Revision ed19f0bd5f10867fd51849ff2a875b57fabc9761 authored by Joost van Griethuysen on 10 January 2018, 17:37:44 UTC, committed by Joost van Griethuysen on 10 January 2018, 17:37:44 UTC
Add a function (`LoadJSONParams`) in the featureextractor, which accepts a JSON formatted string. This string will then be validated similar to a parameter file and if successful, used to customize the extraction.
1 parent fb7590c
Raw File
# to run this test, from directory above:
# setenv PYTHONPATH /path/to/pyradiomics/radiomics
# nosetests --nocapture -v tests/

import logging
import os

from nose_parameterized import parameterized
import six

from radiomics.featureextractor import RadiomicsFeaturesExtractor
from testUtils import custom_name_func, RadiomicsTestUtils

testUtils = RadiomicsTestUtils()
testCases = testUtils.getTestCases()

extractor = RadiomicsFeaturesExtractor()

featureClass = None

class TestFeatures:
  def generate_scenarios():
    global testCases
    global extractor

    for testCase in testCases:
      for featureClassName in extractor.getFeatureClassNames():
        # Get all feature names for which there is a baseline with current test case
        baselineFeatureNames = testUtils.getFeatureNames(featureClassName, testCase)

        assert (baselineFeatureNames is not None)
        assert (len(baselineFeatureNames) > 0)

        # Get a list of all features for current class
        featureNames = extractor.featureClasses[featureClassName].getFeatureNames()
        # Get a list of all non-deprecated features
        activeFeatures = set([f for (f, deprecated) in six.iteritems(featureNames) if not deprecated])
        # Check if all active features have a baseline (exclude deprecated features from this set)
        if len(activeFeatures - set(baselineFeatureNames)) > 0:
          raise AssertionError('Missing baseline for active features %s', activeFeatures - set(baselineFeatureNames))

        logging.debug('generate_scenarios: featureNames = %s', baselineFeatureNames)
        for featureName in baselineFeatureNames:
          assert featureName in featureNames  # check if feature function exists
          yield testCase, featureClassName, featureName

  global testUtils

  @parameterized.expand(generate_scenarios(), testcase_func_name=custom_name_func)
  def test_scenario(self, testCase, featureClassName, featureName):
    global testUtils
    global extractor

    logging.debug('test_scenario: testCase = %s, featureClassName = %s, featureName = %s', testCase, featureClassName,

    testCaseOrClassChanged = testUtils.setFeatureClassAndTestCase(featureClassName, testCase)

    global featureClass
    testImage = testUtils.getImage()
    testMask = testUtils.getMask()
    if featureClass is None or testCaseOrClassChanged:
      logging.debug('Init %s' % (featureClassName))
      featureClass = extractor.featureClasses[featureClassName](testImage, testMask, **testUtils.getSettings())

    assert (featureClass is not None)

    # get the result and test it
    val = featureClass.featureValues[featureName]
    testUtils.checkResult(featureName, val)

def teardown_module():
  res = testUtils.getResults()
  resultsFile = os.path.join(testUtils.getDataDir(), 'PyradiomicsFeatures.csv')
  testUtils.writeCSV(res, resultsFile)
  diff = testUtils.getDiffs()
  print('Differences from baseline:')
  diffFile = os.path.join(testUtils.getDataDir(), 'Baseline2PyradiomicsFeaturesDiff.csv')
  testUtils.writeCSV(diff, diffFile)
    "Wrote calculated features to %s, and the differences between the baseline features and the calculated ones to %s.",
    resultsFile, diffFile)
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