Revision eff88134f876dbf966715509998b9b717ddad74e authored by Lars Bilke on 04 January 2016, 10:08:32 UTC, committed by Lars Bilke on 04 January 2016, 10:08:32 UTC
1 parent ace2bbe
Raw File
 * \file
 * \author Thomas Fischer
 * \date   2010-06-21
 * \brief  Definition of the Polygon class.
 * \copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, OpenGeoSys Community (
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

#ifndef POLYGON_H_
#define POLYGON_H_

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "AABB.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "Polyline.h"

namespace GeoLib
 * \ingroup GeoLib

 * edge classification
enum class EdgeType

 * A polygon is a (closed) polyline. Thus class Polygon is derived from class Polyline.
class Polygon : public Polyline
	 * constructor checks if the given polyline is closed,
	 * and assures that the orientation is clock wise.
	 * @param ply closed Polyline
	 * @param init if true, check if polyline is closed, calculate bounding box
	Polygon(const Polyline &ply, bool init = true);

	virtual ~Polygon();

	bool initialise ();

	 * Method checks if the given point is inside the polygon.
	 * The method requires that the polygon has clock wise orientation.
	 * @param pnt the Point
	 * @return if point is inside the polygon true, else false
	bool isPntInPolygon (const GeoLib::Point& pnt) const;
	 * wrapper for method isPntInPolygon (const GeoLib::Point&)
	 * @param x x coordinate of point
	 * @param y y coordinate of point
	 * @param z z coordinate of point
	 * @return if point is inside the polygon true, else false
	bool isPntInPolygon (double x, double y, double z) const;

	 * Checks if the straight line segment given by its end points a and b
	 * is contained within the polygon.
	 * @param a the first end point of the straight line segment
	 * @param b the second end point of the straight line segment
	 * @return true if the straight line segment is within the polygon, else false
	bool containsSegment(GeoLib::Point const& a, GeoLib::Point const& b) const;

	 * Method checks if all points of the polyline ply are inside of the polygon.
	 * @param ply the polyline that should be checked
	bool isPolylineInPolygon (const Polyline& ply) const;
	 * Method checks first if at least one (end!) point of a line segment of the polyline
	 * is inside of the polygon. If this test fails each line segment of the polyline will
	 * be tested against each polygon segment for intersection.
	 * @param ply the polyline that should be checked
	 * @return true if a part of the polyline is within the polygon
	bool isPartOfPolylineInPolygon (const Polyline& ply) const;

	 * Calculates the next intersection point between the line segment (a,b) and the
	 * polygon starting with segment seg_num.
	 * @param a (input) the first point of the line segment
	 * @param b (input) the second point of the line segment
	 * @param intersection_pnt (output) next intersection point
	 * @param seg_num (input/output) the number of the polygon segment that is intersecting
	bool getNextIntersectionPointPolygonLine(GeoLib::Point const & a,
									GeoLib::Point const & b,
									GeoLib::Point* intersection_pnt,
									std::size_t& seg_num) const;

	void computeListOfSimplePolygons ();
	const std::list<Polygon*>& getListOfSimplePolygons ();

	friend bool operator==(Polygon const& lhs, Polygon const& rhs);
	 * computes all intersection points of the straight line segment and the polyline boundary
	 * @param a end point of line segment
	 * @param b end point of line segment
	 * @return a vector of tuples, where a tuple contains the intersection point and
	 * the intersected segment number
	std::vector<GeoLib::Point> getAllIntersectionPoints(
		GeoLib::Point const& a, GeoLib::Point const& b) const;

	 * from book: Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C++, page 119
	 * get the type of edge with respect to the given point (2d method!)
	 * @param k number of line segment
	 * @param pnt point that is edge type computed for
	 * @return a value of enum EdgeType
	EdgeType getEdgeType (std::size_t k, GeoLib::Point const & pnt) const;

	void ensureCWOrientation ();

	void splitPolygonAtIntersection (std::list<Polygon*>::iterator polygon_it);
	void splitPolygonAtPoint (std::list<Polygon*>::iterator polygon_it);
	std::list<Polygon*> _simple_polygon_list;
	AABB<GeoLib::Point> _aabb;

 * function creates a approximated circle area around a given point
 * @param middle_pnt the middle point of the circle
 * @param radius the radius of the circle
 * @param pnts (output) points that are used to approximate the circle
 * @param resolution number of point to use for approximation
 * @return a pointer to a polygon
GeoLib::Polygon* createPolygonFromCircle (GeoLib::Point const& middle_pnt,
                                          double radius,
                                          std::vector<GeoLib::Point*> & pnts,
                                          std::size_t resolution = 12);

 * comparison operator for polygons
 * @param lhs the first polygon
 * @param rhs the second polygon
 * @return true, if the polygons describe the same geometrical object
bool operator==(Polygon const& lhs, Polygon const& rhs);

} // end namespace GeoLib

#endif /* POLYGON_H_ */
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