Revision f24076bbf4a4a4af8e90100f344e10fb237e9b3b authored by Zhang Yunjun on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC, committed by GitHub on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC
+ .circleci/config.yml update:
   - use $BASH_ENV to set and share environment variable (PATH) among multiple run steps
   - rename to workflow/job to "unit-n-workflow-tests"

+ cli/ fix a typo in the module import

+ cli/load_data: check `-t smallbaselineApp.cfg` existence and print out error msg

+ tsview: show the reference index/date info on the slider as the title
1 parent 64ffdef
Raw File
# Program is part of MintPy                                #
# Copyright (c) 2013, Zhang Yunjun, Heresh Fattahi         #
# Author: Yuan-Kai Liu, Zhang Yunjun, May 2022             #
# Recommend usage:
#   from mintpy import plate_motion as pmm
# Reference:
#   Stephenson, O. L., Liu, Y. K., Yunjun, Z., Simons, M., Rosen, P. and Xu, X., (2022),
#     The Impact of Plate Motions on Long-Wavelength InSAR-Derived Velocity Fields,
#     Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2022GL099835, doi:10.1029/2022GL099835.
# To-Do List (updated 2022.10.12 Yuan-Kai Liu):
#   + Use built-in PMM table ITRF2014_PMM for easier/automatic user input string input

import collections

import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize

from mintpy.diff import diff_file
from mintpy.objects.euler_pole import EulerPole
from mintpy.objects.resample import resample
from mintpy.utils import readfile, utils as ut, writefile

# ITRF2014-PMM defined in Altamimi et al. (2017)
Tag = collections.namedtuple('Tag', 'name num_site omega_x omega_y omega_z omega wrms_e wrms_n')
ITRF2014_PMM = {
    'ANTA' : Tag('Antartica'  ,   7,  -0.248,  -0.324,   0.675,  0.219,  0.20,  0.16),
    'ARAB' : Tag('Arabia'     ,   5,   1.154,  -0.136,   1.444,  0.515,  0.36,  0.43),
    'AUST' : Tag('Australia'  ,  36,   1.510,   1.182,   1.215,  0.631,  0.24,  0.20),
    'EURA' : Tag('Eurasia'    ,  97,  -0.085,  -0.531,   0.770,  0.261,  0.23,  0.19),
    'INDI' : Tag('India'      ,   3,   1.154,  -0.005,   1.454,  0.516,  0.21,  0.21),
    'NAZC' : Tag('Nazca'      ,   2,  -0.333,  -1.544,   1.623,  0.629,  0.13,  0.19),
    'NOAM' : Tag('N. America' ,  72,   0.024,  -0.694,  -0.063,  0.194,  0.23,  0.28),
    'NUBI' : Tag('Nubia'      ,  24,   0.099,  -0.614,   0.733,  0.267,  0.28,  0.36),
    'PCFC' : Tag('Pacific'    ,  18,  -0.409,   1.047,  -2.169,  0.679,  0.36,  0.31),
    'SOAM' : Tag('S. America' ,  30,  -0.270,  -0.301,  -0.140,  0.119,  0.34,  0.35),
    'SOMA' : Tag('Somalia'    ,   3,  -0.121,  -0.794,   0.884,  0.332,  0.32,  0.30),
    'omega'   : 'deg/Ma',  # degree per megayear or one-million-year
    'omega_x' : 'mas/yr',  # milli-arcsecond per year
    'omega_y' : 'mas/yr',  # milli-arcsecond per year
    'omega_z' : 'mas/yr',  # milli-arcsecond per year
    'wrms_e'  : 'mm/yr',   # milli-meter per year, weighted root mean scatter
    'wrms_n'  : 'mm/yr',   # milli-meter per year, weighted root mean scatter

####################################### Major Function ###########################################

def calc_plate_motion(geom_file, omega_cart=None, omega_sph=None, const_vel_enu=None,
                      pmm_enu_file=None, pmm_file=None, pmm_comp='enu2los', pmm_step=10.):
    """Estimate LOS motion due to the rigid plate motion (translation and/or rotation).

    Parameters: geom_file     - str, path to the input geometry file
                omega_cart    - list or 1D array, Cartesian representation of plate rotation
                                in [wx, wy, wz]  (mas/yr)
                omega_sph     - list or 1D array, Spherical representation of plate rotation
                                in [lat, lon, w] (deg, deg, deg/Ma)
                const_vel_enu - list or 1D array, a single-vector [ve, vn, vu] (meter/year)
                                simulating the rigid translation of the ground (e.g., from GNSS)
                pmm_enu_file  - str, path to the output plate motion in east, north, up direction
                pmm_file      - str, path to the output plate motion in LOS direction
                set_comp      - str, output PMM in the given component of interest
                pmm_reso      - float, ground resolution for computing Plate rotation to ENU velocity (km)
    Returns:    ve/vn/vu/vlos - 2D np.ndarray, ridig plate motion in east / north / up / LOS direction

