Revision f68b6396784c17398e4d5b4b906818e8b3236e15 authored by Jon Wolfe on 27 October 2023, 15:46:00 UTC, committed by Jon Wolfe on 27 October 2023, 15:46:00 UTC
* proteanplanet/proteanplanet/ocean/pslv:
  Removes all reference to PSLV in ice_comp comments, since it is never used in MPAS-SI
  Removes all reference to PSLV in indices, since it is never used in MPAS-SI
  Tidying up branch to also include update to ice coupling documentation
  Replace pbot with pslv as atmospheric pressure coupling field for the ocean
2 parent s 5b6fdf1 + 932ce9a
Raw File
module prep_lnd_mod

  use shr_kind_mod    , only: r8 => SHR_KIND_R8
  use shr_kind_mod    , only: cs => SHR_KIND_CS
  use shr_kind_mod    , only: cl => SHR_KIND_CL
  use shr_kind_mod    , only: cxx => SHR_KIND_CXX
  use shr_sys_mod     , only: shr_sys_abort, shr_sys_flush
  use seq_comm_mct    , only: num_inst_atm, num_inst_rof, num_inst_glc
  use seq_comm_mct    , only: num_inst_lnd, num_inst_frc
  use seq_comm_mct    , only: CPLID, LNDID, logunit
  use seq_comm_mct    , only: seq_comm_getData=>seq_comm_setptrs
  use seq_infodata_mod, only: seq_infodata_type, seq_infodata_getdata
  use seq_map_type_mod
  use seq_map_mod
  use seq_flds_mod
  use t_drv_timers_mod
  use mct_mod
  use perf_mod
  use component_type_mod, only: component_get_x2c_cx, component_get_c2x_cx
  use component_type_mod, only: lnd, atm, rof, glc
  use map_glc2lnd_mod   , only: map_glc2lnd_ec

  implicit none

  ! Public interfaces

  public :: prep_lnd_init
  public :: prep_lnd_mrg

  public :: prep_lnd_calc_a2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_calc_r2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_calc_g2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_calc_z2x_lx

  public :: prep_lnd_get_a2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_get_r2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_get_g2x_lx
  public :: prep_lnd_get_z2x_lx

  public :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sa2l
  public :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fa2l
  public :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fr2l
  public :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sg2l
  public :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fg2l

  ! Private interfaces

  private :: prep_lnd_merge
  private :: prep_lnd_set_glc2lnd_fields

  ! Private data

  ! mappers
  type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Sa2l           ! needed in ccsm_comp_mod.F90 (setting of aream)
  type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Fa2l           ! needed in ccsm_comp_mod.F90 (seq_domain_check)
  type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Fr2l           ! needed in seq_frac_mct.F90
  type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Sg2l           ! currently unused (all g2l mappings use the flux mapper)
  type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Fg2l

  ! attribute vectors
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: a2x_lx(:) ! Atm export, lnd grid, cpl pes - allocated in driver
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: r2x_lx(:) ! Rof export, lnd grid, lnd pes - allocated in lnd gc
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: g2x_lx(:) ! Glc export, lnd grid, cpl pes - allocated in driver
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: z2x_lx(:) ! Iac export, lnd grid, cpl pes - allocated in driver

  ! seq_comm_getData variables
  integer :: mpicom_CPLID                         ! MPI cpl communicator

  ! field names and lists, for fields that need to be treated specially
  character(len=*), parameter :: glc_frac_field = 'Sg_ice_covered'
  character(len=*), parameter :: glc_topo_field = 'Sg_topo'
  character(len=*), parameter :: glc_icemask_field = 'Sg_icemask'
  ! fields mapped from glc to lnd, NOT separated by elevation class
  character(CXX) :: glc2lnd_non_ec_fields
  ! other fields (besides frac_field and topo_field) that are mapped from glc to lnd,
  ! separated by elevation class
  character(CXX) :: glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields



  subroutine prep_lnd_init(infodata, atm_c2_lnd, rof_c2_lnd, glc_c2_lnd, iac_c2_lnd)

