ee814bc | Eh Tan | 05 October 2007, 20:02:02 UTC | Renamed excludeTop -> exclude_top, and excludeBottom -> exclude_bottom. (No other CitcomS parameter uses CamelCase.) Reworked the interaction of initial temperature and coupling. Created a new parameter exchange_initial_temperature. | 05 October 2007, 20:02:02 UTC |
b0f818a | Eh Tan | 05 October 2007, 20:00:32 UTC | Strengthen the default convergence criterion for the 3rd iteration in compressible cg solver | 05 October 2007, 20:00:32 UTC |
72ad845 | Eh Tan | 05 October 2007, 19:58:54 UTC | Disable a debugging output | 05 October 2007, 19:58:54 UTC |
4bcf0ad | Eh Tan | 05 October 2007, 19:58:31 UTC | Add licence text to the multi-couplers | 05 October 2007, 19:58:31 UTC |
820d139 | Eh Tan | 05 October 2007, 19:57:48 UTC | Turn off filter_temp by default since it's not in the energy equation | 05 October 2007, 19:57:48 UTC |
4e87245 | Thorsten Becker | 04 October 2007, 19:35:04 UTC | Fxied material assignment bug in PDEPV (0 vs. 1 array issue...) | 04 October 2007, 19:35:04 UTC |
cc73a80 | Eh Tan | 01 October 2007, 20:38:22 UTC | Updated the cookbook scripts | 01 October 2007, 20:38:22 UTC |
f4f2b13 | Eh Tan | 01 October 2007, 19:26:40 UTC | Added Cookbook8 for compressible model + geoid + checkpoint + vsolver tuning | 01 October 2007, 19:26:40 UTC |
ae31e95 | Thorsten Becker | 28 September 2007, 23:36:15 UTC | Fixed restart I/O bug in Output_gzdir. | 28 September 2007, 23:36:15 UTC |
e429e26 | Eh Tan | 27 September 2007, 19:33:57 UTC | Added function prototype and fixed a few errors | 27 September 2007, 19:33:57 UTC |
a79e4a9 | Eh Tan | 27 September 2007, 19:07:57 UTC | Shrink the size of checkpoint files | 27 September 2007, 19:07:57 UTC |
02acf94 | Eh Tan | 27 September 2007, 19:07:33 UTC | Enable coor_refine for regional model, only radial coordinate is refined | 27 September 2007, 19:07:33 UTC |
e29d3c2 | Eh Tan | 25 September 2007, 19:40:08 UTC | Fixed a bug in vtkio | 25 September 2007, 19:40:08 UTC |
f392355 | Eh Tan | 25 September 2007, 01:31:30 UTC | Introducing choice of reference state: When solver.param.reference_state=0, the reference state is read from a file (solver.param.refstate_file) When solver.param.reference_state=1 (default), the reference state is calculated using Adams-Williamson equation of state. | 25 September 2007, 01:31:30 UTC |
4170440 | Eh Tan | 24 September 2007, 21:29:24 UTC | Detect the presence of libz and enable ascii-gz at configure time | 24 September 2007, 21:29:24 UTC |
95c453f | Eh Tan | 24 September 2007, 21:28:26 UTC | Comment out varialbe thermal conductivity. Removed unused struct members. | 24 September 2007, 21:28:26 UTC |
e4cd242 | Eh Tan | 24 September 2007, 21:28:05 UTC | Multiply rho*cp to DT/dt | 24 September 2007, 21:28:05 UTC |
6a4ff8e | Eh Tan | 19 September 2007, 20:34:37 UTC | Don't write to log file, since only rank-0 proc can access it | 19 September 2007, 20:34:37 UTC |
37b7dd0 | Eh Tan | 19 September 2007, 20:34:22 UTC | Set default value for tracer/composition flags earlier | 19 September 2007, 20:34:22 UTC |
a3387ca | Eh Tan | 19 September 2007, 20:33:42 UTC | Shrink the size of arrays | 19 September 2007, 20:33:42 UTC |
3488a3f | Eh Tan | 19 September 2007, 20:31:11 UTC | Shrink the size of arrays | 19 September 2007, 20:31:11 UTC |
37e37f8 | Eh Tan | 19 September 2007, 20:30:44 UTC | Fixed uninit'd heat flux and geoid arrays bugs, as reported by valgrind | 19 September 2007, 20:30:44 UTC |
dec899b | Thorsten Becker | 19 September 2007, 00:28:00 UTC | Minor bug fix in Output_gzidir, output_heating function didn't work. | 19 September 2007, 00:28:00 UTC |
c89da81 | Eh Tan | 18 September 2007, 23:08:06 UTC | Fixed a memory bug in checkpoint | 18 September 2007, 23:08:06 UTC |
995fff8 | Eh Tan | 18 September 2007, 23:07:48 UTC | Setup composition for regional model | 18 September 2007, 23:07:48 UTC |
f23ffbf | Leif Strand | 18 September 2007, 01:52:50 UTC | Fix for Issue129: "CitcomS configured without exchanger still links with -lExchanger". Also, use CIT_HEADER_MPI so that configuring --with-exchanger using MPICH2 works (see Issue14 and Issue57). | 18 September 2007, 01:52:50 UTC |
a2fd2a4 | Eh Tan | 17 September 2007, 20:30:30 UTC | Generalized init. composition from neighbors for multi-component composition | 17 September 2007, 20:30:30 UTC |
