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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
f19b1f3 Merge branch 'starcolor' 09 December 2019, 23:30:26 UTC
f3d44aa Fixed units error on custom spectrum import for stellar spectra. 09 December 2019, 23:28:35 UTC
5514da2 Fixed bug where changing the rotation rate would not change the diurnal cycle period, resulting in incomplete diurnal cycles and asymmetric insolation, if a slowdown factor wasn't also included. Now specifying rotation rate is sufficient. 22 November 2019, 21:08:46 UTC
3fed1a5 Fixed bug introduced by merge 19 November 2019, 22:39:26 UTC
d84b1a4 Merge branch 'hybridvertical' into starcolor 19 November 2019, 22:30:51 UTC
1aff29e Adjusted how rayleigh drag works with stratosphere, and added option for stratospheric newtonian cooling 19 November 2019, 22:17:55 UTC
9afca5a Attempts at bugfixing; may need to tweak units/scaling on input spectra 05 November 2019, 19:33:37 UTC
747a372 Added namelist options and code to use custom input spectra (untested) 01 November 2019, 16:07:18 UTC
ea4e36a Changed how spectra are interpolated to fit PlaSim hi-res wavelength bins 01 November 2019, 03:22:23 UTC
ecf9147 Added python utility for PlaSim-friendly stellar spectra from PHOENIX model spectra, plus samples 31 October 2019, 22:30:51 UTC
d461842 Changes to no-ice mode, and added an array-reading utility to utilities.f90 (prepping for the future) 31 October 2019, 20:57:17 UTC
2a48d4a Continuing to attempt to toggle sea ice 18 October 2019, 16:05:37 UTC
208e531 Attempting to add sea ice toggle 18 October 2019, 11:26:04 UTC
58383f6 Attempting to have nice=0 turn into no sea ice.... 17 October 2019, 22:38:55 UTC
c38de13 Bugfixes. Spectral version works now, but seems to be more robust with double precision, and prone to crashes with single precision. 26 September 2019, 00:07:45 UTC
1cd90a8 Implemented spectral albedos, using weighted combinations of JPL Ecostress spectra. 23 September 2019, 18:10:50 UTC
21ff54a Brought forward spectral edits from filter-gibbs branch. 20 August 2019, 17:16:02 UTC
16162c6 Removed pressure-broadening changes; reverting back to rollback branch state 20 August 2019, 16:51:16 UTC
af6e12d Merge branch 'rollback' 20 August 2019, 16:44:44 UTC
cb8d42e fixed typo in 20 August 2019, 16:11:16 UTC
9f69f6e Fixed bug where surface temperature in the time-averaged output file was erroneously low on the first write. This was a purely diagnostic bug--no impact on physics. 14 August 2019, 21:22:17 UTC
fbe8c9b Added pressure broadening flag 06 July 2019, 20:56:42 UTC
7992cfe Added namelist switch for pressure broadening (default on, so last commit's change by default will have no effect). 27 June 2019, 20:16:47 UTC
134ef1d Changed effective GHG amount calculation in radmod, so that rather than use (p/pref), it uses (sigma/sigma_ref). This removes a surface pressure dependence from GHG calculations. 27 June 2019, 16:40:08 UTC
d15547b Bugfix for robustness 02 May 2019, 15:41:22 UTC
3b843a7 HPC setup will now update postprocessor namelists as well when changing radius or gravity. 01 May 2019, 18:42:42 UTC
adc0aa5 Various bugfixes 17 April 2019, 20:02:24 UTC
07968ef Updated README 14 April 2019, 22:44:04 UTC
e40eca4 Added HPC Readme, plus a few other small changes 14 April 2019, 22:37:47 UTC
2e6fc04 Bugfixes and additions 13 April 2019, 03:46:03 UTC
b285ae5 Added batch job creation utility for HPC environments. Currently PBS/Torque and Slurm are supported. To configure the system, should be run. 12 April 2019, 22:11:16 UTC
8f9ee06 Reverting that fractional sea ice change from ages ago; it might be causing more problems than it solved. 26 March 2019, 05:45:29 UTC
e534acd Added switch for 20-layer Rayleigh drag at top of atmosphere 03 March 2019, 20:18:20 UTC
07f15ae Fixes to spin-up timestepping in plasim.f90. Code runs now. 23 February 2019, 06:31:32 UTC
8ff264a First full attempt at calendar overhaul. Currently broken. 22 February 2019, 22:42:30 UTC
084a6f7 Starting to implement new calendar system to permit non-standard day lengths 22 February 2019, 01:29:54 UTC
b08ce76 Added g0/g factor to Rayleigh scattering to de-couple surface gravity, added cloud critical humidity controls, and added flux tendencies and convergence to output. 13 February 2019, 15:03:40 UTC
713e387 Added cloud-free switch for SWR 09 January 2019, 02:10:04 UTC
6506b99 Added DOI badge to 07 January 2019, 20:01:22 UTC
3ecccb0 In original bottom-scattering setup, Rayleigh scattering now scales with total atmospheric pressure. 15 November 2018, 16:56:33 UTC
94ada2f Fixed burn7 postprocessor to allow layer fluxes to be output with NLEV+1 layers (at layer interfaces). Should also work for any other interface variables! 03 November 2018, 22:59:09 UTC
