Revision f442e4230a41d0d40f81346c1707f946f743cbcf authored by Jeff Bezanson on 09 June 2021, 02:51:34 UTC, committed by GitHub on 09 June 2021, 02:51:34 UTC
This PR implements a way to keep tables of methods that are
not part of the internal method table, but still participate
in the special support we have for keeping tables of methods,
in particular unification through precompilation and efficient
lookup. The intended design use case is to allow for method overlay
tables for various non-CPU backends (e.g. GPU and TPU). These
backends would like to modify basic function like `sin` to
perform better on the device in question (or in the case of TPU
to define them over non-LLVM intrinsics).

It is worth noting that this PR only gives the ability to keep
these tables of methods. It assigns no particular meaning to them
and the runtime (and regular inference) do not look at them.
They are designed as an implementation detail for external
compilers and similar tools.

 # Demo

julia> using Base.Experimental: @overlay, @MethodTable

julia> @MethodTable(mt)
 # 0 methods:

julia> @overlay mt function sin(x::Float64)

julia> @overlay mt function cos(x::Float64)

julia> mt
 # 2 methods:
[1] cos(x::Float64) in Main at REPL[5]:1
[2] sin(x::Float64) in Main at REPL[4]:1

julia> Base._methods_by_ftype(Tuple{typeof(sin), Float64}, mt, 1, typemax(UInt))
1-element Vector{Any}:
 Core.MethodMatch(Tuple{typeof(sin), Float64}, svec(), sin(x::Float64) in Main at REPL[4]:1, true)

julia> Base._methods_by_ftype(Tuple{typeof(sin), Float64}, 1, typemax(UInt))
1-element Vector{Any}:
 Core.MethodMatch(Tuple{typeof(sin), Float64}, svec(Float64), sin(x::T) where T<:Union{Float32, Float64} in Base.Math at special/trig.jl:29, true)

Co-authored-by: Tim Besard <>
Co-authored-by: Julian P Samaroo <>
Co-authored-by: Keno Fischer <>
1 parent 0e3276c
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

using Random: randstring

@testset "ifelse" begin
    @test ifelse(true, 1, 2) == 1
    @test ifelse(false, 1, 2) == 2

    let s = Set()
        ifelse(true, push!(s, 1), push!(s, 2))
        @test s == Set([1, 2])

    let s = Set()
        true ? push!(s, 1) : push!(s, 2)
        false ? push!(s, 3) : push!(s, 4)
        @test s == Set([1, 4])

    let B = [true true false]
        @test ifelse.(B, 1, 2) == [1 1 2]
        @test ifelse.(B, 1, [2 3 4]) == [1 1 4]
        @test ifelse.(B, [2 3 4], 1) == [2 3 1]
        @test ifelse.(B, [2 3 4], [5 6 7]) == [2 3 7]

@testset "operations on Pairs" begin
    @test reverse(Pair(1,2)) == Pair(2,1)
    @test reverse(Pair("13","24")) == Pair("24","13")
    @test typeof(reverse(Pair{String,Int64}("a",1))) == Pair{Int64,String}
    @test convert(Pair{Float64,Float64}, 17 => 4711) === (17.0 => 4711.0)
    @test convert(Pair{Int,Float64}, 17 => 4711) === (17 => 4711.0)
    @test convert(Pair{Float64,Int}, 17 => 4711) === (17.0 => 4711)
    @test convert(Pair{Any,Any}, 17 => 4711) === Pair{Any,Any}(17, 4711)
    @test convert(Pair{Number,Number}, 17 => 4711) === Pair{Number,Number}(17, 4711)
    @test promote(1=>1, 2=>2.0) === (1=>1.0, 2=>2.0)
    @test promote(1=>1, 2.0=>2) === (1.0=>1, 2.0=>2)
    @test promote(1=>1.0, 2.0=>2) === (1.0=>1.0, 2.0=>2.0)
    @test promote(1=>1, :b=>2.0) === (Pair{Any,Float64}(1,1.0),Pair{Any,Float64}(:b,2.0))
    @test isa([:a=>1, :b=>2], Vector{Pair{Symbol,Int}})
    @test isa([:a=>1, :b=>2.0], Vector{Pair{Symbol,Float64}})
    @test isa(["a"=>1, :b=>2.0], Vector{Pair{Any,Float64}})

    p = 1=>:foo
    @test first(p) == 1
    @test last(p)  == :foo
    @test first(reverse(p)) == :foo
    @test last(reverse(p))  == 1
    @test lastindex(p) == 2
    @test p[lastindex(p)] == p[end] == p[2] == :foo