c10e388 | Eh Tan | 17 September 2007, 19:07:29 UTC | Using neighboring elements to determine the initial composition, if only a few elements are empty. | 17 September 2007, 19:07:29 UTC |
e1af673 | Eh Tan | 15 September 2007, 00:17:24 UTC | Revert accidental commit in part of r7957 | 15 September 2007, 00:17:24 UTC |
94cd779 | Eh Tan | 14 September 2007, 23:39:59 UTC | Rearranged computation of latent heat and the test condition of phase change | 14 September 2007, 23:39:59 UTC |
fedce4a | Eh Tan | 14 September 2007, 23:11:46 UTC | Added the contribution of latent heat to the diffusion term | 14 September 2007, 23:11:46 UTC |
ffe1a6f | Eh Tan | 14 September 2007, 23:11:27 UTC | Replace abs() by fabs() | 14 September 2007, 23:11:27 UTC |
d4bc483 | Eh Tan | 14 September 2007, 23:10:59 UTC | Consevert energy (sum of rho*cp*T) instead of temperature (sum of T) in the Lenardic filter, also fixed a long-standing bug (abs -> fabs) | 14 September 2007, 23:10:59 UTC |
d13bdd5 | Eh Tan | 14 September 2007, 23:09:14 UTC | Changed the magic numbers (0.0 and 1.0) to const variables, reindent the code. | 14 September 2007, 23:09:14 UTC |
9189bab | Eh Tan | 13 September 2007, 22:36:57 UTC | Comment out adiabatic temperature profile for now, since it is not used in the code. | 13 September 2007, 22:36:57 UTC |
fcd95c8 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:24:56 UTC | Fixed a problem when the input string is empty | 12 September 2007, 19:24:56 UTC |
249d790 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:24:29 UTC | Added heating file to optional output | 12 September 2007, 19:24:29 UTC |
cb39951 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:24:15 UTC | Keep the load vector intact in the bicg solver | 12 September 2007, 19:24:15 UTC |
0b02b96 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:23:56 UTC | Using drand48() instead of rand() to improve the quality of random tracers. Added some debugging output if the tracer count is low. | 12 September 2007, 19:23:56 UTC |
f8219a2 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:22:05 UTC | Add new input boolean parameter 'itracer_warnings'. Default to on. When it is off, the exit condition of tracer is relaxed. | 12 September 2007, 19:22:05 UTC |
6b934e2 | Eh Tan | 12 September 2007, 19:19:50 UTC | Removed the test for F=0 load vector bug. The bug was fixed in r7940. | 12 September 2007, 19:19:50 UTC |
d6e4a43 | Eh Tan | 07 September 2007, 22:53:22 UTC | Fixed tsolver. Fixed a bug in TMass and another in convert element # to nz. | 07 September 2007, 22:53:22 UTC |
0d53949 | Eh Tan | 05 September 2007, 22:35:30 UTC | Fixed a few memory problems. Shrink the size of several arrays related to Stokes eqn. Moved jacobi() to Obsolete.c | 05 September 2007, 22:35:30 UTC |
7273549 | Eh Tan | 05 September 2007, 22:21:12 UTC | Forgot to update surfacee_tem | 05 September 2007, 22:21:12 UTC |
c77dfd0 | Eh Tan | 05 September 2007, 22:20:46 UTC | Set the min of 2nd strain rate invariant to 1e-16 to prevent infinite viscosity when SDEPV=on | 05 September 2007, 22:20:46 UTC |
681786d | Eh Tan | 05 September 2007, 22:20:08 UTC | Init'd timestep variables | 05 September 2007, 22:20:08 UTC |
e3ccb79 | Thorsten Becker | 04 September 2007, 23:09:14 UTC | Added test for F=0 load vector bug, moved open_qfiles to after set_elapsed time. | 04 September 2007, 23:09:14 UTC |
e3f6845 | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 23:50:51 UTC | Forgot to update the makefile | 29 August 2007, 23:50:51 UTC |
4b3831f | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 23:39:17 UTC | Removed unused velocity bc files | 29 August 2007, 23:39:17 UTC |
f0d9ebe | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 23:18:52 UTC | Restructing the repository layout for CitcomS documentation | 29 August 2007, 23:18:52 UTC |
e06f544 | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 20:55:12 UTC | Forgot to update r7902 | 29 August 2007, 20:55:12 UTC |
3711a41 | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 20:48:05 UTC | Replaced output_open() with output_open_mode() Append the log and time files if restarting | 29 August 2007, 20:48:05 UTC |
a981bca | Eh Tan | 29 August 2007, 20:47:28 UTC | Minor fix | 29 August 2007, 20:47:28 UTC |
d1f0b86 | Thorsten Becker | 29 August 2007, 01:46:41 UTC | Missed to merge one modification after the conflict. | 29 August 2007, 01:46:41 UTC |
