imgDir, subdir, imgFilename)
                imgOrig = imread(imgPath)
                if imWidth(imgPath) > imHeight(imgPath):
                    print (imWidth(imgPath) , imHeight(imgPath))

                # get rois
                if boAddSelectiveSearchROIs:
                    print ("Calling selective search..")
                    rects, img, scale = getSelectiveSearchRois(imgOrig, p.ss_scale, p.ss_sigma, p.ss_minSize, p.roi_maxImgDim) #interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA
                    print ("   Number of rois detected using selective search: " + str(len(rects)))
                    rects = []
                    img, scale = imresizeMaxDim(imgOrig, p.roi_maxImgDim, boUpscale=True, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                imgWidth, imgHeight = imArrayWidthHeight(img)

                # add grid rois
                if boAddRoisOnGrid:
                    rectsGrid = getGridRois(imgWidth, imgHeight, p.grid_nrScales, p.grid_aspectRatios)
                    print ("   Number of rois on grid added: " + str(len(rectsGrid)))
                    rects += rectsGrid

                # run filter
                print ("   Number of rectangles before filtering  = " + str(len(rects)))
                rois = filterRois(rects, imgWidth, imgHeight, roi_minNrPixels, roi_maxNrPixels, roi_minDim, roi_maxDim, p.roi_maxAspectRatio)
                if len(rois) == 0: #make sure at least one roi returned per image
                    rois = [[5, 5, imgWidth-5, imgHeight-5]]
                print ("   Number of rectangles after filtering  = " + str(len(rois)))

                # scale up to original size and save to disk
                # note: each rectangle is in original image format with [x,y,x2,y2]
                rois = np.int32(np.array(rois) / scale)
                assert (np.min(rois) >= 0)
                assert (np.max(rois[:, [0,2]]) < imArrayWidth(imgOrig))
                assert (np.max(rois[:, [1,3]]) < imArrayHeight(imgOrig))
                np.savetxt(roiPath, rois, fmt='%d')
                print ("   Time [ms]: " + str(( - tstart).total_seconds() * 1000))

    # clear imdb cache and other files
    if os.path.exists(p.cntkFilesDir):
        if not testing:
            userInput = input('--> INPUT: Press "y" to delete directory ' + p.cntkFilesDir + ": ")
            if userInput.lower() not in ['y', 'yes']:
                print ("User input is %s: exiting now." % userInput)
        time.sleep(0.1) # avoid access problems

    # create cntk representation for each image
    for image_set in image_sets:
        imdb = p.imdbs[image_set]
        print ("Number of images in set {} = {}".format(image_set, imdb.num_images))

        # open files for writing
        cntkImgsPath, cntkRoiCoordsPath, cntkRoiLabelsPath, nrRoisPath = getCntkInputPaths(p.cntkFilesDir, image_set)
        with open(nrRoisPath, 'w')        as nrRoisFile, \
             open(cntkImgsPath, 'w')      as cntkImgsFile, \
             open(cntkRoiCoordsPath, 'w') as cntkRoiCoordsFile, \
             open(cntkRoiLabelsPath, 'w') as cntkRoiLabelsFile:

                # for each image, transform rois etc to cntk format
                for imgIndex in range(0, imdb.num_images):
                    if imgIndex % 50 == 0:
                        print ("Processing image set '{}', image {} of {}".format(image_set, imgIndex, imdb.num_images))
                    currBoxes = imdb.roidb[imgIndex]['boxes']
                    currGtOverlaps = imdb.roidb[imgIndex]['gt_overlaps']
                    imgPath = imdb.image_path_at(imgIndex)
                    imgWidth, imgHeight = imWidthHeight(imgPath)

                    # all rois need to be scaled + padded to cntk input image size
                    targetw, targeth, w_offset, h_offset, scale = roiTransformPadScaleParams(imgWidth, imgHeight,
                                                                               p.cntk_padWidth, p.cntk_padHeight)
                    boxesStr = ""
                    labelsStr = ""
                    nrBoxes = len(currBoxes)
                    for boxIndex, box in enumerate(currBoxes):
                        rect = roiTransformPadScale(box, w_offset, h_offset, scale)
                        boxesStr += getCntkRoiCoordsLine(rect, p.cntk_padWidth, p.cntk_padHeight)
                        labelsStr += getCntkRoiLabelsLine(currGtOverlaps[boxIndex, :].toarray()[0],

                    # if less than e.g. 2000 rois per image, then fill in the rest using 'zero-padding'.
                    boxesStr, labelsStr = cntkPadInputs(nrBoxes, p.cntk_nrRois, p.nrClasses, boxesStr, labelsStr)

                    # update cntk data
                    cntkImgsFile.write("{}\t{}\t0\n".format(imgIndex, imgPath))
                    cntkRoiCoordsFile.write("{} |rois{}\n".format(imgIndex, boxesStr))
                    cntkRoiLabelsFile.write("{} |roiLabels{}\n".format(imgIndex, labelsStr))

    print ("DONE.")
    return True

# Main
# generate ROIs using selective search and grid (for pascal we use the precomputed ROIs from Ross)
if __name__=='__main__':
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