Revision e222ff8dd84b3048627428eca87b667df51fc227 authored by Mark Clements on 09 October 2016, 09:19:38 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 09 October 2016, 09:19:38 UTC
1 parent a5ef350
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "c_optim.h"
namespace rstpm2 {
// import namespaces
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
// typedefs
typedef bool constraintfn(int, double *, void *);
// enums
enum IntervalCensoring {RightCensored, ExactTime, LeftCensored, IntervalCensored};
// structs
struct li_constraint { vec li; double constraint; };
struct gradli_constraint { mat gradli; mat constraint; };
li_constraint operator+(li_constraint const &left, li_constraint const &right) {
li_constraint out = {,left.constraint+right.constraint};
return out;
gradli_constraint operator+(gradli_constraint const &left, gradli_constraint const &right) {
gradli_constraint out = {left.gradli+right.gradli,left.constraint+right.constraint};
return out;
// Hadamard element-wise multiplication for the _columns_ of a matrix with a vector
mat rmult(mat m, vec v) {
mat out(m);
out.each_col() %= v;
return out;
mat lmult(vec v, mat m) {
return rmult(m,v);
// print utilities
void Rprint(NumericMatrix const & m) {
for (int i=0; i<m.nrow(); ++i) {
for (int j=0; j<m.ncol(); ++j)
Rprintf("%f ", m(i,j));
void Rprint(NumericVector const & v) {
for (int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
Rprintf("%f ", v(i));
void Rprint(uvec const & v) {
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
Rprintf("%i ", v(i));
void Rprint(vec const & v) {
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
Rprintf("%f ", v(i));
void Rprint(rowvec const & v) {
for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
Rprintf("%f ", v(i));
void Rprint(mat const & m) {
for (size_t i=0; i<m.n_rows; ++i) {
for (size_t j=0; j<m.n_cols; ++j)
Rprintf("%f ", m(i,j));
// vectorised functions
vec pnorm01(vec const & x) {
vec out(x.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
out(i) = R::pnorm(x(i),0.0,1.0,1,0);
return out;
vec qnorm01(vec const & x) {
vec out(x.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
out(i) = R::qnorm(x(i),0.0,1.0,1,0);
return out;
vec dnorm01(vec const & x) {
vec out(x.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
out(i) = R::dnorm(x(i),0.0,1.0,0);
return out;
// we could use templates for the following...
vec logit(vec const & p) {
return log(p/(1-p));
vec expit(vec const & x) {
return 1/(1+exp(-x));
double logit(double p) {
return log(p/(1-p));
double expit(double x) {
return 1/(1+exp(-x));
// utility for fast ragged sums
RcppExport SEXP tapplySum(SEXP s_y, SEXP s_group) {
NumericVector y(s_y);
NumericVector group(s_group);
NumericVector::iterator iy, igroup;
std::map<double,double> out;
for (iy = y.begin(), igroup = group.begin(); iy != y.end(); ++iy, ++igroup) {
out[*igroup] += *iy;
return wrap(out);
class Link {
virtual vec link(vec S) = 0;
virtual vec ilink(vec x) = 0;
virtual vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) = 0;
virtual vec H(vec eta) = 0;
virtual mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) = 0;
virtual mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) = 0;
virtual ~Link() { }
// Various link objects
class LogLogLink : public Link {
vec link(vec S) { return log(-log(S)); }
vec ilink(vec x) { return exp(-exp(x)); }
vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) { return etaD % exp(eta); }
vec H(vec eta) { return exp(eta); }
mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) { return rmult(X,exp(eta)); }
mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) {
return rmult(XD, exp(eta)) + rmult(X, etaD % exp(eta));
cube hessianH(vec beta, mat X) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows);
for (size_t i=0; i<X.n_rows; ++i)
c.slice(i) = X.row(i).t()*X.row(i)*exp(dot(X.row(i),beta));
return c;
cube hessianh(vec beta, mat X, mat XD) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows);
for (size_t i=0; i<X.n_rows; ++i) {
rowvec Xi = X.row(i);
rowvec XDi = XD.row(i);
c.slice(i) = (XDi.t()*Xi + Xi.t()*XDi + dot(XDi,beta)*Xi.t()*Xi)*exp(dot(Xi,beta));
return c;
LogLogLink(SEXP sexp) {}
class ArandaOrdazLink : public Link {
vec link(vec S) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return log(-log(S));
else return log((exp(log(S)*(-thetaAO))-1)/thetaAO);
vec ilink(vec eta) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return exp(-exp(eta));
else return exp(-log(thetaAO*exp(eta)+1)/thetaAO);
vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return etaD % exp(eta);
else return exp(eta) % etaD/(thetaAO*exp(eta)+1);
vec H(vec eta) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return exp(eta);
else return log(thetaAO*exp(eta)+1)/thetaAO;
mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return rmult(X,exp(eta));
else return rmult(X,exp(eta)/(1+thetaAO*exp(eta)));
mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) {
if (thetaAO==0)
return rmult(XD, exp(eta)) + rmult(X, etaD % exp(eta));
else {
vec denom = (thetaAO*exp(eta)+1) % (thetaAO*exp(eta)+1);
return rmult(XD,(thetaAO*exp(2*eta)+exp(eta))/denom)+rmult(X,exp(eta) % etaD/denom);
double thetaAO;
ArandaOrdazLink(SEXP sexp) {
List args = as<List>(sexp);
thetaAO = as<double>(args["thetaAO"]);
// Useful relationship: d/dx expit(x)=expit(x)*expit(-x)
class LogitLink : public Link {
vec link(vec S) { return -logit(S); }
vec ilink(vec x) { return expit(-x); }
// vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) { return etaD % exp(eta) % expit(-eta); }
vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) { return etaD % expit(eta); }
vec H(vec eta) { return -log(expit(-eta)); }
mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) {
return rmult(X,expit(eta));
mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) {
// return rmult(X, etaD % exp(eta) % expit(-eta)) -
// rmult(X, exp(2*eta) % etaD % expit(-eta) % expit(-eta)) +
// rmult(XD, exp(eta) % expit(-eta));
return rmult(XD, expit(eta)) +
rmult(X, expit(eta) % expit(-eta) % etaD);
cube hessianH(vec beta, mat X) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows);
for (size_t i=0; i<X.n_rows; ++i) {
colvec Xi = X.row(i);
double Xibeta = dot(Xi,beta);
c.slice(i) = Xi.t()*Xi*expit(Xibeta)*expit(-Xibeta);
return c;
cube hessianh(vec beta, mat X, mat XD) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows);
for (size_t i=0; i<X.n_rows; ++i) {
colvec Xi = X.row(i);
colvec XDi = XD.row(i);
double Xibeta = dot(Xi,beta);
c.slice(i) = XDi.t()*Xi*expit(Xibeta) + Xi.t()*XDi*expit(-Xibeta)*expit(Xibeta);
return c;
LogitLink(SEXP sexp) {}
class ProbitLink : public Link {
vec link(vec S) { return -qnorm01(S); }
vec ilink(vec eta) { return pnorm01(-eta); }
vec H(vec eta) { return -log(pnorm01(-eta)); }
vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) { return etaD % dnorm01(-eta) / pnorm01(-eta); }
mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) {
return rmult(X, dnorm01(-eta) / pnorm01(-eta));
mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) {
return rmult(X, -eta % dnorm01(eta) % etaD / pnorm01(-eta)) +
rmult(X, dnorm01(eta) % dnorm01(eta) / pnorm01(-eta) / pnorm01(-eta) % etaD) +
rmult(XD,dnorm01(eta) / pnorm01(-eta));
// incomplete implementation
cube hessianh(vec beta, mat X, mat XD) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows, fill::zeros);
return c;
// incomplete implementation
cube hessianH(vec beta, mat X) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows, fill::zeros);
return c;
ProbitLink(SEXP sexp) {}
class LogLink : public Link {
vec link(vec S) { return -log(S); }
vec ilink(vec x) { return exp(-x); }
vec h(vec eta, vec etaD) { return etaD; }
vec H(vec eta) { return eta; }
mat gradh(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) { return XD; }
mat gradH(vec eta, mat X) { return X; }
cube hessianh(vec beta, mat X, mat XD) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows, fill::zeros);
return c;
cube hessianH(vec beta, mat X) {
cube c(beta.size(), beta.size(), X.n_rows, fill::zeros);
return c;
LogLink(SEXP sexp) {}
// wrappers to call class methods from C
template<class T>
double optimfunction(int n, double * beta, void * void_obj) {
T * obj = static_cast<T*>(void_obj);
vec coef(beta,n);
double value = obj->objective(coef % obj->parscale);
if (obj->bfgs.trace>1) {
Rprintf("beta="); Rprint(coef);
return value;
template<class T>
void optimgradient(int n, double * beta, double * grad, void * void_obj) {
T * obj = static_cast<T*>(void_obj);
vec coef(beta,n);
if (obj->bfgs.trace>1) {
Rprintf("beta="); Rprint(coef);
if (obj->bfgs.trace>2) {
Rprintf("parscale="); Rprint(obj->parscale);
vec gr = obj->gradient(coef % obj->parscale);
if (obj->bfgs.trace>1) {
Rprintf("gradient="); Rprint(gr);
// if (obj->bfgs.trace>2) {
// Rprintf("fdgradient="); Rprint(obj->fdgradient(coef % obj->parscale));
// }
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) grad[i] = gr[i];
template<class T>
void optimfunction_nlm(int n, double * beta, double * f, void * void_obj) {
T * obj = static_cast<T*>(void_obj);
vec coef(beta,n);
*f = obj->objective(coef % obj->parscale);
class BFGS2 : public BFGS {
NumericMatrix calc_hessian(optimgr gr, void * ex) {
if (parscale.size()==0) REprintf("parscale is not defined for BFGS2::calc_hessian.\n");
int n = coef.size();
NumericVector df1(n);
NumericVector df2(n);
NumericMatrix hess(n,n);
double tmp;
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
tmp = coef[i];
coef[i] = tmp + epshess/parscale[i];
gr(n, &coef[0], &df1[0], ex);
coef[i] = tmp - epshess/parscale[i];
gr(n, &coef[0], &df2[0], ex);
for (int j=0; j<n; ++j)
hess(i,j) = (df1[j] - df2[j]) / (2*epshess);
coef[i] = tmp;
// now symmetrize
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
for(int j=i; j<n; ++j)
if (i != j)
hess(i,j) = hess(j,i) = (hess(i,j) + hess(j,i)) / 2.0;
return hess; // wrap()?
