Revision e45997fb5b0454c129211a24f8b4428b1f16fc5d authored by jekyllbot on 19 March 2018, 13:30:42 UTC, committed by jekyllbot on 19 March 2018, 13:30:42 UTC
1 parent 8595c67
Raw File
Feature: Hooks
  As a plugin author
  I want to be able to run code during various stages of the build process

  Scenario: Run some code after site reset
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :after_reset do |site|
      pageklass = do
        def initialize(site, base)
          @site = site
          @base = base
          @data = {}
          @dir = '/'
          @name = 'foo.html'
          @content = 'mytinypage'


      site.pages <<, site.source)
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "mytinypage" in "_site/foo.html"

  Scenario: Modify the payload before rendering the site
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "index.html" page that contains "{{ site.injected }}!"
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :pre_render do |site, payload|
      payload['site']['injected'] = 'myparam'
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "myparam!" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Modify the site contents after reading
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "page1.html" page that contains "page1"
    And I have a "page2.html" page that contains "page2"
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_read do |site|
      site.pages.delete_if { |p| == 'page1.html' }
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And the "_site/page1.html" file should not exist
    And I should see "page2" in "_site/page2.html"

  Scenario: Work with the site files after they've been written to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_write do |site|
      firstpage = site.pages.first
      content = firstpage.destination(site.dest)
      File.write(File.join(site.dest, 'firstpage.html'), content)
    And I have a "page1.html" page that contains "page1"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "page1" in "_site/firstpage.html"

  Scenario: Alter a page right after it is initialized
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_init do |page| = 'renamed.html'
    And I have a "page1.html" page that contains "page1"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "page1" in "_site/renamed.html"

  Scenario: Alter the payload for one page but not another
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :pre_render do |page, payload|
      payload['page']['myparam'] = 'special' if == 'page1.html'
    And I have a "page1.html" page that contains "{{ page.myparam }}"
    And I have a "page2.html" page that contains "{{ page.myparam }}"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "special" in "_site/page1.html"
    And I should not see "special" in "_site/page2.html"

  Scenario: Modify page contents before writing to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "index.html" page that contains "WRAP ME"
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_render do |page|
      page.output = "{{{{{ #{page.output.chomp} }}}}}"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "{{{{{ WRAP ME }}}}}" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Work with a page after writing it to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "index.html" page that contains "HELLO FROM A PAGE"
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_write do |page|
      require 'fileutils'
      filename = page.destination(, "#{filename}.moved")
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "HELLO FROM A PAGE" in "_site/index.html.moved"

  Scenario: Alter a post right after it is initialized
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :post_init do |post|['harold'] = "content for entry1.".tr!('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following posts:
      | title  | date       | layout | content               |
      | entry1 | 2015-03-14 | nil    | {{ page.harold }} |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "pbagrag sbe ragel1." in "_site/2015/03/14/entry1.html"

  Scenario: Alter the payload for certain posts
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    # Add myvar = 'old' to posts before 2015-03-15, and myvar = 'new' for
    # others
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :pre_render do |post, payload|
      if <, 3, 15)
        payload['myvar'] = 'old'
        payload['myvar'] = 'new'
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following posts:
      | title  | date       | layout | content          |
      | entry1 | 2015-03-14 | nil    | {{ myvar }} post |
      | entry2 | 2015-03-15 | nil    | {{ myvar }} post |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "old post" in "_site/2015/03/14/entry1.html"
    And I should see "new post" in "_site/2015/03/15/entry2.html"

  Scenario: Modify post contents before writing to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    # Replace content after rendering
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :post_render do |post|
      post.output.gsub! /42/, 'the answer to life, the universe and everything'
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following posts:
      | title  | date       | layout | content             |
      | entry1 | 2015-03-14 | nil    | {{ 6 \| times: 7 }} |
      | entry2 | 2015-03-15 | nil    | {{ 6 \| times: 8 }} |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "the answer to life, the universe and everything" in "_site/2015/03/14/entry1.html"
    And I should see "48" in "_site/2015/03/15/entry2.html"

