Revision f24076bbf4a4a4af8e90100f344e10fb237e9b3b authored by Zhang Yunjun on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC, committed by GitHub on 08 November 2022, 07:17:03 UTC
+ .circleci/config.yml update:
   - use $BASH_ENV to set and share environment variable (PATH) among multiple run steps
   - rename to workflow/job to "unit-n-workflow-tests"

+ cli/ fix a typo in the module import

+ cli/load_data: check `-t smallbaselineApp.cfg` existence and print out error msg

+ tsview: show the reference index/date info on the slider as the title
1 parent 64ffdef
Raw File
# Program is part of MintPy                                #
# Copyright (c) 2013, Zhang Yunjun, Heresh Fattahi         #
# Author: Zhang Yunjun, Heresh Fattahi, Yuan-Kai Liu, 2013 #
# Recommend import:
#   from mintpy import timeseries2velocity as ts2vel

import os
import time

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

from mintpy.objects import HDFEOS, cluster, giantTimeseries, timeseries
from mintpy.utils import ptime, readfile, time_func, writefile

DATA_TYPE = np.float32
# key configuration parameter name
key_prefix = 'mintpy.timeFunc.'
config_keys = [
    # date
    # time functions
    # uncertainty quantification

def run_or_skip(inps):
    print('update mode: ON')
    flag = 'skip'

    # check output file
    if not os.path.isfile(inps.outfile):
        flag = 'run'
        print(f'1) output file {inps.outfile} NOT found.')
        print(f'1) output file {inps.outfile} already exists.')
        ti = os.path.getmtime(inps.timeseries_file)
        to = os.path.getmtime(inps.outfile)
        if ti > to:
            flag = 'run'
            print(f'2) output file is NOT newer than input file: {inps.timeseries_file}.')
            print(f'2) output file is newer than input file: {inps.timeseries_file}.')

    # check configuration
    if flag == 'skip':
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.outfile)
        if any(str(vars(inps)[key]) != atr.get(key_prefix+key, 'None') for key in config_keys):
            flag = 'run'
            print(f'3) NOT all key configuration parameters are the same: {config_keys}.')
            print(f'3) all key configuration parameters are the same: {config_keys}.')

    # result
    print(f'run or skip: {flag}.')
    return flag

def read_date_info(inps):
    """Read dates used in the estimation and its related info.

    Parameters: inps - Namespace
    Returns:    inps - Namespace, adding the following new fields:
                       date_list - list of str, dates used for estimation
                       dropDate  - 1D np.ndarray in bool in size of all available dates
    # initiate and open time-series file object
    ftype = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file)['FILE_TYPE']
    if ftype == 'timeseries':
        ts_obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file)
    elif ftype == 'giantTimeseries':
        ts_obj = giantTimeseries(inps.timeseries_file)
    elif ftype == 'HDFEOS':
        ts_obj = HDFEOS(inps.timeseries_file)
        raise ValueError(f'Un-recognized time-series type: {ftype}')

    # exclude dates - user inputs
    ex_date_list = ptime.get_exclude_date_list(

    # exclude dates - no obs data [for offset time-series only for now]
    if os.path.basename(inps.timeseries_file).startswith('timeseriesRg'):
        data, atr =
        flag = np.nansum(data, axis=(1,2)) == 0
        flag[ts_obj.dateList.index(atr['REF_DATE'])] = 0
        if np.sum(flag) > 0:
            print(f'number of empty dates to exclude: {np.sum(flag)}')
            ex_date_list += np.array(ts_obj.dateList)[flag].tolist()
            ex_date_list = sorted(list(set(ex_date_list)))

    # dates used for estimation - inps.date_list
    inps.date_list = [i for i in ts_obj.dateList if i not in ex_date_list]

    # flag array for ts data reading
    inps.dropDate = np.array([i not in ex_date_list for i in ts_obj.dateList], dtype=np.bool_)

