Revision f8c1c6834e3c7da57d0cae114735f1cf643b0498 authored by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC, committed by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC
1 parent 722a9f4
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include "common.h"
#include "FencedRegion.h"
template <typename TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>
class MotorcycleOptionsInPatch;
//Represents a motorcycle during multidirectional Dijkstra
//TAdditionalData - The data type with which to augment the internal motorcycles.
template <typename TAdditionalData>
class PatchMotorcycle
//Initializes the motorcycle starting at the given edge.
PatchMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge)
: costSoFar(0)
TAdditionalData additionalData;
//Returns the cost accumulated by this motorcycle so far.
float CostSoFar() const { return costSoFar; }
//Returns the edges traversed by this motorcycle so far.
const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& Edges() const { return edges; }
//All edges traversed by this motorcycle so far.
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> edges;
//The cost accumulated by this motorcycle so far.
float costSoFar;
//Determines if the motorcycle has traversed any non-original edge.
bool hasMovedAlongNonOriginalEdge = false;
template <typename TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>
friend class MotorcycleOptionsInPatch;
namespace MotorcycleOptionsHelper
static bool VoidVertexAction(size_t, HEMesh::VertexHandle) { return true; }
static void VoidHalfedgeAction(size_t, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { }
static float DefaultMaxCostQuery() { return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); };
struct VoidStruct {};
//Performs multidirectional Dijkstra on the conjugate graph of a fenced region by virtually tracing motorcycles.
//Motorcycles that travel straight are prioritized.
//TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles - The data type with which to augment the internal motorcycles.
template <typename TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles = MotorcycleOptionsHelper::VoidStruct>
class MotorcycleOptionsInPatch
//The additional cost that is added to a motorcycle if it uses a non-original edge
const float NonOriginalCost = 100;
: activeMotorcycles(PriorityComparer(motorcycles))
{ }
//Adds a new motorcycle to the initialization.
//Returns the id of the new motorcycle.
//edge - The location of the motorcycle
//mesh - The underlying mesh
//isOriginalEdgeProp - mesh property
//additionalDataArgs - arguments that are used for calling the constructor of the additional data of motorcycles
template <typename ... TArgs>
size_t AddMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const HEMesh& mesh, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp, TArgs... additionalDataArgs)
//Add a new motorcycle
//Initialize the additional data with the provided arguments
motorcycles.back().additionalData = TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles(additionalDataArgs...);
//Check if the initial edge is non-original
if (!, mesh.edge_handle(edge)))
motorcycles.back().costSoFar += NonOriginalCost;
motorcycles.back().hasMovedAlongNonOriginalEdge = true;
//Add the new motorcycle to the active set.
activeMotorcycles.push(motorcycles.size() - 1);
return motorcycles.size() - 1;
//Returns a list of all (active and inactive) motorcycles.
const std::vector<PatchMotorcycle<TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>>& Motorcycles() const { return motorcycles; }
* Runs Dijkstra based on the current initialization.
* CyclePassThroughVertexAction: bool operator()(size_t cycleIdx, HEMesh::VertexHandle vertex)
* CycleLeavePatchAction: void operator()(size_t cycleIdx, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle firstEdgeOutsidePatch)
* MaxCostQuery: float operator()()
* mesh - the underlying mesh
* isOriginalEdgeProp - mesh property
* patch - the fenced region for which to perform tracing
* cyclePassThroughVertexAction - called each time a motorcycle passes through a vertex. Must return if the motorcycle is allowed to continue.
* cycleLeavePatchAction - called each time a motorcycle leaves the fenced region.
* maxCostQuery - tracing is stopped as soon as all motorcycles have a cost that is greater than maxCostQuery().
* minCosDeviationAngle - threshold that determines how much the motorcycles are allowed to deviate from straight continuations.
* allowTurnsOnRegularVertices - determines if motorcycles are allowed to deviate from the topologically straight path at irregular vertices.