48080b8 Added layer-by-layer radiation output to snapshots, and updated burn7 build process. Burn7 depends on netcdf C++ bindings, which are no longer included in standard distributions. This model will now ship with patched netcdf-c++ and build scripts. On initial install, run; run if making subsequent changes to burn7.cpp. 03 November 2018, 20:41:48 UTC
5783f29 Add missing files 18 October 2018, 16:44:54 UTC
3d7c6f2 Added neqsig=3 option, which increases level resolution near surface as well as near tropopause. It's like the pseudologarithmic neqsig=2 option, but with more emphasis on the 'pseudo'. Use with 20 levels and mpstep=5.0. Also fixed some bugs. 07 October 2018, 20:59:13 UTC
28dde67 Adjusted default top reference pressure to 75 hPa. Also note that a reduced timestep is necessary in many cases with logarithmic spacing and high surface pressures. 02 October 2018, 20:29:56 UTC
6749c41 Bugfixes in glacier module--snow depth changes getting stored as rates rather than amounts would have given too-small changes in snow depth 02 October 2018, 19:55:34 UTC
131229f Added option to space vertical levels pseudo-logarithmically, anchored to a user-specified upper reference pressure (default 150 hPa). The upper two layers are at slightly higher pressures than if the spacing were truly logarithmic, which is necessary to ensure half-levels and full-levels can be appropriately spaced. Logarithmic spacing is turned on with neqsig=2 in plasim_namelist, and setting ptop in plasim_namelist (in Pa). 02 October 2018, 19:33:28 UTC
d4d343e Added bypass so nglacier doesn't have to be on for oroini to get called. 19 August 2018, 21:02:06 UTC
5719042 Added OROSCALE to landmod_namelist--apparently it had been removed from surfmod_namelist at some point? 13 August 2018, 21:45:57 UTC
3b55892 Added desert planet mode. Also made the soil heat capacity visible to landmod_namelist. 09 August 2018, 16:51:32 UTC
4945105 Merge branch 'low_io' 02 August 2018, 04:36:15 UTC
5a37be1 Caught missing argument in subroutine call. 02 August 2018, 04:35:03 UTC
5bd4716 Add low-IO flag and nstpw parameter, which override the model's output cadence. With nlowio=1 and nstpw>0, the code will only write output every nstpw timesteps, and will compute time-averages for all variables to avoid loss of fidelity. 14 July 2018, 19:34:57 UTC
c4d7d76 Added flags to slow down write frequency 13 July 2018, 19:40:38 UTC
5dd88b3 Bugfix for wet soil 13 July 2018, 19:36:03 UTC
b88211f Trying out a soil albedo scheme where soil albedo depends on soil water content. 11 July 2018, 04:43:21 UTC
302f0df Small bugfix in carbonmod.f90 06 July 2018, 19:06:33 UTC
c4f2ef0 Small fixes 03 July 2018, 19:16:19 UTC
84067c6 Merge branch 'icefraction'--allow ice cover to be fractional. 28 June 2018, 21:42:23 UTC
7be181e Fixes and improvements. Ice coverage is now fractional, though it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. 28 June 2018, 21:41:12 UTC
21a46ec Add carbonmod.f90 changes from icefraction branch. 26 June 2018, 03:14:07 UTC
08ae8f8 Small changes to carbonmod.f90: handle planet radius and land fraction appropriately. 26 June 2018, 03:13:15 UTC
ae93e6a Changed ice cover from 0/1 flag to fractional measure, computed as xicec/thicec, with a maximum value of 1. 26 June 2018, 02:24:16 UTC
eaa5ec0 Added comprehensive PDF demonstrating how to analyze netCDF output files. 15 May 2018, 00:40:58 UTC
4b203dd Successfully decoupled length of year in timesteps and diffusion timescales from rotspd and solar_day. n_days_per_year will now default to 360 if you mess with rotspd, so adjust the year length in days according to ntspd--i.e. 348 steps per day and 36 days per year is approx. as many timesteps in a year as 32 steps per day and 360 days per year. 13 May 2018, 04:04:50 UTC
45b4f81 Days per year is decoupled from rotspd, but solar_day it appears can't be changed. It seems to only control time unit conversions; why does locking it to 24 hours produce NaNs? 12 May 2018, 03:35:07 UTC
3add7ec Decoupled solar_day and days_per_year from rotspd--they should stay constant. Also made ndcycle default to 1. 12 May 2018, 02:48:48 UTC
4502707 Revert "Tried to fix how the code clocks itself--solar_day is purely dimensional; it should never actually change." This reverts commit f6f732bcbad56ae18644a956459b3c912e4c8dec. For some reason code breaks. Will try again. 12 May 2018, 02:46:28 UTC
f6f732b Tried to fix how the code clocks itself--solar_day is purely dimensional; it should never actually change. 12 May 2018, 02:44:29 UTC
62bfd0f Fixed NaN bug in weathering output when landfraction is zero (aquaplanet). 23 April 2018, 22:11:51 UTC
