Revision f8c1c6834e3c7da57d0cae114735f1cf643b0498 authored by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC, committed by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC
1 parent 722a9f4
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
//Represents a singular vertex
struct SingularityInfo
SingularityInfo(HEMesh::VertexHandle v, int valenceDefect)
: vertexHandle(v), valenceDefect(valenceDefect), correspondingRegion((size_t)-1)
{ }
SingularityInfo(HEMesh::VertexHandle v, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle contextOutgoingBoundary, int valenceDefect)
: vertexHandle(v), contextOutgoingBoundaryEdge(contextOutgoingBoundary), valenceDefect(valenceDefect), correspondingRegion((size_t)-1)
{ }
//The vertex
HEMesh::VertexHandle vertexHandle;
//Only used for non-manifold vertices; the first outgoing edge in the respective surface patch.
//This is a boundary halfedge
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle contextOutgoingBoundaryEdge;
//The valence defect of the singularity (valence - 4)
int valenceDefect;
//index of the fenced region that this singularity belongs to or (size_t)-1
size_t correspondingRegion;
//Represents a vertex that acts as a singularity (either an original singularity or an arbitrary vertex inside a fenced region)
class MetaSingularity
//Priority of motorcycles that are generated from this meta singularity
bool highPriority;
//Returns the path of the motorcycle with the given orientation
const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& GetEmanatingMotorcycle(int orientation) const;
//Returns the path of the motorcycle with the given orientation. If the list of emanating
//motorcycles is too short, it is extended.
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& GetEmanatingMotorcycle(int orientation);
//Sets if a given emanating motorcycle is active.
void SetEmanatingMotorcycleActive(int orientation, bool active);
//Returns if a given emanating motorcycle is active.
bool GetEmanatingMotorcycleActive(int orientation) const;
//Returns the orientation of the emanating motorcycle whose first halfedge is h
//or (size_t)-1 if there is no such motorcycle.
size_t FindOutgoingMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h) const;
//Returns the number of emanating motorcycles.
size_t Degree() const;
//Adds a new emanating motorcycle at the end of this meta singularity.
void AddMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle direction, bool active);
//Adds a new virtual motorcycle with no path at the end of this meta singularity. This
//is only used to ensure correct ordering.
void AddEmptyMotorcycle();
//Adds a new emanating motorcycle at the beginning of this meta singularity.
void AddMotorcycleAtFront(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle direction, bool active);
//List of motorcycles that emanate from this meta singularity, one for each orientation.
//Can be empty for a single edge orientation if the singuarity is on the boundary.
//Sorted in counter-clockwise order. The second pair item determines if the motorcycle
//is active.
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>, bool>> emanatingMotorcycles;
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