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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
ecc5b95 [RF] Improve binBoundaries method of ParamHistFunc (#15650) ParamHistFunc currently does not adhere to the convention that if it is independent of the variable passed to binBoundaries method that it should return `nullptr`. This is fixed, along with more correct obtaining of the bin boundaries, from the RooDataHist itself. 15 June 2024, 10:20:08 UTC
c632980 [RF] xroofit update Updates to latest xRooFit version. 15 June 2024, 10:20:08 UTC
418c02a [RF] Enable RooCrystalBall test for AD Since this works now with Clad 1.5. 15 June 2024, 10:20:08 UTC
b67de9a [RF] Don't call `resetDataToken()` on RooRealVars in Evaluator d'tor It's not necessary because the data token is not set for `RooRealVar`s to begin with: And by not doing this unnecessary resetting, we avoid potential crashes in case the `RooRealVar`s live not as long as the evaluator. 15 June 2024, 10:20:08 UTC
21e96fc [ORC] Preserve order of constructors with same priority Constructors with the same priority should keep their relative order that was specified. This is important for clang-repl with many const variables after commit 05137ecfca ("[clang-repl] Emit const variables only once"). --- Fixes #15511 (cherry picked from commit a60f3538220e298f14c0ea5824d2fda91b71f39e) 15 June 2024, 04:57:35 UTC
d061775 [came][win32] Fix error with VS v17.10 Fixes Fix the following compilation errors with Visual Studio v17.10 on x86 ``` libCling.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char const * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<char const ,char>(char const *,char const *,char)" (??$__std_find_trivial@$$CBDD@@YAPBDPBD0D@Z) [C:\ root-dev\build\x86\release\core\metacling\src\Cling.vcxproj] libCling.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<char,char>(char *,char *,char)" (??$__std_find_trivial@DD@@YAPADPAD0D@Z) [C:\root-dev\build\x86\release\co re\metacling\src\Cling.vcxproj] libCling.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<int,int>(int *,int *,int)" (??$__std_find_trivial@HH@@YAPAHPAH0H@Z) [C:\root-dev\build\x86\release\core\met acling\src\Cling.vcxproj] libCling.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "unsigned int * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<unsigned int,int>(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,int)" (??$__std_find_trivial@IH@@YAPAIPAI0H@Z) [C: \root-dev\build\x86\release\core\metacling\src\Cling.vcxproj] C:\root-dev\build\x86\release\bin\libCling.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals [C:\root-dev\build\x86\release\core\metacling\src\Cling.vcxproj] ``` 15 June 2024, 04:56:27 UTC
afd229e [tmva][sofie] Use -1 as default for batch_size in RFunction_Update::GenerateModel The GenerateModel function called for the GNN classes was having a default =1 for the batch size used when generating the update models. We should use -1 to not force any specific batch size and use directly the given input shape 13 June 2024, 20:40:06 UTC
1b77790 [tmva][sofie] FIx setting batch size in Keras parsing Fix for setting t he batch size when parsing a Keras model where the input batch size is not defined Add extra optional parameter in the Parse function to specify the batch size 13 June 2024, 20:40:06 UTC
e0347f7 [tmva][sofie] Apply a fix when batch size is given by user When input shape is parametric, give possibility to fix the batch size if provided by user in RModel::Generate 13 June 2024, 20:40:06 UTC
8a1fb82 [RF][HS3] Add Workspace => JSON => Workspace => JSON check to tests Make sure that objects in a list are always exported to JOSN alphabeticall, so the JSON 1 vs. JSON 2 comparision doesn't fail. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
abc5385 [RF][HS3] Sort variables exported by RooGenericPdf and FooFormulaVar This makes the generated JSON more reproducible. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
1681382 [RF][HS3] Clean roundtripping of RooExponential and RooLogNormal Make sure that when transforming workspaces with these classes, roundtripping from RooFit -> JSON -> RooFit -> JSON leaves both the RooFit workspace and the JSON unchanged. Closes #15756. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
cab0c8c Typo in cmake 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
9835837 Fix test failure on ppc64le and s390x 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
56075bd Correct format - warnings seen on 32 bit architectures 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
8d2a6df [PyROOT] Register custom converters and executors via CPyCppyy API Synchronizes with this upstream commit and directly makes use of the new API to avoid a patch: 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
b5619f7 [core] Add comment about not calling bswapcpy with n == 0 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
05e7c27 [tree] Prefer stack variables in BulkApiVarLength test 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
