Revision f0e00b09221e89710ad4ba79e76fea91e06cb377 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 06 December 2015, 21:41:17 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 06 December 2015, 21:41:26 UTC
1 parent 44d46e9
Raw File
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - Inria
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcSymbols
open EcBigInt
open EcPath
open EcTypes
open EcCoreFol

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ty_param  = EcIdent.t * EcPath.Sp.t
type ty_params = ty_param list
type ty_pctor  = [ `Int of int | `Named of ty_params ]

type tydecl = {
  tyd_params : ty_params;
  tyd_type   : ty_body;

and ty_body = [
  | `Concrete of EcTypes.ty
  | `Abstract of Sp.t
  | `Datatype of ty_dtype
  | `Record   of form * (EcSymbols.symbol * EcTypes.ty) list

and ty_dtype = {
  tydt_ctors   : (EcSymbols.symbol * EcTypes.ty list) list;
  tydt_schelim : form;
  tydt_schcase : form;

val tydecl_as_concrete : tydecl -> EcTypes.ty
val tydecl_as_abstract : tydecl -> Sp.t
val tydecl_as_datatype : tydecl -> ty_dtype
val tydecl_as_record   : tydecl -> form * (EcSymbols.symbol * EcTypes.ty) list

val abs_tydecl : ?tc:Sp.t -> ?params:ty_pctor -> unit -> tydecl

val ty_instanciate : ty_params -> ty list -> ty -> ty

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type locals = EcIdent.t list

type operator_kind = 
  | OB_oper of opbody option
  | OB_pred of form option
  | OB_nott of notation

and opbody =
  | OP_Plain  of EcTypes.expr
  | OP_Constr of EcPath.path * int
  | OP_Record of EcPath.path
  | OP_Proj   of EcPath.path * int * int
  | OP_Fix    of opfix
  | OP_TC

and opfix = {
  opf_args     : (EcIdent.t * EcTypes.ty) list;
  opf_resty    : EcTypes.ty;
  opf_struct   : int list * int;
  opf_branches : opbranches;

and opbranches =
| OPB_Leaf   of ((EcIdent.t * EcTypes.ty) list) list * EcTypes.expr
| OPB_Branch of opbranch Parray.t

and opbranch = {
  opb_ctor : EcPath.path * int;
  opb_sub  : opbranches;

and notation = {
  ont_args  : (EcIdent.t * EcTypes.ty) list;
  ont_resty : EcTypes.ty;
  ont_body  : expr;

type operator = {
  op_tparams : ty_params;
  op_ty      : EcTypes.ty;        
  op_kind    : operator_kind;

val op_ty     : operator -> ty
val is_pred   : operator -> bool
val is_oper   : operator -> bool
val is_ctor   : operator -> bool
val is_proj   : operator -> bool
val is_rcrd   : operator -> bool
val is_fix    : operator -> bool
val is_abbrev : operator -> bool

val mk_op     : ty_params -> ty -> opbody option -> operator
val mk_pred   : ty_params -> ty list -> form option -> operator
val mk_abbrev : ty_params -> (EcIdent.ident * ty) list -> ty * expr -> operator

val operator_as_ctor : operator -> EcPath.path * int
val operator_as_rcrd : operator -> EcPath.path
val operator_as_proj : operator -> EcPath.path * int * int
val operator_as_fix  : operator -> opfix

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type axiom_kind = [`Axiom of (Ssym.t * bool) | `Lemma]

type axiom = {
  ax_tparams : ty_params;
  ax_spec    : form option;
  ax_kind    : axiom_kind;
  ax_nosmt   : bool;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val is_axiom : axiom_kind -> bool
val is_lemma : axiom_kind -> bool

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val axiomatized_op :
     ?nargs: int
  -> ?nosmt:bool
  -> EcPath.path
  -> (ty_params * expr)
  -> axiom

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type typeclass = {
  tc_prt : EcPath.path option;
  tc_ops : (EcIdent.t * EcTypes.ty) list;
  tc_axs : (EcSymbols.symbol * form) list;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type rkind = [
  | `Boolean
  | `Integer
  | `Modulus of (zint option) pair

type ring = {
  r_type  : EcTypes.ty;
  r_zero  : EcPath.path;
  r_one   : EcPath.path;
  r_add   : EcPath.path;
  r_opp   : EcPath.path option;
  r_mul   : EcPath.path;
  r_exp   : EcPath.path option;
  r_sub   : EcPath.path option;
  r_embed : [ `Direct | `Embed of EcPath.path | `Default];
  r_kind  : rkind;

val ring_equal : ring -> ring -> bool

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type field = {
  f_ring : ring;
  f_inv  : EcPath.path;
  f_div  : EcPath.path option;
val field_equal : field -> field -> bool
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