Revision f64e14b64fb7985b724358c00e7a2493729e6047 authored by Martin Maechler on 21 September 2011, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 21 September 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 69748f9
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## Copyright (C) 2010 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.

### TODO Should we try to be compatible to  'Copula' package ??

## This has advantage that arithmetic with scalars works "for free" already:
setClass("interval", contains =  "numeric", # of length 2
	 representation(open  = "logical"),# of length 2
	 validity = function(object) {
	     if(length(rng <- object@.Data) != 2) "interval must be of length 2"
	     else if(length(object@open) != 2) "'open' must be of length 2"
	     else if(any( "'open' may not be NA"
	     else if(rng[2] < rng[1]) "'range[2]' must not be smaller than range[1]"
	     else TRUE

setClassUnion("maybeInterval", c("interval", "NULL"))

### Mother class of all (simple, *NON*-nested) Archimedean Copula Types
### for *any* dimension d
	 representation(name = "character",
                        psi = "function",         # of (t, theta) -- the generator
                        psiInv = "function",      # of (u, theta, log=FALSE) -- (log-)psi_inverse: \psi^{-1}(u)=t
			## when theta is one-dimensional, specifying the interval is more convenient:
                        paraInterval = "maybeInterval", # [.,.]  (.,.], etc .. parameter interval
                        psiDabs = "function",     # of (t, theta, degree=1, n.MC=0, log=FALSE) -- (-1)^d * the degree-th generator derivative
                        theta = "numeric",        # value of theta or  'NA'  (for unspecified)
                        paraConstr = "function",  # of (theta) ; constr(theta) |--> TRUE: "fulfilled"
                        psiInvD1abs = "function", # of (t, theta, log=FALSE) -- computes the absolute value of the first derivative of psiInv
                        dDiag = "function",       # of (u, theta, log=FALSE) -- compute the density of the diagonal
                        dacopula = "function",    # of (u, theta, n.MC=0, log=FALSE) -- computes the (log-)density of the Archimedean copula with parameter theta at the vector/matrix u (n.MC > 0: apply Monte Carlo with sample size n.MC)
                        score = "function",       # of (u, theta) -- computes the score function
                        V0 = "function",	  # of (n,theta) -- RNGenerator
			dV0 = "function",         # of (x,theta,log=FALSE) -- density of F=LS^{-1}[psi]
                        tau = "function",	  # of (theta)
                        tauInv = "function",      # of (tau)
                        lambdaL = "function",     # of (theta) lower bound  \lambda_l
                        lambdaLInv = "function",  # of (lambda) - Inverse of \lambda_l
                        lambdaU = "function",     # of (theta)  - upper bound  \lambda_u
                        lambdaUInv = "function",  # of (lambda) - Inverse of \lambda_u
                        ## Nesting properties if the child copulas are of the same family :
                        nestConstr = "function",  # of (th0, th1) ; TRUE <==> "fulfilled"
                        V01= "function",	  # of (V0,theta0,theta1) -- RNGenerator
			dV01= "function"           # of (x,(V0),theta0,theta1,log=FALSE) -- density *related to* F01=LS^{-1}[psi_0^{-1}(psi_1(t))] (see the specific families)
         prototype = prototype(theta = NA_real_),
	 validity = function(object) {
	     if (length(nm <- object@name) != 1 || nchar(nm) < 1)
		 return("'name' must be a string (of at least 1 character)")
             th <- tryCatch(validTheta(object), error = function(e) e)
             if(is(th, "error")) return(th $ message)

	     checkFun <- function(sName, nArgs, chkVectorizing=TRUE) {
		 f <- slot(object, sName)
		 if (length(formals(f)) < nArgs)
		     paste("slot '",sName,"' must be a function of at least ",nArgs,
			   " arguments", sep="")
		 else if(chkVectorizing && nArgs <= 2) {
		     ## test that the function can be called with NULL
		     r0 <- tryCatch(if(nArgs == 2) f(NULL, theta = th) else f(NULL),
                                    error = function(e) e)
		     if(is(r0, "error"))
			 sprintf("calling %s(NULL%s fails: %s", sName,
				 if(nArgs == 2) sprintf(", %g)", th) else ")",
		     else if(!identical(r0,
                                    {n0 <- numeric(0)
                                     if(nArgs == 2) f(n0, theta = th) else f(n0) }))
			 sprintf("%s(NULL ..) is not the same as %s(num(0) ..)",
				 sName, sName)
		     else TRUE
		 } else TRUE
	     } ## {checkFun}