vec parscale;
class NelderMead2 : public NelderMead {
NumericMatrix calc_hessian(optimfn fn, void * ex) {
if (parscale.size()==0) REprintf("parscale is not defined for NelderMead2::calc_hessian.");
int n = coef.size();
NumericMatrix hess(n,n);
double tmpi,tmpj,f1,f0,fm1,hi,hj,fij,fimj,fmij,fmimj;
f0 = fn(n,&coef[0],ex);
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
tmpi = coef[i];
hi = epshess*(1.0+std::abs(tmpi))/parscale[i];
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
f1=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
fm1=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
// hess(i,i) = (-f2 +16.0*f1 - 30.0*f0 + 16.0*fm1 -fm2)/(12.0*hi*hi);
hess(i,i) = (f1 - 2.0*f0 + fm1)/(hi*hi*parscale[i]*parscale[i]);
coef[i] = tmpi;
for (int j=i; j<n; ++j) {
if (i != j) {
tmpj = coef[j];
hj = epshess*(1.0+std::abs(tmpj))/parscale[j];
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
coef[j] = tmpj + hj;
fij=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
coef[j] = tmpj - hj;
fimj=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
coef[j] = tmpj + hj;
fmij=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
coef[j] = tmpj - hj;
fmimj=fn(n, &coef[0], ex);
hess(j,i) = hess(i,j) = (fij-fimj-fmij+fmimj)/(4.0*hi*hj*parscale[i]*parscale[j]);
coef[i] = tmpi;
coef[j] = tmpj;
return hess;
vec parscale;
class Nlm2 : public Nlm {
NumericMatrix calc_hessian(fcn_p fn, void * ex) {
if (parscale.size()==0) REprintf("parscale is not defined for Nlm2::calc_hessian.");
int n = coef.size();
NumericMatrix hess(n,n);
double tmpi,tmpj,f1,f0,fm1,hi,hj,fij,fimj,fmij,fmimj;
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
tmpi = coef[i];
hi = epshess*(1.0+std::abs(tmpi))/parscale[i];
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
fn(n, &coef[0], &f1, ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
fn(n, &coef[0], &fm1, ex);
// hess(i,i) = (-f2 +16.0*f1 - 30.0*f0 + 16.0*fm1 -fm2)/(12.0*hi*hi);
hess(i,i) = (f1 - 2.0*f0 + fm1)/(hi*hi*parscale[i]*parscale[i]);
coef[i] = tmpi;
for (int j=i; j<n; ++j) {
if (i != j) {
tmpj = coef[j];
hj = epshess*(1.0+std::abs(tmpj))/parscale[j];
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
coef[j] = tmpj + hj;
fn(n, &coef[0], &fij, ex);
coef[i] = tmpi + hi;
coef[j] = tmpj - hj;
fn(n, &coef[0], &fimj, ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
coef[j] = tmpj + hj;
fn(n, &coef[0], &fmij, ex);
coef[i] = tmpi - hi;
coef[j] = tmpj - hj;
fn(n, &coef[0], &fmimj, ex);
hess(j,i) = hess(i,j) = (fij-fimj-fmij+fmimj)/(4.0*hi*hj*parscale[i]*parscale[j]);
coef[i] = tmpi;
coef[j] = tmpj;
return hess;
vec parscale;
/** @brief Macro to define the optimisation functions. Defined as a macro
because the C API needs to pass a 'This' template parameter
which varies for the different classes (alternatively, this
could be defined using the curiously recurring template
void optimWithConstraintBFGS(NumericVector init) { \
bool satisfied; \
this->kappa = this->kappa_init; \
do { \
this->bfgs.optim(&optimfunction<This>, &optimgradient<This>, init, (void *) this); \
vec vcoef(&this->bfgs.coef[0],this->n); \
satisfied = this->feasible(vcoef % this->parscale); \
if (!satisfied) this->kappa *= 2.0; \
} while ((!satisfied) && this->kappa < 1.0e3); \
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0 && this->kappa>1.0) Rprintf("kappa=%f\n",this->kappa); \
} \
void optimWithConstraintNM(NumericVector init) { \
bool satisfied; \
NelderMead2 nm; \
nm.hessianp = false; \
nm.parscale = this->parscale; \
this->kappa = this->kappa_init; \
do { \
nm.optim(&optimfunction<This>, init, (void *) this); \
vec vcoef(&nm.coef[0],this->n); \
satisfied = this->feasible(vcoef % this->parscale); \
if (!satisfied) this->kappa *= 2.0; \
} while ((!satisfied) && this->kappa < this->maxkappa); \
nm.hessian = nm.calc_hessian(&optimfunction<This>, (void *) this); \
this->bfgs.coef = nm.coef; \
this->bfgs.hessian = nm.hessian; \
} \
void optimWithConstraintNlm(NumericVector init) { \
bool satisfied; \
Nlm2 nm; \
nm.gradtl = nm.steptl = this->reltol; \
nm.parscale = this->parscale; \
this->kappa = this->kappa_init; \
do { \
nm.optim(&optimfunction_nlm<This>, init, (void *) this); \
vec vcoef(&nm.coef[0],this->n); \
satisfied = this->feasible(vcoef % this->parscale); \
if (!satisfied) this->kappa *= 2.0; \
} while ((!satisfied) && this->kappa < 1.0e3); \
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0 && this->kappa>1.0) Rprintf("kappa=%f\n",this->kappa); \
nm.hessian = nm.calc_hessian(&optimfunction_nlm<This>, (void *) this); \
this->bfgs.coef = nm.coef; \
this->bfgs.hessian = nm.hessian; \
} \
void optimWithConstraint(NumericVector init) { \
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0) Rprintf("Starting optimization\n"); \
if (this->optimiser == "NelderMead") \
optimWithConstraintNM(init); \
else if (this->optimiser == "Nlm") \
optimWithConstraintNlm(init); \
else \
optimWithConstraintBFGS(init); \
// struct for data
struct BaseData {
mat X, XD, X0, X1;
vec bhazard,wt,wt0,event,time;
vec map0;
uvec ind0, which0;
// Main class for Stpm2 (fully parametric)
class Stpm2 : public BaseData {
typedef Stpm2 This;
Stpm2(SEXP sexp) : bfgs() {
List list = as<List>(sexp);
std::string linkType = as<std::string>(list["link"]);
if (linkType=="PH")
link=new LogLogLink(sexp);
else if (linkType=="PO")
link=new LogitLink(sexp);
else if (linkType=="probit")
link=new ProbitLink(sexp);
else if (linkType=="AH")
link=new LogLink(sexp);
else if (linkType=="AO")
link=new ArandaOrdazLink(sexp);
else {
REprintf("No matching link.type");
bfgs.coef = init = as<NumericVector>(list["init"]);
X = as<mat>(list["X"]);
XD = as<mat>(list["XD"]);
bhazard = as<vec>(list["bhazard"]);
wt = as<vec>(list["wt"]);
event = as<vec>(list["event"]);
time = as<vec>(list["time"]);
delayed = as<bool>(list["delayed"]);
interval = as<bool>(list["interval"]);
n = init.size(); // number of parameters
N = X.n_rows; // number of observations
X1 = as<mat>(list["X1"]);
X0 = as<mat>(list["X0"]);
