Revision f590e03aa860b5e05e9d6eb854d9c06ef01d87ff authored by Manik Jindal on 10 November 2017, 07:55:14 UTC, committed by GitHub on 10 November 2017, 07:55:14 UTC test depends on APIs introduced in imageio v2.2.0
but currently CNTK uses imageio v2.1.1, leading the test to be in
broken state. Conda doesn't support Python 3.4, and hence imageio v2.2.0
conda package is not available for Python 3.4. Now, Python 3.4 conda
environment setup file installs imageio v2.2.0 using pip instaed of conda.
Also, CNTK will stop supporting Python 3.4 in releases later than 2.3.
1 parent 834417a
Raw File
*.ini text
*.simple text
*.counts text
*.labels text
*.feats text
*.ctf text
*.post text
*.cpu text
*.gpu text
*.rst text

.gitattributes text
.gitignore text
.gitmodules text

.clang-format text

*.md text
*.txt text
*.TXT text
*.html text
*.lyx text
*.bib text
*.json text
.gitkeep text
KaldiReaderReadme text
Readme text

*.bat text
*.cmd text
*.py text
*.ipynb text
*.pl text
*.ps1 text
*.psm1 text
*.ps text
*.i text

*.sh text eol=lf
*.awk text eol=lf
build-and-test text eol=lf
configure text eol=lf
generate_build_info text eol=lf
run-test text eol=lf
run-test-common text eol=lf
run-timit-test-common text eol=lf
run-boost-test-common text eol=lf
make_binary_drop_linux text eol=lf

# Used from Unix / Cygwin 'md5sum -c', needs to have LF line endings:
Tests/EndToEndTests/Examples/Speech/TIMIT/WriteBottleneck/expected_output_md5sum.*.txt eol=lf
Tests/EndToEndTests/Examples/Speech/TIMIT/WriteScaledLogLike/expected_output_md5sum.*.txt eol=lf

# Used by reader unit test, needs to keep LF line endings.
Tests/UnitTests/ReaderTests/Data/CNTKTextFormatReader/invalid_inputs.txt eol=lf

Makefile text
*.sln text
*.pyproj text
*.vcxproj text
*.vcxproj.filters text
*.vssettings text
*.csproj text
*.props text
*.asax text

*.h text
*.cpp text
*.cc text
*.cu text
*.cuh text
*.proto text

*.cs text
*.java text
*.yml text
*.yml.bak text

*.config text
*.cntk text
*.bs text
*.ndl text
*.mel text
*.xml text
*.m text
*.mlf text
*.scp text
*.list text

*.log text
*.prototxt text

Dockerfile* text
.dockerignore text

# Speech data
mean.363 text
var.363 text
prior.132 text

# dot (graph description language) file 
*.dot text 

# AMI-specific
Results text
40fbank.conf text
80fbank.conf text

# SLU-specific

# TIMIT-specific
*.fbank24_zda text
TIMIT*.100 text
TIMIT*.20 text
TIMIT*.arpa text
TIMIT*.cntk text
TIMIT*.dnn_map text
TIMIT*.fbank text
TIMIT*.fullpath text
TIMIT*.lookahead text
TIMIT*.rnn text
TIMIT*.statelist text
TIMIT*.tfsa text
TIMIT*.transitions text

Examples/Evaluation/UWPImageRecognition/ImageRecognizerLib/utils.inl text
Examples/LanguageUnderstanding/ATIS/Data/ATIS.* text
Examples/LanguageUnderstanding/ATIS/BrainScript/*.wl text
Examples/SequenceToSequence/CMUDict/Data/cmudict-0.7b* text
Examples/Text/LightRNN/test/word-0.location text

*.xaml text
*.appxmanifest text

# Binary extensions:
*.ark binary
*.chunk binary
*.cmf binary
*.docx binary
*.jpg binary
*.pdf binary
*.png binary
*.pptx binary
*.snk binary
*.vsdm binary
*.zip binary
*.dnn binary
Examples/Image/Detection/FastRCNN/BrainScript/fastRCNN/*/*.pyd binary
Examples/Image/Detection/FastRCNN/BrainScript/fastRCNN/*/*.so binary
Examples/Image/Detection/utils/cython_modules/*.pyd binary
Examples/Image/Detection/utils/cython_modules/*.so binary
Tests/UnitTests/V2LibraryTests/data/*.bin binary
Tests/UnitTests/ReaderTests/Data/CNTKBinaryReader/*.bin binary
Tests/EndToEndTests/ParallelTraining/AsynchronousSGD/ASGD_Resnet.model.1 binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve.a binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve.lib binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve_nofeatures.a binary
Examples/Extensibility/BinaryConvolution/BinaryConvolutionLib/halide/halide_convolve_nofeatures.lib binary
*.pfx binary
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