Revision e9197ba3b0bb9cc200b250b2d91f22e3e848c8c1 authored by Hanno Rein on 18 February 2024, 01:37:23 UTC, committed by Hanno Rein on 18 February 2024, 01:37:23 UTC
1 parent 9642ea4
Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""An N-body integrator package for python."""

import sys
import os
import warnings
import platform
from ctypes import cdll, c_char_p

# Find suffix
if platform.system()=="Windows" and sys.version_info.major<=3 and sys.version_info.minor<8:
    # Using distutils.sysconfig instead of sysconfig because 
    # of a bug in Python < 3.8 on windows
    import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
    import sysconfig
suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')

if suffix is None:
    suffix = ".so"

try: # Only needed for pyodide
    import pyodide_js
    from site import getsitepackages
    del getsitepackages
    del pyodide_js

# Make changes for python 2 and 3 compatibility
    import builtins      # if this succeeds it's python 3.x
    builtins.xrange = range
    builtins.basestring = (str,bytes)
except ImportError:
    pass                 # python 2.x

# Import shared library
pymodulepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
pymodulepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pymodulepath, os.pardir))
__libpath__ = os.path.join(pymodulepath, "librebound"+suffix)
clibrebound = cdll.LoadLibrary(__libpath__)

# Version
__version__ = c_char_p.in_dll(clibrebound, "reb_version_str").value.decode('ascii')

# Build
__build__ = c_char_p.in_dll(clibrebound, "reb_build_str").value.decode('ascii')

# Githash
__githash__ = c_char_p.in_dll(clibrebound, "reb_githash_str").value.decode('ascii')

# Check for version
    import pkg_resources
    moduleversion = pkg_resources.require("rebound")[0].version
    libreboundversion = __version__
    if moduleversion != libreboundversion:
        warnings.warn("WARNING: python module and librebound have different version numbers: '%s' vs '%s'.\n" %(moduleversion, libreboundversion), ImportWarning)
    # Might fail in some python3 setups, but not important

# Exceptions
class GenericError(Exception):
    """The simulation exited with a generic error."""

class Encounter(Exception):
    """The simulation exited because a close encounter has been detected.
    You may want to search for the pair of bodies which have the smallest distance."""

class Collision(Exception):
    """The simulation exited because a collision has been detected.
    You may want to search for which particles have a last_collision time equal to the simulation time."""

class Escape(Exception):
    """The simulation exited because a particle has been se encounter has been detected.
    You may want to search for the particle with the largest distance from the
    origin and remove it from the simulation."""

class NoParticles(Exception):
    """The simulation exited because no particles are left in the simulation."""

class ParticleNotFound(Exception):
    """Particle was not found in the simulation."""

from .hash import hash
from .tools import mod2pi, M_to_f, E_to_f, M_to_E, spherical_to_xyz, xyz_to_spherical
from .simulation import Simulation, Variation, ODE, Vec3d, Vec3dBasic
from .rotation import Rotation
from .orbit import Orbit
from .particle import Particle
from .plotting import OrbitPlot, OrbitPlotSet
from .simulationarchive import Simulationarchive

__all__ = ["__libpath__", "__version__", "__build__", "__githash__", "Simulationarchive", "Simulation", "Orbit", "OrbitPlot", "OrbitPlotSet", "Particle", "GenericError", "Encounter", "Collision", "Escape", "NoParticles", "ParticleNotFound", "Variation", "clibrebound", "mod2pi", "M_to_f", "E_to_f", "M_to_E", "ODE", "Rotation", "Vec3d", "spherical_to_xyz", "xyz_to_spherical"]
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