Revision f44fcd7700739f188da1f66e07b6b371d5de0131 authored by Alex Boulangé on 08 November 2018, 07:50:04 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 08 November 2018, 07:50:04 UTC
1 parent f1b4220
Raw File
sbamlmodpsoparam <- function(mylspsoparam, mylspsopart)
  mylspsoparam$phi = mylspsoparam$phi1 + mylspsoparam$phi2
  mylspsoparam$chi = 2 * mylspsoparam$kappa / abs(2 - mylspsoparam$phi - sqrt(mylspsoparam$phi^2 - 4 * mylspsoparam$phi))
  mylspsoparam$w = mylspsoparam$chi;# inertia coef (no damping ratio with constriction coefs)
  mylspsoparam$c1 = mylspsoparam$chi * mylspsoparam$phi1;# personal acceleration coef for cognitive composant
  mylspsoparam$c2 = mylspsoparam$chi * mylspsoparam$phi2;# social acceleration coef for social composant
  mylspsoparam$maxvel = (mylspsoparam$varvalmax - mylspsoparam$varvalmin) * mylspsoparam$velocitymaxratio
  mylspsoparam$minvel = -mylspsoparam$maxvel
  mylspsoparam$activpart = 0

  if (mylspsoparam$modeinit %in% c('angdlpso', 'autopar'))
    mylspsopart <- list(
      Position = NULL,
      Velocity = 0,
      Cost = NA,
      Best = list(
        Position = NULL,
        Cost = NA,
        idpart = NA
    mylspsopart <- rep(list(mylspsopart), mylspsoparam$partpopsize)

    #pop members initialization
    for (i in 1:mylspsoparam$partpopsize)
      if (mylspsoparam$modeinit == 'angdlpso')
        #random solution
        mydl <- mylspsoparam$angdl$mydl
        mydl <- sbamlmoddlparaminit(mydl, mydl$hpar$layersshape, mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                                    mylspsoparam$seed + i, mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom)
        for (l in 1:mydl$hpar$nblayers)
          # n = mydl$hpar$layersshape[l + 1]
          # m = mydl$hpar$layersshape[l]
          mylspsopart[[i]]$Position <- c(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position, c(mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]))
          mylspsopart[[i]]$Position <- c(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position, c(mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]]))
          if (mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom != 0)
            mylspsopart[[i]]$Position <- c(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position, c(mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]]))
          #to avoid stagnation for bB & j
          myprov <- length(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position[mylspsopart[[i]]$Position == 0])
          set.seed(mylspsoparam$seed + i)
          mylspsopart[[i]]$Position[mylspsopart[[i]]$Position == 0] <- stats::runif(n = myprov, min = 0, max = 0.05)
          myprov <- length(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position[mylspsopart[[i]]$Position == 1])
          set.seed(mylspsoparam$seed + i)
          mylspsopart[[i]]$Position[mylspsopart[[i]]$Position == 1] <- stats::runif(n = myprov, min = 0.95, max = 1)
        mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim <- length(mylspsopart[[i]]$Position)
      } else if (mylspsoparam$modeinit == 'autopar')
        #random solution
        set.seed(mylspsoparam$seed + i)
        mylspsopart[[i]]$Position <- stats::runif(n = mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim,
                                           min = mylspsoparam$varvalmin,
                                           max = mylspsoparam$varvalmax)

      if (i == 1)
        #global best
        mylspsoparam$globalbest = list(
          Position = rep(0, mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim),
          Cost = Inf,
          idpart = NA); #the worst possible cost value
        #logs of best each cost operation on each iteration
        mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog = matrix(data = rep(NA, 2 * mylspsoparam$numiteration),
                                              nrow = mylspsoparam$numiteration, ncol = 2,
                                              byrow = FALSE)
        colnames(mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog) = c('idpart', 'cost')
      #initialize velocity
      mylspsopart[[i]]$Velocity <- rep(0, mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim)
      mylspsopart[[i]]$Cost <- Inf
      #update personal best
      mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$Position <- mylspsopart[[i]]$Position
      mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$Cost <- mylspsopart[[i]]$Cost
      mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$idpart <- i
      if (mylspsoparam$modeinit == 'angdlpso') {mylspsopart[[i]]$angdl$mydl <- mydl}
  return(list(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsopart = mylspsopart))

sbamlmodpsooptkern <- function(mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart)
  # nb: mylspsoparam$activpart must correspond 2 mylspsoactivpart (4 seed)
  # pso kernel sub for active particle
  set.seed(mylspsoparam$seed + mylspsoparam$activpart)
  # update velocity & position
  mylspsoactivpart$Velocity <- mylspsoparam$w * mylspsoactivpart$Velocity +
    (mylspsoparam$c1 * stats::runif(n = mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim, min = 0, max = 1) * (mylspsoactivpart$Best$Position - mylspsoactivpart$Position)) +
    (mylspsoparam$c2 * stats::runif(n = mylspsoparam$nbvar2optim, min = 0, max = 1) * (mylspsoparam$globalbest$Position - mylspsoactivpart$Position))
  mylspsoactivpart$Position <- mylspsoactivpart$Position + mylspsoactivpart$Velocity

  # apply velocity limits
  mylspsoactivpart$Velocity[mylspsoactivpart$Velocity < mylspsoparam$minvel] <- mylspsoparam$minvel
  mylspsoactivpart$Velocity[mylspsoactivpart$Velocity > mylspsoparam$maxvel] <- mylspsoparam$maxvel

  # apply lower and upper bounds limits
  mylspsoactivpart$Position[mylspsoactivpart$Position < mylspsoparam$varvalmin] <- mylspsoparam$varvalmin
  mylspsoactivpart$Position[mylspsoactivpart$Position > mylspsoparam$varvalmax] <- mylspsoparam$varvalmax
  if (mylspsoparam$modecost %in% c('angdlpso'))
    # cost
    mylspsoactivpart <- sbamlmodpsocost(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart = mylspsoactivpart)
    if (mylspsoactivpart$Cost < mylspsoactivpart$Best$Cost)
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$Position <- mylspsoactivpart$Position
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$Cost <- mylspsoactivpart$Cost
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$idpart <- mylspsoparam$activpart
    if (mylspsoactivpart$Cost < mylspsoparam$globalbest$Cost)
      mylspsoparam$globalbest <- mylspsoactivpart$Best
      mylspsoparam$angdl$mydl <- mylspsoactivpart$angdl$mydl
  return(list(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart = mylspsoactivpart))

sbamlmodpsocost <- function(mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart)
  if (mylspsoparam$modecost == 'angdlpso')
    mydl <- sbamlpart2mydl(mylspsoactivpart = mylspsoactivpart)
    myprovres <- sbamlmoddlfw(mydl, X = mylspsoparam$angdl$X,
                              modexec = mydl$hpar$modexec,
                              nblayers = mydl$hpar$nblayers,
                              layersacttype = mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                              layersdropoprob = mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob,
                              seed = mydl$hpar$seed,
                              batchnor_mom = mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom,
                              epsil = mydl$hpar$epsil)
    Yhat <- myprovres[["A"]]; mydl <- myprovres[["mydl"]]; rm(myprovres)
    mycost <- sbamlmoddlcost(mydl, y = mylspsoparam$angdl$Y,
                             yhat = Yhat,
                             costtype = mydl$hpar$costtype,
                             lambda = mydl$hpar$lambda,
                             nblayers = mydl$hpar$nblayers,
                             epsil = mydl$hpar$epsil)
    mylspsoactivpart$Cost <- mycost
    mylspsoactivpart$angdl$mydl <- mydl

