Revision f11efc81d10196adae2b382d110510c803098c2b authored by William Tambellini on 30 January 2022, 08:57:42 UTC, committed by William Tambellini on 30 January 2022, 08:57:42 UTC
Add a Linux build script

DeepMimic Linux script to download, build the dependencies and the core
1 parent 448a184
Raw File
import copy
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI


def get_num_procs():
    return MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

def get_proc_rank():
    return MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

def is_root_proc():
    rank = get_proc_rank()
    return rank == ROOT_PROC_RANK

def bcast(x):

def reduce_sum(x):
    return reduce_all(x, MPI.SUM)

def reduce_prod(x):
    return reduce_all(x, MPI.PROD)

def reduce_avg(x):
    buffer = reduce_sum(x)
    buffer /= get_num_procs()
    return buffer

def reduce_min(x):
    return reduce_all(x, MPI.MIN)

def reduce_max(x):
    return reduce_all(x, MPI.MAX)

def reduce_all(x, op):
    is_array = isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
    x_buf = x if is_array else np.array([x])
    buffer = np.zeros_like(x_buf)
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(x_buf, buffer, op=op)
    buffer = buffer if is_array else buffer[0]
    return buffer

def gather_all(x):
    is_array = isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
    x_buf = np.array([x])
    buffer = np.zeros_like(x_buf)
    buffer = np.repeat(buffer, get_num_procs(), axis=0)
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allgather(x_buf, buffer)
    buffer = list(buffer)
    return buffer

def reduce_dict_mean(local_dict):
    keys = sorted(local_dict.keys())
    local_vals = np.array([local_dict[k] for k in keys])
    global_vals = reduce_avg(local_vals)

    new_dict = copy.deepcopy(local_dict)
    for i, k in enumerate(keys):
        val = global_vals[i]
        new_dict[k] = val

    return new_dict
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