             if(!isTRUE(tt <- checkFun("psi", 2)))	return(tt)
             if(!isTRUE(tt <- checkFun("psiInv", 2)))	return(tt)
             if(!isTRUE(tt <- checkFun("tau", 1)))	return(tt)
             if(!isTRUE(tt <- checkFun("paraConstr", 1, chkVect=FALSE))) return(tt)
             if(!isTRUE(tt <- checkFun("nestConstr", 2, chkVect=FALSE))) return(tt)

             ## ...
             ## ... TODO

             ## Check more :
	     if (object@psi(0, theta= 1/2) != 1)
		 return("psi(0, theta=1/2) != 1 -- seems an invalid generator")

             ## ....
             ## ....
             ## ....
             ## ....

	     ## 'else'	ok :

## Construct 'paraConstr' slot automatically from 'paraInterval' :
setMethod("initialize", signature(.Object = "acopula"),
	  function(.Object, paraInterval, ...) {
	      if(!missing(paraInterval) && is(paraInterval, "interval")) {
		  .Object@paraConstr <- mkParaConstr(paraInterval)
		  .Object@paraInterval <- paraInterval

## A utility, not yet exported _ TODO ? _

setGeneric("validTheta", function(x, u) standardGeneric("validTheta"))
setMethod("validTheta", signature(x = "acopula"),
	  function(x) {
	      if(is((int <- x@paraInterval), "interval")) {
		  if(is.finite(d <- diff(as.numeric(int)))) # take mid-value in interval
		      int[1] + d/2
		  else if (all(iinf <- is.infinite(is.finite(int)))) ##	 (-Inf, Inf)
		  else { ## at least one end is finite
		      if(int[2] == Inf) int[1] + 1
		      else if(int[1] == -Inf) int[2] - 1
		      else stop("invalid paraInterval slot??")
	      } else  { ## need to use parameter-contraint function and "random search":
		  f.c <- x@paraConstr
		  for (th in c(1/2, (0:16)/16, round(exp(rnorm(20)),2)))
		      if( <- f.c(th)) break
		  if( th else stop("could not find validTheta(<c>) for this copula")

### Nested Archimedean Copulas with *specified* dimension(s)
	 representation(copula = "acopula",
                        comp = "integer", # from 1:d -- of length in [0,d]
                        childCops = "list" #of nacopulas, possibly empty
                        ## nesting properties (V01,..) for specific mother-child relations could be added
         validity = function(object) {
             if(length(d <- dim(object)) != 1 || !is.numeric(d) || d <= 0)
                 return("invalid dim(.)")
             ic <- object@comp
             if((lc <- length(ic)) > d)
                 return("more components than the dimension")
	     if(!all("nacopula" == sapply(object@childCops, class)))
                 return("All 'childCops' elements must be 'nacopula' objects")
             ## FIXME: we need to recursively apply a "comp" function

             allC <- allComp(object)
             if(length(allC) != d)
                 return("must have d coordinates (from 'comp' and 'childCops')")

## FIXME: Maybe define a "strict_dim_nac" class which has the extra checks
## -----  for the "nacopula"s that appear as *SUB*-copulas, we do NOT want to
## require that their { components } are == { 1:d }
### Nested Archimedean Copulas with *specified* dimension(s)
setClass("outer_nacopula", contains = "nacopula",
         validity = function(object) {
             ## *Extra* checks in addition to those of "nacopula" :
             d <- dim(object)
             ic <- object@comp
             allC <- allComp(object)
             if(length(allC) != d)
                 return("must have d coordinates (from 'comp' and 'childCops')")
             if(!all(sort(allC) == 1:d))
                 return(paste("The implicit coordinates are not identical to 1:d; instead\n  ",
                              paste(allC, collapse=", ")))

## The dim() method is nicely defined  *recursive*ly :
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "nacopula"),
	  function(x) length(x@comp) + sum(unlist(lapply(x@childCops, dim))))

## also needed in validity above -- defined recursively, too :
allComp <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(is(x, "nacopula"))
    c(x@comp, unlist(lapply(x@childCops, allComp)))
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