Revision e442dd4273431370fce757f8b41af3ca22895680 authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 November 2016, 10:48:30 UTC, committed by Mark Hillebrand on 18 November 2016, 13:47:17 UTC
1 parent f5f2224
Raw File
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
REM Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
REM for full license information.
REM ==============================================================================

REM Grab the parameters
REM Note: don't rely on environment variables, since properties may have been
REM overridden at msbuild invocation.

set p_OutDir=%~1
set p_DebugBuild=%~2
set p_GpuBuild=%~3
set p_SWIG_PATH=%~4
set p_CNTK_PY27_PATH=%~6
set p_CNTK_PY34_PATH=%~7
set p_CNTK_PY35_PATH=%~8

REM Construct p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS if not explicitly defined
REM (Note: to disable Python build completely, no CNTK_PYx_PATH variable must be defined)
if not defined p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS (
  REM Note: leading space doesn't hurt
  if defined p_CNTK_PY27_PATH set p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS=!p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS! 27
  if defined p_CNTK_PY34_PATH set p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS=!p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS! 34
  if defined p_CNTK_PY35_PATH set p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS=!p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS! 35

REM Validate p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS contents.
REM TODO Python 3.4 only for now
for %%p in (%p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS%) do (
  if not "%%~p" == "34" echo Build for unsupported Python version '%%~p' requested, stopping&exit /b 1
  set nothingToBuild=

REM Validate p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS contents.
REM (Note: Don't merge with above loop; more robust parsing)
set nothingToBuild=1
for %%p in (%p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS%) do (
  call set extraPath=!p_CNTK_PY%%~p_PATH!
  if not defined extraPath echo Build for Python version '%%~p' requested, but CNTK_PY%%~p_PATH not defined, stopping&exit /b 1
  set nothingToBuild=
if defined nothingToBuild echo Python support not configured to build.&exit /b 0

if "%p_DebugBuild%" == "true" echo Currently no Python build for Debug configurations, exiting.&exit /b 0

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall" amd64
set CNTK_LIB_PATH=%p_OutDir%
set DIST_DIR=%p_OutDir%\Python
set MSSdk=1

REM Build everything in supplied order
set oldPath=%PATH%
for %%p in (%p_CNTK_PY_VERSIONS%) do (
  call set extraPath=!p_CNTK_PY%%~p_PATH!
  echo Building for Python version '%%~p', extra path is !extraPath!
  set PATH=!extraPath!;!oldPath!
  python.exe .\ ^
      build_ext --inplace --force --compiler msvc --plat-name=win-amd64 ^
      bdist_wheel --dist-dir "%DIST_DIR%"
  if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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