3c59c25 [tree] Avoid heap-use-after-free in BulkApiVarLength test Ensure proper TFile memory management and avoid TTreeReader accessing the TFile after its destruction. ``` 479: ==2573107==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x617000051b48 at pc 0x7f0fcf4e089e bp 0x7fff6e7e1fe0 sp 0x7fff6e7e1fd8 479: READ of size 8 at 0x617000051b48 thread T0 479: #0 0x7f0fcf4e089d in TTree::GetNotify() const /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/inc/TTree.h:503 479: #1 0x7f0fcf4e089d in void TNotifyLinkBase::RemoveLink<TTree>(TTree&) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/base/inc/TNotifyLin k.h:104 479: #2 0x7f0fcf4e089d in TTreeReader::~TTreeReader() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/treeplayer/src/TTreeReader.cxx:252 479: #3 0x4321ca in BulkApiVariableTest_stdRead_Test::TestBody() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/test/BulkApiVarLength.c xx:135 479: root-project#4 0x470c8c in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)() , char const*) (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x470 c8c) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#5 0x45a6d3 in testing::Test::Run() [clone .part.0] (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing- asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x45a6d3) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#6 0x45aa49 in testing::TestInfo::Run() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tr ee/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x45aa49) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#7 0x45abf0 in testing::TestSuite::Run() [clone .part.0] (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-tes ting-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x45abf0) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#8 0x46769e in testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-fre e-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x46769e) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#9 0x45b04c in testing::UnitTest::Run() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tr ee/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x45b04c) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: root-project#10 0x424606 in main (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApi VarLength+0x424606) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) 479: 0x617000051b48 is located 328 bytes inside of 712-byte region [0x617000051a00,0x617000051cc8) 479: freed by thread T0 here: 479: #0 0x7f0fcf8da878 in operator delete(void*) (/lib64/ (BuildId: 2e1c50524ff1a2e7e73c4565b46f3f51892353ea) 479: #1 0x7f0fcb9b4f25 in TCollection::GarbageCollect(TObject*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/TCollection.cxx:736 479: #2 0x7f0fcb9e8a27 in TList::Delete(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/TList.cxx:535 479: #3 0x7f0fcb9c53d7 in THashList::Delete(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/THashList.cxx:215 479: root-project#4 0x7f0fcc2d285d in TDirectoryFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TDirectoryFile.cxx:585 479: root-project#5 0x7f0fcc2d285d in TDirectoryFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TDirectoryFile.cxx:561 479: root-project#6 0x7f0fcc3468e4 in TFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:989 479: root-project#7 0x7f0fcc3481fd in TFile::~TFile() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:566 479: root-project#8 0x7f0fcc348fd0 in TFile::~TFile() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:603 479: root-project#9 0x432ebf in BulkApiVariableTest_stdRead_Test::TestBody() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/test/BulkApiVarLength.c xx:130 479: root-project#10 0x470c8c in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)( ), char const*) (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiVarLength+0x47 0c8c) (BuildId: aac947b72f02e5567382f0dadfefd1e97d058a56) ``` 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
f11d51b [tree] Prefer stack variables in BulkApiSillyStruct test 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
5296450 [tree] Avoid heap-use-after-free in BulkApiSillyStruct test The destructor of TTreeReader was making use of the TFile after its destruction. ``` 480: ==2560128==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x617000011648 at pc 0x7fb9d1ae089e bp 0x7ffd8e35b0a0 sp 0x7ffd8e35b098 480: READ of size 8 at 0x617000011648 thread T0 480: #0 0x7fb9d1ae089d in TTree::GetNotify() const /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/inc/TTree.h:503 480: #1 0x7fb9d1ae089d in void TNotifyLinkBase::RemoveLink<TTree>(TTree&) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/base/inc/TNotifyLin k.h:104 480: #2 0x7fb9d1ae089d in TTreeReader::~TTreeReader() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/treeplayer/src/TTreeReader.cxx:252 480: #3 0x433968 in