Revision f8c1c6834e3c7da57d0cae114735f1cf643b0498 authored by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC, committed by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC
1 parent 722a9f4
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include "common.h"
#include "FencedRegion.h"
#include "PatchSet.h"
#include "MotorcycleGraph.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include <nsessentials/math/BoundingBox.h>
#include <nsessentials/util/UnionFind.h>
const Eigen::Vector4f valenceColors[] =
Eigen::Vector4f(0.843137255f, 0.188235294f, 0.152941176f, 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(0.988235294f, 0.552941176f, 0.349019608f, 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(0.996078431f, 0.878431373f, 0.564705882f, 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(0.878431373f, 0.952941176f, 0.97254902f , 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(0.568627451f, 0.749019608f, 0.858823529f, 1.0f),
Eigen::Vector4f(0.270588235f, 0.458823529f, 0.705882353f, 1.0f),
//Returns the color for a given valence defect. A valence defect of 0 will produce a
//neutral color.
static const Eigen::Vector4f GetValenceColor(int valenceDefect)
size_t colorIndex = std::max<size_t>(0, std::min<size_t>(6, valenceDefect + 3));
return valenceColors[colorIndex];
const int segmentColorCount = 9;
const int segmentColors[segmentColorCount][3] =
{ 166, 206, 227 },
{ 31,120,180 },
{ 251,154,153 },
/*{ 227,26,28 },*/
{ 253,191,111 },
{ 255,127,0 },
{ 202,178,214 },
{ 106,61,154 },
{ 255,255,153 },
{ 177,89,40 }
//Returns an arbitrary color for a given segment index. Neighboring segment
//indices will produce different colors.
static const Eigen::Vector4f GetSegmentColor(int segment)
return Eigen::Vector4f(segmentColors[segment % segmentColorCount][0] / 255.0f, segmentColors[segment % segmentColorCount][1] / 255.0f, segmentColors[segment % segmentColorCount][2] / 255.0f, 1.0f);
//Represents the result of singularity classification
enum ClassificationResult
//A non-degenerate regular fenced region could be found.
//A non-degenerate irregular fenced region could be found.
//No non-degenerate fenced region could be found.
enum MultiplierStrategy
//Represents the strategy to calculate arc lengths during parametrization
enum ArclengthStrategy
//Holds all relevant data for calculating a motorcycle graph and parametrizing the patches.
class Data
//Resets the data object
void Clear();
//Loads a mesh from a file and prepares it for processing.
//filename - the file to load
//mergeTriangulatedQuads - try to merge neighboring triangles in the mesh if their union becomes near rectangular
//mergeAngleTreshold - angle threshold for triangle merging (deviation from 90°) in radians
void LoadMesh(const std::string & filename, bool mergeTriangulatedQuads, float mergeAngleThreshold);
//Loads a mesh for the sole purpose of visualization. No processing can be performed on this mesh.
//filename - the file to load
//scaleTexCoords - determines if the read texture coordinates should be scaled up to match pixel coordinates
void LoadMeshForVisualization(const std::string& filename, bool scaleTexCoords);
//Saves the geometry of the current mesh to a PLY file.
void SaveMeshPLY(const std::string& file) const;
//Saves the geometry and parametrization of the current mesh to an OBJ file.
//file - target file name
//unsubdivide - removes the Catmull Clark subdivision where possible (if the original mesh was not a pure quad mesh)
void SaveMeshOBJ(const std::string& file, bool unsubdivide = true) const;
//Finds irregular vertices in the mesh. Also calls FindMetaSingularities() at the end.
void FindSingularities();
//Finds meta singularities based on the current set of irregular vertices and fenced regions. A meta
//singularity is either an irregular vertex with no fenced region or an arbitrary vertex within a
//fenced region.
void FindMetaSingularities();
//Tries to grow minimal fenced region around every singularity.
void ClassifyAllSingularities();
//Tries to merge neighboring fenced region in order to decrease the number of spawned motorcycles.
void TryToMergePatches();
//Calculates the motorcycle graph for the current set of meta singularities.
void CalculateMotorcycleGraph(bool deactivateUnnecessaryMotorcycles = true);
//Extracts rectangular patches from the current motorcycle graph.
MotorcycleGraph::ExtractionStatistics ExtractPatches(bool splitNonRectangularPatches = true);
//Calculates a parametrization for the current set of rectangular patches.
//targetLengthPerEdge - the average parametric target length of edges; used to determine a global scaling
// factor between geometric and parametric domain.