wt0.set_size(N); wt0.fill(0.0);
if (delayed) {
wt0 = as<vec>(list["wt0"]);
// if (interval) {
// X1 = as<mat>(list["X1"]);
// }
map0 = as<vec>(list["map0"]); // length N map for X->X0
full_which0 = as<vec>(list["which0"]); // length N map for X0->X
ind0 = as<uvec>(list["ind0"]); // length N boolean for X0
ttype = as<vec>(list["ttype"]);
kappa_init = kappa = as<double>(list["kappa"]);
maxkappa = as<double>(list["maxkappa"]);
optimiser = as<std::string>(list["optimiser"]);
bfgs.trace = as<int>(list["trace"]);
reltol = bfgs.reltol = as<double>(list["reltol"]);
bfgs.hessianp = false;
bfgs.parscale = parscale = as<vec>(list["parscale"]);
which0 = removeNaN(full_which0);
// log-likelihood components and constraints
// Note: the li and gradli components depend on other variables (bhazard, wt, wt0, wt, event);
// calculations should *not* be done on subsets
virtual ~Stpm2() {
delete link;
li_constraint li_right_censored(vec eta, vec etaD) {
vec h = link->h(eta,etaD) + bhazard;
vec H = link->H(eta);
vec eps = h*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
double constraint = kappa/2.0 * (sum(h % h % (h<0)) +
sum(H % H % (H<0)));
h = max(h,eps);
H = max(H,eps);
vec li = wt % event % log(h) - wt % H;
li_constraint out = {li, constraint};
return out;
li_constraint li_left_truncated(vec eta0) {
vec H0 = link->H(eta0);
double constraint = kappa/2.0 * sum(H0 % H0 % (H0<0));
vec eps = H0*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
vec li = wt0 % max(H0,eps);
li_constraint out = {li, constraint};
return out;
li_constraint li_interval(vec eta, vec etaD, vec eta1) {
vec H = link->H(eta);
vec H1 = link->H(eta1);
vec h = link->h(eta, etaD) + bhazard;
double constraint = kappa/2.0 * (sum(H % H % (H<0))+
sum(h % h % (h<0))+
sum(H1 % H1 % (H1<0)));
vec eps = H*0.0 + 1e-16;
H = max(H,eps);
H1 = max(H1,eps);
h = max(h,eps);
vec li(N,fill::zeros);
uvec index;
index = find(ttype == 0); // right censored
if (any(index)) li(index) -= wt(index) % H(index);
index = find(ttype == 1); // exact
if (any(index)) li(index) += wt(index) % (log(h(index)) - H(index));
index = find(ttype == 2); // left censored
if (any(index)) li(index) += wt(index) % log(1-exp(-H(index)));
index = find(ttype == 3); // interval censored
if (any(index)) li(index) += wt(index) % log(exp(-H(index)) - exp(-H1(index)));
li_constraint out = {li, constraint};
return out;
li_constraint li(vec eta, vec etaD, vec eta0, vec eta1) {
if (interval) {
return li_interval(eta, etaD, eta1);
else {
li_constraint s = li_right_censored(eta, etaD);
if (delayed && !eta0.empty()) {
li_constraint s0 = li_left_truncated(eta0);
s.constraint += s0.constraint;
if (bfgs.trace > 0) {
} +=;
return s;
// negative log-likelihood
double objective(vec beta) {
li_constraint s = li(X * beta, XD * beta, X0 * beta, X1 * beta);
return -sum( + s.constraint;
// finite-differencing of the gradient for the objective
vec fdgradient(vec beta, double eps = 1.0e-8) {
int n = beta.size();
vec grad(n);
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
vec lower(beta);
vec upper(beta);
upper(i) += eps;
lower(i) -= eps;
grad(i) = (objective(upper) - objective(lower)) / 2.0 / eps;
return grad;
// log-likelihood gradient components
// Note: gradH and gradh are currently calculated at eta and etaD and may not satisfy the constraints,
// while H and h may be transformed for the constraints
gradli_constraint gradli_right_censored(vec eta, vec etaD, mat X, mat XD) {
vec h = link->h(eta,etaD) + bhazard;
vec H = link->H(eta);
vec eps = h*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
mat gradH = link->gradH(eta,X);
mat gradh = link->gradh(eta,etaD,X,XD);
mat Xconstraint = kappa * (rmult(gradh, h % (h<0)) +
rmult(gradH, H % (H<0)));
// h = max(h,eps);
mat Xgrad = -rmult(gradH, wt) + rmult(gradh, event / h % wt);
gradli_constraint out = {Xgrad, Xconstraint};
return out;
gradli_constraint gradli_left_truncated(vec eta0, mat X0) {
mat gradH0 = link->gradH(eta0, X0);
vec H0 = link->H(eta0);
vec eps = H0*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
mat Xconstraint = kappa * rmult(gradH0, H0 % (H0<0));
mat Xgrad = rmult(gradH0, wt0);
gradli_constraint out = {Xgrad, Xconstraint};
return out;
gradli_constraint gradli_interval_censored(vec eta, vec etaD, vec eta1,
mat X, mat XD, mat X1) {
vec H = link->H(eta);
vec h = link->h(eta,etaD);
vec H1 = link->H(eta1);
mat gradH = link->gradH(eta,X);
mat gradH1 = link->gradH(eta1,X1);
mat gradh = link->gradh(eta, etaD, X, XD);
vec eps = H*0.0 + 1e-16;
mat Xconstraint = kappa * (rmult(gradH, H % (H<eps))+
rmult(gradh, h % (h<eps))+
rmult(gradH1, H1 % (H1<eps)));
H = max(H,eps);
H1 = max(H1,eps);
h = max(h,eps);
mat li(N,n,fill::zeros);
uvec index;
index = find(ttype == 0); // right censored
if (any(index)) li.rows(index) -= rmult(gradH.rows(index),wt(index));
index = find(ttype == 1); // exact
if (any(index)) li.rows(index) += rmult(gradh.rows(index),wt(index) / h(index)) - rmult(gradH.rows(index),wt(index));
index = find(ttype == 2); // left censored
if (any(index)) li.rows(index) += rmult(-gradH.rows(index),-exp(-H(index)) / (1-exp(-H(index))) % wt(index));
index = find(ttype == 3); // interval censored
if (any(index)) {
vec V = wt(index) / (exp(-H(index)) - exp(-H1(index)));
li.rows(index) += rmult(gradH1.rows(index),V % exp(-H1(index))) -
rmult(gradH.rows(index),V % exp(-H(index)));
gradli_constraint out = {li, Xconstraint};
return out;
gradli_constraint gradli(vec eta, vec etaD, vec eta0, vec eta1,
mat X, mat XD, mat X0, mat X1) {
if (interval) return gradli_interval_censored(eta, etaD, eta1, X, XD, X1);
else {
gradli_constraint s = gradli_right_censored(eta, etaD, X, XD);
if (delayed) {
gradli_constraint s0 = gradli_left_truncated(eta0, X0);
s.constraint.rows(which0) += s0.constraint;
s.gradli.rows(which0) += s0.gradli;
return s;
// gradient of the negative log-likelihood
vec gradient(vec beta) {
gradli_constraint gc = gradli(X * beta, XD * beta, X0 * beta, X1 * beta,
X, XD, X0, X1);
rowvec dconstraint = sum(gc.constraint,0);