    # print out msg
    print(f'dates from input file: {ts_obj.numDate}\n{ts_obj.dateList}')
    if len(inps.date_list) == len(ts_obj.dateList):
        print('using all dates to calculate the time function')
        print(f'dates used to estimate the time function: {len(inps.date_list)}\n{inps.date_list}')

    return inps

def run_timeseries2time_func(inps):
    start_time = time.time()

    # basic file info
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file)
    length, width = int(atr['LENGTH']), int(atr['WIDTH'])

    # read date info
    inps = read_date_info(inps)
    num_date = len(inps.date_list)
    dates = np.array(inps.date_list)
    seconds = atr.get('CENTER_LINE_UTC', 0)

    # use the 1st date as reference if not found, e.g. timeseriesResidual.h5 file
    if "REF_DATE" not in atr.keys() and not inps.ref_date:
        inps.ref_date = inps.date_list[0]
        print('WARNING: No REF_DATE found in time-series file or input in command line.')
        print(f'  Set "--ref-date {inps.date_list[0]}" and continue.')

    # get deformation model from inputs
    model = time_func.inps2model(inps, date_list=inps.date_list)
    num_param = time_func.get_num_param(model)

    ## output preparation

    # time_func_param: attributes
    date0, date1 = inps.date_list[0], inps.date_list[-1]
    atrV = dict(atr)
    atrV['FILE_TYPE'] = 'velocity'
    atrV['UNIT'] = 'm/year'
    atrV['START_DATE'] = date0
    atrV['END_DATE'] = date1
    atrV['DATE12'] = f'{date0}_{date1}'
    if inps.ref_yx:
        atrV['REF_Y'] = inps.ref_yx[0]
        atrV['REF_X'] = inps.ref_yx[1]
    if inps.ref_date:
        atrV['REF_DATE'] = inps.ref_date

    # time_func_param: config parameter
    print(f'add/update the following configuration metadata:\n{config_keys}')
    for key in config_keys:
        atrV[key_prefix+key] = str(vars(inps)[key])

    # time_func_param: instantiate output file
    ds_name_dict, ds_unit_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model, ds_shape=(length, width))[1:]
    # add dataset: residue
    if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'residue':
        ds_name_dict['residue'] = [np.float32, (length, width), None]
        ds_unit_dict['residue'] = 'm'


    # timeseries_res: attributes + instantiate output file
    if inps.save_res:
        atrR = dict(atr)
        # remove REF_DATE attribute
        for key in ['REF_DATE']:
            if key in atrR.keys():
        # prepare ds_name_dict manually, instead of using ref_file, to support --ex option
        date_digit = len(inps.date_list[0])
        ds_name_dict = {
            "date" : [np.dtype(f'S{date_digit}'), (num_date,), np.array(inps.date_list, np.string_)],
            "timeseries" : [np.float32, (num_date, length, width), None]
        writefile.layout_hdf5(inps.res_file, ds_name_dict=ds_name_dict, metadata=atrR)

    ## estimation

    # calc number of box based on memory limit
    memoryAll = (num_date + num_param * 2 + 2) * length * width * 4
    if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'bootstrap':
        memoryAll += inps.bootstrapCount * num_param * length * width * 4
    num_box = int(np.ceil(memoryAll * 3 / (inps.maxMemory * 1024**3)))
    box_list = cluster.split_box2sub_boxes(box=(0, 0, width, length),

    # loop for block-by-block IO
    for i, box in enumerate(box_list):
        box_wid = box[2] - box[0]
        box_len = box[3] - box[1]
        num_pixel = box_len * box_wid
        if num_box > 1:
            print(f'\n------- processing patch {i+1} out of {num_box} --------------')
            print(f'box width:  {box_wid}')
            print(f'box length: {box_len}')

        # initiate output
        m = np.zeros((num_param, num_pixel), dtype=DATA_TYPE)
        m_std = np.zeros((num_param, num_pixel), dtype=DATA_TYPE)