sbamlmoddlcost <- function(mydl, y, yhat, costtype, lambda, nblayers, epsil)
  if (costtype == 'crossentropy')
    m = dim(y)[2]
    J <- y * log(yhat + epsil) + (1 - y) * log(1 - yhat + epsil)
    J[J > 0] <- 0;# if yhat + epsil > 1
    J <- (-1 / m) * sum(J)
  } else if (costtype == 'mse')
    m = dim(y)[2]
    J <- (1 / (2 * m)) * sum((y - yhat) ^ 2)
  } else if (costtype == 'custom')
    mytest <- try(eval(parse(text = mydl$hpar$costcustformul)), TRUE)
    if (grepl('error',class(mytest)[1])) {J = Inf}
  if (lambda != 0)
    l2regul <- 0
    for (l in 1:nblayers)
      W <- mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]
      l2regul <- l2regul + (lambda / (2 * m)) * sum(W ^ 2)
    J <- J + l2regul

sbamlmoddlcostbk <- function(y, yhat, costtype)
  if (costtype == 'crossentropy')
    dJ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(sbamlmatopebroadcst(y, yhat, 'divid') * (-1),
                              sbamlmatopebroadcst((1 - y), (1 - yhat), 'divid'),
  } else if (costtype == 'mse')
    dJ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(yhat, y  * (-1), 'add')

sbamlmoddlgradchk <- function(mydl, X, Y, nblayers, chkgradepsilon, epsil)
  mybigthetasize <- 0
  myvectrefpos <- myvectrefposname <- mygradapprox <- mygrad <- c()
  for (l in 1:nblayers)
    myprov <- dim(mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]])
    myvectrefpos <- c(myvectrefpos, mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2])
    mybigthetasize <- mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2]
    myvectrefposname <- c(myvectrefposname, paste('W',l,sep = ''))
    myprov <- dim(mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]])
    myvectrefpos <- c(myvectrefpos, mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2])
    mybigthetasize <- mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2]
    myvectrefposname <- c(myvectrefposname, paste('bB',l,sep = ''))
    if (mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom != 0)
      myprov <- dim(mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]])
      myvectrefpos <- c(myvectrefpos, mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2])
      mybigthetasize <- mybigthetasize + myprov[1] * myprov[2]
      myvectrefposname <- c(myvectrefposname, paste('j',l,sep = ''))
      mygrad <- c(mygrad,
                  as.vector(mydl[[paste("mydl_dW", l, sep = '')]]),
                  as.vector(mydl[[paste("mydl_dbB", l, sep = '')]]),
                  as.vector(mydl[[paste("mydl_dj", l, sep = '')]]))
    } else {
      mygrad <- c(mygrad,
                  as.vector(mydl[[paste("mydl_dW", l, sep = '')]]),
                  as.vector(mydl[[paste("mydl_dbB", l, sep = '')]]))
  for (i in 1:mybigthetasize)
    myrefpos <- 1; myflagcontinue <- 1
    while (myflagcontinue == 1)
      if (i <= myvectrefpos[myrefpos])
        myflagcontinue <- 0
      } else {
        myrefpos <- myrefpos + 1
    mymat <- mydl[[paste("mydl_",myvectrefposname[myrefpos] , sep = '')]]
    if (myrefpos == 1)
      myposinmatrix <- i
    } else {
      myposinmatrix <- i - (myvectrefpos[myrefpos - 1])
    myvalref <- mymat[myposinmatrix]
    mymat[myposinmatrix] <- myvalref + chkgradepsilon
    mydl[[paste("mydl_",myvectrefposname[myrefpos] , sep = '')]] <- mymat
    myprovres <- sbamlmoddlfw(mydl, X,
                              layersacttype = mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                              layersdropoprob = mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob,
                              seed = mydl$hpar$seed,
                              batchnor_mom = mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom, epsil = mydl$hpar$epsil)
    Yhat <- myprovres[["A"]]; mydl <- myprovres[["mydl"]]; rm(myprovres)
    Jplusepsilon <- sbamlmoddlcost(mydl, Y, Yhat,
                                   costtype = mydl$hpar$costtype,
                                   lambda = mydl$hpar$lambda,
                                   nblayers = nblayers,
                                   epsil = epsil)
    mymat[myposinmatrix] <- myvalref - chkgradepsilon
    mydl[[paste("mydl_",myvectrefposname[myrefpos] , sep = '')]] <- mymat
    myprovres <- sbamlmoddlfw(mydl, X,
                              layersacttype = mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                              layersdropoprob = mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob,
                              seed = mydl$hpar$seed,
                              batchnor_mom = mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom, epsil = mydl$hpar$epsil)
    Yhat <- myprovres[["A"]]; mydl <- myprovres[["mydl"]]; rm(myprovres)
    Jminusepsilon = sbamlmoddlcost(mydl, Y, Yhat,
                                   costtype = mydl$hpar$costtype,
                                   lambda = mydl$hpar$lambda,
                                   nblayers = nblayers,
                                   epsil = epsil)
    mygradapprox[i] = (Jplusepsilon - Jminusepsilon) / (2 * chkgradepsilon)
    mymat[myposinmatrix] <- myvalref
    mydl[[paste("mydl_",myvectrefposname[myrefpos] , sep = '')]] <- mymat
  numerator = sbamlllnvectnorm((mygradapprox - mygrad), 2)
  denominator = sbamlllnvectnorm(mygradapprox, 2) + sbamlllnvectnorm(mygrad, 2)
  difference = numerator / denominator
  if (difference > chkgradepsilon)
    cat(paste("Backward propagation to monitor! Difference =", difference, '\n'))
              paste(utils::head(mygradapprox), collapse = ', '), ' ... ', paste(utils::tail(mygradapprox), collapse = ', '),
              paste(utils::head(mygrad), collapse = ', '), ' ... ', paste(utils::tail(mygrad), collapse = ', '), '\n', sep = '\n'))
  } else {
    cat(paste("Backward propagation works fine! Difference =", difference, '\n'))