13492bf | Thorsten Becker | 29 August 2007, 00:51:20 UTC | When checking in my changes, I had to resolve a conflict for lib/Instructions.c by hand, which I hope I did properly. Here are my changes: - renamed CONTOL structure members ORTHO and ORTHOZ to CITCOM_ORTHO and CITCOM_ORTHOZ Those were never used and conflicted with definitions in GMT gmt.h - Added a higher frequency heat flow output option like so: write_q_files=1 # option to write heat flux to files qt.dat and qb.dat # at intervals smaller than storage_spacing (0) - Added the capability to read in initial temperatures from netcdf grd files, if -USE_GGRD is used. Lot of options, like so: # # read initial temperature conditions from grd files (default values in parentheses) # tic_method=4 # read initial temperature from netcdf GRD files (off) ggrd_tinit_scale_with_prem=off # scale the temperature with PREM densities (off) ggrd_tinit_scale=1.0 # scaling factor to apply to read in scalars f (1.0) ggrd_tinit_offset=-0.5 # offset, T = f * scale + offset + tm (0.0) # where tm is the mean between top and bottom TBC values # if the bottom is flux, will use 1 for bottom TBC value ggrd_tinit_gfile="../../data/tomography/s20a_smean_new_age/t" # prefix of grd files, will # try to read t.1.grd, t.2.grd ... t.n.grd # where n is the number of layers in the depth file ggrd_tinit_dfile="../../data/tomography/s20a_smean_new_age/tdepth.dat" # file with layer depths in km from bottom up ggrd_tinit_prem_file="../../progs/src/hc-svn/prem/prem.dat" # PREM data file ggrd_tinit_override_tbc=on # override temperature boundary conditions (off) | 29 August 2007, 00:51:20 UTC |
3ba2a04 | Eh Tan | 28 August 2007, 01:10:18 UTC | Defaulting datadir_old to the current directory | 28 August 2007, 01:10:18 UTC |
220393d | Eh Tan | 28 August 2007, 01:09:14 UTC | Added various heating term to the energy equation. A new input parameter: solver.surfaceT for non-dimensional surface temperature. Removed old (and unused) input parameter: solver.const.surf_temp. | 28 August 2007, 01:09:14 UTC |
557acb3 | Eh Tan | 27 August 2007, 19:34:44 UTC | Fixed a index bug in stokes solver | 27 August 2007, 19:34:44 UTC |
8347039 | Eh Tan | 27 August 2007, 19:34:26 UTC | Add pyre input for new parameters introduced by TWB | 27 August 2007, 19:34:26 UTC |
1a41a1d | Eh Tan | 27 August 2007, 19:34:08 UTC | Clean up the code and declared function prototypes to avoid compiler warnings | 27 August 2007, 19:34:08 UTC |
12591d6 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:20:24 UTC | Compute total visc and adi heating | 23 August 2007, 20:20:24 UTC |
fce4d3d | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:19:33 UTC | Minor refactoring | 23 August 2007, 20:19:33 UTC |
4bc0ea7 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:18:52 UTC | Compute phase change wrt reference density and gravity profiles. | 23 August 2007, 20:18:52 UTC |
d0098c3 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:18:18 UTC | Avoid reading unused input parameters | 23 August 2007, 20:18:18 UTC |
1268a26 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:17:33 UTC | assert solver.tsolver.monitor_max_T is off in coupled run and remove debugging output | 23 August 2007, 20:17:33 UTC |
ae9b86a | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:16:25 UTC | Renamed E->control.filter_temperature to E->advection.filter_temperature | 23 August 2007, 20:16:25 UTC |
8233668 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:16:10 UTC | Added new input parameter solver.tsolver.monitor_max_T When it is on (default), if the max temperature changes too much between timestep, the temperature field is restored at the tsolver is called using half of the timestep size. | 23 August 2007, 20:16:10 UTC |
447f924 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:15:50 UTC | Removed unused var. in struct advection | 23 August 2007, 20:15:50 UTC |
80a070b | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:14:52 UTC | A new way to compute TMass | 23 August 2007, 20:14:52 UTC |
6d31d51 | Eh Tan | 23 August 2007, 20:14:04 UTC | Minor refactoring: add comments, rename variables | 23 August 2007, 20:14:04 UTC |