//parametrizationErrorThreshold - determines the upper threshold of the parametrization energy above which
// parametrization is re-attempted after relaxing the system. Details depend
// on the chosen parametrization strategy
//discreteOptimizationTimeLimit - the time limit for discrete optimization steps if there are any.
//arclengthStrategy - the strategy to use to determine parametric arc lengths.
void CalculateParametrization(float targetLengthPerEdge, float parametrizationErrorThreshold, const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration& discreteOptimizationTimeLimit, ArclengthStrategy arclengthStrategy);
//Packs the current parametrization into a rectangular domain for a given MIP level factor (positive power of 2).
//Texture coordinates will be scaled to the [0, 1] range and the members textureWidth and textureHeight will be set.
void PackTexture(int mipFactor);
//Tries to grow a minimal fenced region around a single singularity.
//v - the singularity to examine
//patch - the resulting fenced region
ClassificationResult ClassifySingularity(const SingularityInfo& v, FencedRegion& patch, bool verbose = true);
//Prints information about the number and sizes of singularities and fenced regions to std::cout.
void PrintSingularityStatistics() const;
//Performs quantitative evaluation on the current parametrization.
//logAreaRatios - Output variable. Statistics about logarithmic area ratios over all quads.
//mips - Output variable. Statistics about MIPS energy over all triangles.
//printStatistics - set to true in order to immediately print the gathered statistics.
void EvaluateParametrization(Statistics& logAreaRatios, Statistics& mips, bool printStatistics);
//TODO: fix
//Performs remeshing of the current mesh based on the current parametrization (must be unpacked).
//Saves the result in "remeshed.obj".
void Remesh();
//TODO: fix
//Renders surface information represented in the mesh colors framework to a texture laid out
//with the current packed parametrization.
void RenderMeshColorsToTexture(const std::string& meshColorsFile);
//Performs tangential smoothing of the current mesh geometry using OpenMesh.
void TangentialSmooth();
//Saves the current fenced regions to a file.
void SaveFencedRegions() const;
//Establishes colors for all texture patches and tries to ensure that neighboring patches
//have different colors.
void FindPatchColors();
//Returns the object that stores texture coordinates for a given patch. Creates the storage if it does not exist.
TextureCoordinatesStorage& AccessTexCoords(size_t patchIdx);
//Returns the object that stores texture coordinates for a given patch. Throws an exception if it does not exist.
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& AccessTexCoords(size_t patchIdx) const;
//Generates texture coordinates storage objects for all currently existing patches.
void GenerateTexCoordAccess();
// -------- Constant accessors to data --------
//Returns the current motorcycle graph. Only available after calling CalculateMotorcycleGraph()
const MotorcycleGraph* Motorcycles() const { return motorcycleGraph.get(); }
//Returns the indices of all broken halfarc constraints (i.e. visible seams). Only available after
//calling CalculateParametrization().
const std::vector<size_t>& BrokenHalfarcs() const { return brokenHalfarcs; }
//Returns the list of faces of the current mesh.
const FaceList& Faces() const { return F; }
//Returns the list of vertices of the current mesh.
const Matrix3Xf& Vertices() const { return V; }
//Returns the halfedge data structure of the current mesh.
const HEMesh& Mesh() const { return mesh; }
//Returns the bounding box of the current mesh.
const nse::math::BoundingBox<float, 3>& MeshBoundingBox() const { return meshBoundingBox; }
//Returns the current set of fenced regions. Only available after calling ClassifyAllSingularities().
const PatchSet& FencedRegions() const { return fencedRegions; }
//Returns if a given edge is an original edge (i.e. not created through subdivision).
bool IsEdgeOriginal(HEMesh::EdgeHandle e) const { return, e); }
//Returns the current set of singularities.
const std::vector<SingularityInfo>& Singularities() const { return singularities; }
//Returns the current set of meta singularities (i.e. spawning points of motorcycles).
const std::vector<MetaSingularity>& MetaSingularities() const { return metaSingularities; }
//Returns the average edge length of the current mesh
float AverageEdgeLength() const { return averageEdgeLength; }
//Returns a structure that maps irregular vertices to their singularity information.
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& VertexToSingularity() const { return vertexToSingularity; }
//Returns a structure that maps vertices to their meta singularity information (if they are meta singularities)
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& VertexToMetaSingularity() const { return vertexToMetaSingularity; }
//Returns the color for a given patch. Only available after calling FindPatchColors().
