Revision f3c511060ce62072a34a50319237d28b82d10448 authored by Vincent Dutordoir on 27 August 2020, 11:22:49 UTC, committed by GitHub on 27 August 2020, 11:22:49 UTC
* Update pull request template (#1510)

Clarify template to make it easier for contributors to fill in relevant information.

* Temporary workaround for tensorflow_probability dependency issue (#1522)

* pin cloudpickle==1.3.0 as temporary workaround for tensorflow/probability#991 to unblock our build (to be reverted once fixed upstream)

* Update readme with new project using GPflow (#1530)

* fix bug in varying_noise notebook (#1526)

* Fix formatting in docs ( and restore link removed by #1498 (#1520)

* pin tensorflow<2.3 tensorflow-probability<0.11 (#1537)

* Quadrature Refactoring (#1505)

* WIP: quadrature refactoring

* Removing old ndiagquad code

* deleted test code

* formatting and type-hint

* merge modules

* black formatting

* formatting

* solving failing tests

* fixing failing tests

* fixes

* adapting tests for new syntax, keeping numerical behavior

* black formatting

* remove printf

* changed code for compiled tf compatibility

* black

* restored to original version

* undoing changes

* renaming

* renaming

* renaming

* reshape kwargs

* quadrature along axis=-2, simplified broadcasting

* black

* docs

* docs

* helper function

* docstrings and typing

* added new and old quadrature equivalence tests

* black

* Removing comments

Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* Typo

Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* notation

Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* reshape_Z_dZ return docstring fix

* FIX: quad_old computed with the ndiagquad_old

Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* more readable implementation

Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* tf.ensure_shape added

* removed ndiagquad

* removed ndiagquad

* Revert "removed ndiagquad"

This reverts commit 7bb0e9f1e0f2b0e225a2b8a5b3092c4c2f24ba91.

* FIX: shape checking of dZ

* Revert "removed ndiagquad"

This reverts commit 8e235241a697696e361158c30ff9aa9b4cc69f8a.

Co-authored-by: Gustavo Carvalho <>
Co-authored-by: ST John <>
Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* Add base_conditional_with_lm function (#1528)

* Added base_conditional_with_lm function, which accepts Lm instead of Kmm

Co-authored-by: Neil Ferguson <>
Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>
Co-authored-by: st-- <>

* Fixed separate_independent_conditional to correctly handle q_sqrt=None. (#1533)

* Fixed separate_independent_conditional to correctly handle q_sqrt=None.

Co-authored-by: Aidan Scannell <>
Co-authored-by: st-- <>

* Bump version numbers to 2.1.0. (#1544)

* Re-introduce pytest-xdist (#1541)

Enables pytest-xdist for locally running tests (`make test`) on multiple cores in parallel.

* check dependency versions are valid on CI (#1536)

* Update to not use custom image (#1545)

* Update to not use custom image

* Add test requirements

* Update parameter to be savable (#1518)

* Fix for quadrature failure mode when autograph was set to False (#1548)

* Fix and test

* Change shape of quadrature tensors for better broadcasting (#1542)

* using the first dimension to hold the quadrature summation

* adapting ndiagquad wrapper

* Changed bf for bX in docstrings

Co-authored-by: Gustavo Carvalho <>
Co-authored-by: st-- <>
Co-authored-by: Vincent Dutordoir <>

* Update min TFP supported version to 0.10 (#1551)

* Broadcasting constant and zero mean function (#1550)

* Broadcasting constant and zero mean function

* Use rank instead of ndim

Co-authored-by: st-- <>
Co-authored-by: joelberkeley-pio <>
Co-authored-by: gustavocmv <>
Co-authored-by: Gustavo Carvalho <>
Co-authored-by: ST John <>
Co-authored-by: Neil Ferguson <>
Co-authored-by: Neil Ferguson <>
Co-authored-by: Aidan Scannell <>
Co-authored-by: Aidan Scannell <>
Co-authored-by: Sandeep Tailor <>
Co-authored-by: Artem Artemev <>
1 parent acaccfd
Raw File
<!-- (Lines like this are comments and will be invisible - you do not need to edit/remove them) -->

<!-- Thank you very much for spending time on contributing to GPflow!
This template exists to simplify communicating basic information that is required to understand your contribution.
Please fill it in as far as possible; if anything about this template is unclear, please do mention it! -->

**PR type:** bugfix / enhancement / new feature / doc improvement

**Related issue(s)/PRs:** <!-- GitHub issue number, e.g. #1216 -->

## Summary

**Proposed changes**
<!-- Large PRs should ideally be preceded by a design discussion on a separate issue! -->

<!-- A clear and concise description of the contents of this pull request. -->
* ...
* ...
* ...

**What alternatives have you considered?**
<!-- A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. -->

### Minimal working example

<!-- Short code snippet with relevant comments.
* Bug fixes: show what happens before (without this PR) and after.
* New feature: show different use cases and demonstrate its benefits.

# Put your example code in here

## PR checklist
<!-- tick off [X] as applicable -->
- [ ] New features: code is well-documented
  - [ ] detailed docstrings (API documentation)
  - [ ] notebook examples (usage demonstration)
- [ ] The bug case / new feature is covered by unit tests
- [ ] Code has type annotations
- [ ] I ran the black formatter (`make format`)
- [ ] I locally tested that the tests pass (`make check-all`)

### Release notes

<!-- leave blank if unsure -->

**Fully backwards compatible:** yes / no

**If not, why is it worth breaking backwards compatibility:**
<!-- include a short justification -->

**Commit message (for release notes):**

* ...
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