Revision f0c5c7cb930dc7952c24021113edac8be7e4bf32 authored by Guy Avraham on 26 October 2022, 13:32:18 UTC, committed by GitHub on 26 October 2022, 13:32:18 UTC
1 parent ac59451
Raw File
# AssociativeMotorAdaptation
## Codes and data accompanying the paper: Avraham et al. Contextual effects in sensorimotor adaptation adhere to associative learning rules.
eLife 2022;11:e75801. DOI:

### Codes:

  This folder includes custom-written Matlab codes (.m) to analyze the data from Experiments 1-4. The name of each code file ends with "main".
  The folder also contains Matlab data files (.mat) that can be generated by the data analysis codes.
  This folder includes simulation codes (.m) and simulated data (.mat)
  Contains all custom-written functions for statistical analyses and plotting (called by data analysis and simulation codes).

### Data:
  Includes raw data collected during the experiments:
    Experiment 1- AssociativeAdaptation_Exp1_Differential_trials.mat
    Experiment 2- AssociativeAdaptation_Exp2_DifferentialTiming_Delay_trials.mat
    Experiment 3- AssociativeAdaptation_Exp3_DifferentialTiming_Control_trials.mat
    Experiment 4- AssociativeAdaptation_Exp4_Compound_trials.mat

    Each data file contain a Table T with the following variables (variables can change across experiments):
    SN- subject number
    tester- experimenter initial
    cond- whether frame (f, light) or tone (t) was associated with CS+
    TN- trial number
    CN- cycle number
    BN- block number
    CCW- rotation direction during learning: 1- Counterclockwise; 0- Clockwise
    tgtsize- target size (mm diameter)
    hand_theta- hand movement direction with respect to the target direction at the radial distance to the target (this variable was used as the 'hand angle' measure in the paper)
    hand_theta_maxv- hand movement direction with respect to the target direction at maximum movement velocity
    hand_theta_maxradv- hand movement direction with respect to the target direction at maximum movement radial velocity
    handMaxRadExt- hand movement direction with respect to the target direction at maximum radial extent
    hand_theta_50- hand movement direction with respect to the target direction at 50 msec after movement initiation
    raw_ep_hand_ang- actual hand movement direction at the radial distance to the target (without subtracting target location)
    ti- target location (deg)
    fbi- feedback: 1- cursor presented; 0- no cursor
    ri- rotation size and direction: positive values- counterclockwise rotation; negative values- clockwise rotation.
    clampi- clamped feedback: 1- the rotation is with respect to the target location (Experiments 2 and 2S); 0- the rotation is with respect to the hand (Experiment 1)
    cs_tone/tone- CS tone: 1- present; 0- absent 
    cs_frame/light- CS light: 1- present; 0- absent
    cs_time- interval between trial onset and cs onset (s)
    go_time- interval between trial onset and imperative (s)
    MT- movement time (the interval between the time at which the amplitude of the movement exceeded 1 cm from the start location to the time at which the amplitude reached the radial distance of the target)
    RT- reaction time (the interval between the imperative onset and the time that the hand position exceeded a distance of 1 cm from the start location)
    ST- search time (the time required to move back to the start location)
    radvelmax- maximum radial velocity
    maxRadDist- maximum radial movement extent

    More details on how the data was processed and analyzed can be found in the Methods section of the paper.
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