rowvec vgr = sum(gc.gradli,0);
vec gr(n);
for (size_t i = 0; i<beta.size(); ++i) {
gr[i] = vgr[i];// - dconstraint[i];
return -gr;
bool feasible(vec beta) {
vec eta = X * beta;
vec etaD = XD * beta;
vec h = link->h(eta, etaD) + bhazard;
vec H = link->H(eta);
bool condition = all((h>0) % (H>0));
if (delayed) {
vec eta0 = X0 * beta;
// vec etaD0 = XD0 * beta;
vec H0 = link->H(eta0);
condition = condition && all(H0>0);
return condition;
void pre_process() {
for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) init[i] /= parscale[i];
void post_process() {
for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
bfgs.coef[i] *= parscale[i];
init[i] *= parscale[i];
// NumericMatrix calcHessian(NumericVector nvbeta) {
// // not defined for interval-censored or probit link
// vec beta(&nvbeta[0],n);
// vec eta = X * beta;
// vec etaD = XD * beta;
// vec h = link->h(eta,etaD);
// mat gradh = link->gradh(eta,etaD,X,XD);
// cube hessianh = link->hessianh(beta,X,XD);
// cube hessianH = link->hessianH(beta,X);
// cube hessianH0 = link->hessianH(beta,X0);
// mat hessian = -arma::sum(hessianH,2);
// if (delayed)
// hessian += arma::sum(hessianH0,2);
// for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
// hessian += event(i)/h(i)*hessianh.slice(i) -
// event(i)/h(i)/h(i)*gradh.row(i).t()*gradh.row(i);
// return wrap(-hessian);
// }
uvec map0f(uvec index) {
return removeNaN(this->map0(index));
uvec which0f(uvec index) {
vec which = this->full_which0(index);
return find(which == which);
uvec removeNaN(vec x) {
vec newx = x;
uvec index = find(newx == newx); // NaN != NaN
newx = newx(index);
return conv_to<uvec>::from(newx);
SEXP return_modes() { return wrap(-1); } // used in NormalSharedFrailties
SEXP return_variances() { return wrap(-1); } // used in NormalSharedFrailties
NumericVector init;
vec parscale, ttype, full_which0;
double kappa_init, kappa, maxkappa, reltol;
bool delayed, interval;
int n, N;
BFGS2 bfgs;
std::string optimiser;
Link * link;
// penalised smoothers
// _Not_ sub-classes of Pstpm2, hence the longer function signatures
class SmoothLogH {
struct Smoother {
int first_para, last_para;
mat S;
SmoothLogH(SEXP sexp) {
List list = as<List>(sexp);
List lsmooth = as<List>(list["smooth"]);
for(int i=0; i<lsmooth.size(); ++i) {
List lsmoothi = as<List>(lsmooth[i]);
List lsmoothiS = as<List>(lsmoothi["S"]);
Smoother smoothi = {
as<int>(lsmoothi["first.para"]) - 1,
as<int>(lsmoothi["last.para"]) - 1,
double penalty(vec vbeta, vec sp) {
double value = 0.0;
for (size_t i=0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
Smoother smoothi = smooth[i];
value += sp[i]/2 *
smoothi.S * vbeta.subvec(smoothi.first_para,smoothi.last_para));
return value;
vec penalty_gradient(vec vbeta, vec sp) {
int n = vbeta.size();
rowvec vgr(n, fill::zeros);
for (size_t i=0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
Smoother smoothi = smooth[i];
vgr.subvec(smoothi.first_para,smoothi.last_para) +=
sp[i] * (smoothi.S * vbeta.subvec(smoothi.first_para,smoothi.last_para)).t();
vec gr(n);
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) gr[i] = vgr[i];
return gr;
vec traces(mat X) {
vec values(smooth.size(), fill::zeros);
for (size_t i=0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
Smoother smoothi = smooth[i];
for (size_t j=smoothi.first_para; j <= static_cast<size_t>(smoothi.last_para); ++j)
values[i] += X(j,j);
return values;
std::vector<Smoother> smooth;
// // TODO: include first_para and last_para class data for the traces() method
// class SmoothHaz {
// public:
// struct Smoother {
// mat X0, X1, X2, X3;
// vec w;
// double lambda;
// };
// SmoothHaz(SEXP sexp) {
// List list = as<List>(sexp);
// List lsmooth = as<List>(list["smooth"]);
// for(int i=0; i<lsmooth.size(); ++i) {
// List lsmoothi = as<List>(lsmooth[i]);
// Smoother smoothi = {
// as<mat>(lsmoothi["X0"]),
// as<mat>(lsmoothi["X1"]),
// as<mat>(lsmoothi["X2"]),
// as<mat>(lsmoothi["X3"]),
// as<vec>(lsmoothi["w"]),
// as<double>(lsmoothi["lambda"])
// };
// smooth.push_back(smoothi);
// }
// }
// double penalty(vec vbeta, vec sp) {
// double value = 0.0;
// for (size_t i=0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
// Smoother obj = smooth[i];
// vec s0 = obj.X0 * vbeta;
// vec s1 = obj.X1 * vbeta;
// vec s2 = obj.X2 * vbeta;
// vec s3 = obj.X3 * vbeta;
// vec h2 = exp(s0) % (s3 + 3*s1%s2 + s1%s1%s1);
// value += sp[i]/2 * obj.lambda * sum(obj.w % h2 % h2);
// }
// return value;
// }
// vec penalty_gradient(vec vbeta, vec sp) {
// int n = vbeta.size();
// rowvec vgr(n, fill::zeros);
// for (size_t i=0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
// Smoother obj = smooth[i];
// vec s0 = obj.X0 * vbeta;
// vec s1 = obj.X1 * vbeta;
// vec s2 = obj.X2 * vbeta;
// vec s3 = obj.X3 * vbeta;
// vec h2 = exp(s0) % (s3 + 3*s1%s2 + s1%s1%s1);
// mat dh2sq_dbeta =
// 2*lmult(h2 % exp(s0),
// obj.X3+3*(rmult(obj.X1,s2)+rmult(obj.X2,s1))+3*lmult(s1%s1,obj.X1))+
// 2*lmult(h2 % h2,obj.X0);
// vgr += sp[i]*obj.lambda*sum(lmult(obj.w, dh2sq_dbeta),0);
// }
// vec gr(n);
// for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) gr[i] = vgr[i];
// return gr;
// }
// std::vector<Smoother> smooth;
// };
template<class T>
double pstpm2_multivariate_step(int n, double * logsp_ptr, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
vec logsp(logsp_ptr,n);
R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* be polite -- did the user hit ctrl-C? */
return model->multivariate_step(logsp);
template<class T>
double pstpm2_first_step(double logsp, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* be polite -- did the user hit ctrl-C? */
return model->first_step(logsp);
template<class T>
void pstpm2_multivariate_stepNlm(int n, double * logsp_ptr, double * objective, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
vec logsp(logsp_ptr,n);
R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* be polite -- did the user hit ctrl-C? */
*objective = model->multivariate_step(logsp);
// Penalised link-based models
