Revision e3488ec88845e93637222af40ab2e60249fb3716 authored by Torsten Seemann on 13 March 2017, 05:21:34 UTC, committed by Torsten Seemann on 13 March 2017, 05:21:34 UTC
1 parent 8d302c7
Raw File
Tip revision: e3488ec88845e93637222af40ab2e60249fb3716 authored by Torsten Seemann on 13 March 2017, 05:21:34 UTC
Add .tsv output file of features (Issue #223)
Tip revision: e3488ec
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

#HMMER3/b [3.0b2 | June 2009]
#NAME  1-cysPrx_C
#ACC   PF10417.2
#DESC  C-terminal domain of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin
#LENG  40
#ALPH  amino

my(@Options, $verbose, $srcdir, $lib, $outdir);

-d $srcdir or die "can't read --srcdir: $srcdir";
$lib or die "please specify --lib: PHA PRK ...";
-d "$srcdir/$lib" or die "invalid --lib: $lib";

# check we have available external commands
for my $exe (qw(tar hmmbuild hmmpress)) {
  qx(which $exe 2> /dev/null) or die "ERROR: can't see '$exe' in \$PATH";

my $tmp = tempdir(CLEANUP=>1);

my $summ_fn = "$srcdir/$lib/${lib}_summary.txt";
die "ERROR: can't open '$summ_fn'" unless -r $summ_fn;

my $aln_fn = "$srcdir/$lib/${lib}_Clusters.aln.tgz";
die "ERROR: can't open '$aln_fn'" unless -r $aln_fn;

die "ERROR: outdir '$outdir' does not exist" unless -d $outdir;

print STDERR "Reading: $summ_fn\n";
open my $summ_fh, '<', $summ_fn;
my %desc_of;
while (<$summ_fh>) {
  my @x = split m/\t/;
  next unless $x[1] =~ m/^$lib/;
  $desc_of{$x[1]} = $x[3];
print STDERR "Found ", scalar(keys %desc_of), " $lib descriptions.\n";

my $cmd = "tar -C $tmp -zxf \Q$aln_fn\E";
print STDERR "Extracting alignments: $cmd\n";
my @msa = <$tmp/*.aln>;
print STDERR "Found ", scalar(@msa), " alignment files.\n";

my $out_fn = "$outdir/$lib.hmm";
print STDERR "Creating: $out_fn\n";
open my $out_fh, '>', $out_fn;

for my $msa (@msa) {
  $msa =~ m{($lib\d+)\.aln$};
  my $id = $1 or next;
  $cmd = "hmmbuild --informat afa -o /dev/null /dev/stdout \Q$msa\E 2> /dev/null";
  print STDERR "\rProcessing: $id";
  my @hmm = qx($cmd);
  if (@hmm < 10) {
    print STDERR "\nWARNING: problem with the $id.aln file, too small, skipping.\n";
  splice @hmm, 2, 0, ("ACC   $id\n", "DESC  $desc_of{$id}\n");
  print $out_fh @hmm;
print STDERR "\nPressing indices: $out_fn\n";
system("hmmpress $out_fn");

print STDERR "\rDone - results in $out_fn\n";

# Option setting routines

sub setOptions {
  use Getopt::Long;

  @Options = (
    {OPT=>"help",    VAR=>\&usage,             DESC=>"This help"},
    {OPT=>"verbose!",  VAR=>\$verbose, DEFAULT=>0, DESC=>"Verbose output"},
    {OPT=>"dir=s",  VAR=>\$srcdir, DEFAULT=>'/bio/data/CLUSTERS/latest', DESC=>"Source CLUSTERS folder"},
    {OPT=>"lib=s",  VAR=>\$lib, DEFAULT=>'', DESC=>"Library: PHA PRK ..."},
    {OPT=>"outdir=s",  VAR=>\$outdir, DEFAULT=>'.', DESC=>"Output folder for .hmm files and indices"},

  #(!@ARGV) && (usage());

  &GetOptions(map {$_->{OPT}, $_->{VAR}} @Options) || usage();

  # Now setup default values.
  foreach (@Options) {
    if (defined($_->{DEFAULT}) && !defined(${$_->{VAR}})) {
      ${$_->{VAR}} = $_->{DEFAULT};

sub usage {
  print "Usage: $0 [options]\n";
  foreach (@Options) {
    printf "  --%-13s %s%s.\n",$_->{OPT},$_->{DESC},
           defined($_->{DEFAULT}) ? " (default '$_->{DEFAULT}')" : "";
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