Revision edc453189104a1f76f4b2ab230cd86f2140e3f63 authored by Anne Urai on 08 April 2021, 13:13:40 UTC, committed by Anne Urai on 08 April 2021, 13:13:40 UTC
1 parent 22583a6
Raw File
Behavior paper contribution statement - v2 (2020) - full_descriptions.csv
Valeria,Aguillon Rodriguez,technician,,"[Methodology] built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)","[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)"
Dora E.,Angelaki,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Hannah M.,Bayer,staff,,"[Project administration] administered the collaboration (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (lead)","[Supervision] managed and coordinated team (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (lead)"
Niccolò,Bonacchi,staff,,"[Data curation] curated data and metadata (equal)
[Funding acquisition] generated progress reports (support)
[Methodology] developed final behavioral task (equal) 
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Project administration] coordinated behavior working group (support)
attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Software] developed data acquisition software and infrastructure (lead)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead)
designed and delivered rig components (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal)
[Software] developed data acquisition software and infrastructure (lead)
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (support)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (support)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (support)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
[Supervision] managed and coordinated team (support)
[Project Administration] managed and coordinated research outputs (support)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)"
Matteo,Carandini,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (equal)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Project administration] coordinated behavior working group (lead) 
attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
administered the collaboration (support)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (lead)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (equal)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Project administration] managed and coordinated research outputs (lead) 
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
managed and coordinated team (lead)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (equal)
wrote the second version of the paper (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)"
Fanny,Cazettes,postdoc,,"[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead)
developed final behavioral task (support)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] administered the collaboration (support)
attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (support)","[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead)
developed final behavioral task (support)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Supervision] managed and coordinated team (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (support)"
Gaelle A.,Chapuis,staff,0000-0002-6849-5316,"[Project administration] managed the development, distribution and usage of training rigs (lead)
coordinated behavior working group (lead)
attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
administered the collaboration (lead)
enforced and applied standardized protocols across all institutions (lead)
[Methodology] developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (lead)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
[Funding acquisition] generated progress reports (equal)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (equal)
maintained and validated analysis code (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data for figure 1 (equal)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (equal)
[Project administration] managed and coordinated research outputs (lead)
[Supervision] managed and coordinated team (lead)
[Methodology] developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (lead)
designed and delivered rig components (support)
standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (lead)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (support)
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the second version of the paper (equal)
wrote and curated the appendix protocols (lead)
[Visualization] designed and created figures (support)

Anne K.,Churchand,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (lead)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Project administration] administered the collaboration (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (lead)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Yang,Dan,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Eric E.,DeWitt,postdoc,,"[Methodology] developed final behavioral task (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
coordinated behavior working group (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (support)
[Methodology] developed final behavioral task (equal)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Supervision] managed and coordinated team (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)"
Mayo,Faulkner,postdoc,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Methodology] wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (equal)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (equal)"
Hamish,Forrest,technician,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)"
Laura M.,Haetzel,technician,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
Michael,Hausser,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (lead)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Project administration] administered the collaboration (lead)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (lead)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)"
Sonja B.,Hofer,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Fei,Hu,postdoc,,"[Methodology] reviewed and standardized licenses and experimental protocols (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Funding acquisition] generated progress reports (support)","[Methodology] standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
Anup,Khanal,technician,0000-0002-8929-7984,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (support)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)
Christopher S.,Krasniak,PhD student,,"[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
","[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (equal)
wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
Inês C.,Laranjeira,technician,0000-0003-2961-6709,"[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)","[Methodology] piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)
Zachary F.,Mainen,PI,0000-0001-7913-9109,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (lead)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (support)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)"
Guido T.,Meijer,postdoc,0000-0002-7473-0482,"[Formal analysis] analyzed data for figure 1 (support)
analyzed data for figure 2 (equal)
analyzed data for figure 3 (lead)
analyzed data for figure 4 (support)
analyzed data for supplementary figures (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Methodology] developed final behavioral task (equal)
built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (lead)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (equal)