BulkApiSillyStructTest_stdReadSplitBranch_Test::TestBody() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/test/Bulk ApiSillyStruct.cxx:104 480: root-project#4 0x470bac in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)() , char const*) (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x4 70bac) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#5 0x45a5f3 in testing::Test::Run() [clone .part.0] (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing- asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x45a5f3) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#6 0x45a969 in testing::TestInfo::Run() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tr ee/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x45a969) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#7 0x45ab10 in testing::TestSuite::Run() [clone .part.0] (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-tes ting-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x45ab10) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#8 0x4675be in testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-fre e-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x4675be) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#9 0x45af6c in testing::UnitTest::Run() (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tr ee/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x45af6c) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#10 0x425456 in main (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApi SillyStruct+0x425456) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: root-project#11 0x7fb9cd446149 in __libc_start_call_main (/lib64/ (BuildId: 0d710e9d9dc10c500b8119c85da75004183618e2) 480: root-project#12 0x7fb9cd44620a in __libc_start_main_impl (/lib64/ (BuildId: 0d710e9d9dc10c500b8119c85da75004183618e2) 480: root-project#13 0x4257b4 in _start (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkA piSillyStruct+0x4257b4) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: 0x617000011648 is located 328 bytes inside of 712-byte region [0x617000011500,0x6170000117c8) 480: freed by thread T0 here: 480: #0 0x7fb9d1eda878 in operator delete(void*) (/lib64/ (BuildId: 2e1c50524ff1a2e7e73c4565b46f3f51892353ea) 480: #1 0x7fb9cdfb4f25 in TCollection::GarbageCollect(TObject*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/TCollection.cxx:736 480: #2 0x7fb9cdfe8a27 in TList::Delete(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/TList.cxx:535 480: #3 0x7fb9cdfc53d7 in THashList::Delete(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/cont/src/THashList.cxx:215 480: root-project#4 0x7fb9ce8d285d in TDirectoryFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TDirectoryFile.cxx:585 480: root-project#5 0x7fb9ce8d285d in TDirectoryFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TDirectoryFile.cxx:561 480: root-project#6 0x7fb9ce9468e4 in TFile::Close(char const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:989 480: root-project#7 0x7fb9ce9481fd in TFile::~TFile() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:566 480: root-project#8 0x7fb9ce948fd0 in TFile::~TFile() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TFile.cxx:603 480: root-project#9 0x4338cd in BulkApiSillyStructTest_stdReadSplitBranch_Test::TestBody() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/test/Bulk ApiSillyStruct.cxx:103 480: root-project#10 0x470bac in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)( ), char const*) (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x 470bac) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: previously allocated by thread T0 here: 480: #0 0x7fb9d1ed9e38 in operator new(unsigned long) (/lib64/ (BuildId: 2e1c50524ff1a2e7e73c4565b46f3f51892353ea) 480: #1 0x7fb9cdebbfd0 in TStorage::ObjectAlloc(unsigned long) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/base/src/TStorage.cxx:293 480: #2 0x7fb9d12cc209 in TObject::operator new(unsigned long) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-tes ting-asan/include/TObject.h:181 480: #3 0x7fb9d12cc209 in new_TTree /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/G__Tree .cxx:4363 480: root-project#4 0x7fb9ce10a49c in TClass::NewObject(TClass::ENewType, bool) const /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/meta/src/TClass.cxx :5003 480: root-project#5 0x7fb9ce113c7d in TClass::New(TClass::ENewType, bool) const /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/meta/src/TClass.cxx:4980 480: root-project#6 0x7fb9ce9cda38 in TKey::ReadObjectAny(TClass const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/TKey.cxx:1086 480: root-project#7 0x7fb9ce8d10a7 in TDirectoryFile::GetObjectChecked(char const*, TClass const*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/io/io/src/T DirectoryFile.cxx:1111 480: root-project#8 0x7fb9d1ade1d1 in void TDirectory::GetObject<TTree>(char const*, TTree*&) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/core/base/inc/TD irectory.h:214 