        # read input
        print(f'reading data from file {inps.timeseries_file} ...')
        ts_data =, box=box)[0]

        # referencing in time and space
        # for file w/o reference info. e.g. ERA5.h5
        if inps.ref_date:
            print(f'referecing to date: {inps.ref_date}')
            ref_ind = inps.date_list.index(inps.ref_date)
            ts_data -= np.tile(ts_data[ref_ind, :, :], (ts_data.shape[0], 1, 1))

        if inps.ref_yx:
            print(f'referencing to point (y, x): ({inps.ref_yx[0]}, {inps.ref_yx[1]})')
            ref_box = (inps.ref_yx[1], inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]+1, inps.ref_yx[0]+1)
            ref_val =, box=ref_box)[0]
            ts_data -= np.tile(ref_val.reshape(ts_data.shape[0], 1, 1),
                               (1, ts_data.shape[1], ts_data.shape[2]))

        ts_data = ts_data[inps.dropDate, :, :].reshape(num_date, -1)
        if atrV['UNIT'] == 'mm':
            ts_data *= 1./1000.

        ts_cov = None
        if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'covariance':
            print(f'reading time-series covariance matrix from file {inps.timeSeriesCovFile} ...')
            ts_cov =, box=box)[0]
            if len(ts_cov.shape) == 4:
                # full covariance matrix in 4D --> 3D
                if num_date < ts_cov.shape[0]:
                    ts_cov = ts_cov[inps.dropDate, :, :, :]
                    ts_cov = ts_cov[:, inps.dropDate, :, :]
                ts_cov = ts_cov.reshape(num_date, num_date, -1)

            elif len(ts_cov.shape) == 3:
                # diaginal variance matrix in 3D --> 2D
                if num_date < ts_cov.shape[0]:
                    ts_cov = ts_cov[inps.dropDate, :, :]
                ts_cov = ts_cov.reshape(num_date, -1)

            ## set zero value to a fixed small value to avoid divide by zero
            #epsilon = 1e-5
            #ts_cov[ts_cov<epsilon] = epsilon

        # mask invalid pixels
        print('skip pixels with zero/nan value in all acquisitions')
        ts_stack = np.nanmean(ts_data, axis=0)
        mask = np.multiply(~np.isnan(ts_stack), ts_stack!=0.)
        del ts_stack
        # include the reference point
        ry, rx = int(atrV['REF_Y']) - box[1], int(atrV['REF_X']) - box[0]
        if 0 <= rx < box_wid and 0 <= ry < box_len:
            mask[ry * box_wid + rx] = 1

        #if ts_cov is not None:
        #    print('skip pxiels with nan STD value in any acquisition')
        #    num_std_nan = np.sum(np.isnan(ts_cov), axis=0)
        #    mask *= num_std_nan == 0
        #    del num_std_nan

        ts_data = ts_data[:, mask]
        num_pixel2inv = int(np.sum(mask))
        idx_pixel2inv = np.where(mask)[0]
        print('number of pixels to invert: {} out of {} ({:.1f}%)'.format(
            num_pixel2inv, num_pixel, num_pixel2inv/num_pixel*100))

        # go to next if no valid pixel found
        if num_pixel2inv == 0:

        ### estimation / solve Gm = d
        print('estimating time functions via linalg.lstsq ...')

        if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'bootstrap':
            ## option 1 - least squares with bootstrapping
            # Bootstrapping is a resampling method which can be used to estimate properties
            # of an estimator. The method relies on independently sampling the data set with
            # replacement.
            print('estimating time functions STD with bootstrap resampling ({} times) ...'.format(

            # calc model of all bootstrap sampling
            rng = np.random.default_rng()
            m_boot = np.zeros((inps.bootstrapCount, num_param, num_pixel2inv), dtype=DATA_TYPE)
            prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=inps.bootstrapCount)
            for i in range(inps.bootstrapCount):
                # bootstrap resampling
                boot_ind = rng.choice(num_date, size=num_date, replace=True)