    ! Description
    ! Initialize module attribute vectors and all other non-mapping
    ! module variables
    ! Arguments
    type(seq_infodata_type) , intent(in)    :: infodata
    logical                 , intent(in)    :: atm_c2_lnd ! .true.  => atm to lnd coupling on
    logical                 , intent(in)    :: rof_c2_lnd ! .true.  => rof to lnd coupling on
    logical                 , intent(in)    :: glc_c2_lnd ! .true.  => glc to lnd coupling on
    logical                 , intent(in)    :: iac_c2_lnd ! .true.  => iac to lnd coupling on
    ! Local Variables
    integer                  :: lsize_l
    integer                  :: eai, eri, egi
    logical                  :: samegrid_al   ! samegrid atm and land
    logical                  :: samegrid_lr   ! samegrid land and rof
    logical                  :: samegrid_lg   ! samegrid land and glc
    logical                  :: esmf_map_flag ! .true. => use esmf for mapping
    logical                  :: lnd_present   ! .true. => land is present
    logical                  :: iamroot_CPLID ! .true. => CPLID masterproc
    character(CL)            :: atm_gnam      ! atm grid
    character(CL)            :: lnd_gnam      ! lnd grid
    character(CL)            :: rof_gnam      ! rof grid
    character(CL)            :: glc_gnam      ! glc grid
    type(mct_avect), pointer :: l2x_lx
    character(*), parameter  :: subname = '(prep_lnd_init)'
    character(*), parameter  :: F00 = "('"//subname//" : ', 4A )"

    call seq_infodata_getData(infodata, &
         esmf_map_flag=esmf_map_flag,   &
         lnd_present=lnd_present,       &
         atm_gnam=atm_gnam,             &
         lnd_gnam=lnd_gnam,             &
         rof_gnam=rof_gnam,             &


    if (lnd_present) then

       call seq_comm_getData(CPLID, &
            mpicom=mpicom_CPLID, iamroot=iamroot_CPLID)

       l2x_lx => component_get_c2x_cx(lnd(1))
       lsize_l = mct_aVect_lsize(l2x_lx)

       do eai = 1,num_inst_atm
          call mct_aVect_init(a2x_lx(eai), rList=seq_flds_a2x_fields, lsize=lsize_l)
          call mct_aVect_zero(a2x_lx(eai))
       do eri = 1,num_inst_rof
          call mct_aVect_init(r2x_lx(eri), rlist=seq_flds_r2x_fields, lsize=lsize_l)
          call mct_aVect_zero(r2x_lx(eri))
       end do
       do egi = 1,num_inst_glc
          call mct_aVect_init(g2x_lx(egi), rList=seq_flds_x2l_fields_from_glc, lsize=lsize_l)
          call mct_aVect_zero(g2x_lx(egi))
       end do

       samegrid_al = .true.
       samegrid_lr = .true.
       samegrid_lg = .true.
       if (trim(atm_gnam) /= trim(lnd_gnam)) samegrid_al = .false.
       if (trim(lnd_gnam) /= trim(rof_gnam)) samegrid_lr = .false.
       if (trim(lnd_gnam) /= trim(glc_gnam)) samegrid_lg = .false.

       if (rof_c2_lnd) then
          if (iamroot_CPLID) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
             write(logunit,F00) 'Initializing mapper_Fr2l'
          end if
          call seq_map_init_rcfile(mapper_Fr2l, rof(1), lnd(1), &
               'seq_maps.rc','rof2lnd_fmapname:','rof2lnd_fmaptype:',samegrid_lr, &
               string='mapper_Fr2l initialization',esmf_map=esmf_map_flag)
       end if
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

