Revision f4ad960d1fbe612ba799d9bd1df4b2f166cdef46 authored by Joe Stringer on 21 June 2024, 20:06:22 UTC, committed by Joe Stringer on 21 June 2024, 20:08:15 UTC
This reverts commit 9368f21c53b7aa96b8743a0b8b79a0ab44d963c6.

Signed-off-by: Joe Stringer <>
1 parent c4782aa
Raw File
# Copyright Authors of Cilium
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

##@ Development (Kind)

.PHONY: kind
kind: ## Create a kind cluster for Cilium development.
	$(QUIET)SED=$(SED) ./contrib/scripts/

.PHONY: kind-egressgw
kind-egressgw: ## Create a kind cluster for egress gateway Cilium development.
	$(QUIET)SED=$(SED) WORKERS=3 ./contrib/scripts/
	kubectl patch node kind-worker3 --type=json -p='[{"op":"add","path":"/metadata/labels/","value":"true"}]'

.PHONY: kind-down
kind-down: ## Destroy a kind cluster for Cilium development.

.PHONY: kind-clustermesh
kind-clustermesh: ## Create two kind clusters for clustermesh development.
	@echo " If you have problems with too many open file, check"
	$(QUIET) CLUSTER_NAME=clustermesh1 IPFAMILY=dual PODSUBNET=,fd00:10:1::/48 SERVICESUBNET=,fd00:10:f1::/112 ./contrib/scripts/
	$(QUIET) CLUSTER_NAME=clustermesh2 AGENTPORTPREFIX=236 OPERATORPORTPREFIX=237 IPFAMILY=dual PODSUBNET=,fd00:10:2::/48 SERVICESUBNET=,fd00:10:f2::/112 ./contrib/scripts/

.PHONY: kind-clustermesh-down
kind-clustermesh-down: ## Destroy kind clusters for clustermesh development.
	$(QUIET)./contrib/scripts/ clustermesh1 clustermesh2

.PHONY: kind-clustermesh-ready
kind-clustermesh-ready: ## Check if both kind clustermesh clusters exist
	@$(ECHO_CHECK) clustermesh kind is ready...
	@kind get clusters 2>&1 | grep "clustermesh1" \
		&& exit 0 || exit 1
	@kind get clusters 2>&1 | grep "clustermesh2" \
		&& exit 0 || exit 1

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v4
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v4 deploy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v4-down
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v4 destroy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v4-apply-policy
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v4 apply-policy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v6
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v6 deploy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v6-down
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v6 destroy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-v6-apply-policy
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-v6 apply-policy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-dual
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-dual deploy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-dual-down
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-dual destroy

.PHONY: kind-bgp-dual-apply-policy
	$(QUIET) $(MAKE) -C contrib/containerlab/bgp-cplane-dev-dual apply-policy

# Template for kind environment for a target. Parameters are:
# $(1) Makefile target name
define KIND_ENV
.PHONY: $(1)
$(1): export DOCKER_REGISTRY=localhost:5000

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-clustermesh-images))
kind-clustermesh-images: kind-clustermesh-ready kind-build-clustermesh-apiserver kind-build-image-agent kind-build-image-operator ## Builds images and imports them into clustermesh clusters
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_CLUSTERMESH_IMAGE) --name clustermesh1
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_CLUSTERMESH_IMAGE) --name clustermesh2
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_AGENT_IMAGE) --name clustermesh1
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_AGENT_IMAGE) --name clustermesh2
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) --name clustermesh1
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) --name clustermesh2

.PHONY: kind-connect-clustermesh ## Connect the ClusterMesh clusters.
kind-connect-clustermesh: check_deps kind-clustermesh-ready
	@echo "  CONNECT the two clusters"
	$(CILIUM_CLI) clustermesh connect --context kind-clustermesh1 --destination-context kind-clustermesh2
	$(CILIUM_CLI) clustermesh status --context kind-clustermesh1 --wait
	$(CILIUM_CLI) clustermesh status --context kind-clustermesh2 --wait