a169ee5 | Thorsten Becker | 22 August 2007, 01:00:12 UTC | Added an option to remove net rotations of the whole model before ascii-gz output. This might be something of interest for other output options as well, but is still experimental. Obvisouly, NR motions could be removed in a post-processing step, but it is useful to monitor how those develop during a model run. (Particularly pronounced for strong lateral viscosity variations based on composition.) | 22 August 2007, 01:00:12 UTC |
7616c27 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:42:18 UTC | Removed the 2nd exit condition for bicg solver because the convergence criterion is hard to determine. | 21 August 2007, 22:42:18 UTC |
239522f | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:41:48 UTC | Fixed the scaling constants in geoid calculation with reference state | 21 August 2007, 22:41:48 UTC |
eb5aedc | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 22:41:31 UTC | Disable phase change in compressible flow | 21 August 2007, 22:41:31 UTC |
2473c52 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:28:12 UTC | Added Wei Leng to author list | 21 August 2007, 20:28:12 UTC |
1420d4e | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:27:36 UTC | A new input parameter to specify which compressible solver If solver.vsolver.uzawa == "cg", Wei Leng's implementation is used. If solver.vsolver.uzawa == "bicg", Eh Tan's implementation is used. | 21 August 2007, 20:27:36 UTC |
dee9a51 | Eh Tan | 21 August 2007, 20:26:56 UTC | Refactored non-newtonian stokes solver and iter-CG compressible stokes solver | 21 August 2007, 20:26:56 UTC |
9aa0d94 | Thorsten Becker | 20 August 2007, 19:44:28 UTC | Forgot this file. | 20 August 2007, 19:44:28 UTC |
9370fcf | Eh Tan | 20 August 2007, 18:11:08 UTC | Added #ifdef block around vtk_io in output_finalize() | 20 August 2007, 18:11:08 UTC |
316e0b2 | Thorsten Becker | 20 August 2007, 00:11:29 UTC | Made CDEPV and Q0.enriched work only with ncomp=1 for now. | 20 August 2007, 00:11:29 UTC |
e53e0c8 | Thorsten Becker | 19 August 2007, 23:54:46 UTC | - merged changes with Eh's additions - added coor=2 option (for full citcom) to assign finer radial node spacing to top and lower layers of shell. The coor_refine=0.1,0.15,0.1,0.2 parameter specifies the radius fraction of the bottom layer [0], the fraction of the nodes in this layer [1], the top layer fraction [2], and the top layer node fraction [3]. I.e. the defaults will put 15% of all nz nodes into the 10% lower layer, 20% in the top 10% upper layer, and the rest in between. - renamed gzipped output option ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions - added tracer_enriched option. If tracer = on and tracer_enriched = on, will reader Q0_enriched and vary the element heat production between Q0 for C = 0 and Q0_enriched for C = 1. I.e. this only works if C varies between 0 and 1. - added an experimental option to write to a single VTK file (note caveats!) if ascii-gz is activated gzdir_vtkio = 2, will try to write VTK straight (experimental) the VTK output is of the "legacy", serial type, and requires that all processors see the same filesystem. This will likely lead to a bottleneck for larg CPU computations as each processor has to wait til the previous is done. | 19 August 2007, 23:54:46 UTC |
5cbae2e | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 21:41:11 UTC | Added excutable permission to testing shell script | 17 August 2007, 21:41:11 UTC |
cac7d92 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 21:39:17 UTC | Added comments to restart example | 17 August 2007, 21:39:17 UTC |
fec6071 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 18:35:40 UTC | Converting TWB's ascii-gz and vtkio output and CDEPV and tracer_enriched for multi-component chemical convection. | 17 August 2007, 18:35:40 UTC |
5345880 | Eh Tan | 17 August 2007, 18:33:36 UTC | Multi-component chemical convection. By setting tracer_flavors > 2, one can enable multi-component chemical convection. See tests/checkpoint/tracer.cfg for example input. | 17 August 2007, 18:33:36 UTC |
8f2682a | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 21:36:18 UTC | Merging the checkpoint branch to trunk. The checkpoint file is called [datafile].chkpt.[rank].[step] and is outputed with an interval of controller.checkpointFrequency. To read back the checkpoint file, set solver.ic.restart=on. The old checkpoint file, [datafile_old].chkpt.[rank].[solution_cycles_init] will be read in. The old way of restarting (read in temperature from the velo files) will still be available through solver.ic.tic_method=-1. Setting solver.tracer.ic_method=2 will read the old *.tracer.* files as before, but the composition field will be calculated according to the tracers, not read from the *.comp_el.* files. The parameter solver.tracer.reset_initial_composition becomes obsolete. | 16 August 2007, 21:36:18 UTC |
