Revision e173645c7ffde669a3327938eb02e9e03b6ac73d authored by Vissarion Fisikopoulos on 04 April 2020, 06:51:07 UTC, committed by Vissarion Fisikopoulos on 04 April 2020, 06:51:07 UTC
1 parent 209c13a
Raw File
// VolEsti (volume computation and sampling library)

// Copyright (c) 20012-2018 Vissarion Fisikopoulos
// Copyright (c) 2018 Apostolos Chalkis


template <typename Hpolytope, typename ZonoHP, typename MT, typename VT, typename Parameters, typename NT>
void comp_diam_hpoly_zono_inter(ZonoHP &ZHP, const MT &G, const MT &AG, const VT &b, const Parameters &var,
        std::vector<NT> &diams_inter) {

    typedef typename Hpolytope::PolytopePoint Point;
    //typedef typename ZonoHP::NT NT;

    int k = G.cols(), d= ZHP.dimension();

    MT eyes1(k, 2*k);
    eyes1 << MT::Identity(k,k), -1.0*MT::Identity(k,k);

    MT M1(k, 4*k);

    M1 << AG.transpose(), eyes1;
    MT M = M1.transpose();

    VT bb(4*k);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4*k; ++i) bb(i) = (i < 2*k) ? b(i) : 1.0;

    Hpolytope HP;
    HP.init(d, M, bb);

    std::list<Point> randPoints;
    std::pair<Point, NT> InnerBall = HP.ComputeInnerBall();
    boundary_rand_point_generator(HP, InnerBall.first, 2*d*d, 1, randPoints, var);

    typename std::list<Point>::iterator rpit=randPoints.begin();
    NT max_norm = 0.0, iter_norm;
    for ( ; rpit!=randPoints.end(); rpit++) {
        iter_norm = (G*rpit->getCoefficients()).norm();
        if (iter_norm > max_norm) max_norm = iter_norm;
    diams_inter.push_back(2.0 * max_norm);


template <typename Polytope, typename HPolytope, typename VT, typename NT, typename Parameters>
bool get_first_poly(Polytope &P, HPolytope &HP, VT &Zs_max_gl, const NT &lb, const NT &up_lim, NT &ratio,
        const Parameters &var){

    typedef typename Polytope::PolytopePoint Point;
    typedef typename Polytope::MT MT;
    MT G = P.get_mat().transpose(), A = HP.get_mat();
    VT Zs_max = (A*G).cwiseAbs().rowwise().sum(), Zs_min = HP.get_vec();
    Zs_max_gl = Zs_max;
    HPolytope HPiter=HP;

    int n = P.dimension(), m = Zs_max_gl.size(), N = 1200, iter = 1, count = 0;
    Point q(n);
    bool too_few, print = false;
    std::list<Point> randPoints;

    NT l=0.0, u=1.0, med;
    VT  Zmed(m);

    while(iter <= MAX_ITER) {

        med = (u + l) * 0.5;
        Zmed = Zs_min + (Zs_max-Zs_min)*med;

        rand_point_generator(HPiter, q, 1200, 10+2*n, randPoints, var);
        too_few = false;

        if(check_convergence<Point>(P, randPoints, lb, up_lim, too_few, ratio, 10, 0.2, true, false)) {
            return true;

        if (too_few) {
            u = med;
        } else {
            l = med;
        if(med>0.9) {
            return true;
        if(u-l < TOL) {
    return false;

template <typename Zonotope, typename HPolytope, typename VT, typename PointList, typename NT>
bool get_next_zonoball(Zonotope &Z, std::vector<HPolytope> &HPolySet,
                         HPolytope &HP2, const VT &Zs_max, const VT &Zs_min, PointList &randPoints,
                        std::vector<NT> &ratios, const NT &p_value, const NT &up_lim, const int &nu, const NT &alpha){

    typedef typename Zonotope::PolytopePoint Point;

    int n = Z.dimension(), iter = 1;
    bool too_few;
    VT Zmed(Zs_max.size());
    NT ratio, med, u = 1.0, l = 0.0;

    while (iter <= MAX_ITER) {
        med = (u + l) * 0.5;
        Zmed = Zs_min + (Zs_max-Zs_min)*med;
        too_few = false;

        if(check_convergence<Point>(HP2, randPoints, p_value, up_lim, too_few, ratio, nu, alpha, false, false)){
            return true;
        if(too_few) {
            l = med;
        } else {
            u = med;
        if(u-l < TOL) {
    return false;

template <typename ZonoHP, typename Zonotope, typename HPolytope, typename VT, typename Parameters, typename NT>
bool get_sequence_of_zonopolys(Zonotope &Z, const HPolytope &HP, std::vector<HPolytope> &HPolySet,
                               const VT &Zs_max, std::vector<NT> &ratios, const int &Ntot, const int &nu,
                               const NT &p_value, const NT &up_lim, const NT &alpha, Parameters &var, const Parameters &var2,
                               std::vector<NT> &diams_inter) {

    bool print = var.verbose, too_few=false;
    typedef typename Zonotope::PolytopePoint Point;
    typedef typename Zonotope::MT MT;

    int n = var.n;
    MT G = Z.get_mat().transpose();
    MT AG = HP.get_mat()*G;
    NT ratio;
    std::list<Point> randPoints;
    Point q(n);

    rand_point_generator(Z, q, Ntot, var.walk_steps, randPoints, var);
    HPolytope HP2 = HP;
    if (check_convergence<Point>(HP, randPoints, p_value, up_lim, too_few, ratio, nu, alpha, false, true)) {
        return true;
    if ( !get_next_zonoball(Z, HPolySet, HP2, Zs_max, HP.get_vec(), randPoints, ratios, p_value, up_lim, nu, alpha) ) {
        return false;

    ZonoHP ZHP2;
    VT Zs_min = HP.get_vec();

    while (true) {

        ZHP2 = ZonoHP(Z,HP2);
        comp_diam_hpoly_zono_inter<HPolytope>(ZHP2, G, AG, HP2.get_vec(), var2, diams_inter);
        var.diameter = diams_inter[diams_inter.size()-1];
        rand_point_generator(ZHP2, q, Ntot, var.walk_steps, randPoints, var);
        if (check_convergence<Point>(HP, randPoints, p_value, up_lim, too_few, ratio, nu, alpha, false, true)) {
            return true;
        if ( !get_next_zonoball(Z, HPolySet, HP2, HP2.get_vec(), Zs_min, randPoints, ratios, p_value, up_lim, nu, alpha) ){
            return false;

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