Revision e5da828306e3af038f5fee4e9a74b12a9f7cd128 authored by Alex Nitz on 10 July 2020, 09:01:17 UTC, committed by GitHub on 10 July 2020, 09:01:17 UTC
* We should be consistent about units

* update docs

* fix cyclic bound for uniform angle

* update unittest

* ws
1 parent 282bb0a
Raw File
FROM centos:centos7

COPY docker/.singularity.d /.singularity.d
ADD docker/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/
ADD docker/etc/profile.d/pycbc.csh /etc/profile.d/pycbc.csh
ADD docker/etc/cvmfs/default.local /etc/cvmfs/default.local
ADD docker/etc/cvmfs/60-osg.conf /etc/cvmfs/60-osg.conf
ADD docker/etc/cvmfs/ /etc/cvmfs/

# Set up extra repositories
RUN rpm -ivh && yum install -y && yum install -y && yum install -y cvmfs cvmfs-config-default && yum -y install && yum clean all && yum makecache && \
    yum -y groupinstall "Compatibility Libraries" \
                        "Development Tools" \
                        "Scientific Support" && \
    rpm -e --nodeps git perl-Git && yum -y install python2-pip python-setuptools zlib-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-devel libsqlite3-dev sqlite-devel db4-devel openssl-devel git2u-all fftw-libs-single fftw-devel fftw fftw-libs-long fftw-libs fftw-libs-double gsl gsl-devel libframe-utils libframe-devel libframe libmetaio libmetaio-devel libmetaio-utils hdf5 hdf5-devel python-devel which osg-wn-client osg-ca-certs && pip install --upgrade pip==19.3.1 setuptools==44.0.0 && pip install mkl ipython jupyter

# set up environment
RUN cd / && \
    ln -s .singularity.d/actions/exec .exec && \
    ln -s .singularity.d/actions/run .run && \
    ln -s .singularity.d/actions/test .shell && \
    ln -s .singularity.d/runscript singularity && \
    mkdir -p /cvmfs/ /cvmfs/ /cvmfs/ && echo " /cvmfs/ cvmfs ro,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab && echo " /cvmfs/ cvmfs ro,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab && echo " /cvmfs/ cvmfs ro,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab && mkdir -p /oasis /scratch /projects /usr/lib64/slurm /var/run/munge && \
    groupadd -g 1000 pycbc && useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 -d /opt/pycbc -k /etc/skel -m -s /bin/bash pycbc

# Install MPI software needed for pycbc_inference
RUN yum install -y libibverbs libibverbs-devel libibmad libibmad-devel libibumad libibumad-devel librdmacm librdmacm-devel libmlx5 libmlx4 && curl | tar -C /tmp -zxf - && \
    cd /tmp/mvapich2-2.1 && ./configure --prefix=/opt/mvapich2-2.1 && make install && \
    cd / && rm -rf /tmp/mvapich2-2.1 && \
    pip install schwimmbad && \
    MPICC=/opt/mvapich2-2.1/bin CFLAGS='-I /opt/mvapich2-2.1/include -L /opt/mvapich2-2.1/lib -lmpi' pip install --no-cache-dir mpi4py
RUN echo "/opt/mvapich2-2.1/lib" > /etc/

# Now update all of our library installations
RUN rm -f /etc/ && /sbin/ldconfig

# When the container is started with
#   docker run -it pycbc/pycbc-el7:latest
# the default is to start a loging shell as the pycbc user.
# This can be overridden to log in as root with
#   docker run -it pycbc/pycbc-el7:latest /bin/bash -l
CMD ["/bin/su", "-l", "pycbc"]
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