       if (atm_c2_lnd) then
          if (iamroot_CPLID) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
             write(logunit,F00) 'Initializing mapper_Sa2l'
          end if
          call seq_map_init_rcfile(mapper_Sa2l, atm(1), lnd(1), &
               'seq_maps.rc','atm2lnd_smapname:','atm2lnd_smaptype:',samegrid_al, &
               'mapper_Sa2l initialization',esmf_map_flag)
          if (iamroot_CPLID) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
             write(logunit,F00) 'Initializing mapper_Fa2l'
          end if
          call seq_map_init_rcfile(mapper_Fa2l, atm(1), lnd(1), &
               'seq_maps.rc','atm2lnd_fmapname:','atm2lnd_fmaptype:',samegrid_al, &
               'mapper_Fa2l initialization',esmf_map_flag)
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

       if (glc_c2_lnd) then
          if (iamroot_CPLID) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
             write(logunit,F00) 'Initializing mapper_Sg2l'
          end if
          call seq_map_init_rcfile(mapper_Sg2l, glc(1), lnd(1), &
               'seq_maps.rc','glc2lnd_smapname:','glc2lnd_smaptype:',samegrid_lg, &
               'mapper_Sg2l initialization',esmf_map_flag)
          if (iamroot_CPLID) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
             write(logunit,F00) 'Initializing mapper_Fg2l'
          end if
          call seq_map_init_rcfile(mapper_Fg2l, glc(1), lnd(1), &
               'seq_maps.rc','glc2lnd_fmapname:','glc2lnd_fmaptype:',samegrid_lg, &
               'mapper_Fg2l initialization',esmf_map_flag)

          call prep_lnd_set_glc2lnd_fields()
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    end if

  end subroutine prep_lnd_init


  subroutine prep_lnd_set_glc2lnd_fields()

    ! Description
    ! Sets the module-level glc2lnd_non_ec_fields and glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields variables.
    ! Local Variables
    character(len=CXX) :: temp_list

    character(*), parameter  :: subname = '(prep_lnd_set_glc2lnd_fields)'

    ! glc2lnd fields not separated by elevation class can be determined by finding fields
    ! that exist in both the g2x_to_lnd list and the x2l_from_glc list
    call shr_string_listIntersect(seq_flds_g2x_fields_to_lnd, &
         seq_flds_x2l_fields_from_glc, &

    ! glc2lnd fields separated by elevation class are all fields not determined above.
    ! However, we also need to remove glc_frac_field and glc_topo_field from this list,
    ! because those are handled specially, so are not expected to be in this
    ! "extra_fields" list.
    ! NOTE(wjs, 2015-04-24) I am going to the trouble of building this field list
    ! dynamically, rather than simply hard-coding the necessary fields (currently just
    ! 'Flgg_hflx'), so that new fields can be added in seq_flds_mod without needing to
    ! change any other code.
    call shr_string_listDiff(seq_flds_g2x_fields_to_lnd, &
         glc2lnd_non_ec_fields, &
    temp_list = glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields
    call shr_string_listDiff(temp_list, &
         glc_frac_field, &
    temp_list = glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields
    call shr_string_listDiff(temp_list, &
         glc_topo_field, &

  end subroutine prep_lnd_set_glc2lnd_fields


  subroutine prep_lnd_mrg(infodata, timer_mrg)

    ! Description
    ! Prepare run phase, including running the merge
    ! Arguments
    type(seq_infodata_type) , intent(in) :: infodata
    character(len=*)     , intent(in)    :: timer_mrg
    ! Local Variables
    integer                  :: eai, eri, egi, eli
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: x2l_lx
    character(*), parameter  :: subname = '(prep_lnd_mrg)'

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer_mrg),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    do eli = 1,num_inst_lnd
       ! Use fortran mod to address ensembles in merge
       eai = mod((eli-1),num_inst_atm) + 1
       eri = mod((eli-1),num_inst_rof) + 1
       egi = mod((eli-1),num_inst_glc) + 1

       x2l_lx => component_get_x2c_cx(lnd(eli))  ! This is actually modifying x2l_lx
       call prep_lnd_merge( a2x_lx(eai), r2x_lx(eri), g2x_lx(egi), x2l_lx )
    call t_drvstopf (trim(timer_mrg))