automl_train <- function(Xref, Yref, autopar = list(), hpar = list())
  Xref <- t(as.matrix(Xref))
  Yref <- t(as.matrix(Yref))
  sbamlmatstest(Xref, Yref)
  Xref <- sbamlmattest(Xref, "Xref")
  Yref <- sbamlmattest(Yref, "Yref")
  if (class(hpar) != 'list')
    mylastlog <- ("error: hpar is not a list")
  if (class(autopar) != 'list')
    mylastlog <- ("error: autopar is not a list")
  myprov <- names(autopar)
  if (!"seed" %in% myprov) {autopar[["seed"]] <- 4}
  if (!"nbcores" %in% myprov) {autopar[["nbcores"]] <- 1}
  if (!"verbose" %in% myprov) {autopar[["verbose"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"psomodeinit" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psomodeinit"]] <- 'autopar'}
  if (!"psomodecost" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psomodecost"]] <- 'autopar'}
  if (!"psopartpopsize" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psopartpopsize"]] <- 8}
  if (!"numiterations" %in% myprov) {autopar[["numiterations"]] <- 3}
  if (!"psovelocitymaxratio" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psovelocitymaxratio"]] <- 0.2}
  if (!"psoinertiadampratio" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psoinertiadampratio"]] <- 1}
  if (!"psokappa" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psokappa"]] <- 1}
  if (!"psophi1" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psophi1"]] <- 2.05}
  if (!"psophi2" %in% myprov) {autopar[["psophi2"]] <- 2.05}
  if (!"auto_modexec" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_modexec"]] <- FALSE}
  if (!"auto_minibatchsize" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_minibatchsize"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_minibatchsize_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_minibatchsize_min"]] <- 0}
  if (!"auto_minibatchsize_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_minibatchsize_max"]] <- 9}
  if (!"auto_learningrate" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_learningrate"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_learningrate_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_learningrate_min"]] <- -5}
  if (!"auto_learningrate_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_learningrate_max"]] <- -2}
  if (!"auto_beta1" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_beta1"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_beta2" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_beta2"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_psopartpopsize" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psopartpopsize"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_psopartpopsize_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psopartpopsize_min"]] <- 2}
  if (!"auto_psopartpopsize_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psopartpopsize_max"]] <- 50}
  if (!"auto_lambda" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_lambda"]] <- FALSE}
  if (!"auto_lambda_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_lambda_min"]] <- -2}
  if (!"auto_lambda_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_lambda_max"]] <- 3}
  if (!"auto_psovelocitymaxratio" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psovelocitymaxratio"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_psovelocitymaxratio_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psovelocitymaxratio_min"]] <- 0.01}
  if (!"auto_psovelocitymaxratio_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_psovelocitymaxratio_max"]] <- 0.5}
  if (!"auto_layers" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layers"]] <- TRUE}
  if (!"auto_layers_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layers_min"]] <- 1}
  if (!"auto_layers_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layers_max"]] <- 1}
  if (!"auto_layersnodes_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layersnodes_min"]] <- 3}
  if (!"auto_layersnodes_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layersnodes_max"]] <- 33}
  if (!"auto_layersdropoprob_min" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layersdropoprob_min"]] <- 0}
  if (!"auto_layersdropoprob_max" %in% myprov) {autopar[["auto_layersdropoprob_max"]] <- 0}
  myprov <- c(autopar$auto_minibatchsize,
  if (autopar$auto_layers == TRUE)
   myprov <- c(myprov, rep(1, (1 + 3 * autopar$auto_layers_max)));#because layers nb, nodes nbs, act types, dropout
  #100 reservations for positions initialization reproductibility
  if (length(myprov) > 100)
   mylastlog <- ("warning: positions initialization reproductibility")
  autopar$psonbvar2optim <- ifelse(length(myprov) > 100, length(myprov), 100);

  if (sum(myprov) == 0 & autopar$numiterations > 1)
    mylastlog <- ("error: no auto hpar set to TRUE in autopar")
  mylspsoparam <- list(
    modeinit = autopar$psomodeinit,
    modecost = autopar$psomodecost,
    nbvar2optim = autopar$psonbvar2optim,
    partpopsize = autopar$psopartpopsize,
    numiteration = autopar$numiterations,
    varvalmin = -1, varvalmax = 1,
    velocitymaxratio = autopar$psovelocitymaxratio,
    inertiadampratio = autopar$psoinertiadampratio,
    kappa = autopar$psokappa,
    phi1 = autopar$psophi1,
    phi2 = autopar$psophi2,
    seed = autopar$seed)
  myprovres <- sbamlmodpsoparam(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsopart = NULL)
  mylspsoparam <- myprovres[["mylspsoparam"]]
  mylspsopart <- myprovres[["mylspsopart"]]

  sbamlpart2parll <- function(mylspsoactivpart)
    myactivpartnbr <- mylspsoactivpart$Best$idpart
    mylspsoparam$activpart <- myactivpartnbr
    myprovres <- sbamlmodpsooptkern(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart = mylspsoactivpart)
    mylspsoparam <- myprovres[["mylspsoparam"]]
    mylspsoactivpart <- myprovres[["mylspsoactivpart"]]
    hpar$verbose <- FALSE
    hpar$useautopar <- TRUE
    hpar$seed <- autopar$seed + myactivpartnbr
    if (autopar$auto_modexec == TRUE & !"modexec" %in% names(hpar))
      set.seed(autopar$seed + myactivpartnbr)
      hpar$modexec <- c('trainwgrad', 'trainwpso')[sample(2, 1, replace = TRUE)]
    MYdep = 1
    if (autopar$auto_minibatchsize == TRUE & !"minibatchsize" %in% names(hpar))
      hpar$minibatchsize <- eval(parse(text =
                                                " * (",
                                                " - (",
                                                ")) + (",
                                                "), digits = 0)")
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_learningrate == TRUE & !"learningrate" %in% names(hpar))
      hpar$learningrate <- eval(parse(text =
                                               " * (",
                                               " - (",
                                               ")) + (",
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_beta1 == TRUE & !"beta1" %in% names(hpar))
      hpar$beta1 <- eval(parse(text =
                                 paste0("1 - 10^(-",
                                        " - 1)")
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_beta2 == TRUE & !"beta2" %in% names(hpar))
      hpar$beta2 <- eval(parse(text =
                                 paste0("1 - 10^(-",
                                        " - 2)")
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_psopartpopsize == TRUE & !"psopartpopsize" %in% names(hpar))
      hpar$psopartpopsize <- eval(parse(text =
                                                 " * (",
                                                 " - (",
                                                 ")) + (",
                                                 "), digits = 0)")
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_lambda == TRUE & !"lambda" %in% names(hpar))
     hpar$lambda <- eval(parse(text =
                                               " * (",
                                               " - (",
                                               ")) + (",
    MYdep = MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_psovelocitymaxratio == TRUE & !"psovelocitymaxratio" %in% names(hpar))
     hpar$psovelocitymaxratio <- eval(parse(text =
                                       " * (",
                                       " - (",
                                       ")) + (",
    MYdep <- MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_layers == TRUE)
     MYlayernbr <- eval(parse(text =
                                      " * (",
                                      " - (",
                                      ")) + (",
                                      "), digits = 0)")
    MYdep <- MYdep + 1
    if (autopar$auto_layers == TRUE & !"layersshape" %in% names(hpar))
     MYformula <- "c("
     for (i in MYdep:(MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
      MYformula <- c(MYformula, eval(parse(text =
                                      " * (",
                                      " - (",
                                      ")) + (",
                                      "), digits = 0)")
      if (i != (MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ',')
      } else {
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ',0)')
     hpar$layersshape <-  eval(parse(text = paste(MYformula, collapse = '')))
    MYdep <- MYdep + autopar$auto_layers_max
    if (autopar$auto_layers == TRUE & !"layersacttype" %in% names(hpar))
     MYformula <- "c("
     MYhiddenacttype <- c('sigmoid', 'relu', 'reluleaky', 'tanh')
     for (i in MYdep:(MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
      MYformula <- c(MYformula, "'", MYhiddenacttype[eval(parse(text =
                                                   " * (",
                                                   " - (",
                                                   ")) + (",
                                                   "), digits = 0)")
      ))], "'")
      if (i != (MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ',')
      } else {
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ",'')")
     hpar$layersacttype <-  eval(parse(text = paste(MYformula, collapse = '')))
    MYdep <- MYdep + autopar$auto_layers_max
    if (autopar$auto_layers == TRUE & !"layersdropoprob" %in% names(hpar))
     MYformula <- "c("
     for (i in MYdep:(MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
      MYformula <- c(MYformula, eval(parse(text =
                                                   " * (",
                                                   " - (",
                                                   ")) + (",
      if (i != (MYdep + MYlayernbr - 1))
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ',')
      } else {
       MYformula <- c(MYformula, ',0)')
     hpar$layersdropoprob <-  eval(parse(text = paste(MYformula, collapse = '')))
    hpar <- sbamlhparvalid(hpar = hpar)
    mymodel <- try(automl_train_manual(Xref = Xref, Yref = Yref, hpar = hpar), TRUE)
    if (grepl('error',class(mymodel)[1]))
      mymodel <- list(error = list(tr = Inf, cv = Inf))
      mylspsoactivpart$Cost <- Inf
    } else {
      mylspsoactivpart$Cost <- sbamlmodresult(trerr = mymodel$error$tr,
                                              cverr = mymodel$error$cv,
                                              cvflag = mymodel$hpar$testcvsize != 0)
    if (mylspsoactivpart$Cost < mylspsoactivpart$Best$Cost)
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$Position <- mylspsoactivpart$Position
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$Cost <- mylspsoactivpart$Cost
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$idpart <- myactivpartnbr
      mylspsoactivpart$Best$model <- mymodel
  mymc <- sbamlparllmc(autopar$nbcores)
  for (iternbr in 1:autopar$numiterations)
    if (mymc != 1)
      mylsres <- parallel::mclapply(X = mylspsopart, FUN = sbamlpart2parll,
                                      mc.preschedule = FALSE, mc.set.seed = FALSE,
                                      mc.silent = FALSE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", mymc),
                                      mc.cleanup = TRUE, mc.allow.recursive = FALSE)
    } else {
      mylsres <- lapply(X = mylspsopart, FUN = sbamlpart2parll)
    mylspsopart <- mylsres
    for (i in 1:autopar$psopartpopsize)
      if (autopar$verbose == TRUE)
        if (iternbr == 1 & i == 1)
          cat(paste('(cost: ', mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$model$hpar$costtype,')\n', sep = ''))
        mylastlog <- paste("iteration", iternbr,
                           "particle", i,
                           "weighted err:", round(mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$Cost, digits = 5),
                           "(train:", round(mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$model$error$tr, digits = 5),
                           "cvalid:", round(mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$model$error$cv, digits = 5),
                           ")", sep = " ")
      if (mylspsopart[[i]]$Best$Cost < mylspsoparam$globalbest$Cost)
        mylspsoparam$globalbest <- mylspsopart[[i]]$Best
        if (autopar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(" BEST MODEL KEPT\n")}
      } else {if (autopar$verbose == TRUE) {cat("\n")}}
    mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog[iternbr, 1] <- mylspsoparam$globalbest$idpart
    mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog[iternbr, 2] <- mylspsoparam$globalbest$Cost
  mymodel <- mylspsoparam$globalbest$model
  mylspsoparam$globalbest$model <- NULL
  mymodel$mylspsoparamlvauto <- mylspsoparam

