Revision e1467a79dc6580ae009d827b5e6f274faff3b339 authored by liqunfu on 27 March 2020, 21:42:04 UTC, committed by GitHub on 27 March 2020, 21:42:04 UTC
2 parent s c7bc93f + a2055f6
Raw File
import easydict
from utils.nms_wrapper import apply_nms_to_single_image_results

def train_object_detector(cfg):
    Trains an object detector as specified in the configuration
    :param cfg: the configuration
    :return: the eval model of the trained detector

    detector_name = _get_detector_name(cfg)
    eval_model = None
    print("training {}".format(detector_name))
    if detector_name == 'FastRCNN':
        from FastRCNN.FastRCNN_train import prepare, train_fast_rcnn
        prepare(cfg, use_arg_parser=False)
        eval_model = train_fast_rcnn(cfg)
    elif detector_name == 'FasterRCNN':
        from FasterRCNN.FasterRCNN_train import prepare, train_faster_rcnn
        prepare(cfg, use_arg_parser=False)
        eval_model = train_faster_rcnn(cfg)
        print('Unknown detector: {}'.format(detector_name))

    return eval_model

def evaluate_test_set(model, cfg):
    Evaluates the given model on the test set as specified in the configuration
    :param model: the model
    :param cfg: the configuration
    :return: AP (average precision) per class

    detector_name = _get_detector_name(cfg)
    aps = None
    print("evaluating {}".format(detector_name))
    if detector_name == 'FastRCNN':
        from FastRCNN.FastRCNN_eval import compute_test_set_aps
        aps = compute_test_set_aps(model, cfg)
    elif detector_name == 'FasterRCNN':
        from FasterRCNN.FasterRCNN_eval import compute_test_set_aps
        aps = compute_test_set_aps(model, cfg)
        print('Unknown detector: {}'.format(detector_name))

    return aps

def evaluate_single_image(model, img_path, cfg):
    Computes detection results for the given model on the provided image
    :param model: the model
    :param img_path: the path to the image
    :param cfg: the configuration
        regressed_rois - the predicted bounding boxes
        cls_probs - class probabilities per bounding box

    detector_name = _get_detector_name(cfg)
    regressed_rois = None
    cls_probs = None
    print("detecting objects in image {}".format(img_path))
    if detector_name == 'FastRCNN':
        from FastRCNN.FastRCNN_eval import FastRCNN_Evaluator
        evaluator = FastRCNN_Evaluator(model, cfg)
        regressed_rois, cls_probs = evaluator.process_image(img_path)
    elif detector_name == 'FasterRCNN':
        from FasterRCNN.FasterRCNN_eval import FasterRCNN_Evaluator
        evaluator = FasterRCNN_Evaluator(model, cfg)
        regressed_rois, cls_probs = evaluator.process_image(img_path)
        print('Unknown detector: {}'.format(detector_name))

    return regressed_rois, cls_probs

def filter_results(regressed_rois, cls_probs, cfg):
    Filters the provided results by performing NMS (non maximum suppression)
    :param regressed_rois: the predicted bounding boxes
    :param cls_probs: class probabilities per bounding box
    :param cfg: the configuration
        bboxes - the filtered list of bounding boxes
        labels - the single class label per bounding box
        scores - the probability for the assigned class label per bounding box

    labels = cls_probs.argmax(axis=1)
    scores = cls_probs.max(axis=1)
    nmsKeepIndices = apply_nms_to_single_image_results(
                        regressed_rois, labels, scores,

    filtered_bboxes = regressed_rois[nmsKeepIndices]
    filtered_labels = labels[nmsKeepIndices]
    filtered_scores = scores[nmsKeepIndices]

    return filtered_bboxes, filtered_labels, filtered_scores
def visualize_results(img_path, bboxes, labels, scores, cfg, store_to_path=None):
    Renders the detection results (bboxes and labels) onto the image.
    :param img_path: the path to the image
    :param bboxes: the predicted bounding boxes
    :param labels: the single class label per bounding box
    :param scores: the probability for the assigned class label per bounding box
    :param cfg: the configuration
    :param store_to_path: optional: a path where to store the rendered image.
                          If set to 'None' the image will be displayed on screen.

    from matplotlib.pyplot import imsave, imshow, show
    from utils.plot_helpers import visualize_detections
    img = visualize_detections(img_path, bboxes, labels, scores,
                               cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT,
                               classes = cfg["DATA"].CLASSES,
                               draw_negative_rois = cfg.DRAW_NEGATIVE_ROIS)

    if store_to_path is not None:
        imsave(store_to_path, img)

def _get_detector_name(cfg):
        detector = cfg['DETECTOR']
        print("Please specify a 'DETECTOR' in your configuration.")
        detector = None
    return detector

def measure_inference_time(model, img_path, cfg, num_repetitions=100):
    Computes detection results for the given model on the provided image
    :param model: the model
    :param img_path: the path to the image
    :param cfg: the configuration
        regressed_rois - the predicted bounding boxes
        cls_probs - class probabilities per bounding box

    detector_name = _get_detector_name(cfg)
    print("Measuring inference time (seconds per image) as average over {} runs".format(num_repetitions))
    if detector_name == 'FastRCNN':
        from FastRCNN.FastRCNN_eval import FastRCNN_Evaluator
        evaluator = FastRCNN_Evaluator(model, cfg)
    elif detector_name == 'FasterRCNN':
        from FasterRCNN.FasterRCNN_eval import FasterRCNN_Evaluator
        evaluator = FasterRCNN_Evaluator(model, cfg)
        print('Unknown detector: {}'.format(detector_name))

    from time import time
    start = time()
    for i in range(num_repetitions):
        _,_ = evaluator.process_image(img_path)
    total = time() - start
    print("seconds per image: {:2f} (total for {} images: {:2f})".format(total/num_repetitions, num_repetitions, total))

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