template<class Stpm2Type = Stpm2, class Smooth = SmoothLogH>
class Pstpm2 : public Stpm2Type, public Smooth {
typedef Pstpm2<Stpm2Type,Smooth> This;
Pstpm2(SEXP sexp) : Stpm2Type(sexp), Smooth(sexp) {
List list = as<List>(sexp);
sp = as<vec>(list["sp"]);
reltol_search = as<double>(list["reltol_search"]);
reltol_outer = as<double>(list["reltol_outer"]);
alpha = as<double>(list["alpha"]);
criterion = as<int>(list["criterion"]);
outer_optim = as<int>(list["outer_optim"]);
double objective(vec beta) {
return Stpm2Type::objective(beta) + Smooth::penalty(beta,sp);
double objective0(vec beta) {
return Stpm2Type::objective(beta);
vec gradient(vec beta) {
return Stpm2Type::gradient(beta) + Smooth::penalty_gradient(beta,sp);
vec gradient0(vec beta) {
return Stpm2Type::gradient(beta);
double calc_edf(NumericMatrix hessian0) {
double max_edf = this->bfgs.hessian.ncol();
mat m;
bool flag = arma::solve(m, as<mat>(this->bfgs.hessian), as<mat>(hessian0));
double edf = flag ? arma::trace(m) : (max_edf*2.0);
if (edf<0.0) edf = max_edf*2.0;
return edf;
double first_step(double logsp) {
sp[0] = exp(logsp);
this->bfgs.hessian = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<This>, (void *) this);
NumericMatrix hessian0 = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<Stpm2Type>, (void *) this);
if (this->bfgs.trace > 1) {
Rprintf("Debug on trace calculation. Coef:\n");
if (this->bfgs.trace > 1) {
double edf = calc_edf(hessian0);
double negll = this->bfgs.calc_objective(&optimfunction<Stpm2Type>, (void *) this);
double gcv = negll + alpha*edf;
double bic = negll + alpha*edf*log(sum(this->event));
this->init = this->bfgs.coef;
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0)
return criterion==1 ? gcv : bic;
double multivariate_step(vec logsp) {
double lsp = -9.0, usp = 9.0;
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
sp[i] = exp(bound(logsp[i],lsp,usp));
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
this->bfgs.hessian = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<This>, (void *) this);
NumericMatrix hessian0 = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<Stpm2Type>, (void *) this);
double edf = calc_edf(hessian0);
double negll = this->bfgs.calc_objective(&optimfunction<Stpm2Type>, (void *) this);
double gcv = negll + alpha*edf;
double bic = 2.0*negll + alpha*edf*log(sum(this->event));
this->init = this->bfgs.coef;
// simple boundary constraints
double constraint = 0.0;
// double kappa = 1.0;
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i) {
if (logsp[i] < lsp)
constraint += pow(logsp[i]-lsp,2.0);
if (logsp[i] > usp)
constraint += pow(logsp[i]-usp,2.0);
double objective = criterion==1 ?
gcv + this->kappa/2.0*constraint :
bic + this->kappa/2.0*constraint;
if (this->bfgs.trace > 0) {
return objective;
SEXP optim_fixed() {
this->bfgs.hessian = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<This>, (void *) this);
NumericMatrix hessian0 = this->bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<Stpm2Type>, (void *) this);
mat Proj = solve(as<mat>(wrap(this->bfgs.hessian)),as<mat>(wrap(hessian0)));
double edf = trace(Proj);
NumericVector edf_var = as<NumericVector>(wrap(Smooth::traces(Proj)));
return List::create(_("sp")=wrap(sp),
SEXP optim_first() {
this->bfgs.reltol = reltol_search;
double opt_sp = exp(Brent_fmin(log(0.001),log(1000.0),&(pstpm2_first_step<This>),(void *) this,reltol_outer));
sp[0] = opt_sp;
this->bfgs.reltol = this->reltol;
return optim_fixed();
SEXP optim_multivariate() {
if (outer_optim==1) return optim_multivariate_NelderMead();
else return optim_multivariate_Nlm();
SEXP optim_multivariate_NelderMead() {
this->kappa = 10.0;
NelderMead2 nm;
nm.reltol = reltol_outer;
nm.maxit = 500;
nm.hessianp = false;
nm.parscale = this->parscale;
this->bfgs.reltol = reltol_search;
NumericVector logsp(sp.size());
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
logsp[i] = log(sp[i]);
bool satisfied;
do {
nm.optim(&pstpm2_multivariate_step<This>, logsp, (void *) this);
satisfied = true;
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
if (logsp[i]< -9.0 || logsp[i] > 9.0) satisfied = false;
if (!satisfied) this->kappa *= 2.0;
} while (!satisfied && this->kappa<1.0e5);
for (int i=0; i < nm.coef.size(); ++i)
sp[i] = exp(nm.coef[i]);
this->bfgs.coef = this->init;
this->bfgs.reltol = this->reltol;
return optim_fixed();
SEXP optim_multivariate_Nlm() {
this->kappa = this->kappa_init;
Nlm2 nm;
nm.gradtl = nm.steptl = reltol_outer;
nm.itnlim = 100;
// nm.hessianp = false;
nm.parscale = this->parscale;
this->bfgs.reltol = reltol_search;
NumericVector logsp(sp.size());
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
logsp[i] = log(sp[i]);
bool satisfied;
do {
nm.optim(&pstpm2_multivariate_stepNlm<This>, logsp, (void *) this);
satisfied = true;
for (size_t i=0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
if (logsp[i]< -9.0 || logsp[i] > 9.0) satisfied = false;
if (!satisfied) this->kappa *= 2.0;
} while (!satisfied && this->kappa<1.0e5);
for (int i=0; i < nm.coef.size(); ++i)
sp[i] = exp(nm.coef[i]);
this->bfgs.coef = this->init;
this->bfgs.reltol = this->reltol;
return optim_fixed();
vec sp;
double alpha, reltol_search, reltol_outer;
int criterion, outer_optim;
// template<class Smooth, class Stpm2>
// void pstpm2_step_multivariate_nlm(int n, double * logsp, double * f, void *ex) {
// *f = pstpm2_step_multivariate<Smooth,Stpm2>(n, logsp, ex);
// };
Extension of stpm2 and pstpm2 to include gamma shared frailties with a cluster variable
template<class Base>
class GammaSharedFrailty : public Base {
typedef std::vector<int> Index;
typedef std::map<int,Index> IndexMap;
typedef GammaSharedFrailty<Base> This;
GammaSharedFrailty(SEXP sexp) : Base(sexp) {
List list = as<List>(sexp);
ivec cluster = as<ivec>(list["cluster"]);
recurrent = as<bool>(list["recurrent"]);
// wragged array indexed by a map of vectors
for (size_t id=0; id<cluster.size(); ++id) {
if (this->ind0[id])
Objective function for a Gamma shared frailty
Assumes that weights == 1.