automl_train_manual <- function(Xref, Yref, hpar = list())
  hpar <- sbamlhparvalid(hpar)
  if (hpar$useautopar == FALSE)
    Xref <- t(as.matrix(Xref))
    Yref <- t(as.matrix(Yref))
    sbamlmatstest(Xref, Yref)
    Xref <- sbamlmattest(Xref, "Xref")
    Yref <- sbamlmattest(Yref, "Yref")
  mydl <- list()
  mydl$error$cv <- mydl$error$tr <- Inf
  mydl[['hpar']] <- hpar
  mydl$hpar$layersshape <- c(dim(Xref)[1], mydl$hpar$layersshape)
  mydl$hpar$layersshape[length(mydl$hpar$layersshape)] <- dim(Yref)[1]
  mydl$hpar$nblayers <- length(mydl$hpar$layersshape) - 1
  if (mydl$hpar$layersacttype[mydl$hpar$nblayers] == '' | mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwgrad')
    if (any(!Yref %in% c(0, 1)))
      mydl$hpar$layersacttype[mydl$hpar$nblayers] <- 'linear'
    } else {
      mydl$hpar$layersacttype[mydl$hpar$nblayers] <- 'sigmoid'
  if (mydl$hpar$costcustformul != '' & mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
    mydl$hpar$costtype <- 'custom'
  if (mydl$hpar$costtype == '' | mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwgrad')
    if (any(!Yref %in% c(0, 1)))
      mydl$hpar$costtype <- 'mse'
    } else {
      mydl$hpar$costtype <- 'crossentropy'
  if (mydl$hpar$testcvsize != 0)
    mynbtestsoktostop <- 1
    mytestokcpt <- 0;#to avoid error with test while not defined
    mytrlastcost <- mycvlastcost <- mydl$hpar$epsil ^ -1;#why not to get a huge number
  } else {
    testcvsize <- mytrlastcost <- mycvlastcost <- 0
  if (mydl$hpar$testcvsize != 0)
    #shuffling handled upstream
    mycvpctg <- mydl$hpar$testcvsize / 100
    mycvgainunder <- mydl$hpar$testgainunder / 100
    mythld <- floor(dim(Xref)[2] * mycvpctg)
    mysample <- sample(x = dim(Xref)[2], size = mythld, replace = FALSE)
    Xcv <- matrix(Xref[,mysample], nrow = dim(Xref)[1], byrow = F)
    Ycv <- matrix(Yref[,mysample], nrow = dim(Yref)[1], byrow = F)
    Xref <- matrix(Xref[,-mysample], nrow = dim(Xref)[1], byrow = F)
    Yref <- matrix(Yref[,-mysample], nrow = dim(Yref)[1], byrow = F)
  } else {
    mycvpctg <- mycvgainunder <- 0
  if (mydl$hpar$minibatchsize != 0 & dim(Xref)[2] > mydl$hpar$minibatchsize)
    nbbatch <- ceiling(dim(Xref)[2] / mydl$hpar$minibatchsize)
  } else {
    mydl$hpar$minibatchsize <- dim(Xref)[2]
    nbbatch <- 1
  if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwgrad')
    mydl <- sbamlmoddlparaminit(mydl, mydl$hpar$layersshape, mydl$hpar$layersacttype, mydl$hpar$seed, mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom)
  } else if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
    mylspsoparam <- list(
      modeinit = mydl$hpar$psomodeinit,
      modecost = mydl$hpar$psomodecost,
      partpopsize = mydl$hpar$psopartpopsize,
      nbvar2optim = NULL, numiteration = mydl$hpar$numiterations,
      varvalmin = mydl$hpar$psovarvalmin, varvalmax = mydl$hpar$psovarvalmax,
      velocitymaxratio = mydl$hpar$psovelocitymaxratio,
      inertiadampratio = mydl$hpar$psoinertiadampratio,
      kappa = mydl$hpar$psokappa, phi1 = mydl$hpar$psophi1, phi2 = mydl$hpar$psophi2,
      seed = mydl$hpar$seed)
    mylspsoparam$angdl$mydl <- mydl
    myprovres <- sbamlmodpsoparam(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsopart = NULL)
    mylspsoparam <- myprovres[["mylspsoparam"]]
    mylspsopart <- myprovres[["mylspsopart"]]

