Revision e9e80dfdfbf8685c47ba116081144d159d1d5d7e authored by IyarLin on 28 August 2018, 01:04:36 UTC, committed by Lars Kotthoff on 28 August 2018, 01:04:36 UTC
* fixed ibrier measure

* Changed F to FALSE
1 parent 93d3d3e
Raw File
#' @title Filter features by thresholding filter values.
#' @description
#' First, calls [generateFilterValuesData].
#' Features are then selected via `select` and `val`.
#' @template arg_task
#' @param method (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   See [listFilterMethods].
#'   Default is \dQuote{randomForestSRC.rfsrc}.
#' @param fval ([FilterValues])\cr
#'   Result of [generateFilterValuesData].
#'   If you pass this, the filter values in the object are used for feature filtering.
#'   `method` and `...` are ignored then.
#'   Default is `NULL` and not used.
#' @param perc (`numeric(1)`)\cr
#'   If set, select `perc`*100 top scoring features.
#'   Mutually exclusive with arguments `abs` and `threshold`.
#' @param abs (`numeric(1)`)\cr
#'   If set, select `abs` top scoring features.
#'   Mutually exclusive with arguments `perc` and `threshold`.
#' @param threshold (`numeric(1)`)\cr
#'   If set, select features whose score exceeds `threshold`.
#'   Mutually exclusive with arguments `perc` and `abs`.
#' @param mandatory.feat ([character])\cr
#'   Mandatory features which are always included regardless of their scores
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#'   Passed down to selected filter method.
#' @template ret_task
#' @export
#' @family filter
filterFeatures = function(task, method = "randomForestSRC.rfsrc", fval = NULL, perc = NULL, abs = NULL,
                          threshold = NULL, mandatory.feat = NULL, ...) {
  assertClass(task, "SupervisedTask")
  assertChoice(method, choices = ls(.FilterRegister))
  select = checkFilterArguments(perc, abs, threshold)
  p = getTaskNFeats(task)
  nselect = switch(select,
    perc = round(perc * p),
    abs = min(abs, p),
    threshold = p

  if (is.null(fval)) {
    fval = generateFilterValuesData(task = task, method = method, nselect = nselect, ...)$data
  } else {
    assertClass(fval, "FilterValues")
    if (!is.null(fval$method)) { ## fval is generated by deprecated getFilterValues
      colnames(fval$data)[which(colnames(fval$data) == "val")] = fval$method
      method = fval$method
      fval = fval$data[, c(1, 3, 2)]
    } else {
      methods = colnames(fval$data[, -which(colnames(fval$data) %in% c("name", "type")), drop = FALSE])
      if (length(methods) > 1) {
        assert(method %in% methods)
      } else {
        method = methods
        fval = fval$data

  if (all([[method]]))) {
    stopf("Filter method returned all NA values!")

  if (!is.null(mandatory.feat)) {
    if (!all(mandatory.feat %in% fval$name))
      stop("At least one mandatory feature was not found in the task.")
    if (select != "threshold" && nselect < length(mandatory.feat))
      stop("The number of features to be filtered cannot be smaller than the number of mandatory features.")
    #Set the the filter values of the mandatory features to infinity to always select them
    fval[fval$name %in% mandatory.feat, method] = Inf
  if (select == "threshold")
    nselect = sum(fval[[method]] >= threshold, na.rm = TRUE)
  features = as.character(head(sortByCol(fval, method, asc = FALSE)$name, nselect))
  allfeats = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
  j = match(features, allfeats)
  features = allfeats[sort(j)]
  subsetTask(task, features = features)

checkFilterArguments = function(perc, abs, threshold) {
  sum.null = sum(!is.null(perc), !is.null(abs), !is.null(threshold))
  if (sum.null == 0L)
    stop("At least one of 'perc', 'abs' or 'threshold' must be not NULL")
  if (sum.null >= 2L)
    stop("Arguments 'perc', 'abs' and 'threshold' are mutually exclusive")

  if (!is.null(perc)) {
    assertNumber(perc, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  if (!is.null(abs)) {
  if (!is.null(threshold)) {
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