3c21d30 Bugfix 06 February 2018, 02:07:54 UTC
2593c19 Added 'slowdown' namelist parameter for radmod_namelist to give slower diurnal cycles. 05 February 2018, 23:39:56 UTC
3ac2730 Small updates 23 October 2017, 20:28:45 UTC
f9bc218 Reverse accidental addition of workspace files 17 October 2017, 21:58:43 UTC
15677b2 Fixed fixed-longitude bug where substellar point was showing up at -fixedlon. Flipped sidereal_day/solar_day adjustment for rotspd!=1, such that providing rotspd adjusts sidereal_day first and foremost. 17 October 2017, 21:55:32 UTC
039d578 Clean up plasim/bld/--we don't actually need to include these files. 17 October 2017, 21:11:57 UTC
9c82411 Bugfixes 17 October 2017, 21:11:14 UTC
5c205f9 Turned off default year-by-year CO2 and pressure. Do it externally. Added Kristen's tidal-locking hack, enabled with the nfixed flag in radmod_namelist and the fixedlon parameter (degrees). 17 October 2017, 20:26:20 UTC
0a0b6a6 Added cosine of solar zenith angle to output. Also added single-core version of utilities.f90. 17 October 2017, 02:26:08 UTC
2a4f9c0 Fixed bug in simple relaxation scripts 04 October 2017, 02:33:00 UTC
0a6c216 Added model scripts for just letting a model relax. 03 October 2017, 22:34:39 UTC
f834e72 Updated constants 03 October 2017, 19:57:44 UTC
4647ddb Updated landmod namelist to make sure snow isn't limited 03 October 2017, 19:40:51 UTC
742bb98 Added alternate continent generator that uses the cratonal seeds used to build the continents to also build orographic 'spines' for the continents rather than central plateaus. Somewhat more realistic? 28 September 2017, 04:47:48 UTC
21d07f5 Added PlanetGrid.ipynb, which pulls longitude and latitude arrays from (or equivalent if using a higher resolution--provide your own though), and randomly generates continents according to the user's desired number of landmasses and land fraction. It's much better at getting the land fraction right than the number of landmasses, since as they grow landmasses often merge. Also generates template topography (higher elevation at landmass center, no mountains), and writes SRA boundary condition files for land-sea mask and orography. 27 September 2017, 23:07:49 UTC
cebab15 Updated the estimated Earth annual precipitation in the weathering formulation, using estimates from Chen 2002 and Schneider 2014. Also updated (fixed) the tuning factor, splitting it into two tuning factors--absolute and relative. 13 September 2017, 00:28:50 UTC
24f2802 Added weatherable precipitation, monthly maximum temperature, and monthly minimum temperature to output. 11 August 2017, 23:56:56 UTC
231e2c0 Fixed bug in carbonmod.f90 resulting in plummeting surface pressure and pCO2. Also improved/cleaned weathering.pso header output in python models. 10 August 2017, 19:57:33 UTC
60edfbb Fixed start=False bug in python model scripts 09 August 2017, 20:17:15 UTC
718cab4 Added buildice.f90 (missing file). 24 July 2017, 17:21:33 UTC
30c0662 Fixed compilation bug, tweaked the leapfrog scripts. 24 July 2017, 17:17:55 UTC
46c59d7 Added new run mode similar to the basic coupled mode, but where if the snowpack is globally stable but still triggering the rate-limiter, the larger jump in pCO2 is permitted, with snowpack adjusted in a series of steps. 21 July 2017, 18:21:42 UTC
fb1be38 Bug fix in glacier run script 17 July 2017, 20:28:53 UTC
15117c0 Added runscripts that only handle the carbon cycle. Also modified to generate appropriate snow/ice build scripts. 17 July 2017, 20:14:54 UTC
f76af8b Added run scripts that only really adjust ice sheets, without aiming for large jumps in pCO2 (though pCO2 will still be adjusted if the carbon model is turned on). 17 July 2017, 19:11:47 UTC
02280bb Added script to build artificial continental ice sheets over 4 years then go from there. 15 July 2017, 20:43:58 UTC
04c0933 Modified glacier coupling to consider persistence and existence of the snowpack and use a 5-year average snow change rather than 3-year average. 15 July 2017, 18:32:39 UTC
8655fe4 Small modifications, plus added the coupling script that evolves CO2 and snowpack over geologic time, in the models/ folder. 14 July 2017, 21:56:46 UTC
d5cb548 Remove large files 14 July 2017, 21:40:27 UTC
78beb1a Merged in the glacier model. This framework really just adjusts the geopotential each year, based on the snow depth. This means it could easily be adapted for mountain-building. The actual glacier model itself, which adjusts the snow depth on geological timescales between runs, is not yet included (nor is the carbon cycle analog). Next commit. 14 July 2017, 21:37:54 UTC
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