                # estimation
                m_boot[i] = time_func.estimate_time_func(

                prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=f'iteration {i+1} / {inps.bootstrapCount}')
            #del ts_data

            # get mean/std among all bootstrap sampling
            m[:, mask] = m_boot.mean(axis=0).reshape(num_param, -1)
            m_std[:, mask] = m_boot.std(axis=0).reshape(num_param, -1)
            del m_boot

            # get design matrix to calculate the residual time series
            G = time_func.get_design_matrix4time_func(inps.date_list, model=model, ref_date=inps.ref_date, seconds=seconds)

            ## option 2 - least squares with uncertainty propagation
            G, m[:, mask], e2 = time_func.estimate_time_func(
            #del ts_data

            ## Compute the covariance matrix for model parameters:
            #       G * m = d                                       (1)
            #       m_hat = G+ * d                                  (2)
            #     C_m_hat = G+ * C_d * G+.T                         (3)
            # [option 2.1] For weighted least squares estimation:
            #          G+ = (G.T * C_d^-1 * G)^-1 * G.T * C_d^-1    (4)
            # =>  C_m_hat = (G.T * C_d^-1 * G)^-1                   (5)
            # [option 2.2] For ordinary least squares estimation:
            #          G+ = (G.T * G)^-1 * G.T                      (6)
            #     C_m_hat = G+ * C_d * G+.T                         (7)
            # [option 2.3] Assuming normality of the observation errors (in the time domain) with
            # the variance of sigma^2, we have C_d = sigma^2 * I, then eq. (3) is simplfied into:
            #     C_m_hat = sigma^2 * (G.T * G)^-1                  (8)
            # Using the law of integrated expectation, we estimate the obs sigma^2 using
            # the OLS estimation residual as:
            #           e_hat = d - d_hat                           (9)
            # =>  sigma_hat^2 = (e_hat.T * e_hat) / N               (10)
            # =>      sigma^2 = sigma_hat^2 * N / (N - P)           (11)
            #                 = (e_hat.T * e_hat) / (N - P)         (12)
            # Eq. (10) in Fattahi & Amelung (2015, JGR) is a simplified form of eq. (12) for linear velocity.

            if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'covariance':
                # option 2.2 - linear propagation from time-series (co)variance matrix
                # TO DO: save the full covariance matrix of the time function parameters
                # only the STD is saved right now
                covar_flag = True if len(ts_cov.shape) == 3 else False
                msg = 'estimating time functions STD from time-serries '
                msg += 'covariance pixel-by-pixel ...' if covar_flag else 'variance pixel-by-pixel ...'

                # calc the common pseudo-inverse matrix
                Gplus = linalg.pinv(G)

                # loop over each pixel
                # or use multidimension matrix multiplication
                # m_cov = Gplus @ ts_cov @ Gplus.T
                prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_pixel2inv)
                for i in range(num_pixel2inv):
                    idx = idx_pixel2inv[i]

                    # cov: time-series -> time func
                    ts_covi = ts_cov[:, :, idx] if covar_flag else np.diag(ts_cov[:, idx])
                    m_cov = np.linalg.multi_dot([Gplus, ts_covi, Gplus.T])
                    m_std[:, idx] = np.sqrt(np.diag(m_cov))

                    prog_bar.update(i+1, every=200, suffix=f'{i+1}/{num_pixel2inv} pixels')

            elif inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'residue':
                # option 2.3 - assume obs errors following normal dist. in time
                print('estimating time functions STD from time-series fitting residual ...')
                G_inv = linalg.inv(, G))
                m_var = e2.reshape(1, -1) / (num_date - num_param)
                m_std[:, mask] = np.sqrt(, 1), m_var))