  myflagcontinue <- 1
  t <- 1
  if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE)
    cat(paste('(cost: ', mydl$hpar$costtype,')\n', sep = ''))
  for (epochnum in 1:mydl$hpar$numiterations)
    minibatchposstart <- 1
    for (batchnum in 1:nbbatch)
      #ds shuffled upstream ;-)
      minibatchposend <- batchnum * mydl$hpar$minibatchsize
      if (minibatchposend > dim(Xref)[2]) {minibatchposend <- dim(Xref)[2]}
      if (minibatchposstart > dim(Xref)[2]) {minibatchposstart <- dim(Xref)[2]}
      if (nbbatch != 1 | (epochnum == 1 & nbbatch == 1))
        X <- matrix(Xref[,minibatchposstart:minibatchposend], nrow = dim(Xref)[1], byrow = F)
        mydl[["mydl_A0"]] <- X
        Y <- matrix(Yref[,minibatchposstart:minibatchposend], nrow = dim(Yref)[1], byrow = F)
        if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
          mylspsoparam$angdl$X <- X
          mylspsoparam$angdl$Y <- Y
      if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
        for (i in 1:mylspsoparam$partpopsize)
          mylspsoparam$activpart <- i
          myprovres <- sbamlmodpsooptkern(mylspsoparam = mylspsoparam, mylspsoactivpart = mylspsopart[[i]])
          mylspsoparam <- myprovres[["mylspsoparam"]]
          mylspsopart[[i]] <- myprovres[["mylspsoactivpart"]]
        mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog[epochnum, 1] <- mylspsoparam$globalbest$idpart
        mylspsoparam$globbestcostlog[epochnum, 2] <- mylspsoparam$globalbest$Cost
        mydl <- mylspsoparam$angdl$mydl;#to set best angdlpso param
      myprovres <- sbamlmoddlfw(mydl, X, mydl$hpar$modexec, mydl$hpar$nblayers, mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                                mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob, mydl$hpar$seed, mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom,
      Yhat <- myprovres[["A"]]; mydl <- myprovres[["mydl"]]; rm(myprovres)
      if (mydl$hpar$printcostevery != 0)
        if ((epochnum %% mydl$hpar$printcostevery == 0 | epochnum == mydl$hpar$numiterations) & batchnum %% nbbatch == 0)
          mytrcost <- sbamlmoddlcost(mydl, Y, Yhat, mydl$hpar$costtype,
                                     mydl$hpar$lambda, mydl$hpar$nblayers,
          mydl$error$tr <- mytrcost
          if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(paste('cost epoch',epochnum , ': ', mytrcost, sep = ''))}
          if (mydl$hpar$testcvsize != 0)
            mylastlog <- " "; mytestokcpt <- 0
            myprovres <- sbamlmoddlfw(mydl, Xcv, 'predict', mydl$hpar$nblayers, mydl$hpar$layersacttype,
                                      mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob, mydl$hpar$seed, mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom,
            Ycvhat <- myprovres[["A"]]; mydl <- myprovres[["mydl"]]; rm(myprovres)
            mycvcost <- sbamlmoddlcost(mydl, Ycv, Ycvhat, mydl$hpar$costtype, mydl$hpar$lambda,
                                       mydl$hpar$nblayers, mydl$hpar$epsil)
            mydl$error$cv <- mycvcost
            if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(paste(' (cv cost: ', mycvcost, ')', sep = ''))}
            if (abs(mytrlastcost - mytrcost) < mydl$hpar$testgainunder)
              mylastlog <- paste(mylastlog, "[test trgainunder OK]", sep = " ")
              mytestokcpt <- mytestokcpt + 1
            mytrlastcost <- mytrcost
            if (abs(mycvlastcost - mycvcost) < mycvgainunder)
              mylastlog <- paste(mylastlog, "[test cvgainunder OK]", sep = " ")
              mytestokcpt <- mytestokcpt + 1
            if (mylastlog != ' ')
              if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(paste(mylastlog), '\n', sep = '')}
            mycvlastcost <- mycvcost
          if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(paste(' (LR: ', mydl$hpar$learningrate, ')',
                    '\n', sep = ' '))}
          if (mytestokcpt >= mynbtestsoktostop)
            if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE) {cat(mylastlog)}
            myflagcontinue <- 0
      if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwgrad' & (epochnum != mydl$hpar$numiterations & batchnum != nbbatch))
        mydl <- sbamlmoddlbk(mydl, Y, Yhat, mydl$hpar$costtype, mydl$hpar$nblayers,
                             mydl$hpar$layersacttype, mydl$hpar$lambda, mydl$hpar$layersdropoprob,
                             mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom, mydl$hpar$epsil)
        if (mydl$hpar$chkgradevery != 0)
          if (epochnum %% mydl$hpar$chkgradevery == 0 & batchnum %% nbbatch == 0)
            sbamlmoddlgradchk(mydl, X, Y, mydl$hpar$nblayers, mydl$hpar$chkgradepsilon, mydl$hpar$epsil)
        mydl <- sbamlmoddlparamupdt(mydl, mydl$hpar$nblayers, mydl$hpar$learningrate, mydl$hpar$beta1,
                                    mydl$hpar$beta2, t, mydl$hpar$epsil, mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom)
      t <- t + 1
      minibatchposstart <- minibatchposend + 1
    if (myflagcontinue == 0)
    if (mydl$hpar$lrdecayrate != 0)
      mydl$hpar$learningrate <- mydl$hpar$learningrate / (1 + mydl$hpar$lrdecayrate * epochnum)
  if (mydl$hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
    mylspsoparam$angdl <- NULL
    mydl$mylspsoparam <- mylspsoparam
  if (mydl$hpar$verbose == TRUE)
    cat(paste('   dim X', ': [', paste(dim(Xref), collapse = ','), ']\n', sep = ''))
    for (l in 1:mydl$hpar$nblayers)
      W <- mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]
      bB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]]
      cat(paste('   dim W', l, ': [', paste(dim(W), collapse = ','),
                '] (min|max: ',min(W),', ',max(W),
                ')\n   dim bB', l, ': [',  paste(dim(bB), collapse = ','),
                '] (min|max: ',min(bB),', ',max(bB),
                ')\n', sep = ''))
      if (mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom != 0)
        j <- mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]]
        cat(paste('   dim j', l, ': [', paste(dim(j), collapse = ','),
                  '] (min|max: ',min(j),', ',max(j),
                  ')\n', sep = ''))
    cat(paste('   dim Y', ': [', paste(dim(Yref), collapse = ','), ']\n', sep = ''))
  if (hpar$useautopar == FALSE) {sbamltestmodel(mydl)}

automl_predict <- function(model, X, layoutputnum = 0)
  Yhat <- sbamlmoddlfw(model, t(X),
                       ifelse(layoutputnum == 0, model$hpar$nblayer, layoutputnum),
                       c(rep(0, length(model$hpar$layersacttype))),
                       batchnor_mom = model$hpar$batchnor_mom, epsil = model$hpar$epsil)[["A"]]
  if (dim(Yhat)[1] == 1)
    Yhat <- as.vector(Yhat)
  } else {
    Yhat <-, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

sbamlmoddlbk <- function(mydl, Y, Yhat, costtype, nblayers, layersacttype, lambda, layersdropoprob, batchnor_mom, epsil)
  m <- dim(Y)[2]
  for (l in nblayers:1)
    if (l == nblayers)
      dA <- sbamlmoddlcostbk(Y,
      if (layersdropoprob[l] != 0)
        D <- mydl[[paste("mydl_D", l, sep = '')]]
        dA <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dA, D, 'mult') / (1 - layersdropoprob[l])
      mydl[[paste("mydl_dA", l, sep = '')]] <- dA
    } else {
      dA <- mydl[[paste("mydl_dA", l, sep = '')]]
    if (batchnor_mom == 0)
      dZ <- sbamlmoddlsubbkact(mydl, dA, l, layersacttype[l], batchnor_mom)
    } else {
      dZt <- sbamlmoddlsubbkact(mydl, dA, l, layersacttype[l], batchnor_mom)
      # BN
      Z <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Z", l, sep = '')]]
      M <- mydl[[paste("mydl_M", l, sep = '')]]
      V <- mydl[[paste("mydl_V", l, sep = '')]]
      Zn <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Zn", l, sep = '')]]