7c82fa3 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 20:10:58 UTC | When the element is close to the poles, use a more precise method to compute the strain rate. | 16 August 2007, 20:10:58 UTC |
2343a70 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 19:38:56 UTC | Forgot to add two files to the repository | 16 August 2007, 19:38:56 UTC |
61655f0 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 19:28:10 UTC | Merging compressible branch to trunk. The TALA solver is working. Two new input parameters: dissipation_number and gruneisen. | 16 August 2007, 19:28:10 UTC |
33d700d | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 01:42:52 UTC | Updated Cookbook5 so that it uses only 2 processors. | 16 August 2007, 01:42:52 UTC |
c3fdb31 | Eh Tan | 16 August 2007, 00:27:43 UTC | Merging compressible branch (up to r6584) to trunk. | 16 August 2007, 00:27:43 UTC |
fe53297 | Thorsten Becker | 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC | - added coor=2 option (for full citcom) to assign finer radial node spacing to top and lower layers of shell. The coor_refine=0.1,0.15,0.1,0.2 parameters specify the radius fraction of the bottom layer [0], the fraction of the nodes in this layer [1], the top layer fraction [2], and the top layer node fraction [3]. I.e. the defaults will put 15% of all nz nodes into the 10% lower layer, 20% in the top 10% upper layer, and the rest in between. - renamed gzipped output version with sub-directory storage ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using ascii-gz I/O with vtkio != 2 - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions - added tracer_enriched option for internal heating. If tracer = on and tracer_enriched = on, will reader Q0_enriched and vary the element heat production between Q0 for C = 0 and Q0_enriched for C = 1. I.e. this only works if C varies between 0 and 1. - added an option to write from all processros to a single VTK file, if ascii-gz is activated, and vtkio = 2. The VTK output is of the "legacy", serial, single-file type, and requires that all processors see the same filesystem. This will lead to a bottleneck for large # of CPU computations as each processor has to wait til the previous is done. More efficient I/O should be possible by using the distributed storage version of VTK, but I have no clue how this works. Anyone? | 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC |
d6e512c | Eh Tan | 13 August 2007, 22:55:41 UTC | Minor refactoring, clean-up and moving functions between files | 13 August 2007, 22:55:41 UTC |
45a5e52 | Eh Tan | 13 August 2007, 21:43:34 UTC | Moved obsolete functions phae_change_* from Phase_change.c to Obsolete.c and declared private functions to be static | 13 August 2007, 21:43:34 UTC |
408e100 | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:56:37 UTC | Update the author list | 10 August 2007, 23:56:37 UTC |
d603970 | Sue Kientz | 10 August 2007, 23:56:15 UTC | additions per becker, tan2 | 10 August 2007, 23:56:15 UTC |
d9f152e | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:44:58 UTC | Fixed two type-mismatch errors. Issue127 is fixed by this change and r7802. | 10 August 2007, 23:44:58 UTC |
f036e33 | Eh Tan | 10 August 2007, 23:43:49 UTC | Prevent the original force vector being modified by Uzawa solver. This is needed for the non-Newtonian iterations. | 10 August 2007, 23:43:49 UTC |
da4b2ca | Thorsten Becker | 10 August 2007, 20:51:45 UTC | - renamed gzipped output option ascii-gz - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O - added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions | 10 August 2007, 20:51:45 UTC |
a77c186 | Thorsten Becker | 09 August 2007, 01:27:32 UTC | - added a compositional viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer flavors - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind* tic_input() and tracer_input() in Instructions.c - built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using gzdir I/O | 09 August 2007, 01:27:32 UTC |