Revision e2096cf81dab8f77ff5aa9b0c3fcf6a81a81dc4a authored by Tim Foley on 12 February 2021, 21:48:11 UTC, committed by GitHub on 12 February 2021, 21:48:11 UTC
This change adds initial support for a feature being proposed for inclusion in dxc:

The main features are:

* A `[payload]` attribute that indicates which `struct` types are intended to be used as payloads. Consistent use of this attribute should mean that an application no longer needs to manually specify a maximum payload size when creating a ray-tracing pipeline.

* `read(...)` and `write(...)` qualifiers which can be attached to fields of `struct` types (usually `[payload]`-attributed types) to indicate which ray tracing pipeline stages are allowed read/write access to that part of the payload. Use of these qualifiers should allow an implementation to optimize storage of ray payload elements across RT pipeline stages.

The work in this change just adds basic parsing for these features, translation to matching IR decorations, and then emission of HLSL text based on those decorations.
Notable gaps in this first change include:

* No work is currently being done to validate access to ray payloads in RT entry points based on these qualifiers.

* The stage names in `read(...)` and `write(...)` are not being validated, and are being stored in the IR as text. These should probably use the `Stage` enumeration in some fashion, but we would need to have a way to encode the additional `caller` pseudo-stage that the feature uses.

* No work is currently being done to adjust or react to the chosen shader model when emitting HLSL code. We should *either* have these attributes force a switch to a higher shader model, *or* skip emission of these attributes if the chosen shader model / profile does not imply support for them.

* No tests are currently included for this work, because tests would rely on using a custom `dxcompiler.dll` build with the new feature supported.
1 parent 0dea127
Raw File

#include "slang-com-helper.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <cstddef>

namespace Slang {

/*! \brief ComPtr is a simple smart pointer that manages types which implement COM based interfaces.
\details A class that implements a COM, must derive from the IUnknown interface or a type that matches
it's layout exactly (such as ISlangUnknown). Trying to use this template with a class that doesn't follow
these rules, will lead to undefined behavior.
This is a 'strong' pointer type, and will AddRef when a non null pointer is set and Release when the pointer
leaves scope.
Using 'detach' allows a pointer to be removed from the management of the ComPtr.
To set the smart pointer to null, there is the method setNull, or alternatively just assign SLANG_NULL/nullptr.

One edge case using the template is that sometimes you want access as a pointer to a pointer. Sometimes this
is to write into the smart pointer, other times to pass as an array. To handle these different behaviors
there are the methods readRef and writeRef, which are used instead of the & (ref) operator. For example

Void doSomething(ID3D12Resource** resources, IndexT numResources);
// ...
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> resources[3];
doSomething(resources[0].readRef(), SLANG_COUNT_OF(resource));

A more common scenario writing to the pointer

IUnknown* unk = ...;

ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> resource;
Result res = unk->QueryInterface(resource.writeRef());

// Enum to force initializing as an attach (without adding a reference)
enum InitAttach

template <class T>
class ComPtr
	typedef T Type;
	typedef ComPtr ThisType;
	typedef ISlangUnknown* Ptr;

		/// Constructors
		/// Default Ctor. Sets to nullptr
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr() :m_ptr(nullptr) {}
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(std::nullptr_t) : m_ptr(nullptr) {}
		/// Sets, and ref counts.
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE explicit ComPtr(T* ptr) :m_ptr(ptr) { if (ptr) ((Ptr)ptr)->addRef(); }
		/// The copy ctor
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(const ThisType& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->addRef(); }

        /// Ctor without adding to ref count.
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE explicit ComPtr(InitAttach, T* ptr) :m_ptr(ptr) { }
        /// Ctor without adding to ref count
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(InitAttach, const ThisType& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { }

		/// Move Ctor
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr(ThisType&& rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr) { rhs.m_ptr = nullptr; }
		/// Move assign
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ComPtr& operator=(ThisType&& rhs) { T* swap = m_ptr; m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr; rhs.m_ptr = swap; return *this; }

	/// Destructor releases the pointer, assuming it is set
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE ~ComPtr() { if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release(); }

	// !!! Operators !!!

	  /// Returns the dumb pointer
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE operator T *() const { return m_ptr; }

	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T& operator*() { return *m_ptr; }
		/// For making method invocations through the smart pointer work through the dumb pointer
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* operator->() const { return m_ptr; }

		/// Assign
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const ThisType &operator=(const ThisType& rhs);
		/// Assign from dumb ptr
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* operator=(T* in);

		/// Get the pointer and don't ref
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* get() const { return m_ptr; }
		/// Release a contained nullptr pointer if set
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE void setNull();

		/// Detach
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T* detach() { T* ptr = m_ptr; m_ptr = nullptr; return ptr; }
		/// Set to a pointer without changing the ref count
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE void attach(T* in) { m_ptr = in; }

		/// Get ready for writing (nulls contents)
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T** writeRef() { setNull(); return &m_ptr; }
		/// Get for read access
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T*const* readRef() const { return &m_ptr; }

		/// Swap
	void swap(ThisType& rhs);

	/// Gets the address of the dumb pointer.
    // Disabled: use writeRef and readRef to get a reference based on usage.
	SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T** operator&() = delete;

	T* m_ptr;

template <typename T>
void ComPtr<T>::setNull()
	if (m_ptr)
		m_ptr = nullptr;
template <typename T>
const ComPtr<T>& ComPtr<T>::operator=(const ThisType& rhs)
	if (rhs.m_ptr) ((Ptr)rhs.m_ptr)->addRef();
	if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release();
	m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
	return *this;
template <typename T>
T* ComPtr<T>::operator=(T* ptr)
	if (ptr) ((Ptr)ptr)->addRef();
	if (m_ptr) ((Ptr)m_ptr)->release();
	m_ptr = ptr;
	return m_ptr;
template <typename T>
void ComPtr<T>::swap(ThisType& rhs)
	T* tmp = m_ptr;
	m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
	rhs.m_ptr = tmp;

} // namespace Slang

#endif // SLANG_COM_PTR_H
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