      dbB <- matrix(apply(dZt, 1, sum), ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE) * (1 / m)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_dbB", l, sep = '')]] <- dbB
      dj <- matrix(apply(sbamlmatopebroadcst(Zn,
                                             dZt, 'mult')
                         , 1, sum), ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE) * (1 / m)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_dj", l, sep = '')]] <- dj
      j <- mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]]
      Z_M <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Z, M * (-1), 'add')
      Z_Ms <- Z_M ^ 2
      Ves <- (V + epsil) ^ (1 / 2)
      Vesinv <- Ves ^ (-1)
      dZn <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZt, j, 'mult')
      dZ_M1 <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZn, Vesinv, 'mult')
      dVesinv <- matrix(apply(sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZn, Z_M, 'mult'), 1, sum),
                        ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE);# * (1 / m)
      dVes <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dVesinv, (Ves ^ -2) * (-1), 'mult')
      dV <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dVes, (Ves ^ -1) * 0.5, 'mult')
      dZ_Ms <- dV * (1 / m)
      dZ_M2 <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Z_M * 2, dZ_Ms, 'mult')
      dZ_M <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZ_M1, dZ_M2, 'add')
      dM <- matrix(apply(dZ_M * (-1), 1, sum), ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE)
      dZ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZ_M, dM * (1 / m), 'add')
    Aprev <- mydl[[paste("mydl_A",(l - 1), sep = '')]]
    W <- mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]
    mygrads <- sbamlmoddlsubbklin(mydl, dZ, Aprev, W, l, lambda,
                                  ifelse(l == 1, 0, layersdropoprob[l - 1]),
    mydl[[paste("mydl_dW", l, sep = '')]] <- mygrads$dW
    if (batchnor_mom == 0)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_dbB", l, sep = '')]] <- mygrads$dbB
    if (l != 1)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_dA", (l - 1), sep = '')]] <- mygrads$dAprev

sbamlmoddlfw <- function(mydl, X, modexec, nblayers, layersacttype, layersdropoprob, seed, batchnor_mom, epsil)
  Aprev <- X
  for (l in 1:nblayers)
    W <- mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]
    bB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]]
    if (batchnor_mom == 0)
      Z <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(sbamlmatopebroadcst(W, Aprev, 'dot'), bB, 'add')
      A <- sbamlmoddlsubfwact(Z, layersacttype[l])
    } else {
      Z <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(W, Aprev, 'dot')
      if (modexec %in% c('trainwgrad', 'trainwpso'))
        m = dim(Z)[2]
        M <- (1 / m) * matrix(apply(Z, 1, sum), nrow = dim(Z)[1], ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE)
        Z_M <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Z, M * (-1), 'add')
        V <- (1 / m) * matrix(apply(Z_M ^ 2, 1, sum), nrow = dim(Z)[1], ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE)
        Vesinv <- (V + epsil) ^ (-1 / 2)
        Zn <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Z_M, Vesinv, 'mult')
        mydl[[paste("mydl_M", l, sep = '')]] <- M
        mydl[[paste("mydl_V", l, sep = '')]] <- V
        if (modexec == 'trainwpso')
          vM <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]]
          mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]] <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(M, vM, batchnor_mom, tbiascorrection = 1)
          vV <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]]
          mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]] <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(V, vV, batchnor_mom, tbiascorrection = 1)
      } else {
        M <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]]
        Zn <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Z, M * (-1), 'add')
        V <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]]
        Zn <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Zn, (V + epsil) ^ (-1 / 2), 'mult')
      j <- mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]]
      Zt <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(sbamlmatopebroadcst(Zn, j, 'mult'), bB, 'add')
      A <- sbamlmoddlsubfwact(Zt, layersacttype[l])
    if (l != nblayers) {Aprev <- A}
    if (modexec %in% c('trainwgrad', 'trainwpso'))
      if (layersdropoprob[l] != 0)
        set.seed(seed + l)
        D <- matrix(stats::runif(n = dim(A)[1] * dim(A)[2], min = 0, max = 1),
                    nrow = dim(A)[1], ncol = dim(A)[2], byrow = FALSE)
        D <- D > layersdropoprob[l]
        A <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(A, D, 'mult') / (1 - layersdropoprob[l])
      mydl[[paste("mydl_Z", l, sep = '')]] <- Z
      mydl[[paste("mydl_A", l, sep = '')]] <- A
      if (layersdropoprob[l] != 0)
        mydl[[paste("mydl_D", l, sep = '')]] <- D
      if (batchnor_mom != 0)
        mydl[[paste("mydl_Zn", l, sep = '')]] <- Zn
        mydl[[paste("mydl_Zt", l, sep = '')]] <- Zt
  return(list(A = A, mydl = mydl))

sbamlmatopebroadcst <- function(mat1, mat2, optype = 'dot')
  # optype
  #  'add' add matrices
  #  'mult' mutiply matrices element wise
  #  'divide' divide matrices element wise
  #  'dot' mutiply matrices
  if (is.null(dim(mat1)) | is.null(dim(mat2)))
    mylastlog <- ("fctmatopebroadcst mat1 or/n 2 is not a matrix")
  } else {
    n1 = dim(mat1)[1]
    m1 = dim(mat1)[2]
    n2 = dim(mat2)[1]
    m2 = dim(mat2)[2]
    mat1[ | is.infinite(mat1)] <- 0
    mat2[ | is.infinite(mat2)] <- 0
  if ((optype %in% c('add', 'mult', 'divid') & n1 != n2) |
      (optype %in% c('dot') & m1 != n2))
    mylastlog <- paste("fctmatopebroadcst mat1 n mat2 w wrong shape for", optype, sep = " ")
  if (optype %in% c('add', 'mult', 'divid'))
    if (m2 == 1 & m2 != m1)
      mat2 <- matrix(rep(mat2[,1], m1), ncol = m1, byrow = FALSE)
    if (optype == 'add')
      matres <- mat1 + mat2
    } else if (optype == 'mult')
      matres <- mat1 * mat2
    } else if (optype == 'divid')
      mat2[mat2 == 0] <- 1e-12
      matres <- mat1 / mat2
  } else if (optype == 'dot')
    matres <- mat1 %*% mat2

sbamlmoddlsubbkact <- function(mydl, dA, l, activtype, batchnor_mom)
  if (activtype == 'sigmoid')
    A <- mydl[[paste("mydl_A", l, sep = '')]]
    dZ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dA, sbamlmodsigmoidbk(A), 'mult')
  } else  if (activtype == 'relu')
    if (batchnor_mom == 0)
      Z <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Z", l, sep = '')]]
    } else {
      Z <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Zt", l, sep = '')]]
    dZ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dA, sbamlmodrelubk(Z), 'mult')
  } else if (activtype == 'reluleaky')
    if (batchnor_mom == 0)
      Z <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Z", l, sep = '')]]
    } else {
      Z <- mydl[[paste("mydl_Zt", l, sep = '')]]
    dZ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dA, sbamlmodreluleakybk(Z), 'mult')
  } else if (activtype == 'tanh')
    A <- mydl[[paste("mydl_A", l, sep = '')]]
    dZ <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dA, sbamlmodtanhbk(A), 'mult')
  } else if (activtype == 'linear')
    dZ <- dA

sbamlmoddlsubbklin <- function(mydl, dZ, Aprev, W, l, lambda, layerdropoprobprev, batchnor_mom)
  m <- dim(Aprev)[2]
  dW <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dZ, t(Aprev), 'dot') * (1 / m)
  if (lambda != 0)
    dW <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dW , W * (lambda / m), 'add')
  if (batchnor_mom == 0)
    dbB <- matrix(apply(dZ, 1, sum), ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE) * (1 / m)
    res <- list(
      'dW' = dW,
      'dbB' = dbB
  } else {
    res <- list(
      'dW' = dW

  if (l != 1)
    dAprev <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(t(W), dZ, 'dot')
    if (layerdropoprobprev != 0)
      D <- mydl[[paste("mydl_D", (l - 1), sep = '')]]
      dAprev <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dAprev, D, 'mult') / (1 - layerdropoprobprev)
    res[['dAprev']] = dAprev