                # simplified form for linear velocity (without matrix linear algebra)
                # equation (10) in Fattahi & Amelung (2015, JGR)
                # ts_diff = ts_data -, m)
                # t_diff = G[:, 1] - np.mean(G[:, 1])
                # vel_std = np.sqrt(np.sum(ts_diff ** 2, axis=0) / np.sum(t_diff ** 2)  / (num_date - 2))

        # write - time func params
        block = [box[1], box[3], box[0], box[2]]
        ds_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model, m, m_std, mask=mask)[0]
        # save dataset: residue
        if inps.uncertaintyQuantification == 'residue':
            ds_dict['residue'] = np.zeros(num_pixel, dtype=DATA_TYPE)
            ds_dict['residue'][mask] = np.sqrt(e2)

        for ds_name, data in ds_dict.items():
                                       data=data.reshape(box_len, box_wid),

        # write - residual file
        if inps.save_res:
            block = [0, num_date, box[1], box[3], box[0], box[2]]
            ts_res = np.full((num_date, box_len*box_wid), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
            # calculate the time-series residual
            ts_res[:, mask] = ts_data -, m)[:, mask]
            # write to HDF5 file
                                       data=ts_res.reshape(num_date, box_len, box_wid),

    # used time
    m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
    print(f'time used: {m:02.0f} mins {s:02.1f} secs.')

    return inps.outfile

def model2hdf5_dataset(model, m=None, m_std=None, mask=None, ds_shape=None, residue=None):
    """Prepare the estimated model parameters into a list of dicts for HDF5 dataset writing.
    Parameters: model        - dict,
                m            - 2D np.ndarray in (num_param, num_pixel) where num_pixel = 1 or length * width
                m_std        - 2D np.ndarray in (num_param, num_pixel) where num_pixel = 1 or length * width
                mask         - 1D np.ndarray in (num_pixel), mask of valid pixels
                ds_shape     - tuple of 2 int in (length, width)
    Returns:    ds_dict      - dict, dictionary of dataset values,     input for writefile.write_hdf5_block()
                ds_name_dict - dict, dictionary of dataset initiation, input for writefile.layout_hdf5()
                ds_unit_dict - dict, dictionary of dataset unit,       input for writefile.layout_hdf5()
    Examples:   # read input model parameters into dict
                model = read_inps2model(inps, date_list=inps.date_list)
                # for time series cube
                ds_name_dict, ds_name_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model, ds_shape=(200,300))[1:]
                ds_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model, m, m_std, mask=mask)[0]
                # for time series point
                ds_unit_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model)[2]
                ds_dict = model2hdf5_dataset(model, m, m_std)[0]
    # deformation model info
    poly_deg   = model['polynomial']
    num_period = len(model['periodic'])
    num_step   = len(model['stepDate'])
    num_exp    = sum(len(val) for key, val in model['exp'].items())

    # init output
    ds_dict = {}
    ds_name_dict = {}
    ds_unit_dict = {}

    # assign ds_dict ONLY IF m is not None
    if m is not None:
        num_pixel = m.shape[1] if m.ndim > 1 else 1
        m = m.reshape(-1, num_pixel)
        m_std = m_std.reshape(-1, num_pixel)

        # default mask
        if mask is None:
            mask = np.ones(num_pixel, dtype=np.bool_)
            mask = mask.flatten()

    # time func 1 - polynomial
    for i in range(poly_deg+1):
        # dataset name
        if i == 0:
            dsName = 'intercept'
            unit = 'm'
        elif i == 1:
            dsName = 'velocity'
            unit = 'm/year'
        elif i == 2:
            dsName = 'acceleration'
            unit = 'm/year^2'
            dsName = f'poly{i}'
            unit = f'm/year^{i}'

        # assign ds_dict
        if m is not None:
            ds_dict[dsName] = m[i, :]
            ds_dict[dsName+'Std'] = m_std[i, :]