# Infix `isa`
@test 1 isa Integer

@test (|)(2) == 2
@test xor(2) == 2
@test (⊻)(2) == 2

@test_throws MethodError min(Set([1]), Set([2]))
@test_throws MethodError max(Set([1]), Set([2]))
@test_throws MethodError minmax(Set([1]), Set([2]))

# Test if isless (not <) is used by min, max, minmax
# and commutativity.
struct TO23094
Base.isless(a::TO23094, b::TO23094) = isless(a.x, b.x)
Base.isequal(a::TO23094, b::TO23094) = isequal(a.x, b.x)
import Base.<
<(a::TO23094, b::TO23094) = error("< should not be called")

@test isequal(min(TO23094(1), TO23094(2)), TO23094(1))
@test isequal(min(TO23094(2), TO23094(1)), TO23094(1))
@test isequal(max(TO23094(1), TO23094(2)), TO23094(2))
@test isequal(max(TO23094(2), TO23094(1)), TO23094(2))
@test isequal(minmax(TO23094(1), TO23094(2))[1], TO23094(1))
@test isequal(minmax(TO23094(1), TO23094(2))[2], TO23094(2))
@test isequal(minmax(TO23094(2), TO23094(1))[1], TO23094(1))
@test isequal(minmax(TO23094(2), TO23094(1))[2], TO23094(2))

@test isless('a','b')

@testset "isgreater" begin
    # isgreater should be compatible with min.
    min1(a, b) = Base.isgreater(a, b) ? b : a
    # min promotes numerical arguments to the same type, but our quick min1
    # doesn't, so use float test values instead of ints.
    values = (1.0, 5.0, NaN, missing, Inf)
    for a in values, b in values
        @test min(a, b) === min1(a, b)
        @test min((a,), (b,)) === min1((a,), (b,))
        @test all(min([a], [b]) .=== min1([a], [b]))

@testset "isunordered" begin
    @test  isunordered(NaN)
    @test  isunordered(NaN32)
    @test  isunordered(missing)
    @test !isunordered(1)
    @test !isunordered([NaN, 1])
    @test !isunordered([1.0, missing])

@testset "vectorized comparisons between numbers" begin
    @test 1 .!= 2
    @test 1 .== 1
    @test 1 .< 2
    @test 1 .<= 2

# issue #13144: max() with 4 or more array arguments
let xs = [[i:i+4;] for i in 1:10]
    for n in 2:10
        @test max.(xs[1:n]...) == [n:n+4;]

# issue #19714
struct T19714 <: Integer end
Base.float(::T19714) = 19714.0
Base.:/(::T19714, ::T19714) = T19714()
Base.convert(::Type{T19714}, ::Int) = T19714()
Base.promote_rule(::Type{T19714}, ::Type{Int}) = T19714
@test T19714()/1 === 1/T19714() === T19714()

# pr #17155 and #33568
@testset "function composition" begin
    @test (uppercase∘(x->string(x,base=16)))(239487) == "3A77F"
    @test ∘(x -> x-2, x -> x-3, x -> x+5)(7) == 7
    fs = [x -> x[1:2], uppercase, lowercase]
    @test ∘(fs...)("ABC") == "AB"

    # Like +() and *() we leave ∘() undefined.
    # While `∘() = identity` is a reasonable definition for functions, this
    # would cause headaches for composition of user defined morphisms.
    # See also #34251
    @test_throws(MethodError, ∘())

    @test ∘(x -> (x, 1))(0) === (0, 1)
    @test ∘(x -> (x, 2), x -> (x, 1))(0) === ((0, 1), 2)
    @test ∘(x -> (x, 3), x -> (x, 2), x->(x,1))(0) === (((0, 1), 2), 3)
    @test ∘(x -> (x, 4), x -> (x, 3), x->(x,2), x-> (x, 1))(0) === ((((0, 1), 2), 3), 4)

    # test that user defined functors only need to overload the two arg version
    struct FreeMagma
    Base.:(∘)(a::FreeMagma, b::FreeMagma) = FreeMagma((a.word, b.word))

    @test ∘(FreeMagma(1)) === FreeMagma(1)
    @test ∘(FreeMagma(1), FreeMagma(2)) === FreeMagma((1,2))
    @test ∘(FreeMagma(1), FreeMagma(2), FreeMagma(3)) === FreeMagma(((1,2), 3))
    @test ∘(FreeMagma(1), FreeMagma(2), FreeMagma(3), FreeMagma(4)) === FreeMagma((((1,2), 3), 4))