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-install-cilium-clustermesh))
kind-install-cilium-clustermesh: check_deps kind-clustermesh-ready ## Install a local Cilium version into the clustermesh clusters and enable clustermesh.
	@echo "  INSTALL cilium on clustermesh1 cluster"
	-$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh1 uninstall >/dev/null
	$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh1 install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-clustermesh1.yaml \
		--set=image.override=$(LOCAL_AGENT_IMAGE) \
		--set=operator.image.override=$(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) \
		--set=clustermesh.apiserver.image.override=$(LOCAL_CLUSTERMESH_IMAGE) \

	@echo "  INSTALL cilium on clustermesh2 cluster"
	-$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh2 uninstall >/dev/null
	$(KUBECTL) --context=kind-clustermesh1 get secret -n kube-system cilium-ca -o yaml | \
		$(KUBECTL) --context=kind-clustermesh2 replace --force -f -
	$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh2 install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-clustermesh2.yaml \
		--set=image.override=$(LOCAL_AGENT_IMAGE) \
		--set=operator.image.override=$(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) \
		--set=clustermesh.apiserver.image.override=$(LOCAL_CLUSTERMESH_IMAGE) \

	$(MAKE) kind-connect-clustermesh

.PHONY: kind-install-cilium-clustermesh-fast
kind-install-cilium-clustermesh-fast: check_deps kind-clustermesh-ready ## "Fast" Install a local Cilium version using volume-mounted binaries into the ClusterMesh clusters and enable ClusterMesh.
	@echo "  INSTALL cilium on clustermesh1 cluster"
	docker pull
	kind load docker-image --name clustermesh1
	-$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh1 uninstall >/dev/null
	$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh1 install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-clustermesh1.yaml \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-fast.yaml \

	@echo "  INSTALL cilium on clustermesh2 cluster"
	kind load docker-image --name clustermesh2
	-$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh2 uninstall >/dev/null
	$(KUBECTL) --context=kind-clustermesh1 get secret -n kube-system cilium-ca -o yaml | \
		$(KUBECTL) --context=kind-clustermesh2 replace --force -f -
	$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-clustermesh2 install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-clustermesh2.yaml \
		--values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-fast.yaml \

	$(MAKE) kind-image-fast
	$(MAKE) kind-connect-clustermesh

KIND_CLUSTER_NAME ?= $(shell kind get clusters -q | head -n1)

.PHONY: kind-ready
	@$(ECHO_CHECK) kind-ready
	@if [ -n "$(shell kind get clusters -q)" ]; then echo "kind is ready"; else echo "kind not ready"; exit 1; fi

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-build-image-agent))
kind-build-image-agent: ## Build cilium-dev docker image

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-image-agent))
kind-image-agent: kind-ready kind-build-image-agent ## Build cilium-dev docker image and import it into kind.
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_AGENT_IMAGE) -n $(KIND_CLUSTER_NAME)

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-build-image-operator))
kind-build-image-operator: ## Build cilium-operator-dev docker image
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) dev-docker-operator-generic-image$(DEBUGGER_SUFFIX) DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=$(LOCAL_IMAGE_TAG)

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-image-operator))
kind-image-operator: kind-ready kind-build-image-operator ## Build cilium-operator-dev docker image and import it into kind.
	$(QUIET)kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) -n $(KIND_CLUSTER_NAME)

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-build-clustermesh-apiserver))
kind-build-clustermesh-apiserver: ## Build cilium-clustermesh-apiserver docker image
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) docker-clustermesh-apiserver-image DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=$(LOCAL_IMAGE_TAG)

.PHONY: kind-image
kind-image: ## Build cilium and operator images and import them into kind.
	$(MAKE) kind-image-agent
	$(MAKE) kind-image-operator

--helm-values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-common.yaml \

ifneq ("$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-custom.yaml)","")
	KIND_VALUES_FAST_FILES := $(KIND_VALUES_FAST_FILES) --helm-values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-custom.yaml

