Revision eba94d35d4e5378d00ab7f03e528a24a67474d10 authored by Thierry Emonet on 26 July 2021, 15:16:38 UTC, committed by GitHub on 26 July 2021, 15:16:38 UTC
1 parent 98b5e01
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Tip revision: eba94d35d4e5378d00ab7f03e528a24a67474d10 authored by Thierry Emonet on 26 July 2021, 15:16:38 UTC
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Tip revision: eba94d3
from final_full_model import *
from video_environments import *
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats as sts
import pickle as pkl
from load_data import load_vid_by_frm
from load_data import load_int_vid_by_frm
from load_data import high_int_load_vid_by_frm

class navigator():

    def __init__(self, model, environment, num_steps, num_flies, delta_t, delta_pos, init_theta, start_x_pos, start_y_pos, job=0, seed_mult = 1, out_dir="./", wall_conditions = 'turn', 
          environment_kwargs={'arena_x_indices':(0,2048), 'arena_y_indices':(0,1200)}, model_kwargs = {}, start_from_file = False): 

        #base simulation parameters

        self.num_steps = num_steps
        self.num_flies = num_flies
        self.delta_t = delta_t
        self.delta_pos = delta_pos
        self.wall_conditions = wall_conditions
        self.job = job
        self.start_from_file = start_from_file

        #environment-specific initialization

        self.environment_kwargs = environment_kwargs
        self.environment = environment(**self.environment_kwargs) 
        #random numbers

        self.rand_gen = sp.random.RandomState(10000 * seed_mult * int(job) + int(num_flies))

        #self.update = self.model.update
        #data saving

        self.out_dir = out_dir

        #antenna intialization (at 0 degrees ellipse is longer and narrower-1.5mm long and 0.5mm wide)

        self.antenna_width = 0.5 * 1/self.delta_pos
        self.antenna_height = 1.5 * 1/self.delta_pos
        self.antenna_dist = 1/self.delta_pos
        self.std_box = np.array([[0,0]])

        for i in range(0,int(self.antenna_height)+2):

            for j in range(0,int(self.antenna_height)+2):

                m = i - (int(self.antenna_height/2)+1) 
                n = j - (int(self.antenna_height/2)+1)

                self.std_box = np.append(self.std_box, [[m,n]], axis = 0)

        self.std_box = self.std_box[1:]

        #odor initialization

        self.odor = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))
        self.odor_L = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))
        self.odor_R = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))

        ########### INITIAL POSITION DATA #############                                                                                                                                                     
        self.x = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))

            x_file = open(str(start_dir) + 'init_xs','rb')
            self.x[0] = sp.array(pkl.load(x_file))

            start_x = start_x_pos[0]
            start_x_range = start_x_pos[1] - start_x_pos[0]

            for i in range(self.num_flies):
                self.x[0,i] = start_x + start_x_range * self.rand_gen.random_sample()

        self.y = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))

            y_file = open(str(start_dir) + 'init_ys','rb')
            self.y[0] = sp.array(pkl.load(y_file))

            start_y = start_y_pos[0]
            start_y_range = start_y_pos[1] - start_y_pos[0]

            for i in range(self.num_flies):
                self.y[0,i] = start_y + start_y_range * self.rand_gen.random_sample()

        self.theta = sp.zeros((self.num_steps, self.num_flies))

            theta_file = open(str(start_dir) + 'init_thetas','rb')
            self.theta[0] = sp.array(pkl.load(theta_file))

            start_theta = init_theta[0]
            start_theta_range = init_theta[1] - init_theta[0]

            for i in range(self.num_flies):
                self.theta[0,i] = (start_theta + start_theta_range
                                 * self.rand_gen.random_sample())

        #model-specific initialization                                                                                                                                                                      
        self.model_kwargs = model_kwargs

        self.model = model(num_steps = self.num_steps, num_flies = self.num_flies, delta_t = self.delta_t, rand_gen = self.rand_gen, **self.model_kwargs)


    def go(self):