double objective(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
if (this->bfgs.trace>0) {
vec vbeta(beta); // logtheta is the last parameter in beta
double theta = exp(beta[n-1]);
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec h = this->link->h(eta,etaD) + this->bhazard;
vec H = this->link->H(eta);
double constraint = this->kappa/2.0 * (sum(h % h % (h<0)) + sum(H % H % (H<0)));
vec eps = h*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
h = max(h,eps);
H = max(H,eps);
vec H0;
if (this->delayed) {
vec eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
H0 = this->link->H(eta0);
constraint += this->kappa/2.0 * sum(H0 % H0 % (H0<0));
double ll = 0.0;
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
uvec index = conv_to<uvec>::from(it->second);
int mi = sum(this->event(index));
double sumH = sum(H(index));
double sumHenter = 0.0;
ll += sum(log(h(index)) % this->event(index)); // shared
if (this->delayed && !cluster_delayed[it->first].empty()) {
uvec ind00 = conv_to<uvec>::from(cluster_delayed[it->first]);
sumHenter = sum(H0(Base::map0f(ind00)));
if (recurrent) {
ll += -(1.0/theta+mi)*log(1.0+theta*(sumH - sumHenter)); // Gutierrez (2002)
} else {
ll += -(1.0/theta+mi)*log(1.0+theta*sumH) + 1.0/theta*log(1.0+theta*sumHenter); // Rondeau et al
if (!recurrent && mi>0) {
for (int k=1; k<=mi; ++k)
ll += log(1.0+theta*(mi-k));
if (recurrent && mi>0) {
ll += R::lgammafn(1.0/theta+mi)-R::lgammafn(1.0/theta)+mi*log(theta); // Gutierrez (2002)
ll -= constraint;
return -ll;
vec gradient(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
vec gr = zeros<vec>(n);
vec grconstraint = zeros<vec>(n);
vec vbeta(beta); // theta is the last parameter in beta
double theta = exp(beta[n-1]);
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec h = this->link->h(eta,etaD);
vec H = this->link->H(eta);
mat gradh = this->link->gradh(eta,etaD,this->X,this->XD);
mat gradH = this->link->gradH(eta,this->X);
vec eps = h*0.0 + 1.0e-16;
h = max(h,eps);
H = max(H,eps);
vec H0;
mat gradH0;
if (this->delayed) {
vec eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
// vec etaD0 = this->XD0 * vbeta;
H0 = this->link->H(eta0);
gradH0 = this->link->gradH(eta0,this->X0);
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
int mi=0;
double sumH = 0.0, sumHenter = 0.0;
vec gradi = zeros<vec>(n-1);
vec gradHi = zeros<vec>(n-1);
vec gradH0i = zeros<vec>(n-1);
vec grconstraint = zeros<vec>(n-1);
for (Index::iterator j=it->second.begin(); j!=it->second.end(); ++j) {
sumH += H(*j);
gradHi += gradH.row(*j).t();
if (this->event(*j)==1) {
gradi += gradh.row(*j).t() / h(*j);
if (this->delayed && this->ind0[*j]) {
int jj = this->map0[*j];
sumHenter += H0(jj);
gradH0i += gradH0.row(jj).t();
grconstraint += this->kappa * (gradH0.row(jj).t() * H0(jj) * (H0(jj)<0));
grconstraint += this->kappa * ((gradh.row(*j).t() * h(*j) * (h(*j)<0)) + (gradH.row(*j).t() * H(*j) * (H(*j)<0)));
for (int k=0; k<n-1; ++k) {
if (recurrent) {
gr(k) += gradi(k) - (1.0/theta+mi)*theta*(gradHi(k)-gradH0i(k))/(1+theta*(sumH-sumHenter)) - grconstraint(k); // Gutierrez
} else {
gr(k) += gradi(k) - theta*(1.0/theta+mi)*gradHi(k)/(1+theta*sumH) + 1.0/(1+theta*sumHenter)*gradH0i(k) - grconstraint(k); // Rondeau et al
if (recurrent) {
// axiom: D(-(1/exp(btheta)+mi)*log(1+exp(btheta)*H),btheta)
// axiom: D(log(Gamma(1/exp(btheta)+mi))-log(Gamma(1/exp(btheta)))+mi*btheta,btheta)
double H = sumH - sumHenter;
gr(n-1) += ((1+theta*H)*log(1+H*theta)-H*mi*theta*theta - H*theta)/(H*theta*theta + theta) + (-R::digamma(1.0/theta+mi)+R::digamma(1/theta)+mi*theta)/theta;
} else {
// axiom: D(-(1/exp(btheta)+mi)*log(1+exp(btheta)*H),btheta)
// axiom: D(1.0/exp(btheta)*log(1+exp(btheta)*H0),btheta)
gr(n-1) += ((1+sumH*theta)*log(1+sumH*theta)-sumH*mi*theta*theta-sumH*theta)/(sumH*theta*theta+theta);
gr(n-1) += (-(1+sumHenter*theta)*log(sumHenter*theta+1)+sumHenter*theta)/(sumHenter*theta*theta+theta);
if (mi>0) {
for (int k=1; k<=mi; ++k)
// axiom: D(log(1+exp(btheta)*(mi-k)),btheta)
gr(n-1) += theta*(mi-k)/(1.0+theta*(mi-k));
return -gr;
bool feasible(vec beta) {
vec coef(beta);
return Base::feasible(coef);
IndexMap clusters, cluster_delayed;
bool recurrent;
/** @brief Wrapper for calling an objective_cluster method
template<class T>
double call_objective_cluster(double bi, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
return model->objective_cluster(bi);
template<class T>
double call_gradient_cluster(double bi, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
return model->gradient_cluster(bi);
/** @brief Wrapper for calling a gradient_cluster method
template<class T>
double call_objective_cluster_bfgs(int n, double *bi, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
return model->objective_cluster(*bi);
template<class T>
void call_gradient_cluster_bfgs(int dim, double * bi, double* out, void * model_ptr) {
T * model = static_cast<T *>(model_ptr);
*out = model->gradient_cluster(*bi);
Extension of stpm2 and pstpm2 to include log-normal shared frailties with a cluster variable
template<class Base>
class NormalSharedFrailty : public Base {
typedef std::vector<int> Index;
typedef std::map<int,Index> IndexMap;
typedef NormalSharedFrailty<Base> This;
typedef std::map<int,double> Doubles;
NormalSharedFrailty(SEXP sexp) : Base(sexp) {
List list = as<List>(sexp);
const BaseData fullTmp = {this->X, this->XD, this->X0, this->X1, this->bhazard,
this->wt, this->wt0, this->event, this->time,
this->map0, this->ind0, this->which0};
full = fullTmp;
IntegerVector cluster = as<IntegerVector>(list["cluster"]);
full_Z = Z = as<vec>(list["Z"]);
full_Z0 = Z0 = Z(this->ind0); // this could be size 0...
gauss_x = as<vec>(list["gauss_x"]); // node values
gauss_w = as<vec>(list["gauss_w"]); // probability weights
adaptive = as<bool>(list["adaptive"]);
recurrent = as<bool>(list["recurrent"]);
first = true;
// wragged array indexed by a map of vectors
for (int id=0; id<cluster.size(); ++id) {
Objective function for a log-normal shared frailty
Assumes that weights == 1.
double objective_nonadaptive(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
vec vbeta(beta); // nu=log(variance) is the last parameter in beta; exp(nu)=sigma^2
double sigma = exp(0.5*beta[n-1]); // standard deviation
int K = gauss_x.size(); // number of nodes
vec wstar = gauss_w/sqrt(datum::pi);
double constraint = 0.0;
double ll = 0.0;
bool left_trunc_not_recurrent = (this->delayed && !this->recurrent && !this->interval);
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec eta0(1,fill::zeros);
vec eta1(this->X.n_rows,fill::zeros);
if (this->delayed) {
eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
eta1 = this->X1 * vbeta;
double Lj = 0.0, L0j = 0.0;
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
li_constraint lik, H0ik;
double bi = sqrt(2.0)*sigma*this->gauss_x(k);
if (left_trunc_not_recurrent) {
this->delayed = false;
lik = Base::li(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi);
this->delayed = true;
H0ik = Base::li_left_truncated(eta0+Z0*bi);
L0j += exp(-sum(*wstar(k);
constraint += H0ik.constraint;
} else {
lik = Base::li(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi);
Lj += exp(sum(*wstar(k);
constraint += lik.constraint;
ll += log(Lj);
if (left_trunc_not_recurrent)
ll -= log(L0j);
return -(ll - constraint);
double objective(vec beta) {
return this->adaptive ? objective_adaptive(beta) : objective_nonadaptive(beta);
double objective_adaptive(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
this->objective_cluster_beta = beta; // for use by objective_cluster()
vec vbeta(beta); // nu=log(variance) is the last parameter in beta; exp(nu)=sigma^2
double sigma = exp(0.5*vbeta(this->n-1)); // standard deviation
int K = gauss_x.size(); // number of nodes
double constraint = 0.0;
double ll = 0.0;
bool left_trunc_not_recurrent = (this->delayed && !this->recurrent && !this->interval);
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
// cluster-specific mode
double mu;
if (!first) {
// double Tol = this->reltol;
// int Maxit = 100;
// mu = R_zeroin2(-100.0,
// 100.0,
// gradient_cluster(-100.0),
// gradient_cluster(100.0),
