Revision e81a2f30f90ae3fa11c8f04bfdd9324aa7479aca authored by Wolfgang Waltenberger on 16 August 2018, 11:27:18 UTC, committed by Wolfgang Waltenberger on 16 August 2018, 11:27:18 UTC
1 parent ca0a323
Raw File
! pythia8.cfg
! This file contains commands to be read in for a Pythia8 run.
! Lines not beginning with a letter or digit are comments.

! 1) Settings used in the main program.
Main:numberOfEvents = 100          ! number of events to generate
Main:timesAllowErrors = 3          ! how many aborts before run stops
! Main:showAllStatistics = on        ! Print all available statistics

! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat().
Init:showChangedSettings = off     ! list changed settings
Init:showChangedParticleData = off ! list changed particle data
Next:numberCount = 500             ! print message every n events
Next:numberShowInfo = 2            ! print event information n times
Next:numberShowProcess = 2         ! print process record n times
Next:numberShowEvent = 2           ! print event record n times

! 3) Beam parameter settings. Values below agree with default ones.
Beams:idA = 2212                   ! first beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:idB = 2212                   ! second beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:eCM = 8000.                  ! CM energy of collision
PDF:pSet = 7  ! default = 13, CTEQ6L = 7

! 4) Read SLHA spectrum
SLHA:file = test.slha              ! Sample SLHA1 spectrum for CMSSM-10.1.1
SLHA:useDecayTable = off           ! Ignore decay table

! 5) Process selection
SUSY:all = on                   ! Switches on ALL (~400) SUSY processes
#SUSY:gg2gluinogluino  = on
#SUSY:qqbar2gluinogluino  = on
#SUSY:qg2squarkgluino = on
#SUSY:gg2squarkantisquark = on
#SUSY:qqbar2squarkantisquark = on
#SUSY:qq2squarksquark = on
#SUSY:qqbar2chi0chi0  = on
#SUSY:qqbar2chi+-chi0 = on
#SUSY:qqbar2chi+chi-  = on
#SUSY:qg2chi0squark = on
#SUSY:qg2chi+-squark  = on
! Optionally select only specific sparticle codes in the final state
#SUSY:idA = 1000001           ! 0: all
#SUSY:idB = 1000002           ! 0: all

! 6) Settings for the event generation process in the Pythia8 library.
ProcessLevel:all = on
ProcessLevel:resonanceDecays = off
PartonLevel:all = off
HadronLevel:all = off
PhaseSpace:useBreitWigners = off

! 7) Settings to reproduce PYTHIA 6 results:
!PDF:pSet = 2  ! Pythia 6 (CTEQ5L) = 2, default = 13
!SUSY:qq2squarksquark:onlyQCD = on ! Pythia 6 = on, default = off
!SUSY:qqbar2squarkantisquark:onlyQCD = on  ! Pythia 6 = on, default = off
!SigmaProcess:renormScale2 = 3  ! Pythia 6 = 3, default = 2
!SigmaProcess:factorScale2 = 3  ! Pythia 6 = 3, default = 2
!SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.127 ! Pythia 6 = 0.127, default = 0.13
!StandardModel:alphaSnfmax = 5  ! Pythia 6 = 5, default = 6
!SUSY:sin2thetaWMode = 1
!StandardModel:sin2thetaW = 0.232
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