  end subroutine prep_lnd_mrg


  subroutine prep_lnd_merge( a2x_l, r2x_l, g2x_l, x2l_l )
    ! Description
    ! Create input land state directly from atm, runoff and glc outputs
    ! Arguments
    type(mct_aVect), intent(in)     :: a2x_l
    type(mct_aVect), intent(in)     :: r2x_l
    type(mct_aVect), intent(in)     :: g2x_l
    type(mct_aVect), intent(inout)  :: x2l_l
    integer       :: nflds,i,i1,o1
    logical       :: iamroot
    logical, save :: first_time = .true.
    character(CL),allocatable :: mrgstr(:)   ! temporary string
    character(CL) :: field   ! string converted to char
    type(mct_aVect_sharedindices),save :: a2x_sharedindices
    type(mct_aVect_sharedindices),save :: r2x_sharedindices
    type(mct_aVect_sharedindices),save :: g2x_sharedindices
    character(*), parameter   :: subname = '(prep_lnd_merge) '


    call seq_comm_getdata(CPLID, iamroot=iamroot)

    if (first_time) then
       nflds = mct_aVect_nRattr(x2l_l)

       do i = 1,nflds
          field = mct_aVect_getRList2c(i, x2l_l)
          mrgstr(i) = subname//'x2l%'//trim(field)//' ='

       call mct_aVect_setSharedIndices(a2x_l, x2l_l, a2x_SharedIndices)
       call mct_aVect_setSharedIndices(r2x_l, x2l_l, r2x_SharedIndices)
       call mct_aVect_setSharedIndices(g2x_l, x2l_l, g2x_SharedIndices)

       !--- document copy operations ---
       do i=1,a2x_SharedIndices%shared_real%num_indices
          field = mct_aVect_getRList2c(i1, a2x_l)
          mrgstr(o1) = trim(mrgstr(o1))//' = a2x%'//trim(field)
       do i=1,r2x_SharedIndices%shared_real%num_indices
          field = mct_aVect_getRList2c(i1, r2x_l)
          mrgstr(o1) = trim(mrgstr(o1))//' = r2x%'//trim(field)
       do i=1,g2x_SharedIndices%shared_real%num_indices
          field = mct_aVect_getRList2c(i1, g2x_l)
          mrgstr(o1) = trim(mrgstr(o1))//' = g2x%'//trim(field)

    call mct_aVect_copy(aVin=a2x_l, aVout=x2l_l, vector=mct_usevector, sharedIndices=a2x_SharedIndices)
    call mct_aVect_copy(aVin=r2x_l, aVout=x2l_l, vector=mct_usevector, sharedIndices=r2x_SharedIndices)
    call mct_aVect_copy(aVin=g2x_l, aVout=x2l_l, vector=mct_usevector, sharedIndices=g2x_SharedIndices)

    if (first_time) then
       if (iamroot) then
          write(logunit,'(A)') subname//' Summary:'
          do i = 1,nflds
             write(logunit,'(A)') trim(mrgstr(i))

    first_time = .false.

  end subroutine prep_lnd_merge


  subroutine prep_lnd_calc_a2x_lx(timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create  a2x_lx (note that a2x_lx is a local module variable)
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    integer :: eai
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: a2x_ax
    character(*), parameter  :: subname = '(prep_lnd_calc_a2x_lx)'

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    do eai = 1,num_inst_atm
       a2x_ax => component_get_c2x_cx(atm(eai))
       call seq_map_map(mapper_Fa2l, a2x_ax, a2x_lx(eai), norm=.true.)
    call t_drvstopf  (trim(timer))

  end subroutine prep_lnd_calc_a2x_lx


  subroutine prep_lnd_calc_r2x_lx(timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create r2x_lx (note that r2x_lx is a local module variable)
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    integer :: eri
    type(mct_aVect) , pointer :: r2x_rx
    character(*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_lnd_calc_r2x_lx)'

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    do eri = 1,num_inst_rof
       r2x_rx => component_get_c2x_cx(rof(eri))