// &(call_gradient_cluster<This>),
// (void *) this,
// &Tol,
// &Maxit);
mu = Brent_fmin(muhat[it->first]-1e-1,
(void *) this,
if (first || std::abs(mu-muhat[it->first])>(1e-1-1e-5))
// if (first || mu>100.0-1e-5 || mu<-100.0+1e-5)
mu = Brent_fmin(-100.0,100.0,&(call_objective_cluster<This>),(void *) this,
muhat[it->first] = mu;
// cluster-specific variance
double eps = 1e-6;
double tau = sqrt(eps*2.0/(gradient_cluster(mu+eps)-gradient_cluster(mu-eps)));
tauhat[it->first] = tau;
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec eta0(1,fill::zeros);
vec eta1(this->X.n_rows,fill::zeros);
if (this->delayed) {
eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
eta1 = this->X1 * vbeta;
double Lj = 0.0, L0j = 0.0;
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
double g = 0.0, g0 = 0.0;
double bi = mu + sqrt(2.0)*tau*this->gauss_x(k);
li_constraint lik, l0ik;
if (left_trunc_not_recurrent) {
this->delayed = false;
lik = Base::li(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi);
this->delayed = true;
l0ik = Base::li_left_truncated(eta0+Z0*bi);
g0 = exp(sum(,0.0,sigma,1));
L0j += sqrt(2.0)*tau*g0*gauss_w(k)*exp(gauss_x(k)*gauss_x(k));
} else {
lik = Base::li(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi);
g = exp(sum(,0.0,sigma,1));
Lj += sqrt(2.0)*tau*g*gauss_w(k)*exp(gauss_x(k)*gauss_x(k));
constraint += lik.constraint;
ll += log(Lj);
first = false;
return -(ll - constraint);
void resetDesign() {
this->X = full.X;
this->XD = full.XD;
this->bhazard = full.bhazard;
this->wt = full.wt;
this->event = full.event;
this->time = full.time;
this->X1 = full.X1;
this->X0 = full.X0;
this->wt0 = full.wt0;
this->which0 = full.which0;
this->Z = full_Z;
this->Z0 = full_Z0;
void clusterDesign(IndexMap::iterator it) {
clusterid = it->first;
uvec index = conv_to<uvec>::from(it->second);
this->X = full.X.rows(index);
this->XD = full.XD.rows(index);
this->X1 = full.X1.rows(index);
this->bhazard = full.bhazard(index);
this->wt = full.wt(index);
this->event = full.event(index);
this->time = full.time(index);
this->Z = full_Z(index);
this->Z0 = vec(1,fill::zeros);
if (this->delayed) {
uvec index0 = Base::map0f(index);
this->X0 = full.X0.rows(index0);
this->wt0 = full.wt0(index0);
this->Z0 = full_Z0(index0);
this->which0 = Base::which0f(index);
// log(g(bi))
double objective_cluster(double bi) {
vec vbeta = this->objective_cluster_beta; // nu=log(variance) is the last parameter in vbeta
double sigma = exp(0.5*vbeta(this->n-1)); // standard deviation
vbeta.resize(this->n - 1);
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec eta0(1,fill::zeros);
vec eta1(this->X.n_rows,fill::zeros);
if (this->delayed) {
eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
eta1 = this->X1 * vbeta;
li_constraint lik = Base::li(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi);
double ll = sum( + R::dnorm(bi,0.0,sigma,1);
return -ll;
double gradient_cluster(double bi) {
vec vbeta = this->objective_cluster_beta; // nu=log(variance) is the last parameter in vbeta
double sigma = exp(0.5*vbeta(this->n-1)); // standard deviation
vbeta.resize(this->n - 1);
vec eta = this->X * vbeta;
vec etaD = this->XD * vbeta;
vec eta0(1,fill::zeros);
vec eta1(this->X1.n_rows,fill::zeros);
if (this->delayed) {
eta0 = this->X0 * vbeta;
eta1 = this->X1 * vbeta;
mat X = mat(Z); // mat(this->X.n_rows,1,fill::ones);
mat XD = mat(this->XD.n_rows,1,fill::zeros);
mat X0 = mat(Z0); // mat(this->X0.n_rows,1,fill::ones);
mat X1 = mat(Z); // mat(this->X1.n_rows,1,fill::ones);
gradli_constraint gradlik = Base::gradli(eta+Z*bi,etaD,eta0+Z0*bi,eta1+Z*bi,X,XD,X0,X1);
rowvec gradll = sum(gradlik.gradli,0) - bi/sigma/sigma;
return -gradll(0);
// double fdhessian(boost::function<double(double x)> f, double x, double eps = 1.0e-6) {
// return (-f(x+2*eps)+16*f(x+eps)-30*f(x)+16*f(x-eps)-f(x-2*eps))/12.0/eps/eps;
// }
void calculate_modes_and_variances() {
this->objective_cluster_beta = this->bfgs.coef;
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
modes[it->first] = Brent_fmin(-100.0,100.0,&(call_objective_cluster<This>),(void *) this,
// Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 884
double bi = modes[it->first];
double eps = 1e-6;
double f1 = objective_cluster(bi+2*eps);
double f2 = objective_cluster(bi+eps);
double f3 = objective_cluster(bi);
double f4 = objective_cluster(bi-eps);
double f5 = objective_cluster(bi-2*eps);
double hessian = (-f1+16*f2-30*f3+16*f4-f5)/12.0/eps/eps;
variances[it->first] = 1.0/hessian;
variances[it->first] = eps*2.0/(gradient_cluster(bi+eps)-gradient_cluster(bi-eps));
vec gradient(vec beta) {
return this->adaptive ? gradient_adaptive(beta) : gradient_nonadaptive(beta);
vec gradient_adaptive(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
this->objective_cluster_beta = beta; // for use by objective_cluster()
vec betastar = beta; // we use the last element as bi - is this a good idea?
vec vbeta(beta); // nu=log(variance) is the last parameter in beta; exp(nu)=sigma^2
double sigma = exp(0.5*vbeta(this->n-1)); // standard deviation
int K = gauss_x.size(); // number of nodes
// rowvec dconstraint(n,fill::zeros);
rowvec gradLi(n,fill::zeros);
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it) {
// cluster-specific modes and variances (calculated in the objective function)
double mu = muhat[it->first];
double tau = tauhat[it->first];
mat Zmain(Z);
mat ZD(this->XD.n_rows,1,fill::zeros);
mat Z0main(Z0);
mat Z1(Z);
mat Xstar = join_horiz(this->X, Zmain);
mat XDstar = join_horiz(this->XD, ZD); // assumes time-invariant random effects
mat X0star = join_horiz(this->X0, Z0main);
mat X1star = join_horiz(this->X1, Z1);
double Lj = 0.0;
rowvec numerator(this->n,fill::zeros);
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
double bi = mu + sqrt(2.0)*tau*this->gauss_x(k);
betastar[betastar.size()-1] = bi;
vec etastar = Xstar * betastar;
vec etaDstar = XDstar * betastar;
vec eta0star = X0star * betastar;
vec eta1star = X1star * betastar;
li_constraint lik = Base::li(etastar,etaDstar,eta0star,eta1star);
double g = exp(sum( + R::dnorm(bi,0.0,sigma,1));
gradli_constraint gradlik = Base::gradli(etastar, etaDstar, eta0star, eta1star,Xstar, XDstar, X0star, X1star);
Lj += sqrt(2.0)*tau*g*gauss_w(k)*exp(gauss_x(k)*gauss_x(k));
rowvec numeratorstar = sqrt(2.0)*tau*g*sum(gradlik.gradli,0)*gauss_w(k)*exp(gauss_x(k)*gauss_x(k));
numerator(span(0,n-2)) += numeratorstar(span(0,n-2));
numerator(n-1) += sqrt(2.0)*tau*gauss_w(k)*exp(gauss_x(k)*gauss_x(k))*g*(- 0.5 + bi*bi/2/sigma/sigma);
// dconstraint += sum(gradlik.constraint,0);
gradLi += numerator/Lj;
vec gr(n,fill::zeros);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) gr(i) = gradLi(i); // - dconstraint(i);
return -gr;
vec gradient_nonadaptive(vec beta) {
int n = beta.size();
double sigma = exp(0.5*beta[n-1]);
mat Zmain(Z);
mat ZD(this->N,1,fill::zeros);
mat Z0main(Z0);
mat Z1(Z);
mat Xstar = join_horiz(this->X, Zmain);
mat XDstar = join_horiz(this->XD, ZD); // assumes time-invariant random effects
mat X0star = join_horiz(this->X0, Z0main);
mat X1star = join_horiz(this->X1, Z1);
int K = gauss_x.size(); // number of nodes
vec wstar = gauss_w/sqrt(datum::pi);
int G = clusters.size();
vec Li(G,fill::zeros);
mat gradLi(G,n,fill::zeros);
vec betastar = beta;
rowvec dconstraint(n,fill::zeros);
mat likeli_jk(this->N,K,fill::zeros);
vec likeli_k(K,fill::zeros);
cube grad_jk(this->N,n,K,fill::zeros);
mat grad_kn(K,n,fill::zeros);
// for K nodes calculation
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
double bi = sqrt(2.0)*sigma*gauss_x[k];
betastar[betastar.size()-1] = bi;
vec etastar = Xstar * betastar;
vec etaDstar = XDstar * betastar;
vec eta0star = X0star * betastar;
vec eta1star = X1star * betastar;
li_constraint lik = Base::li(etastar, etaDstar, eta0star, eta1star);
gradli_constraint gradlik = Base::gradli(etastar, etaDstar, eta0star, eta1star,Xstar, XDstar, X0star, X1star);
// adjust the last column of the gradient to account for the variance components:
// chain rule: d lik/d bi * d bi/d nu where bi = sqrt(2)*exp(nu/2)*x_k
gradlik.gradli.col(gradlik.gradli.n_cols-1) *= bi*0.5;
dconstraint += sum(gradlik.constraint,0); // ignores clustering??