480: root-project#9 0x7fb9d1ade1d1 in TTreeReader::TTreeReader(char const*, TDirectory*, TEntryList*) /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tre eplayer/src/TTreeReader.cxx:232 480: root-project#10 0x433332 in BulkApiSillyStructTest_stdReadSplitBranch_Test::TestBody() /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/test/Bu$ kApiSillyStruct.cxx:87 480: root-project#11 0x470bac in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)( ), char const*) (/home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootbuild/bulksilly-heap-use-after-free-testing-asan/tree/tree/test/testBulkApiSillyStruct+0x 470bac) (BuildId: 45d8d15c24ba2aae252398ec00943aba7665b034) 480: 480: SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free /home/vpadulan/Programs/rootproject/rootsrc/tree/tree/inc/TTree.h:503 in TTree::GetNotify() co nst ``` 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
703351a [skip-ci][RDF] clang-format some RDF tests 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
5b0c854 [PyROOT] Implement TTree SetBranchAddress pythonization in Python The pythonization of `TTree::SetBranchAddress` was implemented in C++, hacking into CPyCppy by using implementation details like data member caches (this call: `((CPPInstance *)address)GetDatamemberCache()`). Not too surprising that it apparently breaks with the upcoming Python 3.13. It's better to implement the pythonizations in Python and also manage the lifetime of the necessary data in Python. This is done in this commit. The pythonization is extensively tested in ``. Possible closes #15799. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
28f7ba6 [df] Improve syntax for column definition in df001 The tutorial uses a C++ lambda with increment of a shared local variable between two different nodes of the computation graph, without explaining it. This is a somewhat advanced usage of the API for an introductory tutorial and is also in a seemingly irrelevant part of the tutorial (used just for creating the toy data). RDataFrame already provides the `rdfentry_` magic column which does effectively the same, providing a sequentially increasing number. Also, it was already used in the Python tutorial so this commit is just aligning the two language versions. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
d96d06f Update THStack documentation (#15766) * Update THStack documentation * Only issue a warning in case of negative histogram in a stack * Change the method name in the Warning call. 13 June 2024, 19:51:16 UTC
7b097a3 [webgui] ensure main thread id set when TWebCanvas is created Workaround for multi-threaded environment Ensure main thread id picked when canvas implementation is created otherwise it may be assigned in other thread and screw-up gPad access. Workaround may not work if main thread id was wrongly initialized before This resolves issue 13 June 2024, 11:58:16 UTC
09fd756 [math] Use correct type when invoking the GSLIntegrator plugin, otherwise heavy checks in the PluginHandler take place that perform interpreter lookups. Fixes #15579 12 June 2024, 18:57:38 UTC
801a234 [jsroot] 7.7.x 10/06/2024 1. Fix - always use 0 as minimum in THStack drawings 2. Fix - always show all ticks for labeled axis 3. Fix - draw TProfile2D bins content as text, not entries 12 June 2024, 15:32:15 UTC
9be1b6d [webgui] remove workaround for WaitPrimitive Primitives creation is not implemented in the web canvas and WaitPrimitive is returning for web canvas. Workaround was chaning selected pad and had side effect on TObject::DrawClone method 12 June 2024, 15:32:15 UTC
8f46a8a [webgui] do not support WaitPrimitive for web canvas Editor mode not yet implemented therefore one can simply return from the method 12 June 2024, 15:32:15 UTC
ec3e0fb [webgui] improve handling of TF1 saved buffer If function cannot be invoked - do not try to save it. Also do now overwrite saved buffer without need. 12 June 2024, 15:32:15 UTC
114b8cf [PyROOT][NFC] Relax memory test At least on Windows 4KB was sometimes triggering a failure, increase to 16KB threshold as it still should not represent an issue. 11 June 2024, 09:32:29 UTC
c696a15 [PyROOT] Update patch with code changes 11 June 2024, 09:32:29 UTC
1fcea33 [PyROOT] Add regression test for #15703 11 June 2024, 09:32:29 UTC
1f9b589 [PyROOT] Destroy STL string objects in StringExecutor ::operator delete only frees the memory that was previously allocated in Cppyy::CallO, but does not call the destructor of the std::string. Make sure that is done using keyword delete. 11 June 2024, 09:32:29 UTC