       ! Note that one of these fields (a volr field) is remapped from rof -> lnd in
       ! map_lnd2rof_irrig_mod, because it is needed as a normalization term. So, if the
       ! details of this mapping call are changed in the future, it's possible that the
       ! equivalent r2l mapping in map_lnd2rof_irrig_mod should be changed to keep the two
       ! equivalent.
       call seq_map_map(mapper_Fr2l, r2x_rx, r2x_lx(eri), &
            fldlist=seq_flds_r2x_fluxes, norm=.true.)
    call t_drvstopf  (trim(timer))

  end subroutine prep_lnd_calc_r2x_lx


  subroutine prep_lnd_calc_g2x_lx(timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create g2x_lx (note that g2x_lx is a local module variable)
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*)     , intent(in) :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    integer :: egi
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: g2x_gx
    character(*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_lnd_calc_g2x_lx)'

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    do egi = 1,num_inst_glc
       g2x_gx => component_get_c2x_cx(glc(egi))

       ! Map fields that are NOT separated by elevation class on the land grid
       ! These are mapped using a simple area-conservative remapping. (Note that we use
       ! the flux mapper even though these contain states, because we need these icemask
       ! fields to be mapped conservatively.)
       ! Note that this mapping is redone for Sg_icemask in prep_glc_mod:
       ! prep_glc_map_qice_conservative_lnd2glc. If we ever change this mapping (e.g.,
       ! changing norm to .false.), then we should change the mapping there, too.
       ! BUG(wjs, 2017-05-11, #1516) I think we actually want norm = .false. here, but
       ! this requires some more thought
       call seq_map_map(mapper_Fg2l, g2x_gx, g2x_lx(egi), &
            fldlist = glc2lnd_non_ec_fields, norm=.true.)

       ! Map fields that are separated by elevation class on the land grid
       call map_glc2lnd_ec( &
            g2x_g = g2x_gx, &
            frac_field = glc_frac_field, &
            topo_field = glc_topo_field, &
            icemask_field = glc_icemask_field, &
            extra_fields = glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields, &
            mapper = mapper_Fg2l, &
            g2x_l = g2x_lx(egi))
    call t_drvstopf  (trim(timer))

  end subroutine prep_lnd_calc_g2x_lx


  subroutine prep_lnd_calc_z2x_lx(timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create z2x_lx (note that z2x_lx is a local module variable)
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*)     , intent(in) :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    integer :: egi
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: z2x_gx
    character(*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_lnd_calc_z2x_lx)'

    ! Stub

  end subroutine prep_lnd_calc_z2x_lx


  function prep_lnd_get_a2x_lx()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_a2x_lx(:)
    prep_lnd_get_a2x_lx => a2x_lx(:)
  end function prep_lnd_get_a2x_lx

  function prep_lnd_get_r2x_lx()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_r2x_lx(:)
    prep_lnd_get_r2x_lx => r2x_lx(:)
  end function prep_lnd_get_r2x_lx

  function prep_lnd_get_g2x_lx()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_g2x_lx(:)
    prep_lnd_get_g2x_lx => g2x_lx(:)
  end function prep_lnd_get_g2x_lx

  function prep_lnd_get_z2x_lx()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_z2x_lx(:)
    prep_lnd_get_z2x_lx => z2x_lx(:)
  end function prep_lnd_get_z2x_lx

  function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sa2l()
    type(seq_map), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sa2l
    prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sa2l => mapper_Sa2l
  end function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sa2l

  function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fa2l()
    type(seq_map), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fa2l
    prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fa2l => mapper_Fa2l
  end function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fa2l

  function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fr2l()
    type(seq_map), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fr2l
    prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fr2l => mapper_Fr2l
  end function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fr2l

  function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sg2l()
    type(seq_map), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sg2l
    prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sg2l => mapper_Sg2l
  end function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Sg2l

  function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fg2l()
    type(seq_map), pointer :: prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fg2l
    prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fg2l => mapper_Fg2l
  end function prep_lnd_get_mapper_Fg2l

end module prep_lnd_mod
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