Revision e3983c87280ade48b243d9c60bed639713851be9 authored by Stephen Kelly on 28 May 2015, 19:20:55 UTC, committed by Thiago Macieira on 29 May 2015, 00:08:41 UTC
The -fPIE option is now accepted when using GCC 4, which means it
is available for backward compatibility for clients using
CMake 2.8.11 or older which makes use of the

Conditionally use that feature for old versions of cmake with
GCC 4. Restore the tests for those versions, and clarify the
situation in the ChangeLog.

Change-Id: I5a06b155dda7db559d86841a2b34fd8ed95acbd0
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <>
1 parent 95b6c4f
Raw File
# Main projectfile


SUBDIRS += qmake/

cross_compile: CONFIG += nostrip

confclean.depends += clean
confclean.commands =
unix {
  confclean.commands += (cd config.tests/unix/stl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/ptrsize && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/notype && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/getaddrinfo && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/cups && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/psql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/mysql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
 	 		(cd config.tests/unix/mysql_r && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/nis && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/iodbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/odbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/oci && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/tds && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/db2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/ibase && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/ipv6ifname && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/zlib && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/sqlite2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/libjpeg && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/unix/libpng && $(MAKE) distclean); \
                        (cd config.tests/unix/slog2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
                        (cd config.tests/unix/lgmon && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xcursor && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xrender && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xrandr && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xkb && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xinput && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/fontconfig && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xinerama && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/xshape && $(MAKE) distclean); \
			(cd config.tests/x11/opengl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
                        $(DEL_FILE) config.tests/.qmake.cache; \
			$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.h; \
			$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp; \
			$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qconfig.pri; \
			$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qdevice.pri; \
			$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qmodule.pri; \
			$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache; \
 			(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean);
win32 {
  confclean.commands += -$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			-$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qdevice.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qmodule.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			-$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
			(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean)
qmakeclean.commands += (cd qmake && $(MAKE) clean)
CLEAN_DEPS += qmakeclean

CONFIG -= qt

### installations ####

qmake.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
   qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake.exe
} else {
   qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake
INSTALLS += qmake

syncqt.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
syncqt.files = $$PWD/bin/
INSTALLS += syncqt

# If we are doing a prefix build, create a "module" pri which enables
# qtPrepareTool() to find the non-installed syncqt.
prefix_build|!equals(PWD, $$OUT_PWD) {

    cmd = perl -w $$system_path($$PWD/bin/

    TOOL_PRI = $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/modules/qt_tool_syncqt.pri

    TOOL_PRI_CONT = "QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary = $$val_escape(cmd)"
    write_file($$TOOL_PRI, TOOL_PRI_CONT)|error("Aborting.")

    # Then, inject the new tool into the current cache state
    !contains(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, $$TOOL_PRI) { # before the actual include()!
        added = $$TOOL_PRI
        cache(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, add transient, added)
    cache(QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary, transient)


# Generate qfeatures.h
features =
lines = $$cat("src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt", lines)
for (line, lines) {
    t = $$replace(line, "^Feature: (\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
    !isEqual(t, $$line) {
        feature = $$t
        features += $$t
    } else {
        t = $$replace(line, "^Requires: (.*)$", "\\1")
        !isEqual(t, $$line) {
            features.$${feature}.depends = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
        } else {
            t = $$replace(line, "^Name: (.*)$", "\\1")
            !isEqual(t, $$line) {
                features.$${feature}.name = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
features = $$sort_depends(features, features.)
features = $$reverse(features)
    "/*" \
    " * All feature dependencies." \
    " *" \
    " * This list is generated by qmake from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt" \
    " */"
for (ft, features) {
    !isEmpty(features.$${ft}.depends) {
        FEATURES_H += \
            "$${LITERAL_HASH}if !defined(QT_NO_$$ft) && ($$join($$list($$split(features.$${ft}.depends)), ") || defined(QT_NO_", "defined(QT_NO_", ")"))" \
            "$${LITERAL_HASH}  define QT_NO_$$ft" \
        FEATURES_PRI += \
            "contains(QT_DISABLED_FEATURES, "$$lower($$join($$list($$replace(features.$${ft}.depends, _, -)), "|"))"): \\" \
            "    QT_DISABLED_FEATURES += $$lower($$replace(ft, _, -))"
write_file($$OUT_PWD/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h, FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")
# Create forwarding header
    '$${LITERAL_HASH}include "../../src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/qfeatures.h, FWD_FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")

no_features =
lines = $$cat($$absolute_path($$QT_QCONFIG_PATH, $$PWD/src/corelib/global), lines)
for (line, lines) {
    # We ignore all defines that don't follow the #ifndef + indent pattern.
    # This makes it possible to have unchecked defines which are no features.
    t = $$replace(line, "^$${LITERAL_HASH}  define QT_NO_(\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
    !isEqual(t, $$line) {
        isEmpty(features.$${t}.name): \
            error("$$QT_QCONFIG_PATH disables unknown feature $$t")
        no_features += $$t
for (def, QT_NO_DEFINES) {
    !isEmpty(features.$${def}.name): \
        no_features += $$def
no_features = $$unique(no_features)

# Don't simply add these to QT_CONFIG, as then one might expect them to be there without load(qfeatures).
# And we don't want to do that automatically, as the dynamic dependency resolution is somewhat expensive.
    "$${LITERAL_HASH} Features disabled by configure:" \
    "QT_DISABLED_FEATURES =$$lower($$join($$list($$replace(no_features, _, -)), " ", " "))" \
    "$$escape_expand(\\n)$${LITERAL_HASH} Dependencies derived from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt:" \
write_file($$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri, FEATURES_PRI)|error("Aborting.")

# Create forwarding headers for qconfig.h
    '$${LITERAL_HASH}include "../../src/corelib/global/qconfig.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/qconfig.h, FWD_QCONFIG_H)|error("Aborting.")
    '$${LITERAL_HASH}include "qconfig.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/QtConfig, FWD_QTCONFIG)|error("Aborting.")

mkspecs.path = $$[QT_HOST_DATA]/mkspecs
mkspecs.files = \
    $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qconfig.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qmodule.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qdevice.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri \
mkspecs.files -= $$PWD/mkspecs/modules $$PWD/mkspecs/modules-inst
INSTALLS += mkspecs

global_docs.files = $$PWD/doc/global
global_docs.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DOCS]
INSTALLS += global_docs

    configure \
    header.BSD \
    header.FDL \
    header.LGPL \
    header.LGPL-ONLY \
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