sbamlmoddlsubfwact <- function(Z, activtype)
  if (activtype == 'sigmoid')
    A <- sbamlmodsigmoid(Z)
  } else  if (activtype == 'relu')
    A <- sbamlmodrelu(Z)
  } else if (activtype == 'reluleaky')
    A <- sbamlmodreluleaky(Z)
  } else if (activtype == 'tanh')
    A <- tanh(Z)
  } else if (activtype == 'linear')
    A <- Z
  } else if (activtype == 'softmax')
    A <- sbamlmodsoftmax(Z)

sbamlmoddlparaminit <- function(mydl, layersshape, layersacttype, seed, batchnor_mom)
  for (l in 1:(length(layersshape) - 1))
    n = layersshape[l + 1]
    m = layersshape[l]
    set.seed(seed + l)
    mymat <- matrix(stats::rnorm(m * n, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = FALSE)
    if (layersacttype[l] %in% c('relu', 'reluleaky'))
      mymat <- mymat * sqrt(2 / m)
    } else if (layersacttype[l] == 'tanh')
      mymat <- mymat * sqrt(1 / m)
    } else
      mymat <- mymat * 0.01

    mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    mymat <- matrix(rep(0, m * n), nrow = n, ncol = m)
    mydl[[paste("mydl_vdW", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    mydl[[paste("mydl_sdW", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    mymat <- matrix(rep(0, n),nrow = n, ncol = 1)
    mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    mydl[[paste("mydl_vdbB", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    mydl[[paste("mydl_sdbB", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
    if (batchnor_mom != 0)
      mymat <- matrix(rep(1, n),nrow = n, ncol = 1)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vdj", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mydl[[paste("mydl_sdj", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mymat <- matrix(rep(0, n),nrow = n, ncol = 1)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_M", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mydl[[paste("mydl_V", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]] <- mymat

sbamlmoddlparamupdt <- function(mydl, nblayers, dllearngrate, beta1, beta2, t, epsil, batchnor_mom)
  myflagok <- 1
  for (l in 1:nblayers)
    W <- mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]]
    dW <- mydl[[paste("mydl_dW", l, sep = '')]]
    bB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]]
    dbB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_dbB", l, sep = '')]]
    if (beta1 != 0)
      vdW <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vdW", l, sep = '')]]
      vdW <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dW, vdW, beta1, t)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vdW", l, sep = '')]] <- vdW
      vdbB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vdbB", l, sep = '')]]
      vdbB <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dbB, vdbB, beta1, t)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vdbB", l, sep = '')]] <- vdbB
    if (beta2 != 0)
      sdW <- mydl[[paste("mydl_sdW", l, sep = '')]]
      sdW <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dW ^ 2, sdW, beta2, t)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_sdW", l, sep = '')]] <- sdW
      sdbB <- mydl[[paste("mydl_sdbB", l , sep = '')]]
      sdbB <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dbB ^ 2, sdbB, beta2, t)
      mydl[[paste("mydl_sdbB", l, sep = '')]] <- sdbB
    if (beta1 != 0 & beta2 == 0 )
      #gradient with Momentum
      dW <- vdW
      dbB <- vdbB
    } else if (beta1 == 0 & beta2 != 0 )
      #gradient with RMSprop
      dW <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dW, sqrt(sdW) + epsil, 'divid')
      dbB <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dbB, sqrt(sdbB) + epsil, 'divid')
    } else if (beta1 != 0 & beta2 != 0 )
      #gradient with adam optimization
      dW <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(vdW, sqrt(sdW) + epsil, 'divid')
      dbB <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(vdbB, sqrt(sdbB) + epsil, 'divid')
    W <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(W, (-dllearngrate * dW), 'add')
    mydl[[paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')]] <- W
    bB <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(bB, (-dllearngrate * dbB), 'add')
    mydl[[paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')]] <- bB
    if (any( | any(
      mylastlog <- "error: NaN produced in W or bB \n"
      myflagok <- 0
    # BN
    if (batchnor_mom != 0)
      j <- mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]]
      dj <- mydl[[paste("mydl_dj", l, sep = '')]]
      if (beta1 != 0)
        vdj <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vdj", l, sep = '')]]
        vdj <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dj, vdj, beta1, t)
        mydl[[paste("mydl_vdj", l, sep = '')]] <- vdj
      if (beta2 != 0)
        sdj <- mydl[[paste("mydl_sdj", l, sep = '')]]
        sdj <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(dj ^ 2, sdj, beta2, t)
        mydl[[paste("mydl_sdj", l, sep = '')]] <- sdj
      if (beta1 != 0 & beta2 == 0 )
        #gradient with Momentum
        dj <- vdj
      } else if (beta1 == 0 & beta2 != 0 )
        #gradient with RMSprop
        dj <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(dj, sqrt(sdj) + epsil, 'divid')
      } else if (beta1 != 0 & beta2 != 0 )
        #gradient with adam optimization
        dj <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(vdj, sqrt(sdj) + epsil, 'divid')
      j <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(j, (-dllearngrate * dj), 'add')
      if (any(
        mylastlog <- "error: NaN produced in j \n"
        myflagok <- 0
      mydl[[paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')]] <- j

      M <- mydl[[paste("mydl_M", l, sep = '')]]
      vM <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]]
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vM", l, sep = '')]] <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(M, vM, batchnor_mom, t)
      V <- mydl[[paste("mydl_V", l, sep = '')]]
      vV <- mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]]
      mydl[[paste("mydl_vV", l, sep = '')]] <- sbamlexponweigtdavg(V, vV, batchnor_mom, t)
    if (myflagok == 0)
      stop(mylastlog, call. = FALSE)

sbamlexponweigtdavg <- function(valtosmooth, prevval, Beta, tbiascorrection = 1)
  if (tbiascorrection != 1)
    if (is.null(dim(valtosmooth)))
      newval <- Beta * prevval + valtosmooth * (1 - Beta)
    } else {
      newval <- sbamlmatopebroadcst(Beta * prevval,
                                    valtosmooth * (1 - Beta),
  } else {
    newval <- valtosmooth
    #newval <- newval * 1 / (1 - Beta ^ tbiascorrection)

sbamlmodrelu <- function(x)
  res = ifelse(x < 0, 0, x)

sbamlmodrelubk <- function(x)
  res = ifelse(x < 0, 0, 1)

sbamlmodreluleaky <- function(x)
  res = ifelse(x < 0, 0.01 * x, x)

sbamlmodreluleakybk <- function(x)
  res = ifelse(x < 0, 0.01, 1)

sbamlmodsigmoid <- function(z)
  g = (1 + exp(-z)) ^ (-1)

sbamlmodsigmoidbk <- function(x)
  res = x * (1 - x)

sbamlmodsoftmax <- function(z)
  g = exp(z)
  gs = matrix(apply(g, 2, sum), ncol = ncol(g), nrow = nrow(g), byrow = TRUE)
  g = sbamlmatopebroadcst(g, gs, 'divid')

sbamlmodtanhbk <- function(x)
  res = 1 - x^2

sbamlllnvectnorm <- function(x, n = 2)
  res = (sum(x^n))^(1 / n)

sbamlgetintdec <- function(x, part='int', nbedec = 0)
  #transform negatives val to positives ones
  x = abs(x)
  nbedec2 = nbedec + 1
  pint = as.integer(floor(x + (1/(10 ^ nbedec2))))
  pdec = as.integer(floor(10 ^ nbedec*((x + (1/(10 ^ nbedec2)) - pint))))
  res <- ifelse(part == 'int', pint,pdec)