    @test fieldtypes(typeof(Float64 ∘ Int)) == (Type{Float64}, Type{Int})

    @test repr(uppercase ∘ first) == "uppercase ∘ first"
    @test sprint(show, "text/plain", uppercase ∘ first) == "uppercase ∘ first"

    # test keyword ags in composition
    function kwf(a;b,c); a + b + c; end
    @test (abs2 ∘ kwf)(1,b=2,c=3) == 36


@testset "function negation" begin
    str = randstring(20)
    @test filter(!isuppercase, str) == replace(str, r"[A-Z]" => "")
    @test filter(!islowercase, str) == replace(str, r"[a-z]" => "")

# issue #19891
@testset "chained comparison" begin
    B = 0 .< [1 -1 5] .< 3
    @test B == [true false false]
    B = 3 .> [1 -1 5] .> 0
    @test B == [true false false]

struct TypeWrapper
Base.:(<)(x::TypeWrapper, y::TypeWrapper) = (x.t <: y.t) & (x.t != y.t)
@testset "poset" begin
    #   Real
    #  /    \
    # Int  Float64
    #  \    /
    #  Union{}
    @test TypeWrapper(Int) <= TypeWrapper(Int)
    @test TypeWrapper(Int) <= TypeWrapper(Real)
    @test !(TypeWrapper(Int) <= TypeWrapper(Float64))

# issue #20355
@testset "mod1, fld1" begin
    for T in [Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64],
        x in T[typemin(T); typemin(T) + 1; -10:10; typemax(T)-1; typemax(T)],
        y in T[typemin(T); typemin(T) + 1; -10:-1; 1:10; typemax(T)-1; typemax(T)]

        m = mod1(x, y)
        @test mod(x, y) == mod(m, y)
        if y > 0
            @test 0 < m <= y
            @test y <= m < 0
        if x == typemin(T) && y == -1
            @test_throws DivideError fld1(x, y)
            f = fld1(x, y)
            @test (f - 1) * y + m == x

    for T in [UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64],
        x in T[0:10; typemax(T)-1; typemax(T)],
        y in T[1:10; typemax(T)-1; typemax(T)]

        m = mod1(x, y)
        @test mod(x, y) == mod(m, y)
        @test 0 < m <= y
        f = fld1(x, y)
        @test (f - 1) * y + m == x

    for T in [Float32, Float64, Rational{Int64}],
        x in T[k // 4 for k in -10:10],
        y in T[k // 4 for k in [-10:-1; 1:10]]

        m = mod1(x, y)
        @test mod(x, y) == mod(m, y)
        if y > 0
            @test 0 < m <= y
            @test y <= m < 0
        f = fld1(x, y)
        @test (f - 1) * y + m == x

    @test fldmod1(4.0, 3) == fldmod1(4, 3)

@testset "Fix12" begin
    x = 9
    y = 7.0
    fx = Base.Fix1(/, x)
    fy = Base.Fix2(/, y)
    @test fx(y) == x / y
    @test fy(x) == x / y

@testset "curried comparisons" begin
    eql5 = (==)(5)
    neq5 = (!=)(5)
    gte5 = (>=)(5)
    lte5 = (<=)(5)
    gt5  = (>)(5)
    lt5  = (<)(5)

    @test eql5(5) && !eql5(0)
    @test neq5(6) && !neq5(5)
    @test gte5(5) && gte5(6)
    @test lte5(5) && lte5(4)
    @test gt5(6) && !gt5(5)
    @test lt5(4) && !lt5(5)

@testset "ni" begin
    @test ∋([1,5,10,11], 5)
    @test !∋([1,10,11], 5)
    @test ∋(5)([5,1])
    @test !∋(42)([0,1,100])
    @test ∌(0)(1:10)
    @test ∋(0)(-2:2)

@test [Base.afoldl(+, 1:i...) for i = 1:40] == [i * (i + 1) ÷ 2 for i = 1:40]

@testset "Returns" begin
    @test @inferred(Returns(1)()   ) === 1
    @test @inferred(Returns(1)(23) ) === 1
    @test @inferred(Returns("a")(2,3)) == "a"
    @test @inferred(Returns(1)(x=1, y=2)) === 1
    @test @inferred(Returns(Int)()) === Int
    @test @inferred(Returns(Returns(1))()) === Returns(1)
    f = @inferred Returns(Int)
    @inferred f(1,2)
    val = [1,2,3]
    @test Returns(val)(1) === val
    @test sprint(show, Returns(1.0)) == "Returns{Float64}(1.0)"
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