    # Get LOS geometry
    atr_geo = ut.prepare_geo_los_geometry(geom_file, unit='deg')[2]
    shape_geo = [int(atr_geo['LENGTH']), int(atr_geo['WIDTH'])]

    ## calc plate motion in the region
    if omega_cart or omega_sph:
        print('compute the rigid plate motion defined as an Euler Pole')

        # construct Euler Pole object
        if omega_cart is not None:
            print(f'input omega_cartesian in [wx, wy, wz]: {omega_cart} [mas/yr]')
            pole_obj = EulerPole(

            print(f'input omega_spherical in [lat, lon, w]: {omega_sph} [deg, deg, deg/Ma]')
            pole_obj = EulerPole(

        # prepare the coarse grid (for the points of interest)
        latc = float(atr_geo['Y_FIRST']) + float(atr_geo['Y_STEP']) * shape_geo[0] / 2
        ystep = abs(int(pmm_step * 1000 / (float(atr_geo['Y_STEP']) * 108e3)))
        xstep = abs(int(pmm_step * 1000 / (float(atr_geo['X_STEP']) * 108e3 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(latc)))))
        ystep, xstep = max(ystep, 5), max(xstep, 5)
        lats, lons = ut.get_lat_lon(atr_geo, dimension=2, ystep=ystep, xstep=xstep)
        print(f'calculate plate motion on the coarse grid: size = ~{pmm_step} km, shape = {lats.shape}')

        # calculate plate motion in ENU at the coarse grid
        ve_low, vn_low, vu_low = pole_obj.get_velocity_enu(lats, lons, alt=0.0, ellps=True)

        # for debugging purpose
        debug_mode = False
        if debug_mode:
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

            # calculate plate motion in ECEF (XYZ) coordinates
            vx, vy, vz = pole_obj.get_velocity_xyz(lats, lons, alt=0.0, ellps=True)

            # plot
            fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=[12, 6])
            vlist = [vx, vy, vz, ve_low, vn_low, vu_low]
            titles = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'E', 'N', 'U']
            for ax, data, title in zip(axs.flatten(), vlist, titles):
                im = ax.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest')
                fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)

        # resample coarse grid back to the initial fine grid
        print(f'resample plate motion from corase back to original grid: {lats.shape} -> {shape_geo}'
              ' via skimage.transform.resize ...')
        kwargs = dict(order=1, mode='edge', anti_aliasing=True, preserve_range=True)
        ve = resize(ve_low, shape_geo, **kwargs)
        vn = resize(vn_low, shape_geo, **kwargs)
        vu = resize(vu_low, shape_geo, **kwargs)

    elif const_vel_enu:
        print(f'compute the rigid plate motion using a single vector (translation): {const_vel_enu}')
        ve = const_vel_enu[0] * np.ones(shape_geo, dtype=np.float32)
        vn = const_vel_enu[1] * np.ones(shape_geo, dtype=np.float32)
        vu = const_vel_enu[2] * np.ones(shape_geo, dtype=np.float32)

    # radar-code the plate motion if input geometry is in radar coordinates
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(geom_file)
    if 'Y_FIRST' not in atr.keys():
        print('radar-coding the rigid plate motion in ENU ...')
        res_obj = resample(lut_file=geom_file)
        res_obj.src_meta = atr_geo

        # resample data
        box = res_obj.src_box_list[0]
        ve = res_obj.run_resample(src_data=ve[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]])
        vn = res_obj.run_resample(src_data=vn[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]])
        vu = res_obj.run_resample(src_data=vu[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]])

    ## project Plate motion from ENU to direction of interest, e.g. LOS or az
    c0, c1 = pmm_comp.split('2')
    print(f'project the ridig plate motion from {c0.upper()} onto {c1.upper()} direction')
    los_inc_angle =, datasetName='incidenceAngle')[0]
    los_az_angle =, datasetName='azimuthAngle')[0]
    unit_vec = ut.get_unit_vector4component_of_interest(los_inc_angle, los_az_angle, comp=pmm_comp)
    vlos = (  ve * unit_vec[0]
            + vn * unit_vec[1]
            + vu * unit_vec[2])

    # save the plate motion model velocity into HDF5 files
    # metadata
    atr['FILE_TYPE'] = 'velocity'
    atr['DATA_TYPE'] = 'float32'
    atr['UNIT'] = 'm/year'
    for key in ['REF_Y', 'REF_X', 'REF_DATE']:
        if key in atr.keys():

    if pmm_enu_file:
        # dataset
        dsDict = {'east'  : ve,
                  'north' : vn,
                  'up'    : vu}
        # write
        writefile.write(dsDict, out_file=pmm_enu_file, metadata=atr)

    if pmm_file:
        writefile.write(vlos, out_file=pmm_file, metadata=atr)

    return ve, vn, vu, vlos

def run_plate_motion(inps):
    """Calculate and/or correct for the rigid motion from tectonic plates."""


    if inps.vel_file and inps.pmm_file and inps.cor_vel_file:
        print('Correct input velocity for the rigid plate motion')
        diff_file(inps.vel_file, [inps.pmm_file], inps.cor_vel_file)

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