likeli_jk.col(k) =;
grad_jk.slice(k) = gradlik.gradli;
// Iteration in each cluster and get vec Li(g) and mat gradLi(g,n)
int g = 0;
for (IndexMap::iterator it=clusters.begin(); it!=clusters.end(); ++it, ++g) {
uvec index = conv_to<uvec>::from(it->second);
vec likeli_k = exp(sum(likeli_jk.rows(index),0)).t(); // sum index components at all nodes for cluster i
for(int k=0; k<K; ++k){
grad_kn.row(k) = sum(grad_jk.slice(k).rows(index),0);
Li(g) = dot(likeli_k,wstar);
gradLi.row(g) = sum(rmult(grad_kn,wstar%likeli_k),0);
// gradLi.row(g) = grad_kn.t() * (wstar%likeli_k);
// Last step to summarize all clusters
rowvec grad = sum(rmult(gradLi,1/Li),0); // Rows of matrix is multiplied with elements of vector
// if (this->bfgs.trace>0) {
// Rprintf("fdgradient="); Rprint(this->fdgradient(beta));
// }
vec gr(n,fill::zeros);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) gr(i) = grad(i); // - dconstraint(i);
return -gr;
bool feasible(vec beta) {
vec coef(beta);
return Base::feasible(coef);
SEXP return_modes() {
return wrap(modes);
SEXP return_variances() {
return wrap(variances);
IndexMap clusters;
vec gauss_x, gauss_w, full_Z, full_Z0, Z, Z0;
BaseData full;
Doubles modes, variances;
vec objective_cluster_beta;
Doubles muhat, tauhat;
int clusterid;
bool adaptive, first, recurrent;
template<class T>
SEXP stpm2_model_output_(SEXP args) {
T model(args);
List list = as<List>(args);
std::string return_type = as<std::string>(list["return_type"]);
vec beta(&model.init[0],model.n);
if (return_type == "optim") {
model.bfgs.hessian = model.bfgs.calc_hessian(&optimgradient<T>, (void *) &model);
// model.bfgs.hessian = model.calcHessian(model.bfgs.coef);
return List::create(_("fail"),
else if (return_type == "objective")
return wrap(model.objective(beta));
else if (return_type == "gradient") {
model.objective(beta); // only needed for updating NormalSharedFrailty
return wrap(model.gradient(beta));
else if (return_type == "feasible")
return wrap(model.feasible(beta));
else if (return_type == "modes")
return model.return_modes();
else if (return_type == "variances")
return model.return_variances();
else if (return_type == "li")
return wrap(*beta, model.XD*beta, model.X0*beta, model.X1*beta).li);
else {
REprintf("Unknown return_type.\n");
return wrap(-1);
template<class T>
SEXP pstpm2_model_output_(SEXP args) {
T model(args);
List list = as<List>(args);
std::string return_type = as<std::string>(list["return_type"]);
vec beta(&model.init[0],model.n);
if (return_type == "optim_fixed")
else if (return_type == "optim_first")
else if (return_type == "optim_multivariate")
else if (return_type == "objective")
return wrap(model.objective(beta));
else if (return_type == "objective0")
return wrap(model.objective0(beta));
else if (return_type == "gradient") {
return wrap(model.gradient(beta));
else if (return_type == "gradient0")
return wrap(model.gradient0(beta));
else if (return_type == "constraint")
return wrap(model.feasible(beta));
else if (return_type == "feasible")
return wrap(model.feasible(beta));
else if (return_type == "li")
return wrap(*beta, model.XD*beta, model.X0*beta, model.X1*beta).li);
else if (return_type == "modes")
return model.return_modes();
else if (return_type == "variances")
return model.return_variances();
else {
REprintf("Unknown return_type.\n");
return wrap(-1);
RcppExport SEXP model_output(SEXP args) {
List list = as<List>(args);
std::string type = as<std::string>(list["type"]);
if (type=="stpm2") {
return stpm2_model_output_<Stpm2>(args);
else if (type=="pstpm2") {
return pstpm2_model_output_<Pstpm2<Stpm2,SmoothLogH> >(args);
else if (type=="stpm2_gamma_frailty") {
return stpm2_model_output_<GammaSharedFrailty<Stpm2> >(args);
else if (type=="pstpm2_gamma_frailty") {
return pstpm2_model_output_<Pstpm2<GammaSharedFrailty<Stpm2>,SmoothLogH> >(args);
else if (type=="stpm2_normal_frailty") {
return stpm2_model_output_<NormalSharedFrailty<Stpm2> >(args);
else if (type=="pstpm2_normal_frailty") {
// order is important here
return pstpm2_model_output_<Pstpm2<NormalSharedFrailty<Stpm2>,SmoothLogH> >(args);
else {
REprintf("Unknown model type.\n");
return wrap(-1);
// Proof of concept for a Weibull cure model
struct CureModel {
int n0, n1, n2;
mat Xshape, Xscale, Xcure;
vec time, status;
double fminfn_cureModel(int n, double * beta, void *ex) {
double ll = 0.0;
CureModel * data = (CureModel *) ex;
vec vbeta(&beta[0],n);
vec shape = exp(data->Xshape * vbeta(span(0,data->n0-1)));
vec scale = exp(data->Xscale * vbeta(span(data->n0,data->n1-1)));
vec cure = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-data->Xcure * vbeta(span(data->n1,data->n2-1))));
for (size_t i=0; i < data->time.size(); ++i) {
ll += data->status(i)==1.0 ?
log(1.0-cure(i)) + R::dweibull(data->time(i),shape(i),scale(i),1) :
log(cure(i)+(1.0-cure(i)) * R::pweibull(data->time(i),shape(i),scale(i),0,0));
R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* be polite -- did the user hit ctrl-C? */
return -ll;
RcppExport SEXP fitCureModel(SEXP stime, SEXP sstatus, SEXP sXshape,
SEXP sXscale, SEXP sXcure, SEXP sbeta) {
mat Xshape = as<mat>(sXshape);
mat Xscale = as<mat>(sXscale);
mat Xcure = as<mat>(sXcure);
vec time = as<vec>(stime);
vec status = as<vec>(sstatus);
NumericVector init = as<NumericVector>(sbeta);
int n0=Xshape.n_cols;
int n1=n0+Xscale.n_cols;
int n2=n1+Xcure.n_cols;
CureModel data = {n0,n1,n2,Xshape,Xscale,Xcure,time,status};
NelderMead nm;
nm.reltol = 1.0e-8;
nm.maxit = 1000;
nm.optim(& fminfn_cureModel, init, (void *) &data);
for (int i = 0; i<nm.coef.size(); ++i)
init[i] = nm.coef[i]; // clone
return List::create(_("Fmin")=nm.Fmin,
} // anonymous namespace

Computing file changes ...