Revision f07c048d2f6a6ac42ff57abf07cea9e77c8fcf8e authored by Eric Sanford on 30 July 2019, 21:07:45 UTC, committed by Eric Sanford on 30 July 2019, 21:07:45 UTC
1 parent 55f3eec
Tip revision: f07c048d2f6a6ac42ff57abf07cea9e77c8fcf8e authored by Eric Sanford on 30 July 2019, 21:07:45 UTC
Added new folder LocalComputerScripts for scripts that should be run locally, i.e. not on the cluster. It contains an R script, normalizeMeltedCountsAndAddGeneSymbol.R, to add normalized count information and gene symbols to the final 'melted' output files from the RNA-seq pipeline
Tip revision: f07c048
File Mode Size -rw-r--r-- 526 bytes -rwxr-xr-x 611 bytes

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