  Scenario: Work with a post after writing it to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    # Log all post filesystem writes
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :post_write do |post|
      filename = post.destination(
      open('_site/post-build.log', 'a') do |f|
        f.puts "Wrote #{filename} at #{}"
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following posts:
      | title  | date       | layout | content   |
      | entry1 | 2015-03-14 | nil    | entry one |
      | entry2 | 2015-03-15 | nil    | entry two |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "_site/2015/03/14/entry1.html at" in "_site/post-build.log"
    Then I should see "_site/2015/03/15/entry2.html at" in "_site/post-build.log"

  Scenario: Register a hook on multiple owners at the same time
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register [:pages, :posts], :post_render do |owner|
      owner.output = "{{{{{ #{owner.output.chomp} }}}}}"
    And I have a "index.html" page that contains "WRAP ME"
    And I have a _posts directory
    And I have the following posts:
      | title  | date       | layout | content   |
      | entry1 | 2015-03-14 | nil    | entry one |
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "{{{{{ WRAP ME }}}}}" in "_site/index.html"
    And I should see "{{{{{ <p>entry one</p> }}}}}" in "_site/2015/03/14/entry1.html"

  Scenario: Allow hooks to have a named priority
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_render, priority: :normal do |owner|
      # first normal runs second
      owner.output = "1 #{owner.output.chomp}"
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_render, priority: :high do |owner|
      # high runs first
      owner.output = "2 #{owner.output.chomp}"
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_render do |owner|
      # second normal runs third (normal is default)
      owner.output = "3 #{owner.output.chomp}"
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :post_render, priority: :low do |owner|
      # low runs last 
      owner.output = "4 #{owner.output.chomp}"
    And I have a "index.html" page that contains "WRAP ME"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should see "4 3 1 2 WRAP ME" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Alter a document right after it is initialized
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :pre_render do |doc, payload|['text'] =['text'] << ' are belong to us'
    And I have a "_config.yml" file that contains "collections: [ memes ]"
    And I have a _memes directory
    And I have a "_memes/" file with content:
    text: all your base
    And I have an "" file with content:
    {{ site.memes.first.text }}
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "all your base are belong to us" in "_site/index.html"

  Scenario: Update a document after rendering it, but before writing it to disk
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :post_render do |doc|
      doc.output.gsub! /<p>/, '<p class="meme">'
    And I have a "_config.yml" file with content:
        output: true
    And I have a _memes directory
    And I have a "_memes/" file with content:
    text: all your base are belong to us
    {{ page.text }}
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "<p class=\"meme\">all your base are belong to us" in "_site/memes/doc1.html"

  Scenario: Perform an action after every document is written
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :post_write do |doc|
      open('_site/document-build.log', 'a') do |f|
        f.puts "Wrote document #{ doc} at #{}"
    And I have a "_config.yml" file with content:
        output: true
    And I have a _memes directory
    And I have a "_memes/" file with content:
    text: all your base are belong to us
    {{ page.text }}
    When I run jekyll build
    Then I should get a zero exit status
    And the _site directory should exist
    And I should see "Wrote document 0" in "_site/document-build.log"

  Scenario: Set a custom payload['page'] property
    Given I have a _plugins directory
    And I have a "_plugins/ext.rb" file with content:
    Jekyll::Hooks.register :pages, :pre_render do |page, payload|
        payload['page']['foo'] = "hello world"
    And I have a _layouts directory
    And I have a "_layouts/custom.html" file with content:
      {{ content }} {% include foo.html %}
    And I have a _includes directory
    And I have a "_includes/foo.html" file with content:
    And I have an "index.html" page with layout "custom" that contains "page content"
    When I run jekyll build
    Then the "_site/index.html" file should exist
    And I should see "page content\n hello world" in "_site/index.html"
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