f91912a [pyroot] Add __firstlineno__ and __static_attributes__ to blacklist For compatibility with Python 3.13 See: From the above page: * Classes have a new __firstlineno__ attribute, populated by the compiler, with the line number of the first line of the class definition. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in gh-118465.) * Classes have a new __static_attributes__ attribute, populated by the compiler, with a tuple of names of attributes of this class which are accessed through self.X from any function in its body. (Contributed by Irit Katriel in gh-115775.) Without adding the new attributes to the blacklist there are errors: AttributeError: 'int' object attribute 'doc' is read-only from the __firstlineno__ attribute. AttributeError: 'tuple' object attribute 'doc' is read-only from the __static_attributes__ attribute. 10 June 2024, 15:20:08 UTC
0551c6e [windows] Fix compilation error with VS 2019 Fix the following error with Visual Studio 2019: error C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from 'int' to 'std::byte' 10 June 2024, 15:20:08 UTC
45af6ab [RF] Fix conditional RooProdPdfs in RooSimultaneous with new backend When compiling a RooSimultaneous for a given normalization set, we can only prefix the observables after everything related the compiling of the compute graph for the normalization set is done. This is because of a subtlety in conditional RooProdPdfs, which stores the normalization sets for the individual pdfs in RooArgSets that are disconnected from the computation graph, so we have no control over them. An alternative would be to use recursive server re-direction, but this has more performance overhead. Closes #15751 and fixes the CMS Run 1 Higgs combination with the new NLL evaluation backend. 10 June 2024, 15:20:08 UTC
3ab7f26 [ntuple] Ignore unkown compression settings in inspector Upon creating an RNTupleInspector, we check whether the compression settings are consistent across all columns. Some column ranges may have been constructed upon read (e.g. in the context of late model extension) and therefore have no compression settings to begin with. These column ranges should not cause the RNTupleInspector to throw. 10 June 2024, 11:16:01 UTC
412de07 [ntuple] Add `kUnknownCompressionSettings` `0` is a valid compression setting (i.e., no compression has been applied). We should distinguish between "no compression has been applied" and "we don't know the compression" (for example in the case of deferred columns where parts of it may not come from a physical storage location). 10 June 2024, 11:16:01 UTC
c5dc377 [ntuple] Fix deferred column range construction For deferred columns (i.e. columns created during late model extension) for subfields that have been created after one or more clusters have already been written, their (synthetic) column ranges were not properly initialized upon read back. This resulted in incorrect metadata and problems reading back the data in the subfields only (so not the complete field they are part of). 10 June 2024, 11:16:01 UTC
845970e [RF] Put CudaInterface directory in RooBatchCompute namespace It is not necessary of have an extra `RooFit::Detail` namespace for something that is not public anyway. 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
b9e0c93 [RF] Remove workarounds for gcc versions older than 6 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
79f47e4 [RF] Slight simplifications to RooFit CUDA code 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
2cc1048 [RF] Get rid of `roofitcuda` 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
d46d8bb [RF] Avoid `ROOFIT_CUDA` preprocessor macro in RooFit::Evaluator code 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
5ada113 [RF] Add interface to fill RooBatchCompute buffers from host or device 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
5544852 [RF] Implement host and device buffers in dynamically loaded library Like this, we can avoid a few more preprocessor checks conditional on `cuda=ON`. 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
37825ff [RF] Conditionally bring back in `gtest` compatibility macros This follows up on commit bf03006. Development is easier if we try for now to keep RooFit in `master` and the 6.32 branch identical and only focus on fixes that can be backported, at least until the next-to-next patch release. 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
c992d07 [RF] Move BufferManager into RooBatchCompute This is only the first step. The next step is to move it into the dynamically loaded part of RooBatchCompute, and have different CPU and GPU implementations. 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
6382003 [RF] Less divergence in RooFit code between `cuda=ON` and `OFF` The goal is to make RooFit completely independent on the cuda flag, except for building the BatchCompute CUDA library or not. This commit is the first step towards this goal. 07 June 2024, 03:58:48 UTC
c419599 Fix drawing in Do not draw stack twice Clone histograms once and use in stack and in legend Do not use sames - and disabling stats at the same time Simplify text drawing 05 June 2024, 15:21:43 UTC
45b0086 Fix drawing in df106_HiggsToFourLeptons.C Clone histograms and stack only once for drawing. Before two THStacks were drawn and each histogram was cloned twice - in stack and in legend 05 June 2024, 15:21:43 UTC