template <typename CyclePassThroughVertexAction, typename CycleLeavePatchAction, typename MaxCostQuery>
void SimulateCyclesInPatch(const HEMesh& mesh, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp, const FencedRegion& patch, CyclePassThroughVertexAction&& cyclePassThroughVertexAction, CycleLeavePatchAction&& cycleLeavePatchAction, MaxCostQuery&& maxCostQuery, const float minCosDeviationAngle = 0.5f, bool allowTurnsOnRegularVertices = false)
//Holds possible continuations for the currently examined motorcycle
std::vector<PathContinuation> continuations;
//run the motorcycles as long as their are active ones
while (!activeMotorcycles.empty())
//Take the motorcycle with the least cost so far
auto cycleIdx =;
//current location of the current motorcycle
auto motorcycleHalfedge = motorcycles[cycleIdx].edges.back();
auto target = mesh.to_vertex_handle(motorcycleHalfedge);
//if the accumulated cost is too much, terminate the process
if (motorcycles[cycleIdx].costSoFar > std::forward<MaxCostQuery>(maxCostQuery)())
//check the callback if the motorcycle is allowed to continue from its current location
bool canContinue = std::forward<CyclePassThroughVertexAction>(cyclePassThroughVertexAction)(cycleIdx, target);
if (!canContinue)
//If the motorcycle passes through a vertex on a boundary, it must leave the region for consistency reasons.
bool mustExitPatch = patch.IsToVertexOnBoundary(motorcycleHalfedge);
//Let the motorcycle continue
float costBeforeContinuation = motorcycles[cycleIdx].costSoFar;
FindPossibleContinuations(mesh, motorcycleHalfedge, continuations, minCosDeviationAngle, allowTurnsOnRegularVertices);
bool cycleContinued = false;
for (auto& continuation : continuations)
if (!continuation.edge.is_valid() && !patch.IsToVertexOnBoundary(motorcycleHalfedge, false))
continue; //inner hole in patch; TODO: continue on the other side
if (continuation.edge.is_valid())
//check if the motor cycle forms a cyclic path
bool isCycle = false;
auto continuationToVertex = mesh.to_vertex_handle(continuation.edge);
if (mesh.from_vertex_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].edges[0]) == continuationToVertex)
isCycle = true;
for (auto e : motorcycles[cycleIdx].edges)
if (mesh.to_vertex_handle(e) == continuationToVertex)
isCycle = true;
if (isCycle)
bool edgeIsOutsideOfPatch = true;
if (continuation.edge.is_valid())
//check if the edge is outside of the patch
auto face1 = mesh.face_handle(continuation.edge);
auto face2 = mesh.opposite_face_handle(continuation.edge);
edgeIsOutsideOfPatch = (face1.is_valid() && !patch.IsFaceIncluded(face1)) || (face2.is_valid() && !patch.IsFaceIncluded(face2));
if (edgeIsOutsideOfPatch)
if (continuation.edge.is_valid())
//check if motorcycle made a turn on the boundary
if (mesh.face_handle(motorcycleHalfedge).is_valid() && continuation.edge == mesh.next_halfedge_handle(motorcycleHalfedge))
continue; // this is an invalid turn
if (mesh.opposite_face_handle(motorcycleHalfedge).is_valid() && continuation.edge == mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh.prev_halfedge_handle(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycleHalfedge))))
continue; //this is an invalid turn
//record this cycle
motorcycles.back().costSoFar = costBeforeContinuation;
if (cycleContinued) //we already re-used this cycle - delete the last path segment
motorcycles.back().edges.erase(motorcycles.back().edges.end() - 1);
std::forward<CycleLeavePatchAction>(cycleLeavePatchAction)(motorcycles.size() - 1, continuation.edge);
//at this point, we have a continuation that does not leave the patch
if (mustExitPatch)
float continuationCost = std::acos(OpenMesh::sane_aarg(continuation.score));
if (!, mesh.edge_handle(continuation.edge)) && !motorcycles[cycleIdx].hasMovedAlongNonOriginalEdge)
continuationCost += NonOriginalCost;
if (!cycleContinued)
//Re-use the existing motorcycle and just append a new segment to the path
motorcycles[cycleIdx].costSoFar += continuationCost;
cycleContinued = true;
//create a new motorcycle
motorcycles.push_back(motorcycles[cycleIdx]); //copy the current motorcycle
motorcycles.back().edges.back() = continuation.edge;
motorcycles.back().costSoFar = costBeforeContinuation + continuationCost;
activeMotorcycles.push(motorcycles.size() - 1);
std::vector<PatchMotorcycle<TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>> motorcycles;
class PriorityComparer
PriorityComparer(std::vector<PatchMotorcycle<TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>>& motorcycles)
: motorcycles(motorcycles) { }
bool operator()(size_t first, size_t second) const { return motorcycles[first].costSoFar > motorcycles[second].costSoFar; }
std::vector<PatchMotorcycle<TAdditionalDataForMotorcycles>>& motorcycles;
std::priority_queue<size_t, std::vector<size_t>, PriorityComparer> activeMotorcycles;
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