sbamlmattest <- function(mymat, mymatname)
  if (is.numeric(mymat))
    if (any(
      mymat[] <- 0
      mylastlog <- paste("wrng: NAs replaced by 0s in", mymatname, sep = " ")
    if (any(is.infinite(mymat)))
      mymat[is.infinite(mymat)] <- 0
      mylastlog <- paste("wrng: infinite values replaced by 0s in", mymatname, sep = " ")
  } else {
    mylastlog <- paste("error:", mymatname, "type is not numeric", sep = " ")

sbamlmatstest <- function(Xref, Yref)
  #on transposed matrices
  if (dim(Xref)[2] != dim(Yref)[2])
    mylastlog <- ("error: Xref and Yref have different number of rows")

sbamlpart2mydl <- function(mylspsoactivpart)
  mydl <- mylspsoactivpart$angdl$mydl
  myvectrefpos1 <- 1
  for (l in 1:mydl$hpar$nblayers)
    myvectrefposname <- paste("mydl_W", l, sep = '')
    myprov <- dim(mydl[[myvectrefposname]])
    myvectrefpos2 <- c(myvectrefpos1 + myprov[1] * myprov[2] - 1)
    mymat <- matrix(mylspsoactivpart$Position[myvectrefpos1:myvectrefpos2], nrow = myprov[1], ncol = myprov[2], byrow = F)
    mydl[[myvectrefposname]] <- mymat
    myvectrefpos1 <- myvectrefpos2 + 1
    myvectrefposname <- paste("mydl_bB", l, sep = '')
    myprov <- dim(mydl[[myvectrefposname]])
    myvectrefpos2 <- c(myvectrefpos1 + myprov[1] * myprov[2] - 1)
    mymat <- matrix(mylspsoactivpart$Position[myvectrefpos1:myvectrefpos2], nrow = myprov[1], ncol = myprov[2], byrow = F)
    mydl[[myvectrefposname]] <- mymat
    myvectrefpos1 <- myvectrefpos2 + 1
    if (mydl$hpar$batchnor_mom != 0)
      myvectrefposname <- paste("mydl_j", l, sep = '')
      myprov <- dim(mydl[[myvectrefposname]])
      myvectrefpos2 <- c(myvectrefpos1 + myprov[1] * myprov[2] - 1)
      mymat <- matrix(mylspsoactivpart$Position[myvectrefpos1:myvectrefpos2], nrow = myprov[1], ncol = myprov[2], byrow = F)
      mydl[[myvectrefposname]] <- mymat
      myvectrefpos1 <- myvectrefpos2 + 1

sbamlhparvalid <- function(hpar)
  if (class(hpar) != 'list')
    mylastlog <- ("error: hpar is not a list")
  if (!"modexec" %in% names(hpar)) {hpar[["modexec"]] <- 'trainwgrad'}
  if (hpar$modexec == 'trainwgrad')
    hpar$psopartpopsize <- 0
    hpar$psonbvar2optim <- 0
    hpar$psonumiteration <- 0
    hpar$psovarvalmin <- 0
    hpar$psovarvalmax <- 0
    hpar$psovelocitymaxratio <- 0
    hpar$psoinertiadampratio <- 0
    hpar$psokappa <- 0
    hpar$psophi1 <- 0
    hpar$psophi2 <- 0
    hpar$psoseed <- 0
  } else if (hpar$modexec == 'trainwpso')
    if (!"minibatchsize" %in% names(hpar)) {hpar[["minibatchsize"]] <- 0}
    hpar$learningrate <- 0
    hpar$lrdecayrate <- 0
    hpar$chkgradevery <- 0
    hpar$chkgradepsilon <- 0
    hpar$beta1 <- 0
    hpar$beta2 <- 0
  myprov <- names(hpar)
  if (!"useautopar" %in% myprov) {hpar[["useautopar"]] <- FALSE}
  if (!"seed" %in% myprov) {hpar[["seed"]] <- 4}
  if (!"minibatchsize" %in% myprov) {hpar[["minibatchsize"]] <- 2^5}
  if (!"layersshape" %in% myprov) {hpar[["layersshape"]] <- c(10, 0)}
  if (!"layersacttype" %in% myprov) {hpar[["layersacttype"]] <- c('relu', '')}
  if (!"layersdropoprob" %in% myprov) {hpar[["layersdropoprob"]] <- c(0, 0)}
  if (!"costtype" %in% myprov) {hpar[["costtype"]] <- ''}
  if (!"costcustformul" %in% myprov) {hpar[["costcustformul"]] <- ''}
  if (!"printcostevery" %in% myprov) {hpar[["printcostevery"]] <- 10}
  if (!"learningrate" %in% myprov) {hpar[["learningrate"]] <- 0.001}
  if (!"lrdecayrate" %in% myprov) {hpar[["lrdecayrate"]] <- 0}
  if (!"numiterations" %in% myprov) {hpar[["numiterations"]] <- 50}
  if (!"chkgradevery" %in% myprov) {hpar[["chkgradevery"]] <- 0}
  if (!"chkgradepsilon" %in% myprov) {hpar[["chkgradepsilon"]] <- 1e-7}
  if (!"lambda" %in% myprov) {hpar[["lambda"]] <- 0}
  if (!"beta1" %in% myprov) {hpar[["beta1"]] <- 0.9}
  if (!"beta2" %in% myprov) {hpar[["beta2"]] <- 0.999}
  if (!"epsil" %in% myprov) {hpar[["epsil"]] <- 1e-12}
  if (!"batchnor_mom" %in% myprov) {hpar[["batchnor_mom"]] <- 0.9}
  if (!"testcvsize" %in% myprov) {hpar[["testcvsize"]] <- 10}
  if (!"testgainunder" %in% myprov) {hpar[["testgainunder"]] <- 0.000001}
  if (!"psomodeinit" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psomodeinit"]] <- 'angdlpso'}
  if (!"psomodecost" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psomodecost"]] <- 'angdlpso'}
  if (!"psopartpopsize" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psopartpopsize"]] <- 50}
  if (!"psovarvalmin" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psovarvalmin"]] <- -10}
  if (!"psovarvalmax" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psovarvalmax"]] <- 10}
  if (!"psovelocitymaxratio" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psovelocitymaxratio"]] <- 0.2}
  if (!"psoinertiadampratio" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psoinertiadampratio"]] <- 1}
  if (!"psokappa" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psokappa"]] <- 1}
  if (!"psophi1" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psophi1"]] <- 2.05}
  if (!"psophi2" %in% myprov) {hpar[["psophi2"]] <- 2.05}
  if (!"verbose" %in% myprov) {hpar[["verbose"]] <- TRUE}
  if (length(hpar$layersshape) != length(hpar$layersacttype) |
      length(hpar$layersshape) != length(hpar$layersdropoprob))
    mylastlog <- ("error: layersshape, layersacttype and layersdropoprob must have same length")

sbamlmodresult <- function(trerr, cverr, cvflag = TRUE)
  if ( {trerr <- Inf}
  if ( {cverr <- Inf}
  if (cvflag == TRUE)
    err  <- abs(trerr - cverr) + ((1.5 * cverr + trerr) / 2.5)
  } else {
    err <- trerr
  if ( {err <- Inf}

sbamlparllmc <- function(nbcores)
  myprov <- parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)
  mymc <- ifelse(nbcores <= myprov,
  if (gregexpr("dows",["sysname"]) > 0)
    mymc <- 1

sbamlprepscalem11201 <- function(x)
  z <- (x + 1)/2

sbamltestmodel <- function(mymodel)
  if (is.infinite(mymodel$error$tr))
    mylastlog <- ("warning: model produced create infinite error")
    warning(mylastlog, immediate. = TRUE, noBreaks. = TRUE)
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