.PHONY: kind-install-cilium-fast
kind-install-cilium-fast: check_deps kind-ready ## "Fast" Install a local Cilium version using volume-mounted binaries into all clusters.
	@echo "  INSTALL cilium"
	docker pull
	for cluster_name in $${KIND_CLUSTERS:-$(shell kind get clusters)}; do \
		kind load docker-image --name $$cluster_name; \
		$(CILIUM_CLI) --context=kind-$$cluster_name uninstall >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; \
		$(CILIUM_CLI) install --context=kind-$$cluster_name \
			--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
			--version= >/dev/null 2>&1 & \

.PHONY: build-cli
build-cli: ## Build cilium cli binary
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) -C cilium-dbg GOOS=linux

.PHONY: build-agent
build-agent: ## Build cilium daemon binary
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) -C daemon GOOS=linux

.PHONY: build-operator
build-operator: ## Build cilium operator binary
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) -C operator cilium-operator-generic GOOS=linux

.PHONY: build-clustermesh-apiserver
build-clustermesh-apiserver: ## Build cilium clustermesh-apiserver binary
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) -C clustermesh-apiserver  GOOS=linux

.PHONY: kind-image-fast-agent
kind-image-fast-agent: kind-ready build-cli build-agent ## Build cilium cli and daemon binaries. Copy the bins and bpf files to kind nodes.
	$(eval dst:=/cilium-binaries)
	for cluster_name in $${KIND_CLUSTERS:-$(shell kind get clusters)}; do \
		for node_name in $$(kind get nodes -n "$$cluster_name"); do \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} mkdir -p "${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} rm -rf "${dst}/var/lib/cilium"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} mkdir -p "${dst}/var/lib/cilium"; \
			docker cp "./bpf/" $${node_name}:"${dst}/var/lib/cilium/bpf"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} find "${dst}/var/lib/cilium/bpf" -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} + ;\
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} rm -f "${dst}/cilium-dbg"; \
			docker cp "./cilium-dbg/cilium-dbg" $${node_name}:"${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} chmod +x "${dst}/cilium-dbg"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} rm -f "${dst}/cilium-agent"; \
			docker cp "./daemon/cilium-agent" $${node_name}:"${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} chmod +x "${dst}/cilium-agent"; \
		done; \
		kubectl --context=kind-$${cluster_name} delete pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=cilium --force; \

.PHONY: kind-image-fast-operator
kind-image-fast-operator: kind-ready build-operator ## Build cilium operator binary and copy it to all kind nodes.
	$(eval dst:=/cilium-binaries)
	for cluster_name in $${KIND_CLUSTERS:-$(shell kind get clusters)}; do \
		for node_name in $$(kind get nodes -n "$$cluster_name"); do \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} mkdir -p "${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} rm -f "${dst}/cilium-operator-generic"; \
			docker cp "./operator/cilium-operator-generic" $${node_name}:"${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} chmod +x "${dst}/cilium-operator-generic"; \
		done; \
	kubectl --context=kind-$${cluster_name} delete pods -n kube-system -l name=cilium-operator --force; \

.PHONY: kind-image-fast-clustermesh-apiserver
kind-image-fast-clustermesh-apiserver: kind-ready build-clustermesh-apiserver ## Build clustermesh-apiserver binary and copy it to all kind nodes.
	$(eval dst:=/cilium-binaries)
	for cluster_name in $${KIND_CLUSTERS:-$(shell kind get clusters)}; do \
		for node_name in $$(kind get nodes -n "$$cluster_name"); do \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} mkdir -p "${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} rm -f "${dst}/clustermesh-apiserver"; \
			docker cp "./clustermesh-apiserver/clustermesh-apiserver" $${node_name}:"${dst}"; \
			docker exec -ti $${node_name} chmod +x "${dst}/clustermesh-apiserver"; \
		done; \
	kubectl --context=kind-$${cluster_name} delete pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=clustermesh-apiserver --force; \

.PHONY: kind-image-fast
kind-image-fast: kind-image-fast-agent kind-image-fast-operator kind-image-fast-clustermesh-apiserver ## Build all binaries and copy them to kind nodes.

