Revision f24076bbf4a4a4af8e90100f344e10fb237e9b3b authored by Zhang Yunjun on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC, committed by GitHub on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC
+ .circleci/config.yml update:
   - use $BASH_ENV to set and share environment variable (PATH) among multiple run steps
   - rename to workflow/job to "unit-n-workflow-tests"

+ cli/ fix a typo in the module import

+ cli/load_data: check `-t smallbaselineApp.cfg` existence and print out error msg

+ tsview: show the reference index/date info on the slider as the title
1 parent 64ffdef
Raw File
# .readthedocs.yml
# Read the Docs configuration file
# See for details

# Required
version: 2

# Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx
#  configuration: docs/

# Build documentation with MkDocs
  configuration: mkdocs.yml

# Optionally build your docs in additional formats such as PDF and ePub
formats: all

# Optionally set the version of Python and requirements required to build your docs
# conda method does not work because of the "command killed due to excessive memory consumption" error
  version: 3.7
    - requirements: docs/requirements4rtd.txt
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