        ##get odor signal

        for i in range(self.num_steps-1):
            self.i = i

            self.x_idx = np.rint(self.x[self.i]/self.delta_pos)
            self.y_idx = np.rint(self.y[self.i]/self.delta_pos)

            self.signal = self.environment.generate_env(time_step = self.i, delta_t = self.delta_t, rand_gen = self.rand_gen)

            frm_data = self.signal

            for j in range(0,self.num_flies):
                left_box, right_box = full_antenna(self.std_box, self.theta[self.i, j], self.x_idx[j], self.y_idx[j], a=self.antenna_width/2, b=self.antenna_height/2, dist=self.antenna_dist)
                left_odors = np.zeros(len(left_box))
                right_odors = np.zeros(len(right_box))

                for i in range(0,len(left_box)):

                    if (0 < left_box[i][0] < np.shape(self.signal)[0]) and (0 < left_box[i][1] < np.shape(self.signal)[1]):

                        left_odors[i] = max(frm_data[int(left_box[i][0]), int(left_box[i][1])], 0)

                    if (0 < right_box[i][0] < np.shape(self.signal)[0]) and (0 < right_box[i][1] < np.shape(self.signal)[1]):
                        right_odors[i] = max(frm_data[int(right_box[i][0]), int(right_box[i][1])], 0)

                self.odor_L[self.i,j] = np.mean(left_odors)
                self.odor_R[self.i,j] = np.mean(right_odors)
                self.odor[self.i,j] = 1/2*(self.odor_L[self.i,j] + self.odor_R[self.i,j])

            #update position variables
            new_thetas, dx, dy = self.model.update(i = self.i, theta=self.theta, odor_L = self.odor_L, odor_R = self.odor_R, x = self.x, y = self.y)
            new_thetas = new_thetas%360

            self.theta[self.i + 1] = new_thetas

            self.x[self.i + 1] = self.x[self.i] + dx
            self.y[self.i + 1] = self.y[self.i] + dy

            #check wall conditions, correct position variables if necessary

            if self.wall_conditions == "turn":

                bad_x_1 = self.x[self.i+1] > np.shape(self.signal)[0]*self.delta_pos - 3
                bad_x_2 = self.x[self.i+1] < 3

                only_bad_x_1 = self.x[self.i+1][bad_x_1]
                only_bad_x_2 = self.x[self.i+1][bad_x_2]

                bad_y_1 = self.y[self.i+1] < 0*self.delta_pos + 3
                bad_y_2 = self.y[self.i+1] > np.shape(self.signal)[1]*self.delta_pos - 3

                only_bad_y_1 = self.y[self.i+1][bad_y_1]
                only_bad_y_2 = self.y[self.i+1][bad_y_2]

                self.x[self.i+1][bad_x_1+bad_x_2] = self.x[self.i][bad_x_1+bad_x_2]
                self.y[self.i+1][bad_y_1+bad_y_2] = self.y[self.i][bad_y_1+bad_y_2]

                self.theta[self.i+1][bad_x_1] = self.rand_gen.uniform(90,270,np.size(only_bad_x_1))
                self.theta[self.i+1][bad_x_2] = self.rand_gen.uniform(-90,90,np.size(only_bad_x_2))
                self.theta[self.i+1][bad_y_1] = self.rand_gen.uniform(0,180,np.size(only_bad_y_1))
                self.theta[self.i+1][bad_y_2] = self.rand_gen.uniform(180,360,np.size(only_bad_y_2))

                self.theta[self.i+1] = self.theta[self.i+1]%360


        job_str = "Job" + str(self.job) + "_"
        x_trans = sp.transpose(self.x)
        y_trans = sp.transpose(self.y)
        theta_trans = sp.transpose(self.theta)
        odor_trans = sp.transpose(self.odor)
        sp.savetxt(self.out_dir+job_str + "xs", x_trans)
        sp.savetxt(self.out_dir+job_str + "ys", y_trans)
        sp.savetxt(self.out_dir+job_str + "thetas", theta_trans)
        sp.savetxt(self.out_dir+job_str + "odors", odor_trans)
        self.model.save_data(out_dir = self.out_dir, job_str = job_str)
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