reviewed and standardized licenses and experimental protocols (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Data curation] maintained and validated analysis code (equal)
","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (lead)
[Visualization] designed and created figures (lead)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (equal)
[Methodology] developed final behavioral task (equal)
built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead)
standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the second version of the paper (equal)
wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)

Nathaniel J.,Miska,postdoc,0000-0001-8587-4919,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
Thomas D.,Mrsic-Flogel,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Masayoshi,Murakami,postdoc,0000-0001-5511-1144,"[Methodology] built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (support) 
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (support)","[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (support) 
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (support)
Jean Paul,Noel,postdoc,0000-0001-5297-3363,"[Methodology] reviewed and standardized licenses and experimental protocols (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data for figure 3 (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Methodology] standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)"
Alejandro,Pan-Vazquez,postdoc,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Methodology] reviewed and standardized licenses and experimental protocols (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data for figure 2 (support)
analyzed data for figure 3 (support)
analyzed data for figure 5 (equal)
analyzed data for supplementary figures (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
[Data curation] maintained and validated analysis code (support)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Methodology] standardized licenses and experimental protocols across institutions (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (lead)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the second version of the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (support)
[Visualization] designed and created figures (lead)"
Cyrille,Rossant,staff,,[Data curation] curated data and metadata (support),[Data curation] curated data and metadata (support)
Joshua I.,Sanders,contractor,,"[Methodology] design and delivery of rig components (lead) built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (equal) 
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (support)
","[Methodology] designed and delivered rig components (lead) 
built, designed and tested rig assembly (equal) 
Karolina Z.,Socha,postdoc,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Methodology] developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Methodology] developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
built, designed and tested rig assembly (support)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)"
Rebecca,Terry,technician,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)"
Anne E.,Urai,postdoc,,"[Methodology] built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
coordinated behavior working group (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data for figure 1 (equal)
analyzed data for figure 3 (support)
analyzed data for figure 4 (lead)
analyzed data for figure 5 (equal)
analyzed data for supplementary figures (equal)
[Data curation] maintained and validated analysis code (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
[Funding acquisition] generated progress reports (support)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (equal)
[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (equal)
developed final behavioral task {tested and formulated training proficiency criteria; piloted sucrose concentrations; tested different session disengagement criteria} (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (equal)
[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)
[Project administration] managed and coordinated research outputs {curated and coordinated author contributions} (support)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data {fit psychometric functions and learning curves; developed GLM model} (lead)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (support)
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (equal)
[Visualization] designed and created figures {figures 1def, 2ab, 3ab, 4abcde, 5a-g; figure 5 - supplement 2} (lead)
created data visualizations (lead) {designed behavioral 'snapshots' to monitor training progress}
[Writing - original draft] wrote the second version of the paper (equal)
wrote and curated the appendix protocols (support)
[Writing - review and editing] revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)
[Supervision] managed and coordinated team {acting associate chair, summer 2018} (support)"
Hernando M.,Vergara,postdoc,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (support)
[Methodology] wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote and curated the Appendix protocols (support)"
Miles J.,Wells,staff,,"[Methodology] built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data for supplementary figures (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (support) maintained and validated analysis code (equal)","[Conceptualization] defined composition and scope of the paper (equal)
[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (support)
piloted candidate behavioral tasks (lead)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
[Formal analysis] analyzed data (equal)
[Data curation] curated data and metadata (lead) 
[Validation] maintained and validated analysis code (equal)
[Visualization] designed and created figures (support)
created data visualizations (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the second version of the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] revised the paper in response to peer review (equal)"
Christian J.,Wilson,technician,,"[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (equal)","[Investigation] built and maintained rigs, performed surgeries, collected behavioral data (support)"
Ilana B.,Witten,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)"
Lauren E.,Wool,postdoc,,"[Methodology] built, designed and tested behavioral rigs (lead)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Project administration] attended behavior working group meetings (equal)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the paper (equal)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
[Funding acquisition] generated progress reports (support)","[Methodology] built, designed and tested rig assembly (lead)
developed final behavioral task (equal)
developed protocols for surgery, husbandry and animal training (support)
[Writing - original draft] wrote the first version of the paper (lead)
[Writing - review and editing] edited the paper (equal)
[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (support)"
Anthony M.,Zador,PI,,"[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (equal)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
[Project administration] coordinated behavior working group (equal) 
attended behavior working group meetings (equal)","[Funding acquisition] acquired funding (equal)
[Resources] hosted the research (equal)
[Supervision] supervised local laboratory research (equal)
managed and coordinated team (equal)"
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