7a3e35b Fix one more broken import in JsMVA 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
6e9c244 [RF] Set size of offsets vector in LikelihoodJob correctly When `std::copy`ing into a vector, it needs to have the right size before. Doing only `std::reserve` is not enough. Fixes #15730. 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
4dfd8ac [core] Link clad to clang only if target available The target is not available if we are not building clang in the ROOT build, e.g. in the ROOT conda releases. 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
d1fa032 [graph] warn user when input format mismatch / no points found in file 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
6a862b8 [skip-ci] stray parenthesis in comment 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
a04ee93 [io] fix memory leak in TKey constructor * [io] fix memory leak in TKey constructor Fixes * [io] fix another memleak occurrence caught by silverweed * [io] explicitly set bufcur to null to hint that it's now invalid as suggested by silverweed 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
3f29042 [RDF] Make df106_HiggsToFourLeptons.C run properly when compiled (#15639) * [RDF] Make df106_HiggsToFourLeptons.C run properly when compiled * [RDF] merge Declares in df106 tutorial * [RDF] remove macros in favor of copy-paste in df106 * [RDF] remove trailing '\' in df106 tutorial 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
6181d2b [skip-ci] fix whitespaces 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
3e5f354 [skip-ci] fix copy paste error in docu 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
f172871 [skip-ci] only constructors create 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
0e70ceb [skip-ci] only constructors create 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
d2e6f6d [skip-ci] warn user that access operators delegate responsability of the caller on keeping symmetry 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
f1881f8 [skip-ci] replace instead of create, as functions are not constructors 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
f541e7a [skip-ci] fix copy-paste error in documentation 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
30e2cb8 [tmva] Make logger transient fixes #9792 05 June 2024, 14:20:09 UTC
6b4142a [cmake] Fix find_library() on Windows Fixes 05 June 2024, 11:20:16 UTC
d422b72 [jsroot] 7.7.x 5/06/2024 Redraw THStack axes with stack redraw 05 June 2024, 10:56:20 UTC
e10e8f0 [webgui] set thstack histogram range only when zooming 05 June 2024, 10:56:20 UTC
2c68b3f [jsroot] 7.7.x 4/06/2024 with THStack zooming fixes 05 June 2024, 10:56:20 UTC
d0f588e [webgui] correctly account THStack as first object - if any First object means first drawing axes 05 June 2024, 10:56:20 UTC
c4e2bd1 [webgui] fix THStack zooming handling Zoomed y axis range on THStack stored in histogram Also ignore empty THStack when search histogram for drawin axes 05 June 2024, 10:56:20 UTC
2467b8d [Clang] Implement CWG2518 - static_assert(false) This allows `static_assert(false)` to not be ill-formed in template definitions. This change is applied as a DR in all C++ modes. Of notes, a couple of tests were relying of the eager nature of static_assert * test/SemaTemplate/instantiation-dependence.cpp * test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-var-template.cpp I don't know if the changes to `static_assert` still allow that sort of tests to be expressed. Reviewed By: #clang-language-wg, erichkeane, aaron.ballman Differential Revision: --- Fixes the build with newer versions of MSVC's STL, reported as (cherry picked from commit c767271b30bde91d885d147b95e2f91d3d7a20b6) 05 June 2024, 09:09:47 UTC
450b24e [df] Ensure execution order of Define operations is guaranteed In the RDataFrame computation graph execution, the `RAction::Run` method is responsible for requesting the values from the readers that are necessary for that action. This is done by calling `RColumnReaderBase::Get` with the correct template type given by the variadic argument type list of the action, which corresponds to the list of column types that action requires. So far, this variadic template function call was done by simply unpacking the argument pack as the arguments to the `Exec` function of the action helper data member. This meant that the execution order was never guaranteed (undefined until C++17, unspecified since), according to the explanation at This commit ensures that the execution order of the calls to the `Get` method of the readers is done left to right, following the same order of the template parameter pack. This is done by using the sequenced-before feature of the list-initialization of any C++ struct/class. A simple struct helper is used to this end. 04 June 2024, 15:03:53 UTC
2ddc3b1 [df] Add tests for order of execution of Define operations 04 June 2024, 15:03:53 UTC