        # assign ds_name/unit_dict
        ds_name_dict[dsName] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsName] = unit
        ds_name_dict[dsName+'Std'] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsName+'Std'] = unit

    # time func 2 - periodic
    p0 = poly_deg + 1
    for i in range(num_period):
        # dataset name
        period = model['periodic'][i]
        dsNameSuffixes = ['Amplitude', 'Phase']
        if period == 1:
            dsNames = [f'annual{x}' for x in dsNameSuffixes]
        elif period == 0.5:
            dsNames = [f'semiAnnual{x}' for x in dsNameSuffixes]
            dsNames = [f'period{period}Y{x}' for x in dsNameSuffixes]

        # calculate the amplitude and phase of the periodic signal
        # following equation (9-10) in Minchew et al. (2017, JGR)
        if m is not None:
            coef_cos = m[p0 + 2*i, :]
            coef_sin = m[p0 + 2*i + 1, :]
            period_amp = np.sqrt(coef_cos**2 + coef_sin**2)
            period_pha = np.zeros(num_pixel, dtype=DATA_TYPE)
            # avoid divided by zero warning
            if not np.all(coef_sin[mask] == 0):
                # use atan2, instead of atan, to get phase within [-pi, pi]
                period_pha[mask] = np.arctan2(coef_cos[mask], coef_sin[mask])

            # assign ds_dict
            for dsName, data in zip(dsNames, [period_amp, period_pha]):
                ds_dict[dsName] = data

        # update ds_name/unit_dict
        ds_name_dict[dsNames[0]] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsNames[0]] = 'm'
        ds_name_dict[dsNames[1]] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsNames[1]] = 'radian'

    # time func 3 - step
    p0 = (poly_deg + 1) + (2 * num_period)
    for i in range(num_step):
        # dataset name
        dsName = 'step{}'.format(model['stepDate'][i])

        # assign ds_dict
        if m is not None:
            ds_dict[dsName] = m[p0+i, :]
            ds_dict[dsName+'Std'] = m_std[p0+i, :]

        # assign ds_name/unit_dict
        ds_name_dict[dsName] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsName] = 'm'
        ds_name_dict[dsName+'Std'] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
        ds_unit_dict[dsName+'Std'] = 'm'

    # time func 4 - exponential
    p0 = (poly_deg + 1) + (2 * num_period) + (num_step)
    i = 0
    for exp_onset in model['exp'].keys():
        for exp_tau in model['exp'][exp_onset]:
            # dataset name
            dsName = f'exp{exp_onset}Tau{exp_tau}D'

            # assign ds_dict
            if m is not None:
                ds_dict[dsName] = m[p0+i, :]
                ds_dict[dsName+'Std'] = m_std[p0+i, :]

            # assign ds_name/unit_dict
            ds_name_dict[dsName] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
            ds_unit_dict[dsName] = 'm'
            ds_name_dict[dsName+'Std'] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
            ds_unit_dict[dsName+'Std'] = 'm'

            # loop because each onset_time could have multiple char_time
            i += 1

    # time func 5 - logarithmic
    p0 = (poly_deg + 1) + (2 * num_period) + (num_step) + (num_exp)
    i = 0
    for log_onset in model['log'].keys():
        for log_tau in model['log'][log_onset]:
            # dataset name
            dsName = f'log{log_onset}Tau{log_tau}D'

            # assign ds_dict
            if m is not None:
                ds_dict[dsName] = m[p0+i, :]
                ds_dict[dsName+'Std'] = m_std[p0+i, :]

            # assign ds_name/unit_dict
            ds_name_dict[dsName] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
            ds_unit_dict[dsName] = 'm'
            ds_name_dict[dsName+'Std'] = [DATA_TYPE, ds_shape, None]
            ds_unit_dict[dsName+'Std'] = 'm'

            # loop because each onset_time could have multiple char_time
            i += 1

    return ds_dict, ds_name_dict, ds_unit_dict
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