--helm-values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-common.yaml \

ifneq ("$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-custom.yaml)","")
	KIND_VALUES_FILES := $(KIND_VALUES_FILES) --helm-values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-custom.yaml

.PHONY: kind-install-cilium
kind-install-cilium: check_deps kind-ready ## Install a local Cilium version into the cluster.
	@echo "  INSTALL cilium"
	# cilium-cli doesn't support idempotent installs, so we uninstall and
	# reinstall here.
	-@$(CILIUM_CLI) uninstall >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

	# cilium-cli's --wait flag doesn't work, so we just force it to run
	# in the background instead and wait for the resources to be available.
	$(CILIUM_CLI) install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--version= \
		>/dev/null 2>&1 &

.PHONY: kind-egressgw-install-cilium
kind-egressgw-install-cilium: check_deps kind-ready ## Install a local Cilium version into the cluster.
	@echo "  INSTALL cilium"
	# cilium-cli doesn't support idempotent installs, so we uninstall and
	# reinstall here.
	-@$(CILIUM_CLI) uninstall >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

	# cilium-cli's --wait flag doesn't work, so we just force it to run
	# in the background instead and wait for the resources to be available.
	$(CILIUM_CLI) install \
		--chart-directory=$(ROOT_DIR)/install/kubernetes/cilium \
		--helm-values=$(ROOT_DIR)/contrib/testing/kind-egressgw-values.yaml \
		--nodes-without-cilium \
		--version= \
		>/dev/null 2>&1 &

.PHONY: kind-uninstall-cilium
kind-uninstall-cilium: check_deps ## Uninstall Cilium from the cluster.
	@echo "  UNINSTALL cilium"
	-$(CILIUM_CLI) uninstall

.PHONY: kind-check-cilium
kind-check-cilium: check_deps
	@echo "  CHECK  cilium is ready..."
	$(CILIUM_CLI) status --wait --wait-duration 1s >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

# Template for kind debug targets. Parameters are:
# $(1) agent target
.PHONY: kind-image$(1)-debug
kind-image$(1)-debug: export DEBUGGER_SUFFIX=-debug
kind-image$(1)-debug: export NOSTRIP=1
kind-image$(1)-debug: export NOOPT=1
kind-image$(1)-debug: ## Build cilium$(1) docker image with a dlv debugger wrapper and import it into kind.
	$(MAKE) kind-image$(1)

# kind-image-agent-debug
$(eval $(call DEBUG_KIND_TEMPLATE,-agent))

# kind-image-operator-debug
$(eval $(call DEBUG_KIND_TEMPLATE,-operator))

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-debug-agent))
kind-debug-agent: ## Create a local kind development environment with cilium-agent attached to a debugger.
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) kind-ready 2>/dev/null \
		|| $(MAKE) kind
	$(MAKE) kind-image-agent-debug
	# Not debugging cilium-operator here; any image is good enough.
	kind load docker-image $(LOCAL_OPERATOR_IMAGE) \
		|| $(MAKE) kind-image-operator
	$(MAKE) kind-check-cilium 2>/dev/null \
		|| $(MAKE) kind-install-cilium
	@echo "Attach delve to localhost on these ports to continue:"
	@echo " - 23401: cilium-agent (kind-control-plane)"
	@echo " - 23411: cilium-agent (kind-worker)"

$(eval $(call KIND_ENV,kind-debug))
kind-debug: ## Create a local kind development environment with cilium-agent & cilium-operator attached to a debugger.
	$(QUIET)$(MAKE) kind-ready 2>/dev/null \
		|| $(MAKE) kind
	$(MAKE) kind-image-agent-debug
	$(MAKE) kind-image-operator-debug
	$(MAKE) kind-check-cilium 2>/dev/null \
		|| $(MAKE) kind-install-cilium
	@echo "Attach delve to localhost on these ports to continue:"
	@echo " - 23401: cilium-agent    (kind-control-plane)"
	@echo " - 23411: cilium-agent    (kind-worker)"
	@echo " - 23511: cilium-operator (kind-worker)"
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