4b8c7eb [jsroot] 7.7.x from 3/06/2024 1. Fix - hide empty title on the canvas 2. Workaround for frame painter in web canvas 04 June 2024, 09:31:32 UTC
79849b7 [webcanvas] ensure TFrame for THStack and TMultiGraph When drawing such objects frame is required - therefore create it already on the cserver side. Client will use pointer to set some attributes like color or position 04 June 2024, 09:31:32 UTC
be1d282 [ci] Remove ubu2310 build 03 June 2024, 07:58:18 UTC
b89e2d1 [RF] Fix vectorized evaluation for RooRealSumpdf with `_doFloor` This little bug was already introduced a few years ago in 1ecd30e, and became apparent now that the vectorized evaluation is the default. The logic should be to clip all values to be >= 0. Closes #15694. 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
0e04481 [hist] Don't define default `w=1.0` parameter in `TProfile2D::Fill()` Don't use a default w=1.0 in the Fill functions, but instead declare inlined no-weight overloads to correctly override TH2 methods. Closes #15688. 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
05b6fc0 [RF] Fix segfault with RooBernstein instances read back from files Setting the size of the transient buffer only in the constructor was a mistake, because it's never called when the RooBernstein is read back from a file. To be safe, the buffer size should be checked everytime that it's used. Closes #15690. 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
c799add [CMake] Forward `OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR` to builtin xrootd It was tested that this works by building openssl on Arch Linux in a random directory and setting this as the `OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR`. Then, I checked in the cache for the xrootd builtin external project if openssl was found in the desired location: ``` builtins/xrootd/BUILTIN_XROOTD-prefix/src/BUILTIN_XROOTD-build/CMakeCache.txt ``` This was the case indeed. 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
b8a6d8a [math] Print message only if verbosity level allows fixes ROOT-9673 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
e980c27 [CMake] Do not allow linking with mold 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
cb7a1a0 [RF] Fix memory leak in `RooMCStudy` 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
4589fbf [RF] Remove docs for `ExternalConstraints` option from RooMCStudy As explained in #15405, the documentation for the `ExternalConstraints` option in RooMCStudy is misleading. People should just pass this to the `FitOptions`, so it actually needs no own docs. The logic to forward the `ExternalConstraints` to the FitOptions is kept for backwards compatibility. Closes #15405. 01 June 2024, 12:56:53 UTC
452e8a2 [jsroot] version 7.7.1 1. Fix - properly select TF1 range after zooming 2. Fix - TH1 y-range selection 01 June 2024, 05:37:57 UTC
b8a8f3b [RF][CMake] Add missing dependencies Add some missing dependencies for test executables. (cherry picked from commit 4215ae1461a5a11f0ae82447ada7f6b39ff9907b) 31 May 2024, 12:34:59 UTC
c3a1f9d [RF][CMake] Use PUBLIC (not INTERFACE) for adding `res` to include dirs The targets are using the headers in `res` themselves when compiling: it's not only an interface dependency when compiling against the target. It worked before, but like this it's more precise and the configuration is more robust. Will help in particular when building RooFit standalone. (cherry picked from commit 6e7ba83b25bda5b3ae2bc8547b2a10ea4175f838) 31 May 2024, 12:34:59 UTC
d0b7454 Fix problem with timeonaxis tutorials (#15680) After last modification they shouid be removed from list of tutorials returning not void value. Co-authored-by: Sergey Linev <> 29 May 2024, 17:51:35 UTC
99fe350 Remove an unused variable and use exact dates. (cherry picked from commit 14a125779d3241802854bc0c7251bfb0af6be06d) 29 May 2024, 12:10:47 UTC
e205be1 simplify timeonaxis examples. (cherry picked from commit 98891878f10ba9d221daa8ec20ac7a3f9e7640f9) 29 May 2024, 12:10:47 UTC
1324458 Simplify timeonaxis.C and make the year labels clearer (cherry picked from commit b2bbfce60661cb5220e832e832df5bd10cadde55) 29 May 2024, 12:10:47 UTC
4c0883d Fix warnings in timeaxis3.C (cherry picked from commit a46a65616eb387e71659887b5f90726684244f74) 29 May 2024, 12:10:47 UTC
13e876e [skip-ci] improve labeling in candle plot examples. (cherry picked from commit d60087277b186141035952ea83a3e0396283e567) 29 May 2024, 12:10:47 UTC
500f157 [core] Fallback to urandom for increased compatibility Systems with older versions of glibc do not have modern functions to get cryptographically secure random numbers. Introduce a fallback to using `/dev/urandom` in such cases. A notable example is the conda-build environment which is based on Centos7 where the glibc version is 2.17 29 May 2024, 10:13:28 UTC
1b2379e [meta] Clarify comment in TCling::InspectMembers 28 May 2024, 22:51:05 UTC
4e00d3c [meta] Assert in case of unexpected access property 28 May 2024, 22:51:05 UTC
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