Eigen::Vector4f GetPatchColor(size_t patchIndex) const;
//Represents an edge in the fenced region graph used for merging.
struct GraphEdge
//Index of the source GraphNode of this edge.
size_t from;
//Index of the target GraphNode of this edge.
size_t to;
//Index of the last BFS node originating at the from GraphNode
size_t fromBFSNode;
//Index of the last BFS node originating at the to GraphNode
size_t toBFSNode;
//Length of the edge in number of faces
size_t distance;
//Temporary variable that determines if a merge operation uses this edge.
bool enabled;
//Represents a node in the fenced region graph used for merging.
struct GraphNode
//The index of the corresponding fenced region.
size_t patchIdx;
//List of all incident edges.
//key = target patch id, value = idx of LoopGraphEdge
std::map<size_t, size_t> outgoingEdges;
//Temporary variables that determine if the node has been processed.
bool handled, handledForEvaluatingMergeQuality;
GraphNode(size_t patchIdx)
: patchIdx(patchIdx), handled(false)
{ }
//Mesh edge property that determines if an edge is original (i.e. not introduced through subdivision)
OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp;
//If Catmull Clark subdivision is performed after loading the mesh, represents information about
//how the subdivision has been performed in order to undo it at the end.
struct SubdivisionInfo
//The face that was generated after subdivision
HEMesh::FaceHandle subdividedFace;
//The corresponding corner of the original mesh that produced this face. This vertex is
//also present in the subdivided mesh.
HEMesh::VertexHandle originalCornerVertex;
SubdivisionInfo() { }
SubdivisionInfo(HEMesh::FaceHandle subdividedFace, HEMesh::VertexHandle originalCornerVertex)
: subdividedFace(subdividedFace), originalCornerVertex(originalCornerVertex)
{ }
//Loads a mesh into the structure, generating all auxiliary data structures
void LoadPolygons(const Matrix3Xf& V, const FaceList& F, const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& subdivisionInfo, std::vector<HEMesh::FaceHandle>& outFaceHandles);
//For each fenced region, gathers the edges over which motorcycles can enter it and stores them in
void RecordPatchEnteringEdges();
//Generates a new empty motorcycle graph and subscribes to the necessary events.
void GenerateNewMotorcycleGraph();
//Evaluates the cost for merging a subgraph of the fenced region graph.
//Returns if merging is possible (i.e. if the union becomes regular).
//nodeSubset - Indices into nodes that represent the nodes in the subgraph.
//edges - edges of the fenced region graph
//singularities - Output variable. Number of meta singularities resulting from this merge.
//totalFacesInPatches - Output variable. Total number of faces covered by fenced region in the subgraph of this merge.
bool EvaluateMergeQuality(const std::set<size_t>& nodeSubset, std::vector<GraphNode>& nodes, const std::vector<GraphEdge>& edges, size_t& singularities, size_t& totalFacesInPatches);
//Maximum size of fenced region in number of faces.
const int maxPatchSize = 100;// 400;
//Determines if the texCoords storage objects need to be re-allocated.
bool texCoordsDirty = false;
//Objects for storing texture coordinates for every texture patch.
std::vector<TextureCoordinatesStorage> texCoords;
FaceList F;
Matrix3Xf V;
HEMesh mesh;
nse::math::BoundingBox<float, 3> meshBoundingBox;
//For each original face, a list of the subdivided faces.
std::vector<std::vector<SubdivisionInfo>> subdivisionInfo;
std::vector<SingularityInfo> singularities;
ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t> vertexToSingularity;
std::vector<MetaSingularity> metaSingularities;
ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t> vertexToMetaSingularity;
bool metaSingularitiesDirty = true;
PatchSet fencedRegions;
int textureWidth = 0, textureHeight = 0;
std::unique_ptr<::MotorcycleGraph> motorcycleGraph;
//Holds pairs (i -> (j, k)) that represent that fenced region i has been merged from
//fenced region j and k.
std::map<size_t, std::array<size_t, 2>> regionWasMergedFrom;
float averageEdgeLength;
std::vector<size_t> brokenHalfarcs;
const LengthMeasure lengthMeasure = Geometrical;
std::vector<int> patchColors;
//Union find to extract the connected components of the mesh
nse::util::UnionFind connectedComponentsUF;
//vertex ids of the representatives for every connected component
std::vector<unsigned int> connectedComponents;
Computing file changes ...